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Page 11

by Sara York

  "I need to be inside of you." He reached for his nightstand and pushed open the drawer, grabbing a condom.

  “Yes, please.”

  Scotty rolled the condom over his dick, spreading lube before pushing one finger into Wesley. The hiss from Wesley stalled him for a second, but then Wesley was pushing back against Scotty’s hand. Wesley pulled away from Scotty’s finger and moved so Scotty’s dick was at his hole. Wesley sat back, putting exquisite pressure on Scotty’s dick. Then his crown popped in, and he couldn’t hold back the moan. Wesley rode him, his back arched, his head thrown back, eyes rolled up. Scotty had never seen anything so beautiful. Every move, every expression he wanted to memorize so he could play it through his mind later.

  Wesley was moving fast, his ass so tight Scotty knew he wouldn’t last long. He cried out, arching up and grabbing hold of Wesley’s hips. He needed to drive the experience now.

  “Hold on to me and don’t let go.” Scotty sat up and scooted to the end of the bed, holding Wesley close as he stood and turned around, laying Wesley on the bed. They scooted up, their bodies never losing contact. Scotty lifted Wesley’s legs to his shoulders. “Now I’m going to fuck you hard.”

  Wesley smiled and gripped onto Scotty’s arms as Scotty slammed into him, driving fast. They were both going to come; he could feel Wesley’s ass clenching.

  “Now, baby, come for me.”

  Wesley arched up, and Scotty lowered, bending close enough to kiss his lover. In seconds, spunk sprayed both of their chests as Wesley moved below him. “I love you,” Wesley groaned before going limp.

  Scotty emptied his seed deep inside the condom, his body plastered against Wesley’s. When he could speak, he caught Wesley’s gaze and held it. “I love you.”

  They both collapsed onto the mattress. Scotty slipped out of Wesley and tossed the used condom in the trash beside his bed.

  He grabbed his shirt and wiped Wesley clean, then did the same for himself. “Sleep now.”

  Wesley pulled at the sheets and covered them both. They snuggled close, drifting off together. Scotty had never felt so content in all of his life. Nothing had been this good ever, and he hoped it would last.

  Chapter Twelve

  Dustin made his way home in the early morning, walking stiffly and almost limping as he trudged up the steps. Aaron had fucked him so much he didn’t know if he ever wanted to be fucked again. Jesse hadn’t been used as much, even though Aaron had originally set the date with him. It didn’t seem fair, and when Dustin had said something, Aaron had backhanded him.

  His cheek still hurt, but what hurt more was Jesse’s refusal to come to his defense. Of course, he was probably just as terrified of Aaron. He would never get together with that guy again, and he freaking hoped Jesse didn’t either. The bastard was bad news, and nothing good would come from Jesse seeing him again.

  After a quick shower and a check to make sure there was no blood in his underwear, Dustin grabbed a bowl for cereal and chewed mindlessly, shoveling bite after bite into his mouth and trying like hell not to think of anything. The apartment had a slightly smoky smell, but he sure as fuck couldn’t stay with Jesse. Once he’d finished the bowl, he loaded it into the dishwasher and stumbled to his room. The scent followed him to the bedroom, but he ignored it, falling asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow. It was four in the afternoon before he woke and rolled over to check the time. He stumbled to the bathroom and cringed at the welt on the side of his face. He needed to make up a lie and quick. He didn’t want his roommate finding out what happened. It was embarrassing to have been treated so shitty. The whole fiasco needed to be forgotten and never repeated again. That the date had lasted almost two days, both he and Jesse staying when they knew they should leave, was humiliating. Too much alcohol had muddied his resistance.

  It wasn’t that he’d been raped. Okay, so the last two times had felt more like rape than consensual sex, but he’d gone out to play, and he’d said yes the first time. Really, he felt used, and he didn’t like that feeling.

  Maybe he could tell Wesley he fell down. But Wesley wouldn’t believe the thin lie. He needed to come up with some good explanation that no one would question. Maybe he could say he’d been out dancing and was accidently punched. That would make sense. Who could he say he went partying with? Shit, Wesley knew who he’d been with.

  Dustin found his phone and called Jesse. The phone rang six times and rolled to voicemail. “Jesse, there is a huge bruise on my face. We have to come up with a lie, or Wesley is going to be pissed about what happened. By the way, that Aaron guy is bad news. Don’t ever expect me to go out with the two of you again.”

  He ended the call and didn’t feel any better. His ass was still sore, and he went to the bathroom to make sure he wasn’t bleeding. Having to shit just to see if he had blood was demeaning. Tears streamed down his face, the pain almost overwhelming. He didn’t want to look, didn’t want to know if he was bleeding. God, he’d never survive going to the health clinic on campus. What would the nurses and doctors say?

  When he checked, there was blood, not much but enough to worry him. After having a freak-out session where he almost couldn’t catch his breath, he calmed down and went to grab his computer to research what to do. Once he typed in the search bar and got back the results, he felt better. His bleeding wasn’t a lot, just a bit on the toilet paper. He could deal with that.

  His phone rang, and he scrambled over to the couch where he’d left the device. It was Wesley. He didn’t want to talk to him, but he had to eventually. He let it roll to voicemail and placed another call to Jesse, praying the bastard answered. No luck. This time he didn’t leave a message.

  Dustin’s body ached and his head throbbed. He stumbled back to bed and cried himself to sleep, vowing never to do something that stupid ever again. No more older men, hell, no more big guys ever. He’d only date guys his own size from here on out.

  * * * *

  “I can’t get Dustin on his phone. I want to make sure he didn’t go home.” Wesley stared at the device, wondering if he should call his roommate again. He really shouldn’t be spending the night at the apartment with the lingering smoke smell.

  “Do you want to drive by on the way to the store?”

  They’d spent the day in bed, part of it with him tied down, his ass in the air. Heat filled his face when he thought about everything they’d done. Scotty had been so gentle and loving, though he’d pushed Wesley beyond anything he thought he could possibly endure. Scotty had owned every part of him, and it made Wesley feel treasured instead of used.

  “Your face is red again, what are you thinking about?”

  Heat washed over his whole body, and he sighed. “Just thinking about it is enough to make me hot.”

  “I can see. You’re almost purple, you’re blushing so much.”

  “I’m new to it all. I can’t believe you had me tied in such a way that my ass was in the air for that long.”

  “You liked it, right?”

  Wesley stood up from the couch and crawled onto Scotty’s lap. “I loved it. I never thought I would do anything like that, but yeah, it was amazing.”

  Scotty smiled and ran his fingers through Wesley’s hair. “Babe, it makes me feel so good to hear you say that. I’m happy that you enjoyed what we did. I love you.”

  Wesley stood and locked gazes with Scotty. “I trust you with everything. I know you’ll take care of me.”

  “Come on, let’s drop in on your roommate and then head to the store. I want to get you back in bed and in my arms as quickly as possible.”

  “Yes, sir.” Wesley knew he had a goofy grin on his face but couldn’t help it. Scotty made him happy. He didn’t know how the heck he’d scored with such a great man, but he would hang on to Scotty, doing everything he could to please him.

  Dustin’s car was parked in front of their apartment, the hood cold. “I hope he didn’t sleep here. What if he couldn’t breathe? It did kind of stink in the place.”

“I’m sure he’ll be fine. Let’s go check on him.”

  Wesley bounded up the steps, racing to get to the door. He was very worried about his friend. Dustin sometimes did dumb stuff.

  “Hey, he’ll be fine. Give me the keys and I’ll open the door for you.” Scotty held out his hand, and Wesley dropped the keys into his palm.

  “I’m so worried. I feel off about all this.”

  Scotty took the keys, opening the door for him. He pushed passed Scotty and raced in, not seeing Dustin. “At least he’s not passed out on the floor.” He took a long sniff, “It’s not too bad.”

  “No, the smoke has cleared out nicely.”

  “I’ll check the bedroom.” Wesley strode over to Dustin’s bedroom and pushed the door open quietly. Loud snores greeted him, sending relief through Wesley. He didn’t turn on the lights or step inside the room, not wanting to wake his friend. Scotty had waited for him in the kitchen, leaning casually against the countertop. “You look so good.” Wesley moved close, placing his hands on Scotty’s pecs.

  “Everything okay?”

  “Yes. He’s snoring—loudly.”

  The corners of Scotty’s mouth turned up, and the skin around his eyes creased. Wesley loved the look on his man. He leaned in and slid his mouth over Scotty’s, his fingers locking behind Scotty’s head. The kiss started slowly, but soon Scotty had moved, pressing Wesley into the wall, pinning both of Wesley’s hands over his head. They were getting hot very quickly, and they still needed to stop by the store before they could head to bed again.

  Wesley pulled out of the kiss and turned his head so he couldn’t be kissed again. Scotty stiffened. “Turn you face back to me, now.”

  “No,” Wesley whispered.

  Scotty froze, and the moment of silence stretched on. “Maybe you would like to explain.” His voice was even, but it still made Wesley tremble.

  Wesley faced Scotty, his stomach twisted. He knew Scotty had expected him to obey, but they had plans. “No, you said before we left your place that you wanted to get me back in your bed, and before we do that, we need some food and you need shaving cream or you can’t shave off your beautiful scruff in the morning.” He ran his fingers over Scotty’s chin.

  With lightning fast speed, Scotty grabbed his wrist and held his hand still. Wesley sucked in a breath as fear built.

  For a moment, he thought Scotty was angry with him, but then he turned his head and kissed Wesley’s wrist. “My love, you are right. This is why I love you; you don’t just follow blindly but keep me on track. Once we get home, I’m going to reward you.”

  Wesley shivered. He’d come to know that rewards meant incredible orgasms. Scotty licked at Wesley’s wrist, and Wesley’s dick grew hard.

  A moan escaped his lips, and Scotty chuckled before dropping Wesley’s hand. “Let’s get out of here.”

  The trip to the store was quick, and before too much time had passed, Wesley was suspended in a swing Scotty had retrieved from the closet and attached to a hook in the middle of the bedroom ceiling. His face was down and his ass bare. He was fully supported by the straps, which were surprisingly comfortable.

  Scotty stroked his hand down the back of Wesley’s thigh as he gently pushed him. “Are you comfortable?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Good.” Scotty stroked up Wesley’s leg to his ass, his fingers feathering over the pucker, leaving Wesley shivering.

  “I’m going to love this.”

  “So am I,” Wesley whispered as Scotty pushed against his opening, slipping inside. He relaxed, allowing Scotty to have full command over his body, mind, and soul.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “I need to go home today and sleep in my own bed.” Wesley winced as he stretched. His muscles were sore and his body tired.

  Scotty hopped off the bed and grabbed Wesley’s shoulder, drawing him into a hug. “Baby, I’ve been using you too much. I’m so sorry.”

  “No, I’m fine.”

  “Shh.” Scotty placed a finger over Wesley’s lips, quieting him. “Love, it’s okay to say no.”

  “But… I thought—”

  “Thought what?”

  “That you—well, when I’ve said no you seem angry.”

  Scotty stepped back and shook his head. “I should pay more attention to when you’re tired. I just get so excited being with you.” Scotty looked down and Wesley’s gaze followed. “See what I mean? I’m already half hard, and I want you again. I crave your touch.”

  Wesley watched as Scotty’s perfect dick grew harder, lengthening, his foreskin pulling back a little, revealing the beautiful pink head of his prick. Wesley dropped to his knees, his gaze level with Scotty’s cock.

  Now the man was fully hard and ready for him to suck, but Scotty stepped back and shook his head. “No, I want something different.”

  Pain increased as Wesley squeezed his ass, wincing with the thought of having Scotty lodged in him again. He wanted to be brave enough to tell Scotty no, but he didn’t feel that he could.



  “I want you to fuck me.”

  Wesley gasped and stepped back. “What?”

  “I want you to slide your dick into my ass and take me hard.”

  Wesley grabbed his cock, not to get hard but to stop the blood rushing to the organ. “But I’m not small.”

  “I know.” Scotty grabbed his wrist and kept him from fleeing.

  He shook his head, still denying what Scotty wanted. “What if I hurt you?”

  Scotty threw back his head and laughed but sobered quickly. “I’ll be fine.”

  “I don’t know. I’ve only…” Wesley bit his lip and lowered his gaze.

  “Do you trust me?”

  He snapped his head up, locking gazes with Scotty. “You know I do, totally and completely.”

  “Trust me to tell you if it’s too much. I want you inside of me.”

  Scotty dropped to the bed and spread his legs, his gaze burning through Wesley. The one time Wesley had topped another guy, he’d hurt the man so badly, and he didn’t want to do that to Scotty.

  “Trust me, I’ll be fine.”

  With trepidation filling him, Wesley lowered to the mattress after grabbing the lube from the nightstand.

  “Do we need to use condoms still?”

  Scotty drew in a deep breath before letting it go slowly. “I was checked…recently. I’m safe.”

  “I was checked after my last lover. It wasn’t recent, but you know, I’m not that experienced. It was over a year ago.”

  “I’m okay catching without a condom on. I trust you, but I won’t pitch without one until I get tested again.”

  “Why not?”

  “Wesley, I’ve never been innocent, and I’ve had sexual contact with too many men, many of them I don’t even know their names. I won’t put you at risk. I’ll wait another two months, and then I’ll be tested again. Afterward, I’ll know for sure that you are safe and will be safe—that my past stupidity didn’t put you at risk.”

  “But what about this way, how risky is this?”

  “There is risk, but I’m negative and I’ve—” A dark look passed over Scotty’s face.

  “You’ve what?”

  Scotty stretched out over Wesley, cupping his face in his hands. “My love, you are the only man for me. I’m not ever going to cheat on you. So yeah, we can go without condoms with you pitching.”

  Pride and love swelled inside Wesley, turning his lips up into a huge smile. He couldn’t believe he was going to be barebacking with Scotty and that he’d be the one giving.

  “What’s that goofy grin about?”

  “Nothing, just—well, I’m a little excited to be marking you as mine.”

  “Marking me?” Scotty growled.

  “Yeah, marking you with my cum.”

  Scotty growled and sat up, baring his teeth. He pushed Wesley to the bed, lowering his head, sinking his teeth into Wesley’s neck, biting down softly. The pain wasn’t
sharp, but Wesley gasped anyway.

  “Fuck, that’s good.” He pumped his hips up, grazing against Scotty’s dick.

  “You’re mine. I’ve already marked you, and I’ll mark you again. As soon as I can ride you without a condom, I’m going to fill you so full of cum, everyone will know that you’re mine.”

  Wesley grinned and pushed at Scotty’s shoulder. His stomach fluttered, and he wondered if he could really please his man. “Now it’s time for me to get my dick into that tight hole of yours.” He drew in a sharp breath, hoping he sounded confident. "I'm going to need a lot of lube."

  Scotty lay back, allowing Wesley to slide his fingers in and out. He applied more than enough lube, because he wanted Scotty nice and loose. When he felt Scotty was prepped, Wesley rose above him, hooking one of Scotty’s legs over his shoulder and pressing forward.

  “Relax, sweetheart.”

  He felt Scotty’s muscles begin to loosen, and he pressed in more, breaching the tight ring. They both groaned. Wesley stilled, staring at the spot where his fat cock entered Scotty, and he wondered if he should pull out.

  “More!” Scotty roared.

  Wesley held his breath as he slid in more, watching Scotty’s opening flinch as he moved. “I’m too big, I’m going to hurt you.”

  “I can take it. More.”

  He picked up the tube of lube and poured more around his dick before sliding in. Scotty moaned, and his eyes rolled up in the back of his head. Then Wesley hit Scotty’s gland, and his man relaxed visibly, his muscles and bones turning to mush.

  “Fuck yeah, keep hitting me there.”

  Wesley pumped his hips slowly, trying each time to score with a tap to Scotty’s prostate. Before long, his man was wiggling below him, his ass fluttering around Wesley’s dick. Wesley took Scotty’s dick in hand and began stroking him, loving the way Scotty bit his lip as he struggled not to come. His own balls were pulled tight, ready to burst.

  “Scotty, come when you’re ready,” Wesley gasped.

  “Fuck me harder.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yeah—give me more.”

  The pressure of his orgasm built as he slammed into Scotty. Two more times in, and he knew he was going to blow. He tried to hold back, but it was too difficult. He pressed in and blew his load deep into his man. Scotty cried out and came. Wesley pulled out and sunk down on the bed beside Scotty, his fingers feathering over Scotty’s chin and jaw.


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