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Riley's Journey

Page 13

by Parker, P. L. ;Edwards, Sandra

  Studying her face, he looked for rejection, but all he saw was his own desire reflected in her gaze. “I want you, but I want you to feel the same,” he stated bluntly. “And not because you’re the only female within miles—but because there’s something between you and me.”

  Riley’s eyes dropped. “I know what you mean. How do we know if what we’re feeling is special or only because there’s no other choice? I want you, too, but what happens afterwards?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, will we continue as always or will this be the next step?” She looked away, fully aware of the ramifications of her question.

  “Of course it’s the next step, but if you aren’t ready, or it isn’t what you want, we have plenty of time to work things out.” He stepped back and made to move away, disappointment dripping from his every move, leaving Riley bereft of his comfort.

  “You asked me awhile ago if you were my woman. I didn’t answer before because I didn’t really know you, but now that I do, my answer is yes, you are my woman if you’ll have me.” He said it like a marriage proposal and in another life, Riley suspected that’s exactly what it would have been.

  “To have and to hold from this day forward?” She questioned hopefully.

  Taking a deep breath, Nathan struggled for the right words. “I know this whole thing has really been damnably unfair to you, and I’ve said many times how sorry I am. But in all honesty, I am having a hard time being sorry right now. Right or wrong, having you here has made all the difference to me. I can’t take you back, but I can do my best to make you happy here.”

  Riley’s heart constricted pleasurably at his confession. Everything about this man drew her like a magnet. “Let’s take it one step at a time. We both know we’re stuck with each other, and don’t get me wrong—from my point of view, it’s a good thing. Whatever your aunt did, she did it because she loved you. I just happened to be the lucky one she picked.”

  Nathan’s eyes twinkled. “You aren’t sorry?”

  “Not today! Ask me again in twenty years.” She moved forward until they touched, rubbing against him. “Now where were we?”

  Laughing, he picked her up, whirling around. “We were just about to the spot where I was going to seduce you!”

  “Are we there yet?”

  Nathan stopped spinning, his eyes warm and inviting. “We’re about as close as we going to get without actually doing the dirty deed.”

  Riley squirmed, forcing him to put her down and retreating a few steps. Reaching for the hem of her loose leather tunic, she pulled it slowly up and tossed it away, all the while watching Nathan closely. His face hardened perceptibly, eyes narrowing and burning hotly. Trembling slightly and with clumsy fingers, she untied the leather strap holding up her leggings and pushed them from her hips, dropping them to the floor, and stepping daintily back until her legs met Nathan’s cot. Crazily, for a moment, she heartily wished she had spent more time watching adult-rated movies for some inspiration, but gauging from Nathan’s reaction, she was doing pretty well. The small towel hanging from his hips barely covered his bulging manhood. More confident now, she slid out of her panties and lay back on the soft animal furs covering the bed, her eyes never leaving his face.

  Sensuously, she ran her hands down her body, over the peaked mounds and continuing down, watching his face, trying to gauge his response. Dropping the towel, he tested her reaction as well. Riley’s eyes widened in surprise—the sheer size of his burgeoning package was much more than she had ever anticipated. He grinned seductively—his perfect lips curved and inviting. “Do you like what you see? Because I can tell you, without equivocation, that the view from here is the best I’ve ever had.”

  Unable to think clearly, sexual excitement welled in a hot rush, culminating in a growing ache at the apex of her thighs. Moisture pooled and liquid fire raced through her veins. Need, greater than any she had ever known, welled up. She needed him at the very core of her being—craved him with every lust-filled atom. Conscious thought flew in the face of Nathan’s nearness and the emotions he evoked.

  Kneeling on the cot, his eyes glistening mysteriously, he tenderly stroked her legs, gently nudging her knees apart, his long fingers caressing and teasing as they roved upward, cupping her overly sensitive breasts, and massaging lightly. His head dipped, branding the inside of her thigh as his tongue tasted her essence. Riley arched, savoring his touch, moaning with pleasure. His lips continued their upward onslaught, tongue swirling and licking, until every fiber burned with desire. His mouth devoured her lush lips while at the same time, he pressed down, molding his entire length against her, arms braced on either side, possessively trapping her in the circle of his arms. Trailing nips and small bites down her neck, alternating between subtle pain and pleasure, he captured an engorged nipple, his tongue laving it to a heated peak.

  Laying full length between her spread legs, Nathan’s hips rocked against her, stimulating a violent response. His mouth was everywhere, while his fingers stroked her most sensitive spots. Nathan’s face swam in her vision—his eyes burning with hot intensity. She felt as though she was drowning in their fiery depths, spiraling down into his molten caramel eyes. She gasped as his engorged member found entry, stroking secret places as he moved, filling her completely and deliciously. Reaching down, he wrapped her long legs around his waist, gaining freer access to her silken sheath. Tremors pulsed along his shaft as he pounded in, groaning as her muscles clenched in response.

  Nathan ground into her, over and over again, holding back, waiting for her cry of release, his own pent up emotions and need rampaging uncontrollably. He needed every part of her, wanted her beyond anything ever before. Images flashed through his mind—her skin was the texture of expensive velvet, but firm and smooth, hair the consistency of fine silk. Flipping her over, he entered from behind, forcing her head down and reaching around to rub at her core, laving her nape and back with hot kisses. Over and over again, he kept up the motion, feeling her stiffen, almost to the edge.

  Rolling over in one smooth motion, he thrust in again, her muscles convulsing around his engorged member, pulsing with pleasure, as he pushed her further over the edge.

  Panting and moaning deliriously, Riley’s head thrashed, desire trembling on the verge of white hot release. Her hands clutched at his taut backside as she bucked wildly against him, urging him on with a passion that, until now, had lain dormant and untapped. She wanted—she didn’t know what she wanted. She only knew that if he stopped, she would die! Running her hands down his back, she grabbed his tight butt, urging him on, gasping as he drove into her.

  He tongued the lining of her soft outer ear, delighting as she arched against him, her body tight and throbbing. Small spasms trembled along her sheath, drawing her higher and higher until she exploded, wailing uncontrollably, her cry of abandon echoing in the small room. Nathan plunged deeper, long, hard strokes, pounding over and over until he jerked, stiffening abruptly, his face contorting, moaning as a rush of warm liquid spread down as he came with blinding force. Pulsing waves of ecstasy fused them as one. Gasping, their breath intermingled, they gripped each other while the tremors slowed and then—ceased. Totally replete, Nathan collapsed, spent and drained.

  Riley’s breathing settled down and her mind slowly cleared. Nathan’s relaxed weight imprisoned her in a comfortable cocoon. Next time, she decided, she would end up on top. Contented, reveling in his nearness, Riley was reluctant to let him go. Nathan made no move to pull away, only gathering her closer and pressing a soft kiss on her lips. Lethargic, she rested, wanting nothing more than to enjoy this time. Five years alone hadn’t caused his abilities to rust, she silently granted. No “slam, bam, thank you, ma’am” in this room! Her inner thighs were numb and her crotch ached from the exercise. Leisurely, his thumb circled her nipple, as it peaked in response.

  Below, his swiftly bulging penis pressed against her again. So soon! “Good grief,” she squeaked, “don’t tell me you’re ready

  “I’ve been alone for a long time and as the saying goes,” he paused, “it wasn’t money I was saving up.” Rolling on top of her, eyebrows wagging, he quipped, “How about another deposit?”

  Riley laughed, her eyes darkening in response. “Well, it’s not five o’clock yet, so the banks are still open.”


  Jonas scrutinized the SUV as it careened through the main gates, a surreptitious smile molded his lips. Bethany had taken the bait and arrived earlier than he had anticipated. The SUV came to a screeching halt in front of the main building, brakes squealing as Bethany stomped down hard. Throwing open the door, Bethany leapt from the vehicle and strode up the steps to the main entrance. From the set of her shoulders and stiff march up the stairs, it wasn’t hard to guess what her current mind-set was. His grin blossomed to a full scale smile. Unless he was mistaken, Miles was in for the tongue-lashing of his life and Jonas wasn’t going to miss out on one second. Hurrying to catch up, Jonas mentally envisioned the encounter. He, of course, would be the concerned onlooker, and ultimately support Bethany in whatever decisions he helped her make—decisions which placed particular emphasis on Nathan and the young woman, and wherever they were.

  Doors slammed ahead of him and he could hear Bethany’s voice fervently cursing and damning the whole establishment. He almost laughed out loud, but thought better of it. Bethany was one smart bird and it wouldn’t do for her to witness his amusement, especially given her obvious hostility at having to return.

  Bethany rounded the corner and strode into the main lab. Miles was bent over the computer, rapidly inputting codes and it wasn’t until she was standing next to him that he even became aware of her presence. Startled, his myopic eyes widened in alarm and he could only stammer in confusion.

  “Wha—” he gulped, his face blanching, “what are you doing here?”

  Disgust and dislike fought for control of her face as she responded. “The real question is—what are you still doing here?”

  Nervously, Miles loosened his tie, his Adam’s apple bobbing as the pressure of the collar relaxed. “I’m just finishing up some calculations before I shut the whole thing down.”

  “There was nothing left to calculate, you idiot! Everything that needed to be done was already done! All you needed to do was shut the system down.” Peering over his shoulder, she got her first good look at the computer screen. Her mouth dropped open as awareness dawned. “You’re calculating the ripple effect! Why? Why in God’s name would you do such a thing? Are you trying to ruin us?” She shrieked. “Do you ever want to work again?”

  Miles sputtered helplessly, rendered speechless by Bethany’s hostile verbal attack. His face flushing beet red, Miles’ eyes flickered briefly to Jonas.

  Taking his cue, Jonas stepped forward. “It was my decision. I forced him to do it.”

  Swinging around, Bethany pounced. “Why? Why would you do such a thing? What would you have to gain?”

  Picking his words carefully, Jonas responded. “It took me awhile, but I finally figured out what was going on around here—and when I figured it out, I made a decision. I plan to go back and join Nathan. Not only me, but fifteen others as well—men and women, hand-picked by me for their background and areas of expertise.”

  “You can’t do that! It isn’t possible! The system wasn’t designed to handle that large of a group and the dangers are too great. Forget it! Folding time doesn’t work that way. Surely Miles told you that!”

  Miles interjected, refusing to look at Jonas. “I told him it wasn’t possible, but he threatened to kill me if I didn’t go along with his ridiculous plan.”

  “I may still kill you anyway just for the fun of it,” Jonas threatened, stepping forward.

  Miles gasped, his fat cheeks bouncing in panic as he waved his arms protectively. “I did everything you told me to do!”

  Motioning for silence, Bethany continued. “There’s no way I’ll allow this to happen. We’ve only sent one person through at a time, and then only Nathan and Riley. It wouldn’t be safe. It can’t be done.”

  Mildly, but with determination, Jonas countered. “It can be done! You just have to figure out how.”

  “Why? Why would you want to go?” Bethany’s face was a mixture of bewilderment and anxiety.

  “Why? I’ll tell you why. I need this! I was born a couple of hundred years too late. The person I am inside is a warrior—that’s what I was meant to be and that’s why I joined Black Ops. With them, I could utilize my natural talents.” He paused, gathering his thoughts. “Aside from all that, Nathan is the best friend I ever had and if he’s back there, that’s where I’m going.”

  “What about the others—why are they here?”

  Sneering, Miles answered for him. “They think they are going to form a tribe—how stupid is that?”

  Drawing his knife, Jonas advanced on Miles, only to be stopped again by Bethany. “Shut up, Miles, or do you want to be silenced forever? Keep in mind—it wouldn’t hurt my feelings in the least.”

  “Yeah! I know! You’d like me to disappear forever, wouldn’t you?”

  Glaring at Miles, her eyes narrowed in repulsion, Bethany ground out. “As a matter of fact, I would, along with all your other disgusting friends. If I could have figured out how, I would have done it myself months ago. I just don’t have Jonas’ professional capabilities.”

  Jonas grinned wolfishly. Cringing, Miles’ eyes dropped, a hangdog look settling on his features. “I only did what he forced me to do.”

  Flicking his hand at Miles, Jones casually dismissed the man. “He said he could do it, that he almost had everything ready. We’ve been waiting for weeks, but he kept hedging on a specific time. Once I figured out that he didn’t have the requisite knowledge or the intelligence to handle the matter, I finally decided it was time to bring you back.”

  Miles’ eyes bulged from their sockets. “How dare you! My intelligence is so far above your level, you can’t even contemplate the difference!”

  “I know you’re an idiot parading around as a genius,” Jonas smirked. “Not only an idiot, but a coward as well.”

  Miles’ countenance subtly changed, his eyes calculating and cold. “Soon, you just might have the opportunity to see how much of a genius I really am.”

  “Well, that just isn’t going to happen,” Bethany interjected, returning them to the problem at hand. “The system is going to be shut down and that’s the end of it.”

  Refusing to be dissuaded, Jonas pressed on. “We’re going no matter what and you might as well accept it. And unless you have a way to stop us, I suggest you cooperate and make sure Miles’ calculations are correct—or you don’t, and take the chance that something bad will happen to all of us if you leave it to Miles.”

  “And if I refuse—what then?”

  Jonas’ eyes hardened. “Then Miles does the work and it’s on your head if he fails.”

  Solemnly, Bethany studied him, noting the grim resolve stamped on his face. He stood there proud and unafraid, his black eyes steady and unwavering. Nothing in Jonas’ demeanor suggested even the slightest degree of uneasiness about the dangers of the proposed venture. He had already made his decision, and she knew from past experience that he wouldn’t back down. It was out of her hands as he said, and if they were to succeed, a great deal depended on her. A part of her relished the challenge. If they made it, and she wasn’t betting on anything, Nathan and Riley’s chances of survival increased dramatically. There was that! Nathan and Jonas had always made a good team and sending Jonas and his group back would help alleviate some of the guilt she carried. Sighing, fully aware the whole thing was chancy at best, she nodded her acceptance.

  “You really think you can send that many through?” Miles reminded Bethany of a bug with his eyes bulging out and his mouth hanging open.

  “I’ll have to recalculate a few parameters. Move your fat butt out of the way and let me get to work. Do you know when the next best time

  Miles relinquished his chair willingly. “My best calculation points to next Tuesday as being the most opportune time.”

  Bethany nodded, her eyes skimming quickly through the computer file. From a cursory review, Miles’ calculations appeared accurate, but she hadn’t gained the reputation of being anal by carelessness. She had to work through each one personally. “Get out of here and leave me alone. If we’re going to do this, I’ve got tons of work to do.”

  Jonas relaxed, their fate now rested in Dr. Collins’ most capable hands. Miles was rock bottom on his list of people to trust and he hadn’t felt totally confident in Miles’ work ethics either. Bethany, on the other hand, was totally trustworthy. Leaving the lab, he headed over to the gym to update the team on the good news. Nate, he thought, I’m coming!


  Riley snuggled next to Nathan, content to lie there and listen to his strong heartbeat. Stifling the urge to wake him, she gazed long at his face relaxed in sleep. Gone were the lines that were so evident on his weathered skin. Handsome, he would turn any woman’s head, but without the pretty boy features that were so popular in modern day. Personally, pretty boys had never appealed to her and, besides, she didn’t think any of those boys would have survived here as Nathan had.

  Snuggling closer for warmth, she grimaced slightly as unused thigh muscles throbbed in rebellion, memories of the previous night flooding her consciousness. Nathan proved to be a surprisingly skillful and imaginative lover—or should she call him her lover now? It sounded so positive, and who was there to challenge her claim? She was fairly certain he wouldn’t. Shyness set in. What would his attitude be this morning? Would he treat her differently and, if so, would it be good, bad or otherwise? She agonized over the possibilities as scenario after scenario flashed through her mind until, in one embarrassingly negative imagining—


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