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Cold and Broken (The Titans of Founder's Ridge Book 1)

Page 16

by Nichole Greene

  I feel Connor’s hand squeeze my thigh and then rest on my ass. “What happened?” he asks either Ivy or myself.

  “We were having lunch at the coffee shop in town and Margaux walked behind where Lilith was sitting and dumped her hot tea down her back.” Ivy goes to Levi and hugs him when he walks in. “She didn’t even blink when she did it. This is above and beyond anything I’ve ever seen that psychotic bitch do.”

  “Your dad is on his way.” Connor kisses my cheek and runs his fingers through my hair. “How do you want to handle this? Call the police or let us handle it?”

  “Will the police do anything?” The four of them all look at each other without saying anything. “That answers that question then. We’ll take care of it ourselves.”

  “Sweet pea?” I hear my dad’s voice as he steps into the room. “What happened?”

  “A girl from school tripped when she was walking behind me and spilled her hot tea down my back at the coffee shop. The doctor has already checked me out and said they’re second degree burns. He should be back in a few minutes.”

  “Were you all there?” Dad asks the room.

  “Only me,” Ivy says.

  “Are you sure it was accident?” I know he’s giving her the look. His scary Marine interrogation look. “I only ask because I can count on hand the amount of accidents Lilith has had in her entire life and now we’ve been here a month and she’s had two major accidents.”

  “Dad,” I start to make an excuse but Connor cuts in.

  “Sir, like we talked about I’m, we’re” he nods his head to Griff and Levi, “watching her back at school. There won’t be any types of incidents there. I could probably be talked into never leaving her side when you’re gone, too.”

  “Not sure I like the glint you got in your eye there, Connor,” Dad jokes.

  “Excuse me. Mr. Nelson?” The middle age doctor walks back in. “I’m Dr. Dean.” He looks around the group assembled in my room. “If you’ll excuse us?”

  Everyone but Connor leaves.

  “Are you family?” Dr. Dean asks Connor.

  “Close enough. You okay if I stay Michael?”

  “Yeah. You might have to know some of this to help her out while I’m out of town this week.”

  “Okay.” I feel the gauze or cloth being pulled up. “Your daughter has second degree burns on her back. We’ve given her a bag of IV fluids with some painkillers. She’ll need to keep the burn covered with a cream that we’ll give you a prescription for and have clean dressings applied twice a day. Over the counter pain meds are fine. Cool, damp cloths will also help alleviate pain.”

  “How long should we expect the healing to take?” Dad asks.

  “Two to three weeks. I’ll have all these instructions included with your discharge papers, as well as any notes for school you need.”

  “Any questions kiddo?” Dad leans down to look me in the eye.

  “No. I’m obviously not going to be in water sports anytime soon.” I’m actually super happy about that. No more taunts about my physical imperfections.

  The doctor talks to dad out in the hall for a few more minutes and then dad goes down to billing to give them our new insurance information. Everyone comes back in the room after my IV is removed and sits or stands around the bed.

  “We’re going to have to increase Lilith’s coverage at school.” Connor says.

  “No,” I start to argue.

  “Yes. Do you know the damage Margaux could do if she put her hands on your back? Even with the burns covered, she could burst the blisters early or something.”

  “And that is something she would definitely do,” Griff adds.

  “I want to fuck that bitch up,” Ivy snarls.

  “Don’t we all,” Levi says as he ruffles her hair. “We have to be smart about it though.”

  Dad walks back into the room. “Ready to go kiddo? I got you all checked out.”

  “Yeah. I don’t have a shirt though.”

  Levi whips his shirt over his head and tosses it beside me on the bed. “Mine’s probably the biggest and easiest to get on.”

  “Whatever,” Ivy snarks, “he’ll use any excuse to take his clothes off. I’ll stay in here and help you get it on.”

  The guys and dad walk out to give me some privacy.

  “I’m so sorry I didn’t see her coming,” Ivy says as she helps me sit up. “I should have been quicker on my feet to help you.”

  “You were there in less than five seconds, helping me and bitching her out. You couldn’t have done more.” She slips Lev’s shirt over my head and I gingerly push my arms through the sleeves.

  We walk out into the hall and walk toward the exit together.

  “Can I ride home with you and Lilith?” Connor asks dad.

  “No problem.”

  “I’m never leaving your side now, Lily.” Connor leans down and whispers in my ear.



  “You sure you’re going to be okay this week without me? Victor said I could work from my office here if necessary.” Dad says as he applies the burn cream to my back and covers it with gauze. “You don’t even have to go to school. The note from the doctor said you could take a few days off.”

  I cannot take a few days off, then she wins and fuck that bitch. Second degree burns won’t keep me from walking into that school of privileged assholes with my head held high.

  “I’ll be fine, here and at school. Lord knows Connor isn’t letting anyone get within four feet of me.” I say with a chuckle so I don’t wince and worry him more.

  “He likes you,” Dad grumbles.

  “Maybe.” I shrug.

  “No, Lil. I see how he looks at you, how treats you. He likes you.”

  “How do you feel about that?”

  “I’m torn. He is intense and domineering. There is some underlying tension with Victor and he treats his father with incredible disrespect. But when he looks at you there’s a softness in his eyes that only exists in those moments. As long as you are happy and treated well, I’m happy. I’m actually looking forward to getting Z’s take on him after this weekend.”

  “Me too. Actually I’m just looking forward to seeing him at all. We might have to make a trip to Chicago over winter break. This past month has been excruciating.”

  “We’ll see, kiddo.” He kisses my forehead and leaves my room.

  I look down at the contraption Ivy brought me yesterday to wear in place of a bra and curl my lip in contempt. It’s basically a modern day corset and when she showed me how to get it on my eyes bugged out of my head at my boobs. It pushed them way up under my chin. At least it shouldn’t be as noticeable under my uniform shirt and tie. At least the back is low enough that it doesn’t come into contact with the burns or gauze.

  After I get dressed and eat the toast dad made for me I step out into the hall to find Connor leaning against the wall waiting for me.

  “Good morning.” He trades me my bag for a coffee and leans down to kiss me.


  “How are you feeling?”

  “About the same as yesterday.”

  Connor and I spent all day yesterday watching football and movies in the media room. He laid out on his back and I laid on my tummy with my head resting on his chest. Between his constant care, my dad’s concern, and Delores preparing an array of snacks for us all day I didn’t have to lift a finger. Victor even came by to check on me and offered to have their private family physician come check me out if I wanted, which was kind and generous.

  “We were couple goals yesterday, you know.” Connor gives me one of his rare full smiles that make his delicious dimples show. “Am I wearing you down yet?”

  “Maybe,” I side eye him, “but I know you are still an asshole though.”

  “That’ll never change,” he replies nonchalantly. “I was an asshole even as a baby.”

  “That does not surprise me.” I smile at Edward as holds the door open for us. “Good morning, Edwa

  “Good morning, Lilith. Mr. Volkov.” He nods at both of us. “How are you doing today?” he addresses me.

  “I’ll be fine. It’ll take more than boiling hot water to keep me down.” I wink at him. “Have a good day.”

  “Where’s your new car?” My brow furrows at the sight of a Range Rover in front of us.

  “I thought this would be more comfortable for you than getting in down low in the Bugatti.” Connor opens the door for me before putting both our bags in the backseat.

  “Oh.” He’s right. It is easier to get in and there’s more space for me to lean forward so my back doesn’t touch the seat back. “Thank you.”

  “You don’t have to thank me.” He pulls out of the driveway and looks over at me with concern seeping out of his eyes. “You don’t have to go to school today. We could skip.”

  “I’m not letting her win.” I set my jaw.

  “Well, I don’t want you getting hurt,” he snaps.

  “Too late.” I point at my back. “And I’m not cowering from that bitch.”

  “Your pride is going to get you in trouble someday,” he says, the fight gone from his voice.

  I shrug and immediately grimace in pain as the blistered skin on my back pulls with the movement.

  “See. That right there. You should not be at school today.”

  “Fuck.” I roll my eyes. “If you’re going to be like this drop me at the end of the drive. You are insufferable today.” I’m being a bitch, I know this and I’m not thrilled with myself. He was right, yesterday was so couple goals it started breaking my walls down. It has me on edge.

  “I know you are in pain and you’re scared so I’m going to ignore your bitchiness.” He clenches his jaw. “I’m not going to let you push me away though. You and I are happening.”

  We are both scowling when he pulls into the parking lot. Luckily Levi, Griff, and Ivy are all there waiting so I don’t have to answer how I am more than one time. Instead of heading to seminar I walk to the headmaster’s office with Connor and Griff following.

  “What can I help you with?” the gray haired secretary asks when I walk up to her desk in the office.

  “I have a note for the headmaster regarding an accident I was involved in this weekend.” I lay the note down for her. She reads it and picks up the phone to see if the headmaster can see me.

  “He’s back there with a faculty member but you can go back.” I start to head back with Connor following me.

  “Just Miss Nelson,” she says to Connor.

  “No,” he replies and keeps following me.

  “Connor.” I glare at him.

  “No.” He glares back.

  “No one’s going to tackle me in the headmaster’s office. I’ll be fine.”

  “No. You go nowhere without me or one of the guys.”

  I look past Connor to Griff and see he’s just as serious about this.

  “Fine.” I toss my hands up. “Are you assholes going to follow me into the bathroom, too?”

  “Yes.” They both say in unison.

  Oh, fuck no.

  I’ll save that fight for later. I turn the corner and knock on the headmaster’s door and am surprised when Mr. Jameson opens it.

  “Good morning, Lilith.” He smiles at me and then notices Connor hot on my heels. The smile instantly falls. “Connor.”

  “Good morning, Mr. Jameson,” I turn the headmaster, “Headmaster Jennings, I have a note from my doctor about an injury I received this weekend.” I hand it to him. “I was involved in an accident that left me with second degree burns on my back. I can’t participate in water sports so I was hoping there was a study hall or teacher or office aid position available during that hour.”

  “Are you responsible for this?” Mr. Jameson narrows his eyes at Connor.

  “Fuck you.” Connor sneers at Mr. Jameson.

  “Connor!” My eyes widen. “Don’t be rude.” Neither the headmaster nor Mr. Jameson admonish him for his rude behavior though. I guess he was right when he said he runs this place. I’ve never seen such disrespectful behavior go unpunished before.

  “He shouldn’t ask stupid questions. Obviously I wouldn’t hurt you and he knows it.” Connor continues looking at the headmaster and ignoring Mr. Jameson’s presence.

  “I could use some extra help setting experiments and grading papers,” Mr. Jameson says to the headmaster.

  “Okay, check in with Mr. Jameson every day during fourth period and if he needs you, stay. If he doesn’t, come down here and I’m sure we can find something for you to do,” Headmaster Jennings says dismissing me.

  Connor all but growls at this turn of events and starts pulling me by the wrist down the hall back to Griff. “Of fucking course he needs help all of a sudden,” he sneers.

  “What?” Griff asks.

  Connor fills him in as we walk to class.

  * * *

  “Hi Mr. Jameson,” I say from just inside his classroom door.

  “Hi Lilith.” He points to the desk right in front of his desk. “Have a seat after you close the door.”


  I’m obviously spending too much time with Connor thinking that request was weird. A lot of teachers prefer their doors to be closed.

  “Everything you tell me in this room will stay between us, okay?” His electric blue eyes shine with concern behind his glasses. “Is Connor hurting you?”

  “What? No.” I can’t believe he’s asking me that. Connor can be a real dick but I know he’d never physically hurt me. “He would never.” I shake my head.

  “Are you sure? I’ve witnessed him on multiple occasions being openly hostile toward you. I know his behavior has shifted lately but I still have trouble trusting that he’s not planning on doing something. Tell me about these burns on your back.” He walks over and sits in the desk beside me.

  “I was at a coffee shop with Ivy having lunch Saturday. Margaux Lennex walked behind me and poured hot tea down my back.”

  “On purpose?” His brow furrows.

  “I think you know the answer to that question,” I reply tartly. Obviously it was done on purpose.

  “You should report her.”

  “Yeah, ghetto charity case gets burned by French heiress and socialite. Reports crime and watches the upper class screw the poor one more time.” I roll my eyes. “No thanks.”

  He considers my comment. “You have a point but you don’t seem to be safe here. I’m starting to wonder if I should call your parents. And you are not a ghetto charity case.”

  “Don’t call my dad.” He has enough on his plate with his new job. “He knows everything anyway.”

  “And your mom?”

  “Ha,” I snort, “she wouldn’t care even if I knew where she was. Haven’t seen her since I was a kid.” I avoid eye contact with him. “I’m not sure if you noticed but Connor has an amateur version of the secret service assigned to me at all times. In fact, I’m surprised I’m in this classroom alone right now.”

  “I have noticed. I just want you to remember my warning from the first day of school and know that I’m always here if you need something.” He reaches over and squeezes my hand.

  “Thank you.” I pull my hand out from under his. “What do you need help with?”

  “I need my supply closet inventoried and organized.” He stands and motions for me to follow him. “Start by writing down everything I have in here and how many of each. Then organize everything in a way that makes sense. Feel free to ask me any questions.”

  “Do you mind if I listen to music while I work?”

  “Not at all.” He gives me a gentle smile before going back to his desk.

  I grab my ear buds and pull up my Spotify app. After scrolling through my playlists I settle on some Lizzo. I lose track of time dancing and grooving while I count everything on the first set of selves. I’m singing along with Truth Hurts when I sense eyes on me. I spin around and feel the full effect of one set of green eyes, one set of blue-gray eye
s, and one set of hazel eyes.

  “Hey,” I squeak in surprise, pulling my ear buds out. “I didn’t know anyone was there.”

  “Clearly,” Connor drawls, unamused.

  “How long were you standing there?”

  “Long enough to see you twerking to Tempo,” Levi says with a deviant smile.

  My face heats. “I wasn’t twerking. You guys here to walk me to lunch?”

  “Yes.” Connor remains stone cold. “Griff has your bag.”

  I am not feeling Connor’s attitude so I thread my arm through Griffin’s and let him lead me away. “How’s your day been, Griff?”

  “Pretty drab since I don’t see you until fifth period.”

  “Awww, am I growing on you finally?” I joke.

  “Like a fungus,” he says dryly.

  I chuckle before asking, “What is Connor’s problem?”

  “Probably had something to do with the way Jameson was watching you when we came in the room.”

  “Jesus. He needs to calm down.” I roll my eyes. “It isn’t like he had me bent over the desk with my skirt around my waist.”

  Just then I’m ripped away from Griff and pulled against the solid wall of Connor’s chest. His nostrils flare angrily as his fingers grip my hips possessively. “Do not even joke about that, Lilith,” he says through gritted teeth.

  We stare each other down. I don’t know if it’s because I’m starting to like his possessive cave man routine or the flash of vulnerability I saw in his eyes when he spun me to him but I nod. “Okay.” I raise up on my toes and press a kiss to his lips.

  He takes it step further, moving his hands from my hips to my ass and deepening our kiss. I completely forget we’re in the hall at school and lose myself in him until I hear Lev’s voice.

  “You two keep kissing like that in front of me and I’m going to have to rub one out right here,” Lev snickers.

  “Fuck off,” Connor says over his shoulder with no heat.

  “Gross,” I say at the same time.

  Connor doesn’t take his hands off me as he walks me backward through the cafeteria doors.

  “You should probably let me go so I can walk.” I point out.


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