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Amanda Quick - Mischief.txt

Page 15

by Mischief (lit)

  only thing that mattered was Imogen.

  Without releasing her lips, he stripped off his gloves and

  dropped them heedlessly on the ground. Then he curved his hands

  around her shoulders and slowly eased the tiny sleeves of her

  gown aside.

  She shivered when the small, high-waisted bodice slipped

  downward, freeing her elegant breasts.


  You are beautiful," he whispered." You remind me of the

  pictures of Anizamara painted on the walls of the library of

  Zamar. Full of life and warmth."

  She gave a shaky laugh and buried her face against his shoulder." You will not believe this, sir, but I have had the oddest

  dreams of late. In them, you seem to become Zamaris or he

  becomes you. I cannot tell which."

  It would seem that we share our interest in Zamar even in our

  dreams." He fitted his hands to her waist and lifted her straight up

  off the ground. The movement brought her breasts to the level of

  his mouth. He took one firm nipple between his teeth and sucked


  Matthias." She clutched at his shoulders and held on as if for

  dear life." What are you doing?" Her voice rose as he circled her

  nipple with the tip of his tongue and then bit down very gently.

  This is . surely this is ." She floundered into breathless


  He released the dainty fruit and turned his attention to the

  other nipple. He felt her fingers dig into his shoulders. The moan

  that went through her aroused him as nothing else had ever done.

  Imogen began to rain frantic little kisses in his hair.

  Matthias glanced around and spotted a garden seat. He carried

  Imogen to the stone bench and sat down with her in his arms. Her

  skirts tumbled over his breeches. He tugged the flounced hem of

  her gown up above her knees.

  Whatever are you about, sir?" Imogen demanded as he slid one

  hand between her warm thighs." Is this some strange Zamarian

  lovemaking technique?"

  What?" The scent of her filled his head. He could not seem to

  concentrate on her words.

  In one of your articles in the Zamarian Review you alluded to

  a scroll that you discovered that described certain customs of the

  Zamarian matrimonial bedchamber."

  Could we discuss this later, my sweet?" He kissed her throat.

  Yes, of course." Imogen turned her face into his coat and clung

  to his lapels." It's just that this all feels so odd."

  On the contrary." He nibbled on her earlobe." It feels incredible."

  I have often wished that you had published more detailed

  information of your discoveries on the subject of Zamarian marital relations. I read several times the one article that you wrote,

  but I was always left to wonder just what you meant when you

  hinted that the Zamarians were quite uninhibited."

  Kiss me, Imogen."

  Oh. Yes, of course." She lifted her head and parted her lips.

  He took her mouth again and at the same moment cupped the

  hot, damp flesh between her legs.

  Imogen screamed softly in surprise. Matthias swallowed the

  sound. She awkwardly tried to close her legs, but she succeeded

  only in trapping his hand. He probed carefully and she relaxed

  against him in a rush of pulsing excitement.

  He eased one finger into her softness." You are so warm and


  She shivered in his arms. Tiny muscles clenched gently against

  his finger. He thought that he would lose what little remained of

  his self-control.

  Matthias, this is so . so ." She sipped air and tightened

  herself. Her head fell back. Her turban slipped off and dropped to

  the grass.

  Over and over again Matthias drove his finger deep, pushing

  through the constricting, glovelike passage. At the same time, he

  used his thumb on her small, hidden jewel.

  With a startled cry Imogen convulsed and came apart in his


  He held her close, glorying in her response. He was on the brink

  of exploding inside his breeches, but he managed to hold himself

  in check. Later, he promised himself as he cradled her fiercely to

  him. His turn would come later. Right now the only thing that

  mattered was that she had found her satisfaction in his arms.

  After a moment Imogen stopped trembling, although she still

  gripped the edges of his coat with such force that he knew the

  expensive fabric would be crushed. He absently noted that his

  cravat had somehow come undone. Imogen's hair spilled around

  her shoulders.

  Matthias realized that although he ached with unsatisfied

  desire, he felt young and free, as he had not felt in years.

  Imogen slowly raised her head to gaze at him with eyes made

  huge by sensual wonder. She smiled up at him from the curve of

  his arm." That was the most astounding thing that I have ever

  Voices, those of a man and a woman, interrupted whatever it

  was Imogen had been about to say. The reality of their precarious

  situation hit Matthias with the force of freezing rain. He realized

  that the other couple was only a few feet away. All that stood

  between Imogen and discovery was the tall hedge.

  Hell and damnation," he whispered.

  He stood up with Imogen in his arms and quickly set her on her

  feet. There was no need to warn her. He could see that she had

  heard the voices. She grabbed futilely at her drooping bodice.

  The voices moved closer. Soft laughter from the woman. A

  murmured comment from the man.

  Matthias started to reach down to scoop up his gloves and then

  realized Imogen was having trouble adjusting her gown.

  Here, let me do that." He managed to drag the tiny sleeves back

  up onto her shoulders. Her breasts disappeared. There was noth

  ing he could do about her loosened hair, however, or the turban

  that had fallen to the grass. She was the very picture of a woman

  who had just been locked in an abandoned sensual embrace.

  Come." He took her hand, intent on getting her away from the

  scene before the other couple came around the corner of the

  hedge. Imogen stumbled as she clutched his hand.

  Colchester." Selena, followed by Alastair Drake, rounded the

  hedge at that moment." And Miss Waterstone. What are you two

  doing . ? Oh, dear." A slow, knowing smile curved her lips." Never

  mind. I can see perfectly well what you are doing."

  Imogen." Alastair stared at her with a shocked expression.

  Matthias stepped in front of Imogen in a vain effort to conceal

  her, but he knew the damage had been done. He saw Alastair's

  eyes go to a dainty dancing slipper and the turban that lay next to

  his discarded gloves.

  Selena gazed at Matthias's loosened cravat and gave a rich,

  amused chuckle." Well, well, well. I do believe that we have inter

  rupted some very interesting researches into the subject of ancient

  Zamar, Mister Drake."

  Alastair was tight-lipped." So it would seem."

  You have indeed interrupted something quite interesting,"

  Matthias said." But it was not a scholarly investigation. Miss

  Waterstone has just consented to b
ecome engaged to me. You may

  be the first to congratulate us."

  Chapter 8

  She was standing in her uncle's sepulchral library. This time she

  could feel a chill wind. She saw that the window was open, allowing

  the night to flow into the chamber. A stone sarcophagus loomed in

  the shadows. She was certain that it had not been there the last time.

  The lid had been removed. There was something inside. Something


  She started toward the sarcophagus and then paused when she

  felt the hair on the nape of her neck stir. She knew that he was in the

  room with her again. She turned slowly and saw Matthias/Zamaris.

  The moonlight gleamed on the icy silver in his hair. His austere

  features were in deep shadow.

  He held out one elegant ham. Blood glistened on his fingers.

  Lies," he whispered in a darkly sensual voice." Do not believe the

  lies. Come to me."

  It is a disaster." Imogen shoved aside the memories of her latest

  disturbing dream and forced herself to concentrate on the crisis.

  He has ruined everything. My entire scheme is in a shambles."

  Calm yourself, dear." Horatia, seated in a chair with her

  embroidery, peered at her over the rims of her spectacles. i'm

  certain Colchester knows what he is about."

  Rubbish." Imogen threw her hands up into the air and stormed

  across the study." It's a bloody disaster, I tell you. This morning

  everyone in Polite Society believes that Colchester and I are


  You are engaged, dear. The announcement last night made it

  quite official."

  Imogen flung out a hand and accidentally struck a scented

  sweet jar off its stand. It bounced on the carpet and rolled under

  the desk. The dried herbs and flowers that had been inside fluttered to the floor. She paused briefly to glower at the small heap

  of faded roses and bay leaves.

  How could he do this to me?" she demanded of the universe at


  Horatia considered that." He obviously felt he had no choice.

  The situation was an extremely compromising one for you. Much

  worse than last time because Lady Lyndhurst witnessed it in addition to that nice Mister Drake. Selena thrives on that sort of gossip.

  There was no possibility of hushing things up."

  Imogen winced." I suppose not."

  She was fairly certain that Alastair could have been persuaded

  to keep his mouth closed. He was an old acquaintance who had

  once been something more than a friend. But there was no reason

  to believe that Lady Lyndhurst would have been discreet.

  Colchester did the only thing a true gentleman could do under

  the circumstances." Horatia frowned." I must say, I'm rather

  amazed. His reputation is not such that one would expect noble


  You are wrong, Aunt Horatia. Colchester is exactly the sort of

  gentleman who would try to salvage my reputation. But I fear he

  did not stop to consider the results of his actions." Imogen

  resumed her pacing.

  You are being very hard on him, my dear." Horatia set a stitch

  in her embroidery." This cannot be any easier on Colchester than

  it is on you."

  But it is my plans that are in ruins. A broken engagement will

  finish me so far as Society is concerned. You know the lady always

  takes the blame in such situations."

  I know, dear."

  If I end the engagement, I will put myself beyond the pale. I

  will not receive any further invitations."

  Yes, dear."

  And then how will I carry out my plans to trap Vanneck?"

  I have no notion, dear."

  Exactly. I am trapped." Imogen slammed a palm down on her

  desk as she went past it. The inkstand trembled." One would

  almost think that Colchester did this deliberately."

  Horatia's needle hovered in midair." Deliberately?"

  You know very well that he has been opposed to my scheme

  from the start."

  Well, he admitted at the beginning that he was extremely

  anxious about the thing," Horatia conceded.

  Precisely." Imogen frowned." Mayhap his nerves were so frayed

  from the pressure of his role in this affair that he decided to put

  an end to my scheme in this underhanded fashion."

  As I am forever telling you, Imogen, Colchester is not the sort

  to suffer from frayed nerves."

  And as I am forever explaining to you, he is possessed of very

  delicate sensibilities. That sort often suffers from a weakness of the

  nerves." Imogen narrowed her eyes as the suspicion built within her.

  Last night, just before the disaster, he told me that Vanneck was

  attempting to form a secret consortium. My scheme was coming to

  fruition. I could see that the news had clearly shaken Colchester.

  Evidently I failed to understand just how overset he was."


  He must have panicked."

  Panicked? Colchester?"

  Perhaps he was so disturbed and anxious that he took drastic

  action to crush my scheme before it could go any further."

  Horatia contemplated that notion." I suppose this engagement

  does complicate your plans."

  It has made a complete tangle of them," Imogen snapped." The

  idea was to make Vanneck believe that he was in competition with


  I know."

  I wanted him to think that I was willing to form a partnership

  with whomever would finance an expedition to Zamar. I wanted

  Vanneck to believe that he had every chance of convincing me to

  let him become my partner." Imogen swept out a hand and missed

  a vase of flowers by inches." Now he will likely abandon any notion

  of forming his consortium."

  True. Under the circumstances, Vanneck will naturally assume

  that he no longer has a chance at the Queen's Seal. Colchester has

  cut him out very neatly, has he not? No lady can form a business

  partnership of the sort you intend with one man when she is

  engaged to marry another. It isn't done."

  Precisely." Imogen came to a halt beside her desk and

  drummed her fingers on the polished surface." It isn't done. The

  lady's loyalty must lie with her future husband, who will control

  her business affairs. Colchester knows that. Which is why I

  strongly suspect that this is a desperate ploy on his part. I fear it

  may have worked. He has effectively destroyed my scheme."

  Horatia glanced at Imogen over her spectacles." You make this

  sound as if it were all Colchester's fault. A nefarious plot to ruin

  your plans."

  I suspect that is just what it was."

  May I ask how he managed to compromise you on his own?

  Did he lure you into a secluded portion of the garden and force

  his attentions upon you?"

  Imogen blushed furiously." Not exactly."

  The memories of Matthias's lovemaking had kept her awake

  for the better part of the night. The emotions that she had experi

  enced in his arms had left her feeling unsettled and dazed. The

  mixture of excitement and unaccustomed sensations had been

  almost too much even for her strong nerves.

  She had gazed at the ceiling for hours, wonde
ring what sort of

  impact those strange sensations had had on Matthias. She was not

  altogether certain that he had felt anything particularly unusual.

  He had seemed very much in command of himself when Lady

  Lyndhurst and Alastair had appeared.

  Imogen stifled a small sigh. She feared that whatever emotion

  Matthias had experienced last night had not been of a deeply stir

  ring nature, as hers had most definitely been. The dream shortly

  before dawn had not helped settle her uneasy emotions.

  Dawn, however, had brought a clearer head and a full realization of just what had been lost. And Horatia's gentle accusation of

  complicity only made matters worse. Very well, she had kissed

  Matthias willingly, Imogen thought. But matters would have

  ended right there if he had not employed exotic Zamarian love

  making techniques to seduce her senses.

  Well, dear?" Horatia prompted.

  Imogen cleared her throat and straightened her shoulders." I

  told you, we went out into the garden to discuss the progress of my

  plans. We were discovered together by Lady Lyndhurst and

  Alastair Drake."

  Merely being discovered together in the garden would not

  have necessitated an engagement announcement. Not at your age,

  my dear."

  I am aware of that." Imogen sought for a way to change the

  subject. She did not want to go into detail about the events of last

  night." I fear Lady Lyndhurst and Alastair assumed the worst."

  The gossip that went through the ballroom indicated that they

  discovered you in a state of complete dishabille," Horatia said with

  rare ruthlessness." I heard that your hair was down about your

  shoulders. Your dress was rumpled and one of your shoes had

  come off. The bodice of your gown appeared to have come

  partially undone. According to one report, Colchester's gloves and

  your turban were lying on the grass."

  Imogen was horrified." You heard all those lurid details?"

  And more." Horatia sighed." A great deal more. They are calling

  you Immodest Imogen again, my dear. You would have been

  ruined this morning if Colchester had not waved a magic wand

  and declared that the pair of you were engaged."

  Imogen collapsed into the chair behind her desk and covered

  her face with her hands. She tried to school her thoughts so that

  she could think logically and coherently. But her brain had gone

  to mush.

  Bloody hell," she muttered." What am I to do now?"


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