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Romancing an Alluring Lady: A Historical Regency Romance Book

Page 28

by Lucy Langton

  General Matthews and his wife Mrs. Matthews stood greeting all who came in. The James family allowed the servants to receive their cloaks and then took their place in line to greet the Matthews family.

  Evelynn felt quite excited as she looked around the room. For her mother was right, there were many officers in attendance. But her excitement for officers wasn't because she was focused on capturing one as a husband, but because they often had the best stories to tell because they traveled far and wide all over the country and she always enjoyed hearing of such stories. It was much better than listening to the other gentlemen who often spoke of stuffy politics and nothing more.

  But as she looked around, a man caught her attention. She had never seen him before, and she knew that if she had she would remember. He stood with perfect posture speaking to another gentleman. This man was very tall, 6 feet at least, but it was not just his stature that had her attention but his eyes. She had never seen eyes so blue; it was almost startling to her.

  Those perfect blue eyes were set underneath very thick eyebrows that gave the man a look of brooding, like a puppy dog giving you sad eyes. His long, aquiline nose tapered perfectly down to full pink lips. His brown chestnut hair was slightly long as was the fashion of the day. He was dressed very well indeed, perhaps more so than those around him. But it was those eyes... those very deep blue eyes that she could not take her attention off.

  Then the man suddenly turned toward her and locked eyes with her. Evelynn felt a flush of embarrassment wash over her, and she knew indeed that it was her stare that had caused the man to turn to her. He must have felt such a thing. Who wouldn't, the way she had looked upon him? She quickly looked away feeling completely mortified, and gave her attention to Mrs. Matthews and greeted the woman. Perhaps tonight would be more exciting than she had previously thought?

  “And this is my wife Mrs. James, and my daughter Miss Evelynn James,” her father said, introducing them. General Matthews was a new acquaintance of her father’s, having done some business with a close friend of the General’s, who had then introduced the two.

  “Mrs. Matthews,” Evelynn curtsied.

  “It is a pleasure, and thank you for the invitation,” Mrs. James said.

  “I am delighted to have you Mr. and Mrs. James, and your beautiful daughter as well. Why, what a rose she is. Wherever have you been hiding, my dear?” Mrs. Matthews said.

  Evelynn blushed, for she did not like being called out on her looks and much preferred to be complimented on her wits, but she knew how to respond to such a thing.

  “Thank you for saying so Mrs. Matthews,” she said with a nod.

  “I dare say the officers will be very pleased to see a fresh face among them,” Mrs. Matthews said to her.

  While the Matthews engaged with her parents, Evelynn took the opportunity to scan the room once more for the handsome gentleman, but he was no longer in the area he had been in before. She immediately wondered who he was, and whether or not he had a good mind on his shoulders.

  Chapter 2

  Evelynn took her father's arm and her mother on the other arm as they walked from the entryway down a very large hallway toward the drawing room. The ceilings were quite high, and crystal sconces with cream-colored candles provided the soft glow illuminating the long corridor. Beautiful paintings of General Matthews and his family were hung along the mahogany wood paneled walls.

  There were small groups of people of two or three, stopped along the hallway, engaged in conversation on their way from or to the drawing room. Evelynn notice just how elegant the ladies dresses were as she passed. There were some in blue and white silk that she knew must have come all the way from China, according to her readings from her books.

  Fine netting was draped over each; a very expensive material, for it was quite laborious and took great skill. Bobbles and necklaces adorned the women in the most beautiful jewels that seemed to catch the light just right. Evelynn quite enjoyed looking upon them, and wondered where they came from - the British mines of Africa perhaps?

  Many decorated officers stood about, but not just from the army, there were a few from the British Navy as well and Evelynn became quite excited that she should hear many tales of adventures abroad. At least she would not be bored at this occasion.

  Evelynn walked with her mother and father into the drawing room, where the guests that had already arrived were gathered and speaking with one another.

  As she looked around she could see that people were already scattered about the very large, ornate drawing room. Some sat at card tables, playing cards and laying down bets. Others were having drinks and standing about, engaged in conversation. Several tables were set up on one end of the long room and others at the other end, both set with food and drinks to nibble on before the late supper; just a few delicacies and refreshments.

  As soon as they entered, her mother and father were immediately engaged in conversation with some family friends. Evelynn looked around the room, and immediately saw her friend Edward Stevens. He smiled at her from across the room and came directly toward her.

  He bowed to her, “Miss James, you look quite remarkably well this evening,” he said in a playful manner.

  “As do you, Mr. Stevens. Did you come up with this all by yourself?” Evelynn teased him indicating his tailored tail coat and waistcoat.

  “I do have a talent for dressing myself. I am at least lucky enough to have that skill.” He teased her back. This was their occasion of banter and had been since they were very young.

  They both fell into a slight fit of laughter, while trying not to make a scene by laughing too hard.

  “Should we get some refreshment?” Edward asked her.

  “Yes, I would like that very much indeed.”

  Edward put his arm out and she took the offer and allowed him to escort her. They moved across the room to the table of refreshments where they both indulged in a glass of sherry. Being at the end of the room afforded them a good view of the party. They often did this, and had been doing it since they were young. Standing on the side of the room and making observations about everyone around them. It had turned into sort of a game for them.

  “See that officer over there with the blond hair and very polished boots?” Edward said to her quietly. Evelynn followed his gaze toward the officer and nodded her head.

  “Why, I believe that is your future husband,” he said.

  Evelynn smiled, she loved anything ridiculous. “Oh is that so? And what makes you think that, if I might ask?”

  “I have heard that he is very adventurous. He has been all over Scotland and Ireland, and has hundreds of stories to tell. Though I am not sure if they are stories of adventure or simply because he enjoys talking about himself.”

  “Oh, that sounds very interesting. That is certainly the way to my heart, complete selfishness and arrogance. How did you know?”

  Edward laughed. “It is just a hunch. I was thinking that you would end up finding your husband this spring, and therefore I will point out at least one man at every party that I believe will be your future husband, so I will guess right at some point, won't I?”

  “I see. You are playing the odds, very smart Edward. But you are starting to sound like my mother,” she said.

  “Overly aggressive?” Edward said.

  “No. Old.”

  They both laughed. Evelynn was very glad that she was able to speak with Edward at the top hour of the party, because it put her in good spirits almost immediately. She greatly enjoyed making fun of anything and everything with him at her side. It made for all the more fun. She did prefer the smaller gatherings to bigger events and especially if anyone was playing cards, because she was quite good at it. It brought out her competitive streak, and she was always happy to be able to mix playing games with socialising. Plus it gave the appearance to her mother that she was engaging with those around her in order to find a husband.

  “And what about you, sir? Any of these ladies catching your eye toni
ght? Should I introduce you?” Evelynn said.

  “I doubt I shall ever find an eligible woman that takes my interest. Could there be a woman that truly gets me, maybe one as smart as you? I dare say that it shall be very hard indeed to find such a woman that is not already taken.” Edward said.

  “Well I won't argue with that sir. I am one of a kind am I not?” Evelynn teased. She scanned the room, looking for someone that might catch the interest of her friend, for she did want to see him happy in life. But as she looked around the room, she saw that her mother was looking directly at her and her look was not a happy one. Evelynn already knew what she was thinking, that she was wasting time standing with her friend instead of mingling about.

  “Oh no, I have been spotted. We need to move about the room,” she said to Edward maintaining her smile.

  “Should we move to the other table on the other side of the room then?” Edward said, being just as silly as possible.

  “I think that sounds like a good plan, and we shall say hello to whoever crosses our path so that my mother might think I am making an effort.”

  “Very well, then that is what we shall do.”

  Edward once again put his arm out for her to take it and they walked across the party, stopping to say hello to people here and there.

  “Ah, Admiral Jefferson, delightful to see you again,” Edward said to a man that stepped toward them.

  “And you Mr. Stevens. Such a delight,” Jefferson said to him and they each gave a bow.

  “Allow me to introduce my friend, Miss Evelynn James,” Edward said.

  “Admiral, it is very good to meet you,” she said with a curtsy.

  “And you miss. What a very pretty dress,” the Admiral said with a bow.

  “Thank you sir, I have noticed that many ladies are dressed in silk this evening, tell me have you been to China?”

  The Admirals face lit up. “Indeed I have ma'am, but during the summer when I was aboard the deck of a merchant ship. Lord knows I miss the days of those adventures, such a grand and beautiful place China is. Why the ports are bustling with millions of people and they have all kinds of materials and ancient relics. I daresay the antiquities alone could take an entire afternoon to look at in the market.”

  “That sounds absolutely wonderful. You are very lucky and I wish to one day be as lucky as you to see such sights of the world. China sounds wonderfully exotic,” she said.

  “Indeed it is ma'am. Have you been abroad yourself?” He asked.

  “I have sir, but simply the tour of Europe as is tradition. Nothing exotic like India, the West Indies, or China for that matter.”

  “Or Japan, I dare say they do not allow us to enter their country, but I believe that that will change in a few years, it might take fifty years, but it will be done. They have wonders for the eyes to see. Such a mystical people with their Samurai Warriors,” the Admiral said.

  “I have read of the Samurai sir, I would love to know more. As you see I only know what I read in books, and as you said they are not good to outsiders therefore there is very limited information,” she said.

  “I daresay Mr. Stevens, this must be the most intelligent woman I have ever met in my life. You are a lucky man,” the Admiral said.

  “I agree with you sir, she is the most intelligent woman of my acquaintance. But do not let me lead you on in the wrong idea, for Miss James and I are simply very good friends. We are not engaged and it would take a very intelligent man in order to conquer her heart.”

  “Yes, I can see that. Oh, pray excuse me as I see that the General has nodded for me to join him at the card table,” the Admiral said with a bow.

  Evelynn gave him a curtsy and Edward a bow, as the Admiral walked away.

  “I dare say what an exciting life the Admiral must have. How I wish I could be a man and run away to the navy,” Evelynn said.

  “Well it is not all grand adventure. It can be quite lonely on a ship, and these men that leave their wives and children behind for years at a time, there is a downside to adventure, Miss James, make no mistake about that. It is wrong to leave a wife in such a manner and expect her to be without the love and attention of a man for years at a time.”

  “Well, you have a very strong opinion on the subject,” she said to him.

  “Yes, well it is nothing more than merely an opinion,” he said.

  Evelynn wanted to ask more but upon seeing another glaring look from her mother, the two friends once again stepped to the refreshment table. They did not make it all the way before there was an invitation aimed in the direction of Evelynn.

  “Miss James, Mr. Stevens very good to see you both.” Mr. Larson greeted them.

  “And to you too Mr. Larson, how do you do?” Edward said.

  “Very well, I was just about to sit down to a game of cards at this table, but as you can see it is just my friend and I. Would either of you care to join?”

  Evelynn looked at the table that he was referring to. She was astonished to see that the tall man with the blue eyes was standing next to the table, looking at Mr. Larson. He was waiting for him to join him at the table. This man did not have a smile on his face; in fact he looked rather unamused by anything around him, including those in attendance at this party. But Evelynn was intrigued; this was her chance to find out who this mysterious man was.

  “I would be delighted Mr. Larson. That is, if Mr. Stevens is obliged to part with my company for a while,” she said raising a brow at Edward who restrained a smile in return.

  “I believe that I can as difficult as that may be, I see my friend has just arrived and I have business to speak with him,” Edward said. He gave them both a bow and walked away.

  “Shall we?” She said. She then took Mr. Larson's arm, and allowed him to escort her across the room to the gaming table.

  “Miss James, please allow me to introduce you to my friend, Mr. Robert Christopher,” Mr. Larson said. Evelynn took note of his name as the gentleman bowed to her. She gave him a curtsy and said, “Mr. Christopher.”

  “Shall we sit?” Mr. Christopher said.

  Mr. Larson pulled out Evelynn's chair, so that she could take a seat. She sat directly across from Mr. Robert, and could already tell a little bit about his character in the few seconds of speaking with him. It was the fact that he was not speaking at all that let her know that he was not a man that prattled on and on about things.

  He seemed to be very quiet and focused. She took the opportunity to look at him now that he was closer; indeed even up close he was very handsome. His eyes seemed to be bluer than when she was across the room from him. Even sitting in the chair he seemed very tall, and very elegant in his demeanor.

  “We are playing hearts, if that is agreeable to you Miss James,” Mr. Larson said.

  “Yes, I believe that I can play with hearts,” she said. She was teasing of course, and Mr. Larson laughed enjoying the joke. But Mr. Christopher did not laugh; he simply stared at her with a most focused stare that it made her blush.

  “And how often do you play hearts?” Mr. Robert Christopher asked.

  “Not that often, sir,” she said, knowing that he was trying to gauge her level of play, and of course she lied about it.

  They began to play the first round, and Evelynn found it hard to concentrate with the gaze of Mr. Christopher penetrating through her. Indeed the room felt quiet warm, but despite this distraction, she won the first round.

  “Very good Miss James,” Mr. Larson said.

  She looked at Mr. Christopher just in time to see his lip curl up on the side into a charming side grin, making him look even more attractive, if that was possible. But he stayed silent, which made her even more uncomfortable, for Evelynn was used to witty banter, but looks of flirtatious silence tended to be filled with more heat than banter.


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