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If You Only Knew (And Then Came Love Book 1)

Page 6

by Preston, Sara

  "It's not for me. It's for a friend." Julian rubbed his eyes. He needed to sleep tonight.

  "Okay, so what kind of car is your friend after?"

  "I need you to pull five cars — sensible, safe, low mileage. Last year’s models. Keep them around fifteen thousand."

  "Doesn't sound like a friend of yours at all!”

  Julian laughed. "Just do it. Give Nick the sale. And Mac — if anyone asks, even Nick. Insurance is paying for every dime."

  Chapter Four

  March 21st

  Julian snatched his cell phone from the counter. Dressed only in his gray pajama pants, he sipped his coffee, headed toward the library, and dialed Liza’s number as he went. He placed his coffee on the coffee table and put his bare feet up next to it, waiting for her to answer.

  “Hello?” Her voice was harried.

  “Good morning, did I wake you?”

  “No . . . I was getting ready to head to the bank.”

  “Damn, I was hoping to have you in bed with me this morning.” Terrible line, but if she laughed, it was worth it.

  “Have any of these lines worked for you?” She giggled.

  “I wanted to start my day hearing you laugh. So yeah, it worked.” He picked up the half of a joint from the ashtray. “I called to see if you’d like your new car today.”


  “The insurance company called they have five cars lined up for you at the dealership. Why don’t we take a cab and head over there this morning?”

  “I didn’t expect it so soon.”

  “Let’s say my family is well connected in the industry and, well, things tend to get done a little quicker than usual. I’ll meet at your place and then head over to the dealership.” Julian lit up the joint and took a hit.

  “I guess, if you have everything worked out, we might as well do it today. Why don’t I meet you at the dealership? If it goes well, you can drive your car home.”

  “Don’t worry about my car, we’ll take a cab.”

  “I have to run to the grocery store and the bank after this, so you if you have to get to work, you may want to take your car.”

  “We’ll spend your day off together.”

  “What about work?”

  Julian chuckled. “I don’t have a deadline right now and no real hours. The plants tend to do the whole growing thing by themselves.”

  “I want your job. No set hours, taking off whenever you please. Yep, I want that job.”

  “It makes it convenient when you meet a hot woman you’re trying to impress.” He took another hit off the joint, inhaled deeply, held it before exhaling through his nose. The speed of his thoughts slowed, he could feel the mellowing. This batch worked well, maybe he’d found the right hybrid. He rolled the joint in his fingers to put it out and placed it back in the ashtray.

  She laughed. “I guess I’ll see you in a little bit.”

  “Give me twenty.” He ended the call and headed upstairs to get dressed.


  Liza threw the shirt on her bed and once again scanned her closet. Getting dressed should not be this hard. “There’s no relationship.” She pulled a black tank top over her head.

  The doorbell rang interrupting her internal freak out session. She picked up the gray sweater with red and black stripes from her bed and donned it as she hurried to the door.

  She opened the door to let him in.

  He smiled. “Morning.”

  Liza blinked, twice. Her brain scrambled at the mere sight of him lounging against her door jam in jeans and a flannel shirt. He looked like he’d come from a cover shoot for Playgirl. She averted her eyes and stepped back. “Hi.” She motioned for him to come inside.

  He ambled into the apartment, closer to her than she expected him to get.

  She raised her foot to retreat.

  He caught her chin and lifted it until their eyes met. Capturing her bottom lip between his, he tugged gently, sending tingles down her spine.

  The kiss was short, but he left her lips burning.

  “Now, it’s a good morning.”

  “Yes.” Liza brought her fingers to her lips.

  His eyes were fixated on her. His stare intense and full of desire. He shifted his body and cleared his throat. “Ready to go?”

  “Umm—” Should she change again? “Let me put some shoes on and I’ll be right back.”

  “Take your time.”

  She peered over her shoulder at him as she was heading to her bedroom. Her face reddened. He was staring at her ass. She hurried into her bedroom and picked up her short black boots from the floor, put them on, and then zipped them. She stood, straightening her pants, and taking a final glance at herself in the mirror. Nowhere near the caliber of woman a man as sexy as he was should be dating, but she was acceptable.

  She snagged her purse and headed into the living room. “Ready?”

  “Yep.” He opened the door for her.

  Liza locked the door and stepped into the hallway.

  “You look fantastic.” They headed toward the elevator.

  “Thank you.” She brushed her hair behind her ear as they waited for the elevator.

  The doors opened and they entered the elevator. She stood across from him. “Sleep well last night?”

  “Not bad, I guess.”

  “Really?” Julian reclined against the wall. “I swore you’d be exhausted this morning.” A toothy grin spread across his face, the one that never failed to make her giggle.

  Liza crossed her arms and scanned his face. She knew another one of his crazy come-on lines was coming. And yet, she couldn’t remain silent, she couldn’t wait to hear how bad it would be. “Why?”

  “Because you’ve been running through my mind all night, babe.”

  She threw her head back in hysterics and holding her stomach. “Are you for real?” They exited the elevator and headed out of the building.

  “Come on, it wasn’t that funny.”

  “You’re right – it was hilarious.”

  They exited the building and moved toward the waiting cab. Julian opened the rear door for her and then slid in next to her. She glided over further, but he caught her hand. “Sit next to me.”

  Liza smiled and buckled her seat belt. Heat radiated through her body his leg pressed against hers and his arm around her. Had there been a change in the relationship? He was being awfully affectionate.

  “We’re heading to the car lot on the corner of Fifth and Jefferson.” He told the cabbie.


  Julian went to put his arm around Liza as they walked toward the dealership.

  She spun away and cocked her head to the side as if thinking about something.

  “What?” There was something going on in her head and he knew it.

  “You’re—” She shook her head, and reached for the door.

  “Wait a minute.” Julian caught up and put a restraining hand on her shoulder. “What’s wrong?”

  “I’m not trying to be rude, because I appreciate everything you’ve done for me, but—” She pulled at her ear. “For someone who doesn’t want to be in a relationship you’re kind of touchy feely.”

  Julian arms dropped to his sides. “It’s not every day I’m in the presence of a woman as beautiful as you.”

  She huffed and whirled away from him.

  He groaned. His comment came out sounding like a line when he hadn’t meant it to. “Liza.”

  “Lines will only get you so far, Julian.” She opened the door.

  “Shit.” He followed her into the building and halted in front of her. “I’m sorry. It wasn’t meant to sound like a line. You’re a gorgeous woman.”

  “I’m sorry, too, but it’s not going to happen.”

  “What?” He placed a hand on her arm, but she yanked it away. He settled for shoving his hands in his pockets. Fighting the urge to touch her was hard.


  “Excuse me?” He raised his eyebrows. “When did sex enter this conve

  “You’re going out of your way to touch me at every turn. I don’t do casual sex.”

  “I never said you did.”

  “Then understand this. Without a relationship, it’s not going to happen.”

  Julian opened his mouth to say something, but a woman strolled over to them interrupting their conversation.

  “Can I help you?” The woman directed the question to Julian.

  Julian flashed a smile and out of the corner of his eye, he saw Liza shake her head. “Is Nick around?”

  “I’ll get him for you.” The woman walked away.

  He turned to face Liza. “Why are you shaking your head?”

  She tapped her foot. “You’re such a flirt.”


  Liza let out a heavy gust of air while a scowl settled on her face. “First you flirt with me. Then you bat your eyes at the sales woman. How do I know Nick isn’t short for Nichole and you’re looking for a ménage a trois?”

  “Whoa, slow down.” He held up his hands in a gesture of surrender.

  She slapped her hands on her hips. “No. You were all over me last night. You kissed me first thing this morning. And until I mentioned it to you, you couldn’t keep your hands off of me.” Her voice was low, but he could tell she was about to lose it. “You didn’t ask. You decided — we’d spend the day together. We’re having lunch together tomorrow.” Pointing a finger at him, she kept up the rant. “And yet you flirt with every woman in the room, like it’s the most natural thing in the world.”

  He bit his lower lip to keep from smiling. She must have noticed, because her eyes narrowed.

  “What’s so funny?”

  He found her facial expression adorable. Her cheeks rosy, her lips pinched and her nostrils flared. Good, he was getting under her skin as much as she was under his.

  “Hey, Uncle Julian.” Nick came out to meet them. “Mac said everything was set up through the insurance company. We’ve got the five choices for your friend.”

  Julian gestured to Nick and looked at Liza, a smug grin on his face. “Liza, this is my nephew, Nick. Nick, Liza.”

  Liza pursed her lips and glared at Julian, before turning to Nick. “Your uncle’s an ass.” She shook Nick’s hand.

  “Yeah, so?” Nick said.

  Julian threw his head back and laughed. He stooped down bringing his lips close to her ear. “You sure know how to turn me on, babe.” He ran a finger down her neck and her body shivered. He took a step back and she frowned.

  “You two are cute.” Drew slapped a hand against Julian’s back.

  “How long have you been standing there?” Julian raised his eyebrow.

  “Oh God, not you, too?” Liza said.

  “Uncle Drew.” Nick nodded.

  “For not dating, you two spend a lot of time together.” Drew smirked.

  Julian narrowed his eyes.

  “Is there a tattoo on your neck?” Liza stretched to see Drew’s tattoo.

  Julian’s glare continued as Drew tilted his head to show Liza the phoenix tattoo. “One of many.”

  “I like it,” Liza said. “I’ve always wanted one, but I don’t have the nerve, nor the extra money.”

  “If you’re done flirting with my brother, I thought we’d look at cars now.” Julian frowned then rolled up the sleeves of his shirt to reveal part of his own tattoos.

  “Why haven’t I seen these before?” Liza looked at Julian’s arms. She traced the back of a man dressed in a long coat with a top hat was the focal point of the bottom of his left arm, standing next to a river. He turned his arm over so she could see Big Ben in the background. A newspaper article with the headline including the word Murder flowed onto the other side.

  “Murder?” She read the word. “Isn’t that kind of dark? The detail work is incredible.” He pulled the sleeve up on his other arm so she could see part of the skulls and raven tattoo on his right arm. “Do they go all the way up both arms?”

  Julian nodded glad to have her attention again. Damn, he was losing it. How did he go from someone who didn’t want a relationship to being jealous his brother had her attention for a couple seconds? Maybe he shouldn’t spend the rest of the day with her.

  “They’re both complete sleeves. I’ll show you later. The left arm is Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. The right one has ravens and skulls all the way up.”

  “Edgar Allen Poe and Robert Louis Stevenson?” Liza smiled as she traced one of the birds with her finger. “I didn’t think of you as someone who liked the classics.”

  Her gentle touch had him imagining how her hands would feel on other parts of his body.

  She followed the line of a scar on his right arm and inspected it closer.

  He jerked his arm away and jerked his sleeve down.

  She cocked her head and he could see the questions.

  “Now who’s being touchy feely?”

  Liza spun around to Nick. “You were going to show me cars?”

  “Yes.” Nick nodded and the two of them headed over to where the cars were.

  Drew hit him on the back of the head. “You’ve got it bad.”

  “What?” Julian knew what his brother was referring to, but he wasn’t going to admit it. He wanted Liza – that was all.

  “You’re practically in love with her,” Drew told him.

  “You’re nuts.” Julian stammered. “The thought hadn’t even crossed my mind. For Christ’s sake, we only met two days ago.” Of course, now that Drew brought it up the “L” word flashed in big letters in his mind. Two days ago — he met her two days ago. It was nothing but sexual attraction.

  Drew scoffed. “You pick-up everything about everyone else, but you’re clueless when it comes to you.”

  “Like you and Ava?” Ava Steele was Ethan’s little sister. Better to get him off track fast.

  Drew stiffened. “What about Ava?”

  Julian suspected there was more to their relationship than Drew admitted. Then because he could, he added a dig. “Something happened between you two before she left for L.A.”

  “That was seven years ago, man.” Drew shook his head. “You’re grasping at straws. What happened to the two date rule?” Deflecting the verbal blow.

  “This isn’t a date.” Julian shrugged.

  “You had dinner last night. That’s one. You’re spending the day together – I’m going to assume you’ll have lunch and dinner together?” Drew raised his eyebrow.

  “Yeah so – I’ll buy her lunch and then she’s making me dinner tonight.”

  “She’s cooking for you?” Drew chuckled. “Back to the count. Lunch today, that’s two. Dinner tonight, that’s three. And I heard her mention you’re having lunch tomorrow. That, my friend, is four. Four dates – two more than your usual two date rule.”

  “We’re friends. Shut up and go make sure those cars are up to your standards.” Julian shoved his brother.


  “Why don’t you go get your seat set up and I’ll finish up here?” Julian pointed to the metallic blue 2011 Toyota Camry she selected while he remained inside to sign paperwork.

  Drew inspected the car and went to work.

  “My boss has one more thing for Julian to sign and then we’re good.” Nick handed her the keys.

  “Will do. I can’t believe the insurance agreed to a car this new.” Liza beamed.

  “My parents have great insurance.”

  She walked away.

  Julian followed Nick into Mac’s office.

  “What are you doing here?” Julian was surprised to find his father seated in the office with Mac.

  Everett faced his son. Looking ever the part of the CEO, he wore a navy blue suit. His silk tie was also navy with an orange floral pattern on it. “The question should be, what are you doing? You didn’t let a pretty face convince you to buy her a car, did you?”

  “As far as she’s concerned, the insurance is paying for everything.”

  Everett frowned at Julian before glancing at

  Mac held his hands up. “He called me last night told me to find five sensible and safe cars and get them ready for today. He said if anyone asked I was to tell them the insurance was covering it.”

  Everett brought out his checkbook. “Your heart’s in the right place, son, but lying to the girl isn’t the way to go about it. I’ll pay for the car. But you need to at least be honest and tell her it wasn’t your money that bought it.”

  Julian watched as Liza got into her new car. He smiled. His mind on her and it wasn’t until his father snapped his fingers he realized his dad was talking to him. “What?”

  “And you’re sure she has no clue you’re buying this car for her?”


  “What’s going to happen when she gets the claim check from the insurance company in six to eight weeks?” Everett settled in his chair.

  “We didn’t file a claim. Mom’s idea was to pay to repair the damages. Drew said since the bulk of the damage was in the front quarter panel and the door, it would take a while to get it fixed. I figured a new car was the quicker and easier route to go.”

  “How much do I owe you, Mac?” Everett smoothed his white hair.

  Mac handed him the invoice.

  “I can pay for it.” Julian shrugged. “She uses her car a lot at work. She needed something better on gas mileage and in good condition. I upgraded her.”

  Everett wrote out a check and handed it to Mac. “I hope for your sake the third time’s a charm.” He stood.

  “There’s not going to be a third marriage.”

  Everett smiled and patted his son on the shoulder. “You keep telling yourself that, son.”

  Julian looked down at the check for the full amount then hurried out of the office to catch up with his dad. “Thanks, you didn’t have to.”

  “Your mother caused the accident. It’s the least I can do. You had your brother inspect it, right?”

  “Of course, he left a few minutes ago,” Julian explained.

  “Good.” Everett nodded. “Now, do I get to meet your young lady?”

  “Come on.” Julian led his father out to the lot where Liza waited for him.

  “Are you ready to go?” She grinned.

  Julian waited as she noticed his father standing next to him.

  “Is it a safe guess to say you’re Julian’s father?”


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