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Ascension (The Gryphon Series)

Page 20

by Rourke, Stacey


  “Same thing. Love you.”

  “Celeste!” a familiar voice called as I clicked my phone off and slid it into the pocket of my jeans.

  I knew very well who it was, and what he was after. Pivoting on the heel of my still throbbing ankle, I peered up at him from under my lowered brow. “I’m not giving you my notes, Rowan.”

  His face fell in a mock pout. “But my academic achievement depends on it.”

  “Try showing up for class. It’s an old-fashioned, tried and true method that works for the rest of us.”

  “I wanted to. I did. But it was such a beautiful day it seemed criminal to be trapped indoors.”

  I tapped my index finger against my chin. “Odd that Professor McHale didn’t include that in the list of acceptable reasons to miss class.”

  Rowan lowered his chin and gave me a half-grin that had probably charmed the panties off half the female student body. “It’s a travesty that it isn’t. But that is exactly why you and I are such a great team. You were here, being responsible enough for the both of us.”

  “We’re so not a team,” I stated as Rowan followed me into the lecture hall. “The rumor on campus is that you’re quite the MVP, while I don’t even attend tryouts.”

  “I’m MVP all right. Most Valuable—”

  “Ah!” I held my hand up to halt his off color comment. “It’s okay to let some innuendos die.”

  Settling into a desk, I retrieved my notebook and pen from my satchel. Rowan didn’t hesitate to take the seat beside me. He dropped his backpack on the floor, then pulled a Middle Ground cup from the side of it. “I did come stocked with incentives. I believe a Caramel Frappuccino with extra whip is your drink of choice?”

  My mouth instantly began to water at the foamy goodness. “It takes more than wonderful deliciousness to bend my ethics.”

  Rowan dug into the breast pocket of his army green jacket and presented me with two multi-colored slips of paper. “What if I throw these in?”

  “Monopoly money? You shouldn’t have.”

  “These,” he grinned mischievously and fanned himself with the mystery paper, “are tickets to the indie battle of the bands at the Annex. There’s an Irish rock band playing that is supposed to be off the hook. Plus, this will expand your horizons beyond the drivel I hear pumping through your ear buds.”

  Fliers for this concert were all over campus. Much as I hated to admit it, I was intrigued. “But … it’s not a date.”

  Golden waves fell into his face as he shook his head. He raked a hand through them, leaving them in casual disarray. “It’s not a date. Any attempts you make to steal my virtue will be rebuffed no later than the morning after.”

  I narrowed my eyes and fought off my threatening smile. “Rowan…”

  He leaned closer, his arm on the back of my chair. “Come on. Come out with me. Miss one night of studying and sketching in that book of yours. What have you got to lose?”

  My ears burned with a hot blush at the intimacy in his stare. I cleared my throat and scooted to the edge of my seat—anxious for a little bit more breathing room. “You know I’m not going to fall for your swagger like the rest of the female population, right?”

  “Maybe that’s why I find you so fascinating.” His tone suggested he was pondering that same question himself.

  “Who is ready to discuss Liberty Leading the People?” Professor McHale chirped with his standard high-octane enthusiasm as he strode in clad in his trademark black turtle neck and khaki pants.

  Rowan pulled away to dig his notebook from his bag. I slid back in my seat, grateful for the interruption. While his head was still turned I grabbed the tickets … and the Frappuccino. I felt the weight of his stare and warmth of his smile as soon as he noticed my unspoken acceptance. But I played it cool. Pointedly ignoring the hot guy, sipping a little belly warming goodness, as my favorite teacher discussed beautiful works of art.

  The life of a college student. Glamorous, no?


  The Gryphon Series

  Art Gallery

  Carved from one solid piece of wood was a creature I had never seen before. Its head and wings were that of a bird, but it had the body of a predatory cat. It stood assertive and proud—chest out, feet planted wide. Its head was thrown back as if in a roar.

  -excerpt from The Conduit

  Illustrated by Crystal Ord

  “We’ve been looking for you, Celeste. Your blood on the carving confirmed your identity. The changes will begin now. Not just for you, but for Gabe and Kendall as well. There is no stopping it. I am here to guide you, to help you.”

  -excerpt from The Conduit

  Illustrated by Crystal Ord

  Our odd trio—the lion, the angel and … me—came together. Cloaked by darkness, we made our way across the sleeping campus with determined strides and steeled nerves … for the most part.

  -excerpt from The Conduit

  Illustrated by Crystal Ord

  Thick scales covered its narrow, reptilian face. Its menacing, yellow-slitted eyes bore down at us. A forked tongue flicked out from between jagged, yardstick-sized teeth.

  -excerpt from The Conduit

  Illustrated by Robert Immings

  The lower half of my professor’s face split down the middle. With a sickening slurp teeth, bone, and flesh pulled away. The insides of his mouth curled back by his ears to release a long, black snake-like tongue with its own set of jagged fangs.

  -excerpt from Embrace

  Illustrated by Robert Immings

  They exchanged determined looks and resolute nods that made my eyes roll. It was Eddie that enthused, “We’re the Dark Army Glee Club!”

  -excerpt from Embrace

  Illustrated by Robert Immings

  If I were to draw an angel of wrath it would look exactly as he did in that moment. His broad and battered chest exposed. Eyes blazing. Strong jaw set. A gust of wind blowing the ebony locks back from his face. “Do these look like the badges of a star pupil?”

  -excerpt from Embrace

  Illustrated by Crystal Ord

  Caleb’s normally pale skin was chalk white. Black veins tracked just below the surface of his skin like a satanic road map. The emerald was gone from his eyes. In its place emanated the haunted black of a Seeker.

  -excerpt from Embrace

  Illustrated by Crystal Ord

  I used to have an irrational fear of garden gnomes. Then I met one. Turns out it wasn’t so irrational. They’re evil little jerks.

  -excerpt from Sacrifice

  Illustrate by Robert Immings

  Purple, pink, and gold zigzags decorated the sky. Their image reflected off the water turning it the color of melted gold. “It’s gorgeous.”

  “As are you, my love.” He dotted a kiss just below my ear.

  I snuggled deeper into his arms and watched as the sun disappeared behind the water’s edge and the sky darkened.

  -excerpt from Sacrifice

  Illustrated by Crystal Ord

  “My best guess is that at some point a bat and a water buffalo got together and had a love child that could miraculously walk on two legs.” With one arm still defensively raised, I pointed with the opposite hand. “That would be their love spawn.”

  -excerpt from Sacrifice

  Illustrated by Robert Immings

  Rowan gazed over his shoulder at his shirt draped over the back of a chair. “So, I wouldn’t have to wear the monkey suit and there’s the possibility of violence?”

  “Absolutely. You should put your shirt on!” That came out more of a high-pitched desperate plea than intended.

  -excerpt from Sacrifice

  Illustrate by Crystal Ord

  The bedroom light glistened off olive green scales as the dragon swung his massive head my way. He folded his tiny T-rex arms on the window ledge and leaned in. “Not any more. I ate them.”

  -excerpt from Ascension

  Illustrated by Robert Immings

p; There, nestled in a bed of orange and purple wildflowers, lay a baby gryphon. Its wide yellow eyes blinked into the bright sunlight.

  -excerpt from Ascension

  Illustrated by Robert Immings

  Two lions bookended me. One a symphony of ebony that flipped his head and roared into the darkening sky. The other was as white as a freshly fallen snow. His muzzle curled in a menacing snarl despite his beautiful appearance.

  -excerpt from Ascension

  Illustrated by Robert Immings

  All this time. All the venom within her, and all it took was being face to face with the same kind of creature that slaughtered her village to shatter her icy façade. For a brief moment the girl buried deep within the malevolent schemer appeared—and she was terrified.

  -excerpt from Ascension

  Illustrated by Robert Immings

  About the Author

  The Gryphon Series is written by Michigan native Stacey Rourke. She lives in Michigan with her husband, two beautiful daughters, and two giant, drooly dogs. Stacey loves to travel, has an unhealthy shoe addiction and considers herself blessed to make a career out of talking to the imaginary people that live in her head. She is currently hard at work on the continuations of this series as well as other literary projects.

  Visit her at

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  or on Twitter @Rourkewrites.

  Read more of Stacey’s books!

  The Gryphon Series:

  The Conduit





  I’m Not Crazy, I’m on Lupron; A Journey Through Infertility

  Also from

  Aydah Bell was happy in her normalcy; she was never the class clown or the sports hero, never the beauty queen or little Ms. Honor Student. One day, after a pointless family mini-vacation, Aydah returns to school and finds that her sheltered little world has turned upside-down. Besides the fact that she is beginning to crave raw meat, people are also disappearing.

  Suddenly, an alarming disappearance in the quiet and serene city she calls home puts the whole town into high-alert. One of Aydah’s schoolmates vanishes during the weekend and is conveniently replaced by a newcomer. To Aydah’s surprise, the new boy is the completely beautiful and oh-so mysterious Liam Bailey.

  Aydah finds herself drawn to Liam. He consumes her thoughts and she aches to be with him. In the mix of passion, jealousy, and hatred that follows, Aydah is too distracted to see the horrible fate headed straight for her.




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