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Cold and Broken (The Titans of Founder's Ridge Book 1)

Page 10

by Nichole Greene

  * * *

  The Abyss is an old granite quarry. At the bottom is a ethereal blue pond, on all sides are leveled out layers, like steps for giants. Ivy explained that the quarry was owned by one of our classmate’s grandfathers and that’s how they made all their money. The Abyss was her father’s idea when he went to Founders Prep and each student body has kept the tradition of partying here alive since then.

  There’s a section set up with a bar and actual bartenders. I see familiar faces as Ivy walks me through but no one says hello or acknowledges my presence at all. We grab a couple drinks, something fruity for her and a rum and coke for me. The only thing about this place that says high school party is the fact that the drinks are served in red solo cups. The girls are all in high heels and dresses, looking absolutely ridiculous in this open air and full of gravel and dirt quarry. I make a mental note to never wear heels here again when I stumble for the third time in as many minutes.

  We walk down an uneven chiseled out set of stairs before coming to the dance floor area. A DJ is spinning on an elevated platform over the edge of the water. It has to be twenty feet down and all I can think is that you could not pay me to stand on that thing. Hell to the fuck no. I turn away from the platform of death and look at the bodies writhing against each other on the dance floor.

  “We’ll come back here later. I have a two drink minimum for dancing,” Ivy says as she pulls me along to another set of carved out stairs.

  “Is this safe?” All the carved out ledges have drops of at least ten feet, more in some places.

  “I guess.” Ivy shrugs. “I haven’t ever really given it much thought. No one’s died, though, so safe enough?”

  The next place we go to is the gaming area. There are a few poker tables, a few black jack tables, and a giant screen with gaming chairs. This area is all enclosed in one of those fancy tents that people use for weddings and outdoor receptions.

  Ivy tugs me in the direction of one of the poker tables. “There’re the guys.”

  “HOOD RAT!” Levi yells once he sees us walking toward him. “Ives. You two look hot enough to fuck.”

  “Not saying a lot considering you’d fuck a hole in the wall,” Ivy rolls her eyes.

  “If it was warm and wet? Hell yes I would.” He wraps us both in a hug. “A threesome with you two would be better though.”

  “Eww. You’re my brother, that’s disgusting.” Ivy shudders.

  “Step brother.” The look he gives her is nothing short of smoldering and throws me off for a minute. “We both know I won’t be for long.”

  I back away from them as the air thickens between them and they stare each other down. I feel Connor’s attention on my back like there’s an electric current raging between us.

  “Peasant.” Connor’s voice tickles my ear and my shoulder brushes his chest when I turn around.

  “Junior. Brushing up on your creeping skills?” He steps forward as I step back. “Ever heard of personal space? Out of my bubble dude.”

  “You look nice.” His eyes dip to my lips.

  “Just nice?” My tone is breathy.

  He grabs my hips and pulls me against him. “Really nice. Nice enough that I’m imagining those red lips wrapped around my cock giving me road head in my new car.” He grinds his pelvis against mine making sure I feel his erection straining against his jeans.

  I give him a overly sweet smile and bat my eyelashes at him while I run my hands up his chest. “I hope that imagination of yours keeps you and your hand company tonight.”

  “It has been,” he smirks. “But I’m going to need the real thing soon.”

  “I’m sure you can find some girl thirsty enough to suck your dick.” I point at a red head in the corner that’s been drooling over the guys at school. “How about Red over there?”

  “I’m into blondes with blue eyes. Fiesty attitudes.”

  “Oh, then look no further than,” I reach over and grab Levi, “your bestie.”

  Ivy grabs my arm and pulls me away. “I’m so right about him,” she whispers. “Let’s play black jack. I’ll cover your buy in.”

  “Whoa.” I pull my arm out of her grasp. “You guys actually play with real money?” Not sure why this surprises me, it really shouldn’t.


  “I’ll watch.” No way in hell am I losing money that’s not even mine.

  “No way! You have to play too. It’s fine. The buy is only one.”

  “One dollar?” I’m highly suspicious.

  “One thousand dollars,” Griffin says from behind me.

  “Oh, fuck no. You guys are crazy. Nope. No. I will watch you fools lose your money.”

  I follow Ivy to one of the tables. There are a couple guys playing that I recognize from my Russian lit class. One of them looks over and nods at me. The other leans back and decides to start chatting.

  “I heard about what happened yesterday.” He looks at me closely. “You okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine. More pissed than anything.” I shrug and look around the room. My eyes land on Connor and of-fucking-course he’s staring me down. I narrow my eyes and glare at him.

  “What’s up with you and Volkov?” The guy asks looking between us. “He treats you like shit and then beats up any-” his buddy punches him in the arm before he can finish the sentence.

  “Any what?” I perk up now.

  “Just you know, he beat up Ferguson tonight after beating him yesterday too,” the second kid answers.

  “Well, considering he was trying to sexually assault me I’d say he had it coming. Wouldn’t any decent person intervene?”


  “Of course.”

  “So, there’s your answer. My dad works for Volkov Industries so that’s how I know Connor. Nothing more, nothing less.”

  “So you aren’t together?” The first guy asks.

  “Definitely not.” I laugh. “We can barely tolerate each other.”

  “Aw, Peasant,” I feel an arm drape around my shoulders, “that’s not true.”

  I am simultaneously torn between wanting to nuzzle against him and inhale his woodsy spicy scent and elbow him in the stomach for coming to harass me again.

  “Volkov.” A guy with platinum blonde hair drawls in a Texas accent from behind us.

  “Owen.” Connor stiffens beside me and turns slowly. All of a sudden Griff and Levi flank us. “Heard about the accident on your rig in the Gulf.”

  “I bet you did.” His honey colored eyes narrow. “Considering your dad was behind it.”

  What are they talking about?

  “That’s reaching. Even for a backwoods product of incest like you,” Connor says with a smirk. “Don’t you think it’s time for your family to walk away from the oil industry? All you do is pollute delicate ecosystems and pillage resources.”

  “Says the guy who’s family sits on land containing one of the largest oil fields in the world.”

  “Why are you even here, Owen?” Griff interjects.

  “Moved up here to finish my senior year.” Owen smiles. He’s wearing tight jeans, not hipster tight but cowboy tight. He’s wearing a white t-shirt and I’m almost surprised to see he’s not wearing cowboy boots. Instead he has on a pair of spotless Timberland boots. He eyes travel over me and he notices my proximity to Conner. “And who is this pretty little thing?”

  “None of your business,” Connor growls stepping in front of me.

  “That is the ghetto trash I was telling you about on the way over,” Margaux titters as she steps up next to Owen. “She’s just a nasty whore who walks around teasing the boys at Founders.”

  I fake a yawn and look over at Levi. “Lev, do you hear anything?”

  “Sure don’t, Lil,” he smirks at me.

  Margaux steps forward into my space. “Enjoy your proximity to the Titans while it lasts.”

  I roll my eyes at her and that stupid title she gave the guys.

  “Pretty soon they’ll pass you around and finish with y
ou like they have with every other girl. You aren’t special,” she snarls at me.

  I still refuse to lower myself to her level so I turn to walk away.

  “No one wants you here, slut,” she says to my back. “No one wants you at all. In fact, even your mother didn’t want you. Left you behind like the gutter trash you are.”

  I can walk away from a lot of taunts, a lot of verbal abuse but the one thing that will make me flip is always my mother. I turn right back around and shoulder my way past Connor and Levi to stand nose to nose with the bitch who just crossed my big red line. I lean into space and make a show of sniffing her.

  “You reek of desperation, Margaux.” I make a disgusted face. “The only thing more fake than your hair and your tits is the way you pant at Connor’s feet. You’re like a bitch in heat that keeps getting swatted away for being a nuisance. Back. The. Fuck. Off.”

  Then I turn and do something that surprises even me.

  I reach up and grab Connor, pulling him to me for a kiss. I plaster my body against his and run my fingers through his soft, dark hair. As soon as he recovers from the shock his hands grab my ass and pull me even closer, grinding me against him. He changes the angle of the kiss and takes complete control as he deepens the kiss. I lose myself to way he tastes faintly of mint and bourbon, the way his hands are molded to my body and the feel of his hardness between us.

  I hear a throat clear beside us and pull back slightly. We’re still close enough to feel each other’s breath and when I look up into his eyes they’re a dark emerald green. In that moment his walls are down and I see the desire thrumming through him just as clearly as I feel his heart racing in time with mine.

  “Dayum, kids!” Levi shouts. “That was fucking epic.”

  Connor brushes his lips against mine again, “you okay?”

  “Yeah,” I squeak. I can feel the blush heating my skin. I bury my face in his chest. “Give me a second.”

  He lifts his hands from my ass and pulls me closer for a hug.

  When I let go and turn around Ivy grabs me with huge eyes. “Let’s go get drinks.”

  We don’t speak until she’s pulled me all the way up to the first bar we passed.

  “Holy shit Lilith! What was that?”

  “I,” I’m still stunned, “I don’t know. She hit my one and only trigger. I can’t believe I did that.” A shocked giggle escapes my lips.

  “I can’t believe he kissed you back like that!” she squeals. “You should have seen Margaux’s face. I hope someone posted it online.”

  While we’re waiting for our drinks she pulls out her phone and brings up The Ridge app. There’s photos of the kiss already posted with our hashtag made. Then we find a video of the entire confrontation with even better hashtags. #shippingconlith #founderspreppowercouple #bitchinheat #margauxwho

  “Oh God, this is the best,” Ivy bends in half laughing. “You seriously are my spirit animal.”

  “People are going to think we’re together now, aren’t they?” I chew my lip.

  “Yep,” she says popping the p. “But you’ll be left alone now at least. No one is going to risk the wrath of Connor to harass you.”

  “Am I crazy or is everyone looking at me?”

  “Not crazy. Everyone’s looking at the girl who finally got Connor to kiss her in public. Many have tried, all have failed. Until you.”

  “Ugh.” I press my lips together. “Would you mind if we left? Is there anything else we’d miss?”

  “No, just drag racing around the switchbacks up in the hills. We can go. Not like I want to watch Levi being reckless with his lambo.”

  I feel my phone vibrate as we’re getting in Ivy’s car.

  Connor: Where are you going?

  Me: Staying with Ivy 2nite

  Connor: We’re going to talk about what happened

  No we’re not.


  Me: U racing later?

  Connor: Yes

  Me: Be safe

  “Who are you texting?” Ivy tries to look at my phone.


  She proceeds to spend the rest of the night teasing me about Connor and the kiss. I spend the rest of the night avoiding thinking too deeply about it. What I do think about is how I spoke to Margaux. Part of me, most of me, is perfectly content with how I spoke to her. She certainly has not held back with her taunting of me. Nonetheless, I regret losing my cool if only for the fact that I showed my main trigger point, my mom.

  I have abandonment issues that stem from her disappearance from my life. I would be stupid to think it has left me unaffected but I’ve never really delved deep into how it has manifested. Maybe I’ve always shied away from relationships because I’m afraid of being left behind again. Aside from Zion I don’t have any close friends, none that would be there in a heartbeat for me. None that would have my back in any situation. I mean, sure, I can make surface level connections with just about anyone but it rarely goes deeper. Ivy is the first person to really get closer to me than an acquaintance in years. It’s nice to have her here, someone unafraid of the bullshit rich kid politics in this town. Even Levi and Griffin are coming closer to the friend line and I’m surprisingly okay with it.

  The one relationship I’m not sure how to understand is with Connor. He hates me one minute and wants me the next. He treats me like shit and then turns around and defends my honor. He acts as confused as I feel. I know he’s as attracted to me as I am to him. I feel it when we kiss. I feel it in the heat of his eyes, even when they’re on my back. Am I a toy or am I treasured?



  If I had a superpower right now it’d be avoidance. I managed to avoid Connor Saturday night when he crashed with Levi. All day Sunday when dad and I went into Boston in search of a Bears bar to watch the game. Even Sunday night when Connor came knocking on my door while I treated myself to long bath. I crept around the estate the rest of the time like a damn assassin trying to stay unseen by those gorgeous green eyes. I have a string of text messages that go from mild annoyance to frustration to anger to disbelief.

  Connor: What ru doing today? Can we talk?

  Connor: ??

  Connor: Lilith.

  The fact that he used my name threw me enough to almost respond. But no.

  Connor: We have things 2 discuss.

  Connor: Damnit Peasant WE NEED 2 TALK

  There’s the asshole we all know.

  Connor: Dinner?


  Connor: I can’t believe ur ghosting me

  Connor: This isn’t over.

  I might have won the weekend battle but as soon as I walk out the door Monday morning he’s leaning against the wall holding two cups of to go coffee. His hair is tousled to perfection. His face set in it’s usual scowl. We stand there staring each other down from across the hall. Our eyes conveying all the words we don’t have the courage to speak into existence.

  Him: I missed you.

  Me: I missed you, too.

  Him: Don’t shut me out.

  Me: You scare me.

  Him: I want you.

  Me: I want you, too.

  I break the silence first. “Morning,” I clear my throat.

  “Morning.” He reaches out a hand holding a cup. “Two sugars and a splash of cream.”

  “Thank you.” I’m surprised and irritatingly touched he knows how I take my coffee.

  “Don’t act so surprised. We do live under the same roof,” he growls. “Not that you’d know it by how hard you’ve been avoiding me the past 32 hours.”

  “You are so creepy,” I chuckle. “Have you actually been counting the hours since you last spoke to me?”

  “Yes,” he answers so nonchalantly, like he is the normal one.

  “Obsess much?”

  “Only over those who are worthy. Stop.” He grabs my wrist. “Things are going to be different now that everyone knows you are mine.”

  Oh, hell no
. His?

  “Excuse me?” I blink. If I were a bird my feathers would be all ruffled. “Yours?”

  “Yes.” Again he answers declaratively.

  “I’m not yours.”

  “Yes, you are.”

  I make a big show of looking around us.

  “What are you doing?” His face has gone from a scowl to puzzled.

  “Looking for your club, you caveman.” I turn away from him and start going down the stairs. “You planning on throwing me over your shoulder and locking me away in your room next?”

  He steps in front of me at the bottom of the stairs. “Don’t tempt me, Lilith.” His eyes flash with warning.

  Heat runs through me and settles between my thighs at the way he just purred my name. Then anger shoots through me. “What are you doing?”

  “Taking you to school and discussing us.”

  “What do you mean us? There is no us. We are not together.” I want to shake him. I want to hit him. I want to kiss him.

  “Yes we are, at least that’s what everyone thinks.”

  “So this,” I point back and forth between us, “is a lie. A ruse for what? Your entertainment?”

  “No,” he steps toward me, I take a step back. He steps toward me again, I take another step back until I’m up against the wall. “It is not a lie.” His eyes dip to my lips and he licks his.

  “I’m so confused,” I whisper. “What do you want from me?”

  “Everything.” Then he pins me to wall with his hips and takes my mouth with his. Our hands are all full with our coffee and bags for school so we’re only connected by our lips and where I’m held against the wall by him. He breaks the kiss. “Can you trust me?”

  “Why should I trust you? You’ve done nothing but be a dick since I arrived. Now you just want me to forget and flip the script?” I shake my head. “No. You want me to trust you? Earn it.”


  “You’re a smart guy, Con, figure it out,” I say as I sail through the door.

  I open the door to his car and slide in the passenger seat. The leather does feel amazing to my bare legs. I am not a car girl so I have no clue what is so special about this car but I can appreciate the obvious luxury. Since he’s still at the top of the stairs speaking with Edward, I give in and run my fingers over the gear shift. I hear the trunk close and then Connor slides in behind the wheel.


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