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Cold and Broken (The Titans of Founder's Ridge Book 1)

Page 12

by Nichole Greene

  All the blood in my body relocates to my cock with those sounds. I could be happy feeding her baked goods for the rest of my life, just to hear those noises. To watch her eyes close as she enjoys the fuck out of Delores’s brownies despite whatever insecurity she’s fighting.

  “Oh God, that was so fucking worth it,” ,he says licking the crumbs from her lips and fingers. She pushes the plate away from her. “How do you not weigh 300 pounds with food like this around all the time?”

  “As much as I’m loathe to give him any credit, Victor. That side of my family is genetically gifted. My grandfather had a six pack when he was in his 60s.”

  “Impressive. Why do you hate your dad so much?”

  I sigh and run my fingers through my hair. “He had an affair and that’s why my mom took off with my sister to Ireland.” I meet her eyes. “Among other differences we have.”

  “Gotcha.” She nods.

  I love that she doesn’t push the subject. It could be that she doesn’t care because I’ve been such an asshole to her but I think it’s just her personality. She has an innate ability to find the sweet spot between pushing for information and backing off.

  “Speaking of, I have to go the city with our dads tomorrow. I’ll be gone until late Wednesday.” I watch her for any reaction to that news although I’m not sure what I’m hoping to see. “Levi or Griff will watch your back at school.”

  “I don’t need bodyguards.” Her eyes narrow to slits the way they do when she’s about to challenge me. “Maybe I should let Jameson know so he can watch my back.” A wicked gleam lights her eyes.

  “No.” I growl. “Griff will drive you.”

  “I can use our truck. I made sure to register it this week for parking.” She laughs at the face I make. “You are ridiculous. Make up your mind.” She mumbles the last comment under her breath while she pulls out her notebook and text book.

  “I have.” I wait until she looks up at me. “I started our story as the villain. I’m going to end it as your hero.”

  “I don’t need a hero.” Her chin lifts defiantly.

  Of fucking course she’s going to fucking fight me every step of the way. She has a spine of steel but I’ve never met a challenge I can’t overcome.

  “How about we start with me helping you figure out force and motion?” I point at her notes with my pen.


  For the next hour we work through all our physics homework from Friday and today. I explain a few concepts and help her with a couple formulas. Other than that she and I work in peaceful quiet. I steal glances at her, noticing little things like how she twirls a lock of hair around her finger when she reads or bites the tip of her pencil while she’s working through a problem.

  “Sunrise or sunset?” I blurt.

  “What?” She blinks at me in confusion.

  “Do you prefer sunrise or sunset?”

  “That’s random as fuck.” She raises her eyebrows. “Sunrise.”


  “You have to work for sunrise. Not all are pretty so to catch a good one you have to wake regularly at an early time. Sunsets are easy.” She shrugs. “Also, there’s nothing like a sunrise over Lake Michigan. The light reflected on the water and then the skyline and buildings. Seriously gorgeous.”

  “I like that.” We look at each other over the table. “Conservative or liberal?”

  She snorts. “Do you really need to ask me that? Liberal, obviously.” She rolls her eyes. “Let me guess. You’re a conservative one percenter.”

  “Not even close.” I shake my head.

  “Huh,” she grunts with a look of approval in her eyes.

  “Chris Pratt, Chris Hemsworth, Chris Pine, or Chris Evans?”

  “Pine.” She blinks like I’m an idiot for even asking. “Captain Kirk and Steve Trevor? Of course it’s Chris Pine all the way.” She sets her pencil down. “What’s with all the random questions?”

  “Just trying to get to know you. Favorite color?”

  “Purple. You?”


  “Like your soul,” she deadpans.

  I throw my head back laughing. “You are so fucking feisty.” I can’t wipe the smile off my face and when I look at her my chest seizes and then fills with warmth. She’s laughing with me, her blue eyes sparkling.

  I love this girl.

  That thought should freak me out. It should freak me out that we’re not even together and I feel like this. It doesn’t. I’m sure it says something twisted about me that I realize I love someone when they basically call me evil but what the fuck ever. I don’t care.

  “Beach or mountains?” She arches one of her delicate brows at me.

  “Mountains. Favorite season?”

  “Winter. You?”


  “Wow Connor, I didn’t take you for such a basic bitch. Want me to order you a PSL next time I grab coffee?”

  “Hell yeah. Hashtag PSL is life.”

  “I can’t believe we’re having such a civilized conversation.” She gives me a genuine smile.

  “I don’t know about civilized, you have essentially called me evil and a basic bitch. And I’ve definitely thought about all the places I could fuck you in here for the past hour.” I blatantly adjust myself, showing her my arousal.

  She opens her mouth to say something but her phone rings with a video call.

  “Hey Z!” She chirps happily after accepting the call.

  “Hi Lil. What’s going on?” His deep voice carries through the library.

  “Working on psychics with Connor.” She gestures for me to come around.

  I shake my head no and reach down to check my phone. I have a text from Victor asking me to come to his office. I write out a note and slide it over to Lilith so she knows what I’m doing. She reads it and gives me a thumbs up.

  I find the door partially opened to Victor’s office and step inside without knocking. Michael is in there bent over the conference table looking through resumes.

  “Hey son.” Victor points to one of the chairs in front of his desk. “Sit.”

  Since I’m in a halfway decent mood from my time with Lilith I don’t roll my eyes at him calling me son. I just take a seat and plaster my uninterested mask on without saying anything.

  “I’m sure you know that the Owens are back in town.” Victor waits for my nod of affirmation to continue. “They’re alleging that we had something to do with the explosion of one of their rigs in the Gulf.”

  “Yeah, Scott approached me at my party Saturday and mentioned it. He was all over me at school today, too.”

  “Obviously, we had nothing to do with it. I could not care less about their little stateside operation. They produce a fraction of what we could if we opened up drilling on our Siberian land.”

  “I know.”

  “They’re talking about getting retribution and there have been credible threats made to us.”

  “Okay.” I run my palms down my thighs. “Should I really be leaving tomorrow? I’m not concerned about my safety but what about Lilith? Should she be left alone? What about mom and Claire?”

  “I’ve hired and trained a small group of men to patrol the property.” Michael says as he sits in the chair beside mine. “Plus, she’s highly skilled in self defense, including using her pistol. I’m not too worried about her for a couple days. Unfortunately she’s used to me traveling for work so she’ll be okay.”

  Lilith has a gun. I shouldn’t be surprised considering her father’s background and line of work but I am. She has always spoken of guns with an air of negativity.

  “Plus Edward and Delores will keep an eye on her for us,” Victor adds, pulling me out of my thoughts of Lilith. “Your mother is safe on her family’s estate and Claire’s boarding school is as secure as it gets.”

  “Good. It’s not really home that worries me. I have a couple concerns at school.” I give Victor a meaningful look. I don’t want to out her secrets to her dad.

“Does it have anything to do with how she ended up bruised from her back to her ankles last week?” Michael’s attention snaps to me.

  “Yes.” I look him directly in the eye. “But it isn’t my story to tell. I will say the responsible party spent a night in the hospital and won’t be returning to Founders Prep.”

  “Thank you.” Michael holds his hand out for me to shake.

  “I have Lev and Griff with her throughout the day and if one of them can’t escort her one of Lev’s offensive linemen will tail her. It’s pissing her off,” I can’t hold back my smirk, “but with tensions escalating I think it’s the best course of action.” I grip his hand.

  “Agreed.” Michael says.

  “We should be finished with everything early enough for you to come home Wednesday night. We just need to get your shares and position in the company passed to you before your uncle tries to wrangle more power for himself.”

  “Right.” Victor is a shit father and even shittier husband but he’s a damn good businessman with vision for the future. My uncle undermines him at every turn, trying to find the quickest way to get richer. I’m glad my dad is the oldest and had me fairly young so the reigns of the business will go straight to me. “Nepotism for the win.”

  Michael snorts at my caustic tone. Victor scowls.

  “You need to watch your attitude at the office. I know you have a low opinion of me and, quite frankly, I don’t care unless it undermines me at work.” He glares at me with the same intensity I project daily.

  I nod in assent.

  “You may go. We leave at 8 am.”

  I stand up and as I walk past Michael he stops me. “A word please.”

  “Sure.” I follow him into his small office.

  “What are your intentions with my daughter?” he asks with a no bullshit tone. I’m about an inch taller than him but I feel like I’m standing next to giant. He hasn’t been an active duty Marine for years but he still holds himself like one. The power he exudes seems to swirl around him. For the first time in my life I’m intimidated.

  “Not sure what you mean by that, sir.” I go for indifference and boredom but he’s not buying it.

  “You know exactly what I mean, son. I’m not stupid. I see how you look at her.”

  “She’s beautiful, of course I’m going to appreciate that.” I meet his stare head on. “Honestly, I have done some fucked up things to her since you two moved here. I’ve owned up to them and I’m trying to atone for it.”

  I look down at his desk and pick up a picture of a light haired woman holding a blonde baby that can only be Lilith. “Is this Lilith’s mom?”


  “She looks like her.” I set the picture down and look back up at him.

  “Thank fuck the only thing she inherited from her mother was her looks.” He gives the photo a resigned sigh then he turns and grabs me by the shirt. I’m pushed up against the wall in less time than I can take a breath. “Hurt my daughter and I will fucking end you. I don’t care how much I like and respect your father.” He gives me a shake. “Understand?”

  “Yes, sir.” He releases his grip. “I’m going to go see if she’s done talking with Zion.”

  “Connor.” Michael calls as open his door to leave.


  “Thank you for watching out for her at your school. I always knew she was safe with Z back in Chicago. I’m glad to know she has you watching out for her here.”

  I look over my shoulder at him and nod once.



  Books have always been one of my favorite things. As soon as I was old enough to ride my bike on my own, I would go into the local branch of the Chicago Public Library and lose myself in stories and worlds belonging to someone else. I worked my way up and down the rows of books, hungrily absorbing the words written. If I wasn’t with Z, I was at the library. My dad came to know the librarians by name when he’d call to see where I was.

  It’s not a surprise that I can’t help but wander around the Volkov personal library after hanging up with Z. I trail my fingers along the rows of leather bound classics trying to understand the system they use for sorting their books. My fingers walk past American classics like The Great Gatsby, To Kill a Mockingbird, Fahrenheit 451, and Walden. As I move to the next wall, there’s Russian classics like The Brothers Karamazov, Fathers and Sons, Anna Karenina, and Life and Fate of Vasily Grossman.

  The next wall is full of Brit Lit classics. I’m pretty sure I see everything Shakespeare wrote represented. Names like Orwell, Dickens, Austen, Tolkien, and Wilde. I’m leafing through an old copy of Pride and Prejudice when Connor walks up behind me. I jump when I hear his voice.

  “That’s a first edition.” He points down at the shelf. “There are the other two volumes.”

  “Holy shit.” I look up at him with wide eyes. “Shouldn’t these be in a museum or something?” I delicately push the priceless book back into place.

  “Books should be read.” He shrugs. “We have an entire set of signed Harry Potter books somewhere around here, as well as some other first editions. Victor has the Russian classics in his office in Russian.”

  “Does he know Russian?”

  “Yes.” Connor raises an eyebrow at me. “His parents were both born in St. Petersburg. We all speak and read Russian.”

  “Oh, wow. I only know Spanish.” And that’s really only because of some of my friends from school who spoke Spanish at home.

  “I know Spanish, French, German, and Japanese as well.”

  “Shit.” I feel ignorant and insecure now. “I guess that’s what the fancy east coast private school education gets you.”

  “Well, I grew up bilingual so that helped but yes, one of the perks of being a rich kid.” He’s still wearing his uniform but removed his tie and jacket. The top few buttons of his shirt are undone hinting at the muscles in his chest. Why does he have to be smart on top of being devastatingly handsome.

  “What are you thinking about?” he smiles at me.

  “I was just appreciating the books you have here.” I turn back to the shelves. I don’t need to inflate this asshole’s ego any more than it already is. “It’s impressive.”

  “You a secret bookworm?” He fingers a lock of my hair and leans against one of the shelves.

  “Bookworm yes, secret no.” I knock his hand away which only makes him smile at me. “If I wasn’t hanging out with Z growing up I was at the local branch of our public library in Chicago.”

  “What’s your favorite book?”

  “I honestly couldn’t say. I don’t even have a favorite genre.”

  “Lord of the Rings or Chronicles of Narnia?” He asks as he pulls the first of each series out.

  “Narnia.” He slides them both back in after I answer. “The Scarlet Letter or The Great Gatsby?” I ask him.

  “Scarlet Letter for sure. I’ll take Hester Prynne over Daisy Buchanan any day. Plus Boston versus Long Island, it’s not even a contest.” He scoffs. “Your dad threatened me today.”

  I double take at the abrupt change of subject and then I laugh. “He’s protective.”

  “No kidding. He had me against the wall and said he’d kill me if I hurt you.”

  “Ha,” she rolls her eyes, “did you tell him you’ve already tried?”

  “I’ve never wanted to hurt you.” He steps into my space. “I just wanted to make you miserable enough to leave.” His hands land on my hips and he pulls me close. “Now I just want you close.” He runs his nose along mine gently. “I never want to watch you walk away.”

  The air around us electrifies. “Do you feel that?” His eyes look like two shining emeralds as they hold mine. “The chemistry between us is palpable, tangible.” He looks down at my lips and I look at his. “We’re inevitable.”

  He brushes his lips against mine lightly. It’s just a tease, like he’s trying to draw me in and fuck if it’s not working. I want to wrap myself around him and let him do all the dirty thi
ngs he whispers in my ear. My traitorous body aches to press against him. I can’t let myself fall into his trap though, I’m not going to be one of those girls who falls at his feet. So I step back and push his hands off my hips and then I walk away.

  It takes every ounce of self control for me to not turn around and look at him as I pick up my bag and my phone. How can he say things like he wanted me miserable so I’d convince my dad to give up the best opportunity he’s ever had and then expect me to let him kiss me? What kind of delusional world does he live in? I can’t just forget all the things he’s done to me. How he’s spoken to me. How he declared open season on me at school.

  Then a more sinister thought invades my head. What if he’s acting interested just to mess with me, working the long game. A ploy to annihilate my spirit. It could all be an act. I pull out my phone to text Ivy. I need to talk this out.

  Me: Do you think Connor is fucking w me? Playing the long game w me just 2 destroy me at the end?

  Ivy: I want 2 say no.

  Me: But…

  Ivy: He’s cruel. I wouldn’t b surprised.

  Me: I know. He kept asking me all these random questions today after he helped me w physics. He claimed he wants 2 get know me better. Then he tried 2 tempt me into kissing him.

  Ivy: Did u?

  Me: No, but I was damn tempted.

  Me: Why does he have 2 b such a huge asshole when he’s so smart and attractive?

  Ivy: All the hot ones are.

  Me: It’s bullshit.

  Ivy: Right. Do you want me 2 subtly ask Levi questions? I can’t guarantee the honesty of his answers but it might b better than nothing?

  Me: No

  Me: Yes

  Me: I don’t fucking know



  Me: I need 2 go make dinner

  Me: See ya tomorrow

  Ivy: Later chica

  * * *

  “Hi sweet pea. What’s for dinner?” Dad asks as he walks into the kitchen pushing his sleeves up to help me. “What can I do?”

  “Roasted chicken and veggies.” I point at the squash and brussel sprouts. “Clean and season those.”


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