Surviving Eden (Surviving Series Book 1)

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Surviving Eden (Surviving Series Book 1) Page 14

by Virginia Wine

  I tower over her, allowing my erection to cushion against her wet heat. I explore the texture of our two bodies, and not the frenzied race to fulfillment on my part. Right now I’m totally focused on her.

  Her full lips soften under mine as I press my body against hers. With a charge of excitement I surge into hers, stilling to savor her tight space. My heart beating inside her.

  A passionate tide overtakes me as I pick up my rhythm. I withdraw and slide home again, rocking my body in a rapid pace as we join our heated flesh. My driving hips turn to a reckless savage lust unlike anything I’ve ever experienced.

  Our ragged breathing increasing, my eyes zoom in on her to catch her reaction when she flies over the edge.

  “Theo… Oh my God.”

  My name on her lips coupled with my cock buried in her pussy makes me ready to detonate as lightning races up my spine.

  “Oh God, Eden. Fucking hell.”

  I come magnificently.


  We lie motionless, side by side, gasping for air. Weak and satisfied, I attempt to pinpoint the exact moment she snuck into my heart

  “My life is so full with you in it,” I declare. I have never experienced anything even remotely close to this. No matter how perfect this feels, I have to ask myself if I am brave enough to give myself unconditionally.

  Her cheek resting against my chest. “And it’s only just begun. I’ve often wondered what our future would look like.”

  She whispers as if speaking to herself, then mumbles, “I’m sorry.”

  She quickly looks up, her cheeks flushed by her own words.

  “What are you sorry for?”

  “Moving too fast? Assuming too much, that being with me is so complicated.”

  “Please don’t assume where my head is at. I’m right here, with you.”

  I already know what I want.

  “I have no experience in relationships, I rely on what I’ve learned through my profession, but it doesn’t make me an expert.”

  I smile down at her, and we move so our bodies are facing each other. My head is propped up on my hand.

  “You’re a psychiatrist.”

  A laugh escapes me. “But I still don’t know how to do this.” I say as my finger sweeps back and forth between us. She’s been chipping away at my cold, hard heart, and I’m letting her.

  “The age thing has never come up.” She states so matter-of-factly that my eyes widen in surprise. She’s right; it hasn’t.

  “Heaven forbid, are we going there?” Honestly, I’ve done the math, that’s not the problem. In the scheme of things, sleeping with my patient is much higher on my list of concerns. “It’s not an issue unless we make it one, Eden.”

  “It’s not an issue for me, either.”

  She pulls me in for a long, sweet kiss, her way of reassuring me.

  I believe we are meant for each other. Sure, it’s messy and complicated, but I we’ll address all these concerns one by one.

  Because yes, I see a future, too.


  I arrive at my office a few minutes early. Miss Knight nods, acknowledging me silently since she’s on the phone.

  “You’re not fat, you’re just easier to see,” she says to the person on the other end of the line. “Well, he certainly is a charmer.”

  The fact that I’m just feet away doesn’t seem to alter her filter.

  “Hasn’t he ever heard that he shouldn’t piss off someone who bleeds for a week but doesn’t die?”

  She laughs at her friend’s reply, which I can’t hear. Thank God for small favors.

  I watch as she covers the phone with her palm to inform me that Vince Barnet is here, and that he insisted on waiting in my office. Her apologies go unnoticed as panic slices right through me, I experience an inner struggle. It takes hold of any coherent words I might attempt to voice.

  Fucking perfect.

  I stand straight and smooth my tie for the third time.

  “You okay?” she questions.

  My palms grow clammy as I reach for the door, again ignoring Miss Knight’s attempt to ease whatever it is I’m going through.

  I enter my office, a serious expression on my face. My displeasure is obvious.

  “I hope you don’t mind me showing up like this,” Vince says. “I couldn’t run the risk of Eden seeing me here, now could I, doctor?”

  He says all this in lieu of a greeting.

  “And how is our little patient?”

  My eyes fly up to meet his. I’m not entirely sure which inappropriate act to address first.

  “Mr. Barnett, someone as refined as you should understand the doctor-patient confidentiality agreement.”

  One of his brows wing up, as if I have just challenged him.

  I reluctantly take a seat. It doesn’t go unnoticed that he’s dressed to protection. We move in different social circles, and from what I can tell so far, he isn’t used to hearing the word no—in any form.

  He confidently walks over to my desk.

  “Dr. Grant. I sent my niece to you for a reason, and I’m only attempting to learn if you’ve done your job. I’m not asking for a word for word account of your treatment.”

  His voice is low and menacing. Filled with mistrust and suspicion.

  He continues in a fake casual tone. “I’m just…checking in.”

  His nonchalant change of behavior and pretentious words tell me all I need to know about the man. I don’t trust him, that’s for damn sure.

  “Look,” I begin. “Have you attempted to talk to Eden about her progress?”

  The thought makes me wince for several reasons.

  “She told you about our conversation concerning the will?” he asks instead.

  She didn’t.

  My expression must give the answer away because an evil smile suddenly crosses his face.

  “So, out of the loop on that one, are we, doctor?”

  I watch as he sinks into the chair directly across from me.

  “Yes, my loving brother gave her everything, even after all that I did for him. I protected him and all his secrets for all these years, and this is what I get as thanks? Mathew was a misguided fool.”

  The words pour out of his mouth like poison. Several questions are forming in my mind. I don’t like all the insinuations, the mysterious secrets I feel he’s hiding.

  “If you’ve got it in you, perhaps acting like the supportive uncle would be the proper course.”

  I try to drift back to the subject at hand, but the wave of tension in the room makes my spine stiffen. I’d be foolish to underestimate this man. He has power in all the right places and is certainly accustomed to getting his way.

  His eyes are dark, and I know the next move is mine. I have to increase therapeutic alliance or level the playing field.

  “Vince,” I begin, calmly. “We both want the same thing here. Positive results that are in Eden’s best interest. The financial aspect has not been discussed, but it will be, and as far as the secrets go, it’s difficult to keep skeletons in the closet. It’s my job to pull them out into the light, but it’s a method that takes time.”

  He stands, nodding as if he silently understands that he may not want the secrets exposed, but his quick change in behavior is cause for worry.

  “Then so be it.”

  But I know that we are not finished with Uncle Vince, not by a long shot.

  After he quietly leaves, I lean back in my chair, closing my eyes, picturing her and what awaits me at home. I recall those last few moments from last night, when I took her hand in mine to place a key in it.

  “Meet me at my house tomorrow,” I said to her. “I’ll be home by five.”

  She just gave me a look, her beautiful violet eyes full of kindness, and so much more.

  Suddenly my intercom rudely takes me out of my thoughts and back to reality

  “Doctor, I have Steel Archer on line two for you.”

  Something chills me, as if my entire world is about to c
hange. Is this it? The call no one is ever prepared for? I don’t know how to calibrate my feelings in preparation for what’s about to come.

  “Thank you, Miss Knight,” I say cautiously. Then I pick up the phone. “Steel, I wasn’t expecting to hear from you so soon.”

  “Just an update, Dr. Grant.”

  “Call me Theo, please. So, tell me Steel.” My breath catches and my pulse quickens. “Good news?”

  I’m attempting to sound calm when in reality I’m feeling anything but.

  “Let’s start with Eden. So far we’ve turned up nothing concrete. There are several small leads at the club, but a missing person of twenty years will take time. I have two of my best men running those leads.”

  “That’s hopeful.” If I’m honest with myself, I’m not confident the outcome will help Eden find the answers and the peace she so desperately needs.

  “Now to the update on your sister, Madison. We traced her to New York, since she was adopted only weeks after the accident. I haven’t made any attempts to reach out to her out of respect to her parents. I also wanted to discuss if you’d be interested in a potential meeting in the future?”

  His directness is refreshing. I like how he sticks to the facts. There’s no time to muddle with the emotional side of things now.

  “So, the fact that I didn’t know of her existence leads me to believe that she probably doesn’t know about mine.”

  “We need to be prepared for all scenarios, sir.”

  I scrub my hand down my face.

  “And possibly a trip to New York,” he adds.

  But before I can object to anything, Steel is back in full operational mode.

  “You’ll hear from me soon, sir.”

  And without so much as a goodbye, he’s gone.


  I’ve been a mess all fucking day. The visit from Vince, putting on an act with him, and the risk of being caught in a relationship with his niece has all taken a toll on me. The whole thing is just a disaster waiting to happen. The updates concerning Steel’s investigation have my stomach rolling.

  I arrive home unexpectedly relieved to see Eden’s car parked in the underground garage. Once in the elevator, I press the penthouse button and loosen my tie at the base of my neck. Then I unbutton the top button as if it’s a noose.

  All of my stress evaporates as the doors open and I see her with her back to me, looking out the window, admiring the view. Then she turns, rendering me speechless. Her short jean skirt that I have admired from afar is tight and slightly raised, moving in my direction. Her white sleeveless shirt hugs her in all the right places.

  “Welcome home,” she greets me with a devastating kiss, threading her fingers through my hair.

  I can’t help but reach for her hips. All I want to do is roll against her. My cock answers in the only way it knows how. She isn’t making it easy for me, but there is plenty of time for that. Looking around, I notice all the papers scattered haphazardly over the island.

  “You’ve been busy.”

  “I graduate in less than a week.”

  I hesitate as the heat of guilt washes over me. How could I have let that slip my mind?

  As if reading my thoughts, her arms snake around me from behind. Her cheek rests on my back, where my muscles were strained and tense. I silently chastise myself in her arms.

  “Don’t be silly. We’ve had so much going on in the forefront lately.”

  Then she circles around, forcing our eyes to meet. “Don’t worry. I’ve got this.”

  I love the confident, uninhibited side of her. That easygoing acceptance only makes her more alluring.

  “That you do,” I say. “You’re capable of anything. I’m just sorry I haven’t been present for you in that way.”

  “If I didn’t know better, I’d say you’re sounding more like a boyfriend than a therapist,” she teases.

  I couldn’t stop the silly grin from spreading across my face, even if I wanted to. The fine line between us will be constantly crossed, I realize. I no longer know exactly where the lover ends and the therapist begins.

  “Well, if that’s the case, why don’t we try dinner? I know a great authentic Mexican place within walking distance.”

  “You’ve got yourself a date, mister.”

  “We’ve got a lot to catch up on.”

  “Okay,” she whispers. She reaches for her purse and slides it over her head.

  I extend a hand and she takes it. Then she quietly follows in my footsteps until we make our way to the street.

  We are seated in a booth in the far corner. Chips, salsa, and water are placed before us. Taken in by her beauty I admire the woman across from me. Her full lips, straight nose, and rare violet eyes are bewitching. Just moments ago, those eyes were bright and twinkling, but I can tell she senses there is more serious conversation to come.

  “Steel has a lead, but it’s only a lead, Eden.”

  Her eyebrows draw together in concern.

  “He located few people in the club who they are investigating. Remember, it’s an extremely secretive community, as you well know. I don’t want you to get your hopes up, angel. Information will come in slowly.”

  I reach over the table and slowly rub the top of her hand.

  “There’s more to it than that.”

  She frantically searches my face for more information. There’s a silent plea in her eyes, begging me for more than I have to give.

  “Not about you, I promise.”

  Her eyes deflate, but then she quickly looks back at me.

  “About your sister, Madison?”

  “How do you feel about going to New York after graduation?” I ask.

  I know our paths are aligned once again. We’re both on a search for family now. It’s ironic, but I have to take into consideration that hers has been the search of a lifetime. Mine has only been for a few days.

  “What’s in New York?”


  She stares blankly back at me. I know she understands my internal struggle when faced with the reality of what’s to come. It’s also a glaring reminder that Eden’s search may not have the same results.

  “How is this possible?” Her eyes explore mine. “Steel?”

  My nod confirms precisely what she has expected, but I can’t bring myself to feel joy when her loss is still so great. I have to make this trip enjoyable and memorable for her. It can’t be entirely focused on me.

  “We’ll celebrate your graduation in the big apple. How does that sound?”

  “Magical. It sounds wonderful, Theo, but our priority has to be the reunion between you and your sister. It will be one of the most important moments in your life.”

  Her words leave me feeling exposed. I can’t argue with her reasoning, though. If it all works out, it will be an answered prayer to my grief. And in different ways, it will rattle me to my very core.

  I scan the room for any sign of our waiter. I see him at the bar and hold one finger up. In seconds, he’s leaning over our table, pen in hand, taking our order.

  Eden and I share a sizzling fajita dinner, and most of the meal’s conversation is light and easy. We never linger over the tedious subjects that couples talk about when they first date. We speak about deep rooted feelings, experiences.

  As we walked back to my building, I can’t help noticing that she fits perfectly against my side. Once out of the elevator, she pushes the penthouse button, takes two steps into the entry. And pulls her white sleeveless shirt over her head, letting it fall to the ground. She turns to face me in a white lacy bra and that fucking jean skirt that has been center stage in so many of my secret fantasies.

  It’s all I need to fly apart. I cage her against the wall and mold her against my body. In my current mood, I know exactly what I need. Control.

  We share a heated kiss, and a sexy moan escapes her lips.

  “You’re going to come for me,” I whisper. Then I lower my mouth back down to hers. Her lips part beneath my own. I plac
e my left hand against the wall and trace my right down her body, lifting her skirt to find her bare pussy. It shatters my self-control to shreds.

  I drop to my knees, worshipping at her feet. Her bare flesh is exposed to me for my pleasure, I tease and torment, totally focusing on her needs.

  “You taste so good,” I say in a hoarse voice.

  I watch her throw her head back and rest it against the wall. Her legs part on their own accord, allowing me access to her body.

  I insert one finger and hear a small cry above me.

  “Yes please,” she mutters softly.

  My lips suck in her hard kernel, driving my finger deeper and faster with each thrust. An intense primitive tug signals she’s on the brink, gaining pleasure with each and every stroke. The fierce possession I feel is like nothing I’ve ever experienced.

  “Come. Let me own this part of you.”

  She quivers beneath my touch, convulsing her orgasm all around me. My name on her lips, I own her body.

  I stand and drop my pants in record time, condom in place, and then lift her. Her legs wrap around me, and I fill her instantly.

  “Ah, fuck.” I hear my own cry of desire, but the sound that emerges from my throat is impossible to decipher.

  I pin her to the wall. Her fevered skin is wet from my loving attack. I flex the muscles in my back and legs, working hard to satisfy my own needs. My hands press hard into her ass to get maximum traction.

  “Yes, just like that.” Her plea sounds so primitive and raw.

  I pound my way into oblivion, flooding her with my release.

  Eventually I carry her to my bed, her body remaining wrapped around me. I gently place her on the comforter and cover her with the blanket. Then I lean against the headboard and kiss her gently on her lips.

  “Sleep, angel.”

  I watch her face as slumber engulfs her, then I make my way back to the kitchen.

  Suddenly my phone rings. It’s Alex.

  “I was just about to call you,” I say. “We’re going to New York.”

  Chapter Seventeen


  Theo wakes me as he sits on the edge of the bed, watching me. I fling an arm over my face, not quite ready to greet the day. He clears his throat and peers down at my face, raising my arm as my eyes flutter open. I’m suddenly flooded with the aroma of clean soap. It’s an amber-drenched woodsy scent, a captivating essence, all his own.


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