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A Cage of Moonlight (Dark Fae Academy Book 1)

Page 21

by Jenna Wolfhart

  “I am feeling a lot better,” she said, though she wasn’t quite certain if the words came out a garble of nonsense.

  “Good. Get some rest. Because there’s far more of that to come.”

  Bree didn’t know how long she slept, but it wasn’t long. She was driven awake by an intense awareness of Rafe’s presence by her side. Her eyelids fluttered open, and he smiled at her. His face rested on the pillow next to hers.

  “Hello, sleepy,” he said.

  “Have you been awake this whole time?” she asked.

  “Off and on,” he said. “I have a lot on my mind.”

  “Like what?” Frowning, she sat up and propped her chin on her fist. “Not me, I hope...?”

  “I have been thinking of you, but only in good ways.” A ghost of a smile flickered across his face. “But I have also been thinking of House Marlin, of Seath, and of all the other attacks that have happened here these past few weeks. I worry for Taveon. They cannot kill him, but it seems they will try. And they will continue to do whatever it takes to harm him.”

  “Can I ask you something?” Bree asked. “Why can’t anyone know that Prince Taveon can’t be killed?”

  Rafe grimaced and glanced away. “That is a conversation best left for another time. And only when Taveon has decided that he would like you to know. Until then...I am afraid that it is his secret and not mine.”

  Bree’s curiosity was going wild. There was something more to Taveon. Something he didn’t want anyone to know. And she was certain it was something pretty big if it meant he had a kind of immortality that most fae could only dream of.

  “But enough about that,” he said with a wicked smile before trailing a finger down the curve of her neck. “I believe we were going somewhere before my tongue knocked you out for a few hours...”

  Bree flushed, and her heartbeat ramped up speed. She certainly hadn’t forgotten that they’d left off somewhere, and even though he’d just spent time between her thighs, she was suddenly very nervous again. And shy.

  But all of her nerves disappeared the moment his lips found hers once again. Kissing him felt like nothing she’d ever experienced before, and she’d kissed a few frogs when she’d lived in New York. There was something far different in the way he moved. Soft and gentle, yet intense and full of need. He made Bree feel as if he wanted her. She wasn’t just fulfilling some kind of primal need. No one else would do. Only Bree.

  She wrapped her leg around his waist and pushed him back onto the bed. His eyes widened in surprise, and a sharp cry of pleasure shot from his throat.

  “Well, then.” His grin widened. “I quite like where this is going.”

  “You made me feel things I can’t even explain,” she whispered as she straddled him, placing her hands flat against his tightly-coiled chest. “Now, it’s my turn.”

  Heart pounding, Bree inched up and guided his length inside her. Bright spots dotted her vision as a rattling gasp exploded from her throat. He was harder than she had expected. And much bigger. And there was something strange about the way they fit together. An intense electricity hummed through her skin, starting from where their bodies had joined as one.

  Bree shifted forward, her hands splayed across his chest. She rocked against him, and he lifted his hips to meet her body with his. Her blood roared in her ears at the impact, everything inside of her going wild.

  He thrusted again and again, and she had to clutch at his chest to keep herself upright, her mind and body too overwhelmed by the sensation of his cock.

  “Rafe,” she gasped as he thrusted once again. “Oh my god, Rafe.”

  His fingers dug into her hips, and he held her tight as their bodies rocked together. That sweet, sweet ache spread through her, their bodies slick from the wetness building between her thighs.

  “Look at me,” he said roughly as he wrapped his arms around her back, pulling her down onto his chest. His eyes were shot through with fire as he stared into her soul, his entire body shuddering as their bodies crashed together. Again and again until—

  A tidal wave of pleasure roared through Bree. She grasped Rafe’s arms, holding tight as her body shuddered again and again and again. He groaned as his own pleasure built to a crescendo. Their eyes stayed locked through every second of their joined pleasure, their hearts and their minds and their bodies melting into one.

  At some point, Bree must have fallen asleep on top of him. She cracked open her eyes to find her cheek pressed against his chest. She smiled, her heart full for the first time in a very long while. And then she closed her eyes again, giving in to the sleep that tugged at her mind.

  Chapter 40


  Rafe was a little bit afraid that he might be falling in love with Bree Paine, the Redcap Light Fae who had once been human. It had not come as a particular surprise. His feelings had been growing for her these past few weeks. They had spent so much time together, and every time he learned something new about Bree, it made him care for him even more.

  And now, here she was in his bed, her face snuggled up against his chest. His heart felt so full. And happy. It was a foreign feeling. Things had been so dire in Underworld for such a very long time, it almost felt wrong to feel that lightness in his chest. But there was no denying it. He cared for Bree, so much so that his heart ached to even think of it.

  What would he do when she left? It was only a matter of time. He knew now that she cared for him the same way he cared for her, but he was also not delusional enough to think that her feelings for him would make her stay in the Dark Fae’s realm.

  Perhaps he could go with her when she returned home...

  A Dark Fae in Otherworld? It was a strange thought, but stranger things had happened. He couldn’t imagine living in a world with the blinding brightness of the sun, but he could get used to it if it meant he could spend his days by Bree’s side.

  A knock sounded on the door, and Rafe groaned inwardly. Not again. Every time he had this beautiful girl in his bed, someone insisted on interrupting.

  With a sigh, he slid out from underneath Bree. She barely even registered the movement. The poor girl was so tired. He knew she’d been running herself into the ground, trying to train up for these upcoming battles. Even if she didn’t want to fight, she was giving it all she had.

  Quickly, he strode across the floor and cracked open the door. It was Taveon, and he did not look happy.

  “I just wanted to check on Bree,” the Prince said.

  “She is fine, Taveon. You do not need to check on her every few hours. She is safe. With me.”

  Taveon craned his head around the door and spotted Bree asleep in Rafe’s bed. The covers barely reached her shoulders, highlighting her naked skin and the very blatant fact that she was wearing nothing at all. Taveon’s eyebrows shot up as he stared hard at his friend.

  “Well. I see you were not lying. She is certainly with you.”

  “Do not get angry with me, Taveon,” Rafe said in a quiet voice, hoping whatever argument they were about to have would not wake Bree. “There is nothing wrong with me caring for the girl. It will not cause problems for you and your battles.”

  “I am not angry. I am not even surprised.” Taveon’s gaze wandered to Bree again, almost sadly. “Truth be told, I think this is likely a good thing. For the both of you.”

  Rafe raised his eyebrows. “Perhaps you should tell her that. You know, I think her opinion of you might change if you showed her more of the real version of yourself instead of this weird Prince persona you like to pretend you are. It was good what you said to her during our trip, but you need to open yourself up even more.”

  “Maybe one day,” Taveon said sadly.

  Rafe frowned as he shut the door and joined Bree back on the bed. He had never seen his friend so dour before. This King situation was really wearing him down, and Rafe had a feeling it would only get worse once he had been crowned. If he thought Taveon would listen, Rafe might suggest that he forget this entire thing and move on t
o a different kind of life. Taveon could make a difference in the realm some other way. He did not need to rule it in order to change how things were done.

  But he knew Taveon would never listen. He would keep moving forward until he couldn’t move forward anymore.

  Chapter 41


  The funeral of the King approached, and the Royals began to gather within the walls of the castle. They would continue to arrive even after the funeral until the Battle for the Crown. At the moment, it seemed the Court generally supported the traditional transfer of power. Prince Taveon would follow in his father’s footsteps as his only heir, and he would rule the realm for as long as he lived, which could very well end up being forever.

  No one else had stepped up, and no one had brought forth any information that could refute his eligibility.

  Bree had actually been invited to the funeral, which had surprised her. Prince Taveon had given her a position of reasonable prominence in the Great Hall, seated beside Rafe just behind the row of council members. She watched the procession, and the readings of King Midas’s great rule, but the more she heard about the deceased King, the more she realized just how terror-filled the entire realm had once been.

  When all of the proceedings had come to a close, Prince Taveon stepped up onto the platform with Lord Dagen and Lady Ethne by his side. The room fell into a strange hush, and it felt as though every single fae in the room was holding their breath. They knew what was coming, and excitement crackled through the air.

  Bree couldn’t help but frown. They were way too happy about the impending violence. It was almost as though it was a game to them. Hell, maybe it was.

  “As you all know, now that the King has had his proper send-off to the gods above, the time has come for the next ruler to step forward. And, as expected, I will be making my claim to the crown through my champion that I have brought here before you. Bree Paine, a Light Fae shapeshifter.”

  A murmur went through the crowd, and Bree swallowed nervously. This was the first time Taveon had announced the truth about who she was and why she was here, at least publicly. Many of the fae who had attended the funeral had no idea that she was the Prince’s champion. Until now.

  The murmur began to grow louder as every head in the room turned Bree’s way. Rafe’s hand found her knee, and he gave it a quick squeeze of support.

  Was she supposed to do something? Everyone was looking at her now. Like they expected something. Grimacing, she lifted her hand and gave a little wave. Laughter echoed all around her, and the murmurs rose into frenzied whispers. Okay, so maybe that wasn’t what she was supposed to do.

  Rafe leaned closer, his lips brushing against her ear. “Ignore them. They haven’t had any excitement in a long time, and you are the closest thing to it.”

  If by excitement, he meant entertainment...

  “That is enough,” Taveon said, frowning as he clapped his hands. “I can assure you that Bree’s skills far outmatch any shapeshifter of this realm. However, if any fae would like to challenge me for the throne, this challenger is required to present a champion within three days’ time. And, as all of you know, it cannot be merely anyone. You must have a valid claim to the throne. A bastard or another member of the royal family.”

  Taveon grimaced at that last point, glancing at Ethne when he spoke the words. He obviously didn’t like the idea of a bastard battling it out with him, and Bree could understand why. Taveon was the only true-born son of King Midas. She knew it was different here in Underworld, but he still probably felt as though he’d spent his entire life preparing to sit on that throne.

  She almost laughed at herself when she realized what she was thinking. After everything that had happened, she was actually siding with Prince Taveon in this ridiculous throne-claiming situation. Oh, how things had changed.

  Bree was heading back to Rafe’s quarters with two guards trailing behind her when she heard the familiar throat clear of a particular Lord who she’d been ignoring the past few days. She had kind of hoped she could get through the funeral without seeing him, but here he was.

  “It has been a little while since we have had the chance to speak,” Lord Dagen said, leaning against the wall in front of her. “Prince Taveon has kept you close.”

  She crossed her arms over her chest, hoping he wouldn’t bring up the whole spying thing again. The two guards behind her could hear everything they said. “Well, there’s an assassin on the loose, so.”

  Dagen raised an eyebrow. “An assassin. Where did you hear that?”

  Shit. She probably shouldn’t have said that. Taveon and Rafe were convinced that a skilled assassin was behind the attacks on Seath and House Marlin, but they must have kept their suspicions to themselves. And now she’d accidentally spilled it all to Lord Dagen when she’d been trying to do nothing of the sort.

  So, she tried to act nonchalant about the whole thing. “Don’t you think that’s what’s going on? Seems that way to me, especially since that Fillan guy showed up at the ball.”

  Fillan was their number one suspect. But since she’d already told Dagen about running into that fae at the ball, it didn’t seem like that much of a secret. Maybe if she gave him something, he’d go away.

  “I can see how you might come to that conclusion.” Dagen stroked the light stubble on his chin, a move that was far more sensual than Bree would have expected. It caught her off guard a bit, and she couldn’t help but remember just how good he’d looked in his outfit at the ball. But then she shook her head, rolling her eyes at herself. What a ridiculous thing to be thinking about right now.

  “You sound as though you don’t share the same conclusion,” she said as she tried to steer her mind back to the conversation at hand.

  “They are odd marks for an assassin like Fillan. He tends to take jobs that focus on less prominent fae. Targeting council members is a step further than what I would have expected from him. It draws far too much attention, and he likes to keep to the shadows.”

  Bree shrugged. “Maybe someone is paying him a lot.”

  “Perhaps,” Dagen said, though he didn’t look particularly convinced. “I saw you joined the funeral. I have to admit, I was surprised. Your animosity toward the Prince seems to have lessened as of late.”

  “Yeah,” Bree said. “I guess you could say that.”

  But it wasn’t just because of Prince Taveon. It was partially because of Rafe. It was truly difficult to hate someone when an overwhelming sense of happiness had settled over your mind. And Rafe loved Taveon like a brother. How could she hate someone who her paramour loved?

  “Do you no longer care that he lied to you?”

  “I care.” Bree let out a heavy sigh. “But I have also forgiven him. I guess he had good reasons for what he did, even if he really should have gone about it a different way. Plus, I really do think he intends to rule this realm as a kind and steady King. I know you don’t support him, but I don’t think he’ll be as bad as you think.”

  “I see.” A pause. “And you don’t doubt the truth of his words? He lied to you once. What makes you think he would not lie to you again?”

  Bree shrugged. “Because he has no reason to. I’m already here, and it’s not like I could leave if I wanted to. The guards are everywhere, and he could easily throw me back into a cell if he thought I was a threat. He might as well be honest.”

  “And yet you can still have your true freedom, Bree, if you want it. I know you turned it down before, but the offer does still stand.”

  Bree stiffened and glanced at the guards behind her. Why did Dagen keep going on about this? Why didn’t he give up? Did he really hate the idea of Taveon’s reign that much?

  “I’m sorry, Dagen. I don’t know what to tell you.” She took a deep breath and pushed past him. “Please don’t come to see me again.”

  Chapter 42


  Bree paced back and forth, her mind whirling, her stomach clenched tight. It had been several hours since the funer
al, and Taveon and Rafe had not shown up, even though they said they would take her to training later in the day. Her conversation with Lord Dagen had put her on edge, and her mind kept conjuring up memories of the moment when Rafe had been shot again and again by arrows. Arrows meant for Bree.

  What if the assassin was here? What if he tried to go after Rafe again? The Prince could withstand any attack that came at him, but Rafe couldn’t.

  Another hour passed, and there was a light knock on her door.

  “Ethne,” Bree said when she opened the door, disappointment flooding through her tired body. She’d really hoped Rafe had come back, or even Taveon.

  “Prince Taveon asked me to pass this note to you,” she said with a curious tone to her voice. “Destroy it after you read it.”

  Bree ushered Ethne inside, closed the door, and tore open the note. The words that met her eyes made her entire body sag in relief.

  Rafe and I got caught up at a council meeting. Training postponed until tomorrow. - T

  Bree stared down at the note and started laughing, the delirium finally taking over. This realm was driving her mad. The slightest thing happened, and she thought people were getting killed. Now that she knew everyone was safe, all of her adrenaline whooshed out of her like water over a dam. She stumbled back and plopped down on the bed, still laughing. Prince Taveon had signed his note as T. It was one of the most ridiculous things she’d ever seen, and she didn’t even know why. The whole thing just felt so surreal coming from him. The big, bad Prince Taveon in his stuffy tunics and constant scowls. T.

  Ethne was looking at her strangely, and Bree realized just how delusional she probably came across in that moment, laughing hysterically at a one-line note.


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