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The Law and Miss Mary

Page 2

by Dorothy Clark

  Mary walked beside James, taking in the hubbub of sound and motion around them. Workmen streamed in and out of warehouses, carrying filled burlap bags on burly shoulders or swarmed over huge stacks of crates or barrels. Laborers loaded carts with firewood and hauled it to their boats. Animals, in gated farm wagons, lowed and snorted. Others grunted and squealed as they were forced up gangplanks. Chickens squawked while barking dogs circled their cages. Mary had never seen or heard anything to compare with it. It was organized bedlam.

  “That is our warehouse, Mr. Randolph.” Eli Goodwin paused and pointed. “The one you see overtop the roofs of these smaller storage sheds. It was built on the higher ground because of flooding.”

  Mary’s stomach flopped. She glanced from the large, brick building with “Mississippi and Missouri Steamer Line” sprawled in large, faded-white letters above the fourth-story windows to the muddy river, and was suddenly very thankful for the rising levee bank they were climbing.

  “Does the river flood often?”

  James’s question brought a flash of the flat, rolling land along the river’s banks into her head. Mary glanced at Mr. Goodwin.

  The man nodded. “You can count on it in the spring. And if there are heavy rains upriver throughout the year, she will flood again. And there is no telling how high the river will rise. But business goes on. When floodwater covers the levee, the captains run their steamers in and moor them to the warehouses.”

  “You jest!”

  James’s challenge of the story gave her hope. It died when Eli Goodwin shook his head and started walking again. Mary tossed her brother a look of dismay, then followed the bookkeeper as he wove his way through the various piles of merchandise to the street at the top of the levee. Carriages, carts, drays and wagons of all sort rumbled over the cobblestones. Mounted men added to the traffic flow.

  “This is Front Street. And that is Market Street across the way.” Eli Goodwin indicated an intersecting road a short distance from them. “And there, on the near corner, is the company office.”

  Mary looked over at the narrow, two-story stone building. An oval sign bearing the company name held its place between a door and two mullioned windows painted red.

  “A bank on one side, and an insurance company on the other corner. An excellent location.”

  Mary smiled at the satisfaction in James’s voice. “And it is only a few steps away from the warehouse on the levee. Surely that is of benefit.”

  The bookkeeper nodded and shoved his glasses higher on his nose. “Do you wish to visit the office now?”

  James shook his head. “No, tomorrow will be soon enough. For now, I want to get Mary settled in our new home. Is it far?”

  “No, sir. It is only two streets away. We will cross here.”

  James’s hand closed on her elbow. Mary pulled close her long skirts to avoid horse droppings as they followed Eli Goodwin across Front Street, dodging between a farm wagon full of produce and another loaded with squealing pigs to reach the walkway area in front of the stores. “Gracious me!” She jumped out of the path of a honking, wing-flapping goose being chased by a dog. “I have never witnessed such…such…”


  She looked up at James and laughed. “The very word I was searching for.”

  “It is much quieter away from the levee, Miss Randolph. We go this way.” Eli started walking up Market Street. The din of activity fell away as he led them past an intersecting dirt road, then turned right onto the next one and stopped. “This is it.”

  Mary stared at the small brick house sitting square on the corner lot. A porch across the face of the cottage shadowed the two mullioned windows, one on either side of a centered door painted white. Wood shingles, bleached and curled by the hot Missouri sun, covered the porch and house roof. Two brick chimney stacks stood at the cottage’s gabled ends.

  The chain supporting a dangling cannonball squeaked in protest as Eli Goodwin pulled open the gate in the lime-coated picket fence that enclosed the property. Mary dipped her head, thankful her hat was wide enough to hide her face, and stepped through the gate and up the short, brick walk. James would surely laugh if he saw her shock. Although, from his silence, she was quite certain he was as stunned as she. The cottage was charming, but so small. Why, you could set the whole of it into one end of the stables at home.

  “Mrs. Dengler cleaned the place, made up the beds fresh for you and such. And I arranged for Mrs. Rawlins to leave a meal for you. She was cook for Mr. Thomas, the former manager, and has agreed to cook for you if you wish. They will both call on you tomorrow morning to learn if you want them to stay on, or if you prefer to set about finding other help.” A frown drew Eli Goodwin’s brows together. “I believe that is all. Here is the key to the house, Mr. Randolph.” He handed James a skeleton key, gave a curt nod. “I wish you a good evening, sir. And you, Miss Randolph.”

  “And you, Mr. Goodwin.” Mary offered the man a polite smile. “Your thoughtfulness will make our first evening in our new home a comfortable one. Thank you.”

  “And you have my gratitude as well, Goodwin. I will see you at the office tomorrow.” Once inside, James closed the door, hung his hat on the hat tree and followed Mary as she moved out of the narrow entry into the room on the right. “I wonder if Mr. Goodwin ever smiles?” He shrugged and glanced around the small parlor. “Well, here we are in St. Louis.” His lips twisted in a wry grimace. “In a very small cottage. Are you sorry you came?”

  Mary cast an assessing glance his way. “Now why was I certain you would ask me that very question as soon as the door closed behind Mr. Goodwin?” She lifted her hands and pulled out the pin holding her hat in place. “There! That is much better. I told Madame Duval these long ties would be annoying. But she insisted it was the latest style.”

  James frowned. “And why did I know you would avoid answering me? If you are disappointed, Mary—if St. Louis is less than you expected—it would be best for you to return home now.” He flushed beneath her steady gaze. “I mean, rather than to unpack and have to go through all that work again.”

  “How very sensible and considerate. But I had no expectations, James. Only an intense desire to leave Winston Blackstone behind. And every other man living in Philadelphia who knows father is wealthy, as well.” Her facial muscles went taut. She hated herself for believing Winston Blackstone’s lies. For opening herself up to be hurt by his perfidy.

  She turned and dropped her hat onto the seat of a Windsor chair sitting beside the fireplace. It gave her a reason to turn her back on the sympathy in James’s eyes. She should not have mentioned Winston. She hastened to change the subject. “And, in truth, I find St. Louis intriguing. Did you notice all those rough-looking, buckskin-clad men? And the Indians roaming about the levee mingling with the people? Do you suppose they are dangerous?”

  “I am quite certain they can be.”

  She heard James move, listened to his footsteps draw close. She removed her gloves and tossed them down by her hat.

  “Winston did not mean to hurt you, Mary. He did not mean for you to ever know about Victoria. He was doing the honorable thing and telling her goodbye.”

  Mary clenched her hands into fists. She had avoided talking about Winston ever since the night of the party. But James persisted. Perhaps if she explained he would stop trying to make her talk about what had happened. And perhaps it would cleanse her mind of the memories, free her to move on with her new life.

  She turned around and studied her brother’s face. “Why are you so determined to discuss Winston, James? You have been trying to do so our entire journey. Did Mother and Father charge you with the task?” She squared her shoulders and lifted her hand to stop his reply. “No matter. I will bow to your wishes and we shall discuss Winston and the entire sordid situation—” she pointed one long, tapering finger toward the ceiling “—once. But do not dare defend him to me. Do not stand before me and call his actions honorable.”

  The word scorched
her tongue, seared her heart. She took refuge from her pain in a sudden burst of anger. Allowed the heat of it to carry her words beyond the lump of hurt in her throat. “I saw Winston with Victoria in the gardens, James. And, I assure you, there was nothing lofty or honorable in their embrace. Nor did the ardor of his kisses speak goodbye—except to the announcement of our betrothal.” She lifted her chin and hid her trembling hands in the deep folds of her long skirt. “At least I was spared the humiliation of a public betrayal. Although everyone present that evening did suspect the reason for the party was to announce our future marriage.”

  “Mary, I had no idea!” James hurried to her. “Why did you not tell us you had witnessed Winston and Victoria embracing in the gardens?” He reached to pull her close.

  She stepped back and shook her head. If he put his arms around her, she would burst into tears. “And have all my family pity me even more? As you are doing now?” She turned away, brushed a stray lock of hair off her cheek. “It changed nothing that I saw Winston’s betrayal with my own eyes.”

  “I suppose that is true. Though it may make it more difficult for you to forgive him.”

  “Forgive him?” She pivoted, stared up at him. “You are not serious, James?”

  “Yes, I am.” He stepped closer. “Listen, Mary. When you refused to see him before we left, Winston came to me and explained the entire situation. He confessed it was only after losing you that he realized how much he cared for you. He begged me to plead his case with you. Of course, I refused. But he convinced me that he is genuinely distraught at losing you.” Warmth from his hands penetrated the fabric of her gown as he took hold of her shoulders. “Mary, Winston loves you and wants you back. He wants you to come home to Philadelphia and marry him. It is that which I have been trying to tell you the entire journey.”

  “He—He said—And you—” Her throat closed on the words. Mary dug her fingernails into the palms of her hands, fighting a sense of betrayal that was not fair to her brother. He did not know the entire story. She took a breath, held it, released it slowly. “I know you wish only what is best for me, James. And I thank you for that. Truly. But do not be swayed by Winston’s persuasive powers. His only regret is in losing the generous dowry Father offered for me. It would have cleared all his debts. I know, for I not only saw Winston with Victoria, I heard him as well.” She lifted her hand and tapped his chest. “Winston’s pocketbook chose me, James. His heart chose Victoria.” She made herself look at him and forced the rest of it out of her constricted throat. “And, as he said to her, ‘What man would not choose her petite, blond beauty and sweet nature over my dark, angular plainness and bold, forthright ways were debt not an issue?’”

  Anger darkened James’s face. His chest swelled beneath her hand as he sucked in air. She blinked the sting of tears from her eyes and shook her head. “Do not say more, James. Please. Do not make useless protests. Winston’s words only confirmed what I have known all my life. I am aware of how I appear in comparison to other women. It has always been so. Mother and Sarah shine like golden jewels. But it is only Father’s wealth that gives me beauty and luster in men’s eyes. And I, like every woman, want to—to be a jewel in the eyes of the man I love. Me—not Father’s money. I want to marry a man who loves and values me for myself. And I will settle for no less.”

  “You are wrong, Mary!” James tightened his grip, gave her a gentle shake. “You are a lovely and desirable woman. And Winston Blackstone is a fool! As am I for believing him. He does not deserve you.”

  She touched her fingers to his lips, saw the hurt for her in his eyes, and forced a smile. “You are a wonderful, loyal brother, James. But please, do not be concerned for me. Perhaps somewhere there is a man—even here in St. Louis—who will see me as a jewel. And with no one here knowing who our father is, should such a man declare his love for me, I will be certain he cares for me alone. That is why it is so perfect that no one here knows of our father’s wealth. And if that does not happen—” she took another breath “—I will yet be glad I came. For I would far rather be a spinster than a bargain. Now…we shall never mention Winston Blackstone again.” She raised her face, kissed his cheek and spun away. “Shall we explore our new home?”

  “That shan’t take long.”

  The wry humor was forced. Mary sent James a look of gratitude for accepting the change of subject and picked up her hat and gloves. “Shall we start with the upstairs? I want to put this ridiculous hat away.”

  Chapter Three

  Her first full day in her new home. Mary heaved a sigh and looked around her. What was she to do with her gowns? Her dressing room at home was larger than this bedroom. And her bedroom was—No. No complaints. Not even to herself. She had begged to come to St. Louis with James, and her parents had granted her wishes. She would not turn into a whining scold because of a few lost comforts.

  She marched to the cupboard built into the niche on the left side of the fireplace and opened the door. There was room for five, perhaps six dresses, plus her nightgown and robe. She turned, fisted her hands on her hips and nibbled at the left inside corner of her top lip. She would need her plainest day dresses. And a finer one for church. The rest of her gowns would simply have to stay in the trunks. But where would she store them? Another dilemma.

  “What is all this?”

  Mary turned toward the door, took one look at James’s baffled expression and burst into laughter. “I am choosing gowns to keep here in my room. The rest must stay in the trunks. I have no thought as to where—James! The office. Do you suppose there would be room in the back to store my trunks?”

  “Perhaps. I will know after I see the place. I came to tell you that I am going there now.” A frown crossed her brother’s handsome face. “I have been thinking about those Indians we saw yesterday, Mary. I am concerned about leaving you here alone.”

  “Oh, poof!” She waved his concern away and lifted her rose-colored cotton gown from a pile on the bed. The matching embroidered jacket would come in handy for cooler days. “I will be fine. Mrs. Rawlins and Mrs. Dengler will be coming soon for their interviews. And, meanwhile, if any Indians come in with intent to do me harm, I shall simply hide myself in one of these stacks.” She laughed and swept her hand through the air, indicating the dresses heaped on the floor, draped over the open trunks and spread out on the bed. “They would never find me.”

  James laughed, then sobered. “You are certain?”

  “Yes! Now go, and leave me to my work.”

  Mary sat on the settee, smoothed out her skirt and smiled at the women perched on the Windsor chairs. “I am impressed with the cleanliness of the house, Mrs. Dengler. I would very much like for you to continue to clean for us.”

  The German woman smiled and dipped her head. “Dank.”

  “And what is your given name, Mrs. Dengler?”

  “I am called Edda.”

  Mary smiled at the older woman. “Are you prepared to begin work today, Edda?”

  “I can do work today, ja.”

  “Wonderful.” Mary held back a sigh of relief. “There are gowns in my bedroom that must be packed away in my trunks for storage. When you finish with them, I would like you to make the beds.”

  “Ja, Miss Randolph.”

  Edda walked to the stairs and Mary turned to the woman on the other chair. “The stew you prepared for me and my brother last night was delicious, Mrs. Rawlins. As were the rolls that accompanied it. Do you always do your own baking?”

  “Yes, I do.”

  “And are you available to cook for us every day?”

  “I am.” The woman nodded. “I am a recent widow with children full grown and gone from home. I have no call on my time.”

  Mary’s heart contracted at the sorrow on the woman’s face. “I am sorry for your loss, Mrs. Rawlins.”

  The woman dipped her head.

  “Are you able to take up your duties today?”

  Relief spread across the woman’s face. “Yes, Miss Randolph. And
my name is Ivy.”

  Mary smiled and rose to her feet. “I have paper and pen waiting in the kitchen, Ivy. If you will tell me what stores you require and what foods you wish for today’s meals, I will see to their purchase.”

  The sun overhead was bright in her eyes. Mary dipped her head slightly, using the shirred brim of her coal-scuttle bonnet to shade her face. The deep flounce running around the bottom of the long, full skirt of her green gown brushed against the cobblestones as she walked down Market Street toward the river, the basket she had found in the kitchen swinging back and forth in her hand.

  The sounds of activity on the levee became louder and more distinct as she neared the river. Wind gusted, picked up dust and flung it about. She ducked her head against the onslaught, hurried around the corner toward the Mississippi and Missouri steamer line office building and ran full tilt into a muscular, lean body. “Oh!” She staggered backward. Strong hands gripped her upper arms, steadied her. She looked up to thank her rescuer.

  “Captain Benton!”

  “At your service.” He released her arms. “Are you all right, Miss Randolph?”

  The heat of a blush crawled across her cheeks. “I should ask you that question, Captain. Please forgive me. I assure you I am not in the habit of knocking into people. I was…well…I was hurrying to reach my brother.” She gave a little laugh and straightened her bonnet that had slipped backward when she had bumped into him. “Our cook has given me a list and I am on my way to purchase needed stores and food for dinner. And, I confess, I am a little hesitant to brave the levee area without an escort.”

  She glanced up at him from under her hat brim. Gracious, he was tall! She was not accustomed to men tilting their heads to look down at her. “I am unfamiliar with Indians or mountain men, and I am not eager to meet any of them on my own. At least, not yet. Thus, I was on my way to ask James to accompany me to the grocer’s.” She was prattling like a silly schoolgirl in the presence of a handsome boy! Mary clenched her teeth together and tightened her grip on the empty basket.


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