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Claiming More (Tiger Nip)

Page 4

by Walker, Brandy

  Abruptly standing, she only made her problems worse. Soren leaned forward a bit then turned his head. It was level with her throbbing pussy. She knew the minute he smelled her arousal. A feral grin broke out across his face. His eyes glowed a little brighter. Damn it to hell, she had to get out of there. Everyone was looking at her like she was insane, but Corrine was the only one to speak. “MJ, you okay?”

  She cleared her throat and stepped over Soren. “Yeah, I’m just ready to go home and hit the sheets. It’s been a long day.”

  “Oh! Of course.” Corrine blushed. “I sometimes forget you don’t live here anymore.”

  MJ smiled at her friend. Her heart breaking a little bit. Sometimes she forgot too.

  It sucked when she moved out, but the last thing she wanted to do was be a third wheel. Or keep hearing her bestie and her boyfriend doing it. When Jett and Corrine finally worked through their issues and talked like adults, she started shopping for a new place. She just wanted a cute, cozy one-bedroom apartment close to the new bakery in town. Corrine insisted she could stay as long as she wanted, but MJ felt differently. She needed time to herself so she could figure her own life out. It was time to grow up and move on.

  Too bad not a lot of figuring out life happened. She found a place within a couple weeks of starting her search. She moved in and focused on rebuilding and improving Sweet Confections. Then the wedding plans started for Corrine, and MJ found she was spending more and more time at the bakery. Content to lose herself in the daily business of the shop while ignoring her parents repeated attempts to get her to commit to Devon. Their pressure slowly chipping away at the new MJ, who was finally thinking of her own wants and needs. The sad and submissive MJ, who hid her deepest thoughts and desires, was starting to take over again.

  MJ hugged Corrine and Jett, thanking them for the cake and presents. Sam silently gathered everything up before saying goodnight to everyone and followed her upstairs. It didn’t escape her notice that Bodie and Soren didn’t come up with him.

  The two men had moved into the condo Sam and Jett used to share. MJ was certain they would all be going home together if Sam kept true to his words from earlier. She was opening the front door when the rest of the group came up. Bodie and Soren moved up behind Sam and spoke to him quietly. With Sam occupied, MJ headed out the door, making her way to her car. She didn’t know if she was trying to escape or wanting to see if he would follow.

  As much as she’d like to spend the evening with Sam, there was no way she was doing it at his condo where the guys could hear everything. She also didn’t want Sam to think she would hook up with the three of them either.

  MJ knew about the handful of times Sam and Jett shared women. It really wasn’t uncommon in the shifter world. Most shifters had a more go with the flow attitude about sex and nudity. Sometimes the phrase “the more the merrier” was true. Not that she had ever taken part in the group sex activities. She preferred having her man all to herself.

  Sam kept his eye on MJ as she made her way out the front door, splitting his attention between her, and Bodie and Soren. He didn’t want to give her the chance to get away. He could feel the sexual tension wrapped around her body.

  “So, we’re all going home? Should we be anticipating an invitation later tonight or do you want MJ all to yourself?”

  The question from Bodie brought his attention back to his roommates. There was no way in hell he was going to share MJ. She wasn’t the type to play that way. Besides, just the thought of Bodie or Soren sinking their dicks into her made Sam want to rip them apart.

  “No!” He clenched his hands to keep from hitting Bodie.

  Bodie stepped back, eyes wide. “Chill man. It was just a question. I wasn’t sure how serious it was between you two, and I’ve been getting mixed signals all night. The pheromones MJ was putting out were driving me nuts. She must be in full Dewasa now. I don’t think I’ve ever met a woman in full transition that put out that strong of an Esensi.”

  “Shit, I could feel it too,” Soren grumbled.

  “Well, yeah. We are looking for our mates, too. I’m sure every single guy within a hundred mile radius could feel it.” Bodie chuckled but Sam didn’t see the humor. It only made his blood pressure rise another notch.

  Soren’s eyes narrowed and Sam felt the weight of him studying him. “Is MJ your mate?”

  Sam looked out at MJ, who was standing next to her car, head tilted to the side, staring back at him. “Yeah. I’m certain she is, but I don’t think she knows.”

  Soren shook his head. “Damn. Good luck man. You’re going to have to claim her and quick. Otherwise, you’ll be fighting suitor after suitor until you do. MJ’s a potent package of sexy woman and mind-bending pheromones.”

  Sam’s Tiger stiffened with anger hearing Soren’s comments about MJ. He didn’t like another shifter taking interest in what he considered his. The beast within certainly didn’t care that the human side hadn’t made a claim on their woman. All it knew was another Tiger was sniffing around her, and he would fight to the death to keep her.

  “Hey, should we find another place to crash tonight?”

  The Tiger relaxed sensing Bodie’s shift in thought, allowing Sam to follow along instead of holding the inner turmoil back.

  It really was unfair to expect them to sleep somewhere else when Sam could just as easily go over to MJ’s place. The point of taking her to his place was so he could control when she left, as she would have to rely on him to get her car back. He wasn’t trying to be a dick, but he wanted to keep her with him as long as possible. He wanted to control when she left, if at all. Going to her place would work just as well. She wouldn’t be able to get rid of him that easy.

  He thought about it for another minute. When he heard the roar of an engine, he made his decision. Tossing his car keys to Bodie, he turned and jogged out the front door, the gift bags full of presents in his hand. “Take it. I’ll find another way home...later.”

  MJ had just thrown the car into reverse when he opened the passenger door, tossing the bags in the backseat as he climbed inside. “Not leaving without me, are you?”

  She snorted, not bothering to wait for him to get his seatbelt on before she peeled out of the driveway. “I’m going home, to my apartment. I’m sure you can walk home from there. It isn’t too far from your place.”

  “Thanks, Mary Jane. I’ve wanted to see your place all set up since we moved you in.” He chose to ignore the walking home part. There was no way he wasn’t going to finally get a proper taste of his mate. It was time she knew where he stood when it came to them as a couple.

  Reaching over, Sam gathered up MJ’s hand and laced their fingers together. He placed their twined hands on his thigh then sat back and relaxed. Not once did she try to pull her hand away—something that pleased him to no end.

  They traveled the rest of the way in silence, so he took the time to study the woman he was obsessed with. Deciding to wait until she turned twenty-five had been hell on him but was the right thing to do. He wanted to make sure she couldn’t use the excuse that she wasn’t fully transitioned as a way to brush him off. It was also the best way to get her parents to back off if they gave him any problems. Once a shifter was officially Dewasa, the parents had no say in what went on in their offspring’s life. Instinct, pheromones and a shifter’s personal preference were all that mattered.

  A lot of people would say that pheromones didn’t play a large part in the mating decision, but he would argue differently. Pheromones, the rich tangy scents that were unique to each person, brought couples together in the first place. Physical attraction came next and instinct or personal preference last. He knew the day he turned twenty-five who his mate was. MJ had been giving off Esensi, however lightly, for almost year. His Tiger was addicted to her.

  Everyday he had to get a glimpse of her. A whiff of the vanilla scented musk that was all Mary Jane. It called to his Tiger and sang through his blood. It wasn’t like he was stalking her, at least not
in his mind, but if he didn’t see her during the day at the bakery; he would see what she was up to on-line. Thank goodness for social media! While it wasn’t the same as a personal connection, it did soothe him slightly. Enough to be able to relax each night.

  He was done with silently brooding and watching. She was officially an adult and could start looking for her mate.

  Transitioning from juvenile to adult was almost like flipping a switch. Every emotion and feeling was strongest on the shifter’s birthday. If there was something between them, this was the best time to find out.

  He let his gaze skim over her body and face. Her long blond hair was down for once. He loved it that way, wished she would wear it down more. It made her face rounder, softer, more vulnerable. The lipstick she had on earlier was worn off, leaving a hint of red staining her lush lips. Soft, plump lips he wanted to feel on his again.

  She responded like a dream when he kissed her earlier that evening. She looked so damn good standing there. Her red t-shirt hugging her ample breasts and the tight dark blue jean shorts wrapped around her like a second skin. The minute he made skin-to-skin contact, he was a goner. He needed her. Wanted to take her to the ground. Claiming more of what he craved with his entire body. The kiss was the only thing he could do to even begin to satisfy his need. Not that it had done much. After it was over, it fueled his desire more.

  MJ came to an abrupt stop. Well, it seemed abrupt to him. He was so caught up in reliving the kiss and in drinking her in; he hadn’t noticed they were already at her apartment.

  Sam scooped up the presents from the backseat and followed her to her door on the first floor. As he waited for her to unlock it, he looked around. Though he had helped move her in, at the time, he didn’t take much notice of anything. He was too busy wrapping his head around the fact that she would be living alone and wasn’t too far from the condo he lived in. Now all he could think about was how many surfaces he could take her on. He would, however, have to get through the front door first before he could start making a list.

  The apartment complex itself was one of the newer ones in the area. Lush green landscape surrounded the stone and wood siding complexes, giving the residents the feeling of living in a secluded area. Perfect for shifters to fulfill any calls of the wild. The area was well maintained and secure. Lighting shone down on the pathway leading to her door.

  Once MJ opened the door and he followed her inside, he was immediately stunned by the overwhelming feel of being home. He sucked in a huge breath, taking in as much of MJ’s scent as possible. If he had his way, it would be the last time her place smelled exclusively of her. He planned to mark her and every corner of her place so she would never forget he belonged there.

  Her place was definitely much nicer than his man-condo. Walking in, there was a short hallway before he entered the living room. A large, overstuffed gray couch with bright frilly pillows sat against the wall to the right. Across from it sat a forty-six inch LED television on a large black, low-slung entertainment center with a fireplace tucked into the corner near the patio door. A look to his left and he saw a dining room with a glossy black, four-seat table, the kitchen and a breakfast bar with two high back modern bar stools. All elegantly styled, all neat as can be.

  “You can just put the bags on the couch Sam.” It was the first time she had spoken to him since getting in the car.

  “Are you sure? I thought we could hang out a bit. Watch a movie or something. Besides, I wouldn’t want to make a mess of your place. It’s really nice…and clean.”

  Mary Jane snorted. She did that a lot around him. “Put them on the table then. I’ll get it all put away later. I’ll be back in a few minutes. I want to get out of these clothes and put on something…more comfortable.”

  Before she went off down the short hall, that he guessed led to her bathroom and bedroom, a small shy smile graced her lips and she winked. Sam stood rooted to the spot. Was he supposed to go after her? Putting the presents on the table, he looked around at the apartment as nerves set in. He shoved his hands in his pockets; afraid to touch anything out of fear he would break it.

  It wasn’t like him to not go for what he wanted. A few more minutes and his stomach was in knots. A niggling of doubt entered his mind when he found her bedroom empty. Stepping back into the hall, he looked towards the bathroom. The door was open and the light was off.

  Back in the bedroom he went to the far side of the room near the window, finding a door to the patio to his left. The dresser had blocked it from his view. Mary Jane stood outside, moonlight lighting her face, caressing every inch of her body.

  Sam did a double take. No longer wearing shorts and a t-shirt, MJ was standing against a railing wearing nothing but a black bra and matching black panties. Her head was thrown back, eyes closed, a look of euphoria on her face. It was the sexiest damn thing ever.

  Realizing that he might not be the only person who could see her, he marched through the door, stopped mid-step by the words coming out of her mouth.

  “It’s about time you found me. I was about to send a search party for you.” She turned her head slightly in his direction. That same shy smile gracing her pouty lips.

  “Anyone can see you, Mary Jane. Come back inside with me.”

  Contrary to his own words and needing her away from prying eyes, he walked up behind her, wrapping his arms around her beautiful, lush body. Her ass fit perfectly against his groin. The Tiger that earlier yowled inside when he couldn’t find his mate purred in contentment. This was what they both wanted. Mary Jane in his arms, pressed up against his body for the rest of his damn life.

  Using his hand, he swept her hair to one side before placing kisses along her neck. “I’m the only one who should ever see you like this, Mary Jane. And don’t you dare snort at me either.”

  “No one can see us back here, Sam. We can do whatever we want. I picked a first floor apartment tucked back into the corner of the property just so I could have this kind of privacy and feeling of outdoors all to myself.”

  Sam looked around and was pleased to see she was right. There were no apartments connected to her on either side, only one up above. Off her corner patio was a swath of lush green grass that led to a thicket of trees and bushes. Flowerpots and hanging baskets added to the private enclosure and the feeling of isolation. Unless someone deliberately walked around the building looking for the most secluded part, no one would be coming across her little oasis.

  He thought about that for a moment. Damn, he loved having sex outside. The trees were singing their song on the wind, crickets chirped into the night sky, and fireflies flickered. Taking her from behind, right where they stood? Yeah, he was all about doing that. He needed hard and fast this first time. Later he would lay her down on the bed and take her slowly. Eating her pussy while she writhed under him calling out his name.

  “Whatever we want,” he murmured in her ear.

  Working a hand inside her bra, he used his fingers to roll her nipple into a tight bud while he used his other hand to pull her more firmly against his groin. His cock pressed against her ass, full and thick, the blunt crown throbbing, begging for relief. He slid his hand from her waist, under the elastic band on her panties and through the small tuft of curls of her mound. Finding what he was looking for, he circled the hardened nub of her clit. Small, tight circles that had her mewling into the night sky. He slid one thick finger into the heat of her sex and felt the inner tissues flutter. She was close. Closer than he thought she would be. All of that teasing earlier did a bang up job of getting her primed for him. He wanted her over the edge though. This first orgasm would be just for her. Then he would get something he’d dreamed about forever.

  She moaned as he pumped his finger in a steady rhythm. “Yes. Whatever we want.”

  “I want you crying out my name, Mary Jane.” He added a second finger, grinding her clit with the palm of his hand. It didn’t take long before MJ keened in satisfaction. His name fell from her lips over and over and it
was all he could do not to come in his pants.

  Sam pulled his fingers from her greedy channel, as a final moan broke from her lips. Lips he imagined, dreamed really, would one day be wrapped around his dick. Spinning her around, he gently pushed her to her knees.

  MJ pushed up his shirt as far as she could, all the while kissing a path across his abs. Reaching behind, Sam yanked his shirt over his head with one hand, dropping it on the ground next to them. MJ, keeping busy with his flesh, scooted the shirt beneath her knees. Damn, I should have thought about that first.

  But his need was riding him too hard to think straight. She pulled at the button on his jeans, popping it free. With one hand, she pulled down the zipper while using the other to pull his cock free. He helped her with his jeans by pushing them down his hips, stopping when they hit mid thigh.

  Mary Jane stroked the length. Gripping him tight as she moved over the sensitive head. His hips shot forward, a silent plea for more. She swallowed the head of his erection, licked and nibbled her way down to the base of his cock before repeating the entire action again. Sam swore he was going to come just from the feel of her lips on him. The smooth velvet glide of her cherry lips a luxury he would never get out of his mind.

  “Suck me deeper, Mary Jane,” he ground out. “Take it all to the back of your throat.”

  She took his full length then. Flattening her tongue as he slid to the back, bumping her throat, she swallowed him down. Bolts of electric current skyrocketed from his feet to his balls. Pulling them tight against his body.

  Sam stared down his body, watching her work his cock in and out of her mouth. Her hand gripped his dick at the base, squeezing and twisting until he was ready to come in her mouth. That wasn’t where he wanted to be when he came though. “Damn MJ, so good,” he grunted out.

  Threading his hand in her hair, he tightened his hold, pulling her off him. A tug up and she stood. Slamming his mouth down on hers, he fucked her with his tongue like he wanted to fuck her pussy.


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