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Surviving Eden (Surviving Series Book 1)

Page 15

by Virginia Wine

  “Wake up, angel.”

  His wide shoulders fill out his tailored suit perfectly. I feel as if all the air has left the room.

  “I have to go to work,” he says as I watch his eyes trailing along my body.

  “Says the man who looks and reeks of pure sin.”

  I reach for him. His face is against my palm.

  “Am I now?” There’s a slight smirk on his face as he slowly pulls the sheet off my naked body. “Spread your legs. This will have to be quick.”

  His sexy-as-fuck words cause a sweet ache to throb between my thighs.

  He kneels on the bed, his thick muscular legs between mine. His perfectly tailored suit is still in place as he leans over me, licking his lips in anticipation.

  The first assault comes at rapid speed, his wicked mouth licking and swirling, completely taking possession of what is his. My stomach flips over when his lips fuse against my swollen bud, sucking, as two fingers penetrate me. I lose my head and come instantly, moaning as he relentlessly pleasures me. I ride out my orgasm as long as I can, prolonging my pleasure past my own will.

  Still reeling in my sinful delight, I watch Theo unbuckle, unzip, and lower his pants down just far enough to expose his angry erection. It’s throbbing with need. He wraps his fist around his hard cock and starts to pump, harder with each pull. His eyes are focused solely on me. Then he nudges my thighs with his knee, silently urging me to open up for his viewing pleasure.

  “Jesus, Eden.”

  He finally erupts, shooting his release across my belly, thrusting until his final seed has landed on me. The way his face looks is intense as his body quivers with the aftershocks.

  Then he quickly heads toward the bathroom. I hear the water running, and then he returns, gently rubbing his pearl-like heat off with consummate skill. Bringing his body down close to mine, his breath is warm on my skin.

  “Is it wrong that I want my shattered climax to cover your body?”

  “Isn’t it obvious? I loved every part of it.”

  His warm lips cover mine in response, a pleased smile spread across his lips.

  “Stay as long as you like.”

  He covers me with the sheet, tucking me in with the gentleness of a lover, contemplating more than he says. I want his heart to ache for me, as mine aches for him, but I have to remind myself that he’s not there yet, and I question whether he’s capable of the heights I want to climb with him.


  As I leave Theo’s condo, the sky is the color of steel, mimicking my feelings. Trees blow with the force of the strong winds, and my hair whips frantically around my face. I know a storm is brewing, and it matches the internal struggle that lives inside of me constantly.

  This is the last step prior to graduation, the decisive moment where the future is laid bare. A different version of myself will be exposed. I hate feeling this vulnerable. No part of myself has yet to prepare for the art exhibition today. Yes, each piece is prepped and ready for display, but am I strong enough to endure the scrutiny?

  The possible criticism slams into me as if my very soul could be tainted by public review. I know I have to change my perspective to survive unveiling so many layers of myself. I’m reminded of a Georgia O’Keefe quote that seems to describe my true essence: “I’ve been absolutely terrified every moment of my life—and I’ve never let it keep me from doing a single thing I wanted to do.”

  Pure, unadulterated God-like talent. American Modernism at its finest. I’ve often felt closed off from the world, just as she felt, but here in my studio, I’m in a cocoon, engulfed safely as if in a womb.

  After the final once-over, what will stop me from running for the hills? I’m not sure. I’ve struggled to live up to a standard I didn’t even set for myself. It’s a glaring reminder that my parents are truly gone.

  I watch as my professor and his companion approach, and I listen to their exchange concerning the last student exhibit.

  “Excuse us, Eden.”

  I greet them with a smile, although my hands are clenched into fists.

  The gentleman introduces himself as Mr. Samuel, and holds out his hand, which I return with a firm handshake.

  “It’s so nice of you to attend, Mr. Samuel,” I say, finally finding my words.

  I watch both men silently nod, then they separate, as if deciding that my piece is worth a second look. I can’t explain the deep thrill I feel, which is entwined with the desperate need to please both men.

  “Mr. Samuel, Miss Barnet is one of our top students. She has many accomplishments within our program and has recently made the dean’s list. I’m certain her future is very bright.”

  “Perhaps this too, is destiny, professor.”

  Then he hands me a card.

  “Quit worrying, would you?”

  My professor leans in and whispers so only I can hear.

  I pull back to look up at his face, which is relaxed and smiling. I would smile in return if it weren’t for the lump suddenly forming in my throat.

  Nevada Art Museum, the card reads. In that moment, I realize that I should have trusted my own ability, because I had no right keeping this from Theo. He would have wrapped me tightly in his arms. He would have been proud.

  A few hours later, I pack up my creations and make my way back to my car. I know the art scene is where I will land. It had never occurred to me until this precise moment that I might be good enough. I let myself get swept up in the moment, an unnamed presence hovering in the air as tears fill my eyes. Suddenly I know exactly who I am and what I want to do most in the world.

  Once home, I immediately update my resume and email a copy to Mr. Samuel, along with a long list of galleries, art museums, curators, and internships. This is all in the hopes that one day I will have a showing of my own. It’s always felt like a pipe dream up until this point. The realization that I could potentially have it all floors me.


  I wake up smelling freshly cut grass as a sliver of sun catches my weary eyes. I force them open and glance at the time. A slight moan escapes me. Gage will be here soon to primp me and play in preparation for the big day—graduation.

  I allow myself a few more minutes of sleep, rolling over to pull the covers over my head, but within moments I hear the doorbell ring. Finally the key jiggles as he lets himself in.

  “Do I have to perform CPR?” Gage asks as I slowly uncover my face. His expression full of mischief.

  “I’m up. I’m up.” Sounding a little snarky, I will my legs to move. I make it to the floor and reach for my robe.

  “Um, excuse me, but you were supposed to be up thirty minutes ago. And where’s the coffee?”

  My eyes focus on his one hand resting on his hip. His fingers are tapping in disapproval.

  “I distinctly remember forgetting that,” my gravelly voice answers.

  “Caffeine deprivation here.”

  I roll my eyes and pass him as he leans against the door frame. I reach up and kiss his cheek playfully.

  “On it,” I say, and he follows me into the kitchen, where I make coffee and pop some bagels in the toaster.

  He takes a seat at the bar, and I hand him a cup of coffee before the pot has actually finished its entire cycle.


  He sips and gives me a thumbs-up. Resting my coffee cup under the brewer, I also attempt to rush my intake of caffeine.

  “So…” I begin, resting my elbows on the island, crunching into my bagel and cream cheese. “Can you explain this to me once again? Why do we need six hours to prep?”

  “That’s a stupid question, Eden. Have you seen yourself?”

  I turn to him, mouth full of bagel. “And you’re my best friend…why?”

  “Oh, little dove. I’m here to create the best version of you. That’s why you love me.”

  He reaches for the last bite of my bagel, and promptly pops it into his mouth.

  Then he’s pushing me into the shower, shouting instructions as I go. I notice his
black garment bag lying on the bed and am curious about what shocking ensemble he has planned for himself.

  As I sit in my robe afterward, Gage is like a bull in a china shop. He grabs items while he talks to himself, laying each carefully chosen item on the bed.

  “Aren’t we wearing the traditional black academic dress and cap? Who will see what I wear underneath?”

  I lift one shoulder in a slight shrug, honestly questioning why all the fuss.

  He straightens his shoulders with an expression of total shock, looking as if I’ve just slapped him. “Come again?”

  “Never mind. Proceed.” I take in a long breath and turn toward the mirror. “Well, sheesh,” I say, silently groaning. I decide to return to gently combing through my wet curls.

  I see a black lace sleeveless dress gently placed on the bed. The tags say Dolce & Gabbana. Gage is playing with the hem, which is also black lace. He fingers the frayed edges at the bottom, as if he has suddenly decided that this is in fact the dress.

  His expertise with makeup is still a mystery to me. He also spends hours making spiral curls out of my natural waves, which usually tend to have a mind of their own. After two hours, however, I must confess: I admire all of Gage’s handiwork.

  “Won’t Dr. Perfect be there?” he asks as he makes the final adjustments to each curl.

  “Yes, I invited him. We’re going out afterwards—just the two of us.”


  “What’s that supposed to mean?” I ask, but he turns then and unzips his garment bag.

  “Little dove, when have you ever known me to hold anything back? But you didn’t invite him to your class exhibit, did you?” He throws a look over his shoulder. “If I didn’t know better, I would say that you were the one who’s uncertain.” Then he starts making circles with his fingers over my assemble. “Get dressed,” he orders.

  “I’m not—uncertain, that is.”

  I slip on the undergarments that he has so carefully laid out, then allow my robe to hit the ground as I reach for the dress. I turn and he zips me up. Then he glances at the time and starts to dress himself.

  “But Eden, these things… Well, you are both at risk here, and I don’t just mean your heart.”

  His words hit a cord because they are the truth. Gage’s advice comes from his loyalty. His words, which he is all too happy to give, are in the back of my mind, as well. Up until now, they’ve been buried by desire, yearning, and love. The idea that it could all shatter at my feet hasn’t factored into the equation.

  I’m pulled back to the present when Gage hands me a pair of black heels with a red bottom.

  When I glace at him, he reminds me of Michael Jackson’s album cover for Thriller. White blazer that fits like a glove, along with matching pants. The hem is a bit high, exposing his argyle socks. He’s got on a black shirt with a black belt. Not many men could pull this off, but Gage… He owns it.

  “Okay, that’s kinda hot.”

  “Tell me something I don’t know.”

  As we both admire Gage’s pretty-boy look in the mirror, he can’t help turning left, then right, admiring himself from all sides.

  “Told ya. It’s almost time to go, so grab our caps and gowns, will ya?”


  The graduation process is long and boring, if I’m being honest. My eyes search the stands, and eventually I make out the three-piece gray suit with a red tie. Stern and powerful, his hair is slicked back. That’s new. I watch as he doesn’t go unnoticed by the other women surrounding him. I shouldn’t be surprised. In many ways, I’m still very much a girl, and he has always been very much a man.

  Then our eyes meet, and I’m rewarded with a sexy smile. How wrong is it to want this man? Sometimes the forbidden fruit is the sweetest. Was I foolish to want to make him mine? Despite all the obstacles in our path, our connection remains strong. There is something deeper than sex between us, and I can see it clear as day.

  My mind is so busy with these thoughts that I completely miss my name being called until the second time. Then I’m being ushered onto the stage, and my diploma is being handed to me. I walk off the stage and sit back in my seat until my entire class is called. I wait for Gage’s turn. My heart soars when I hear his name, and I give him a loud “woo-hoo” as he accepts his diploma.

  Once the hats are ceremonially thrown into the air, I lock my eyes on Theo’s and stay put, letting him maneuver his way toward me. His scent arrives a second before he does. Spice and sex engulf me before his arms wrap possessively around my waist and pull me close.

  “Congratulations, angel! You should be so proud of yourself.”

  His words are too low for anyone to hear. We stare at each other for a long moment and all my worries vanish.

  “Thank you.” I say simply.

  He places a firm hand at my elbow as we walk together, navigating the crowd and weaving in and out of people. He takes my hand at one point, pulling me behind him. It’s so hard to think straight with his hands on me. Even the simple touch of our fingers interlacing sends sensual signals to my body. For one perfect moment, I can pretend the us that I imagine in my mind is actually a reality.


  Our heads turn in unison, and it’s as if the scene plays out in slow motion.

  Uncle Vince catches up with us, a tight smile and a confused look on his face. He frowns when he sees that our hands are clasped. His eyes narrow ever so slightly as his suspicious mind slowly puts the pieces together.

  I watch his every movement. Will this be it—a confrontation here, in front of everyone? My body is shaking as fear and discomfort prick at my core.

  Still, no one speaks for a few seconds.

  Unable to find the words, I reach for my uncle, my hand on his shoulder, but he steps back, rejecting my touch. Rejecting me.

  “Vince, we need to talk,” Theo says, his commanding voice filled with authority.

  “But not here,” I interrupt.

  My uncle’s gaze snaps back to mine.

  “That conversation will be between us, and only us, Vince.”

  Theo’s impressive build is protective when he moves a shoulder in front of my body, creating a shield. It’s one I’m grateful for.

  “Let’s step outside, doctor.”

  Uncle Vince takes off, intentionally bumping shoulders with people as a sign of aggression.


  Theo lifts my chin with his finger. “Stay here.”

  I hesitate, lost in his spell. I feel worry mixed with fear. Why should he carry this all alone?


  “You have to trust me.”

  His hands are now cradling my face.

  I nod, unable to find the words. I watch as he walks away toward disaster. My knight, my guardian, challenging his opponent to win the girl. Am I worth it? Will the world come tumbling down around us?

  The further away he goes, the more tormented I become. A single tear trails down my cheek as I search for Gage. Then I realize that he’s probably already left for one of the dozens of after-parties.

  I watch the large clock on the wall as time stands still. Seconds feel like minutes; minutes feel like hours. I have to remind myself to breathe as the auditorium slowly clears out.

  In the distance, Theo’s form eventually appears. I have no idea what to expect as each step he takes in my direction becomes more determined. I can make out his tortured expression. His eyebrows slant together as he runs a hand through his hair. The world seems to freeze as he takes a seat next to me and drapes his arm around my shoulders.

  I turn to look at him. “What happened?”

  My voice breaks, fighting the heaviness. I look away so he can’t see my tears.

  “Answer me, Theo. Please.”

  But responding doesn’t seem to be on his agenda.

  “I protect you from your nightmares, remember?”

  He rests his forehead against mine.

  “I was afraid you’d changed your mind. That my un
cle would force you to stop…”

  “I’d like to see him try.”

  A grin escapes him in the midst of this emotional crisis. How could I not love this man?

  “We have a graduation to celebrate.”

  He kisses me gently on the lips. We’re no longer hiding, no longer a secret.

  “So, you really aren’t going to tell me what happened?”

  “You’re safe with me, Eden.”

  It sounds so heavenly in my current state. I have no idea whether my uncle will let this go, or if we have an impending battle to fight. Right now, I just want to escape my thoughts and live in this moment with my man. A small fragment forces itself back into the crevices of my mind. Are we on borrowed time?


  He holds out his hand as he stands, the gesture both charming and powerful. He leads me to his red pride and joy, and I slide in with a new perspective. He punches the car with each gear, and suddenly we’re headed into the unknown.


  A long drive later, we pull up to the front of the Hyatt Regency. Two valets open our doors as Theo hands over the keys. Then he makes his way over to me, pulling me in so we’re walking arm and arm.

  I want to melt into him. No words are needed as we fall into step together.

  Scanning the opulent room as we approach, I spot views of the Sierra Nevada mountain and stunning Lake Tahoe framed by skyscraper windows. The fireplace crackles with a slow burn that purposely pulls you back to the Lone Eagle Grille.

  We’re ushered to a private table with the best view in the house. The elegant table setting is romantic, displaying flowers and candles.

  “I see you’ve pulled all the right strings.”

  “You noticed?” He pulls my chair out for me, his heavy frame resting behind me. “I need you in my life,” he whispers, his breath close on my neck.

  My head falls to the side, wanting more.


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