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Master of the Hunt: (A Bird Shifter Novella) (King of Prey Book 3)

Page 7

by Mandy M. Roth

  Aeson pulled Shelby against him. “My gut tells me when the time is right, we will be gifted with new life and that Shelby will be safe, so will the babes.”

  She glanced back at him. “You’d have to claim me first and remember, you agreed to give me time to think about it all?”

  Kabril coughed.

  Aeson shook his head, staring at his brother.

  “She does not know?” Kabril asked.

  “Know what?” Shelby asked.

  Aeson sighed. “Shelby, about the me claiming you.”

  She paused. “Aeson, you didn’t.”

  There was a pensive shimmer in the depths of his eyes. “I did. In my defense, I couldn’t help myself.”

  She gasped. “Aeson, you promised!”

  “I know but you are hard to resist, my sweet sparrow.”

  She poked him in the chest. “Don’t you sweet sparrow me. You are so in trouble right now.”

  He hung his head like a scolded child, reminding her of his nephews. “Yes, wife.”

  She jolted at the word wife and he snickered. Shelby smacked his chest. “You are sleeping alone tonight and probably tomorrow night too.”

  His eyes widened and the smile faded from his face. “But, Shelby…”

  Rayna laughed. “Oh, Kabril, look. They remind me of us when I’m mad at you.”

  “How do you not kill him if he’s anything like Aeson?” Shelby demanded.

  Rayna snorted. “It’s hard. Wish I could say it gets easier with time but they’re a stubborn lot. What do you say we go get ready for the feast this evening and leave these two to think about how to behave?”

  The king blinked. “I did not misbehave. It was my brother.”

  “Oh, I’m thinking you’ve done something I just haven’t learned about yet,” Rayna said.

  “I would never,” Kabril said, a sly grin on his face.

  “So that wasn’t you who was sparring with one hand tied behind your back earlier today?”

  He gulped. “N-no.”

  Aeson laughed.

  Shelby pointed at him and he shut up.

  Rayna looped her arm through Shelby’s. “Let’s go.”

  “Sounds like a plan.”

  Chapter Ten

  Aeson landed gently with Shelby on the balcony of her Earth home. He didn’t like the fact they were back, but he’d promised her he’d bring her home long enough to gather what she wanted most. Several guards had come with them. They landed on the balcony as well and Aeson twisted enough to face them. “Check the dwelling first. Assure it is safe.”

  With a nod, they headed into the home and a few minutes passed before they returned. “Prince, it is empty.”

  “My thank you,” he said, releasing Shelby enough to permit her to walk on her own.

  She snorted. “Are you planning to be this overprotective the rest of our lives?”

  “Yes,” he responded evenly, taking her hand in his as he entered the home. He led her in and ignored her tiny grumblings about his need to “assert his manhood”. She would never understand that it was inborn in him—the fierce need to assure his mate was safe and protected, regardless.

  He dipped his head and kissed her quickly, stopping her tantrum before it could become full-blown. She smiled up at him shyly, and he thought about her lips wrapped around his cock. Her brow quirked.

  “Stop thinking dirty thoughts.”

  “I am… not?” he said, clearing his throat.

  She laughed and released him. “My brother said he and Dad packed my bags and put them on my bed. Can you bring them down?”

  “Of course. You will remain here?”

  She nodded.

  Aeson went up the stairs and stopped when he entered her bedroom. There were bags upon the bed, but they were opened and everything was thrown about. Rhios was a soldier and it was against his very nature to be so messy. Aeson’s hackles rose. Something was wrong. He spun and shouted, “Shelby!”

  He ran, missing a number of the steps and hitting the wall in his clumsy haste to get to his mate. He made it to the main level and spun. Where was she? He spotted his guards on the balcony.

  “Where is my mate?”

  They twisted, looking at him. “She commanded us here.”

  “She did what?” he asked, unable to believe what he was hearing.

  “She growled when we followed her into the cooking area and said very clearly ‘stop following me, go look busy on the balcony or something’.”

  Aeson blinked in surprise. “And you obeyed?”

  “She is our princess,” one said matter-of-factly. “We are to obey her orders as if they were yours.”

  Aeson spun. “Shelby!”

  The guards pushed into the room. One pointed to the front door. “She went that way.”

  “You let her go outside? Alone?”

  They froze.

  Aeson would deal with them later. He took off in the direction of the front door and the second he thrust it open, he found a white cloth on the ground. He sniffed the air and recognized the scent as something used to render one unconscious. It was similar to oil the healers of his realm used when surgery was called for on a warrior.

  He thought back to the mess in Shelby’s room and to the cloth before him. “Roland.”

  For a second he couldn’t think, couldn’t focus. All he saw was red and all he felt was blind panic. One of his head guards grabbed him, shaking him as if were a mere fledgling.

  “My lord!” the guard shouted in Aeson’s face.

  Aeson stilled. “He has her.”

  “Who does?”

  “A serial killer.”

  The guards appeared confused. They were not used to human terms.

  Aeson paused more. “A person who kills many, over and over again for the thrill of the kill. Innocents. Non-war related.”

  The men gasped.

  He looked to one. “Find Rhios. Shelby told me his address.”


  “Location within the human realm,” Aeson said sharply. “Go quickly!”

  * * * * *

  Shelton and Rhis flew close by his side as they neared the location they’d managed to track Shelby to. Aeson landed in a hurry and pulled his wings in. Shelton was going on about the need to be stealth and to assure this was indeed the abandoned home Shelby was being held in. Aeson was out of tact and finesse. He charged forward, striking the old door with one blow, sending it into pieces.

  “So much for the element of surprise,” Shelton said.

  Rhios followed close behind Aeson as he entered the dwelling. He sniffed the air and smelled blood.


  He followed the scent and demolished another door, this one leading downstairs, to a dungeon of sorts.

  “They fly, Shelby,” Roland said, his voice filtering through the level. “I saw them. They have wings!”

  He found a back room and saw Roland there, knife in hand, waving it around madly near Shelby who was chained to a wall. She was limp and bloody.

  Roland back handed her. “Tell me of the flying men, bitch!”

  “You wish to know of me. I will show you!” Aeson shut off as he went at the man responsible for harming his woman.

  Shelby lifted her head to the sounds of shouting and commotion. She was partially out of it still but knew enough to understand Roland had taken her from her front porch. She tugged at the chains binding her wrists.

  She focused and what she saw ripped a scream from her. Aeson was there, holding Roland off the floor by his neck. Her father was suddenly next to her, grabbing her face.

  “Look not at him, Shelby,” her father said.

  She couldn’t look away.

  Aeson tore Roland’s head clean off, making the act look effortless.

  Shelton and the other men grabbed Aeson, yanking him back from the clearly dead Roland. Blood was everywhere. Shelby knew she was still screaming but couldn’t seem to stop herself.

  Shelton caught Aeson before he could get to h
er. “You’re covered in Roland, man. Go upstairs and wash off.”

  “She needs me,” Aeson said, his gaze locking on her.

  Shelby managed to calm somewhat as her father broke the chains holding her. Her father caught her, holding her to him. She sank into his embrace and closed her eyes. Everything hurt. Roland had hit and kicked her, demanding answers to what he’d seen while stalking her—the bird men.

  She came to slightly at the sound of Aeson demanding his wife be handed over to him.

  “She is safe with me,” her father said, carrying her as if she were a child.

  “She… I swore to protect her,” Aeson said, sounding as if he were crying. That couldn’t be. Her fierce warrior, her stoic prince, her master of the hunt wouldn’t break down in tears, would he?

  She lifted her head, getting her one good eye open to see Aeson on his knees, his men surrounding him, none saying a word as the hulk of a man did indeed sob.

  “My wife was harmed and I did nothing to stop it.” He pounded his chest.

  “You tore the dude’s head off,” her brother said from the sidelines. “Not to mention you tracked my sister’s location and that means that sick fuck had her less than twenty minutes. With the drive time he had her alone for less than ten minutes.”

  “Enough time for him to hurt her,” Aeson said, still breaking down.

  Shelby reached for him. “Aeson.”

  He shot to his feet, coming for her. “My sweet sparrow. I am unworthy of you.”

  “Shut up and carry me home. I want a bath. I think I have dead guy on me.”

  Aeson stilled. “Shelby?”

  She leaned and he took her from her father.

  “You do not hate me?” Aeson asked.

  “No. I love you. Take me home to the bird realm.”

  “It’s not called the bird realm,” a guard said.

  Aeson shot him a daring look.

  The man raised his hands. “Bird realm it is then.”

  Aeson kissed her temple lightly. “My sweet sparrow, you are my light, my heart, my love.”

  She began to nod off again. “You love me?”

  Chapter Eleven

  Aeson sat quietly in the hall outside of the room holding his wife. Three days had passed since they’d returned to his realm with an injured Shelby. Three days of healers at her bedside around the clock, speaking things such as bleeding on the brain, internal injuries and what not. Three days of Aeson praying to every bird god he could think of for her to recover and not to leave him.

  Rayna exited the room that held Shelby and the healers. Aeson, Shelton and Rhios all stood quickly. It was Aeson who got to the queen first. “How is she?”

  “Banged up but fine.”

  “Did he…?” Shelton asked, his question left hanging. All knew what he was asking. Had Roland raped Shelby?

  Rayna shook her head. “No. The sight of Aeson and his men arriving with Shelby, flying, halted that plan, I’m sure. Shelby said he knocked her out with something but that she wasn’t totally out of it. My guess is the fact she’s part shifter, it didn’t work as the sick bastard thought it would. She said she was aware the entire time and no, he didn’t rape her. He did hit and kick her though. A lot.”

  Aeson’s gut clenched. He bowed his head.

  Rayna touched him. “She said she knew you’d come for her. That her prince would find her.” Rayna stared him over. “You need a bath and a shave.”

  Aeson ignored her. “She is awake? I wish to see her. If one more healer orders me out of the room—”

  “Brother,” Kabril said, coming around the corner. “Have we not had the talk about you threatening the healers?”

  He pointed to the room. “My mate is alert and they continue to thrust me out of the room with their spells and magiks.”

  Rayna laughed. “Because you hover and bark orders at them.”

  “She is my wife. I will order…”

  “Shut up, already!” Shelby yelled. “My head is pounding and you’re not helping it. Stop belly aching and get in here before I pay these healers to zap your butt out of the castle.”

  Rayna and Kabril laughed.

  Rhios touched Shelton’s shoulder. “Sounds like she’ll be just fine.”

  “Yeah, Peep is pissed.” Shelton looked to Aeson. “Good luck, man. You’re gonna need it around her.”

  The healers exited the room and came straight for the queen. “My lady,” one of them said. “She requires rest. Not visitors.”

  “You’re still angry with Aeson for calling you a one-trick healer,” Rayna said calmly. “Besides, shouldn’t he be with her so she can share the news you only just gave her?”

  “News?” Aeson asked. “Is she dying? Oh Gods Above, no!”

  Rayna rolled her eyes. “She is not…”

  Aeson charged past the queen and into the room. Shelby was sitting up on the bed. “You are not permitted to die!”

  She grunted. “Are you about done acting like a fool?”

  He paused. “Are you not dying?”

  “I’m pregnant. Not dying.”

  “Pregnant?” he managed as the room began to spin.

  Rhios was suddenly there, helping to hold him up. Kabril was forced to lend a hand. Kabril chuckled. “Congratulations, brother. You are to be a father. May you be as blessed as our father was.”

  Aeson’s gaze whipped to his brother. “You wish to curse me with eight sons?”

  Kabril laughed. “Oh, yes. I do.”


  The Series Continues…

  Rise of the King (King of Prey)

  Book four in the King of Prey series.

  Warrior, bastard, outcast, traitor to his kind, these are all labels Lazar has worn for the past several years, since he took a stand against the actions of a mad king. He’s defended the Kingdom of the Hawks even though the blood of the Falcons runs through his veins. He’s bedded their women, drank their mead and protected their king. None of that makes him one of them. An empty pit has been in his stomach for years, believing his true mate perished long ago. When he learns she’s alive, he has to not only win her over, but also make her understand men who can shift into birds aren’t the things of nightmares. They’re real, and he’s one of them.

  Sabrina lives a relatively sheltered life. Her overprotective uncle means well but can sometimes go too far. When he shows up with a sexy hunk she’s dreamed about, it’s all Sabrina can do to control her emotions. As old lies are uncovered, she has to decide if she should open her heart to a man who has made using women an art form and who also happens to have wings. Plus, he’s more than just any old shifter male. He’s the rightful king of the Falco, and it’s time he rose to his position and accepted his destiny, even if that destiny includes her.

  WARNING: This book contains hot, explicit sex and violence, a dominant, alpha, bird-shifting male who has the rules of seduction memorized and who finally understands he has to take a stand for what he wants. It has a heroine who, while young, knows she won’t settle for anything less than she deserves and who finds herself being taught things that make her blush.

  King of Prey Series

  King of Prey

  A View to a Kill

  Master of the Hunt

  Rise of the King

  Prince of Pleasure

  Prince of Flight

  About the Author, Mandy M. Roth

  Mandy M. Roth grew up fascinated by creatures that go bump in the night. From the very beginning, she showed signs of creativity. At age five, she had her first piece of artwork published. Writing came into play early in her life as well. Over the years, the two mediums merged and led her to work in marketing. Combining her creativity with her passion for horror has left her banging on the keyboard into the wee hours of the night. Mandy lives with her husband and three children on the shores of Lake Erie, where she is currently starting work on her Master’s Degree. She was nominated for Romantic Times Bookclub Magazine’s Reviewer’s Choice Award for Best Paranormal Erotic.

  Mandy has topped the Amazon bestselling charts more than once and has a loyal and steady following. She does cover art under the brush name Natalie Winters and is very involved with helping authors learn to market their books. In 2009 she and fellow author Michelle M. Pillow started their own self-publishing endeavor named The Raven Books. It spawned from the name of a nightclub in Mandy’s wildly popular Daughter of Darkness Series. In July 2010 they opened The Raven Books to third party distribution and by Dec 2011 had sold WELL over 150,000 ebooks.

  Mandy writes for The Raven Books, Samhain Publishing, Ellora’s Cave Publishing, Harlequin Spice, Pocket Books and Random House/Virgin/Black Lace.

  To learn more about Mandy, please visit or send an email to

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  Immortal Op Series by Mandy M. Roth

  Paranormal Shifter Military Special Ops Romance

  Immortal Ops

  Captain Lukian Vlakhusha is having issues with his newest target, Peren Matthews. Something about her has left him staring at her picture and wondering what it would be like to touch her soft skin. When the time comes for the team to strike, Lukian senses danger and aborts the mission. He makes an attempt at meeting Peren and is set in his place by an independent young woman who knows what she is, and isn’t, looking for in a man.

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