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If You Only Knew (And Then Came Love Book 1)

Page 21

by Preston, Sara

  Liza saw him and chose to sit next to the door.

  He sank into his chair. “Do you think she’ll ever forgive me?”

  “Chances are she will forgive you. Your question should have been, will she ever take you back.”

  Julian was about to punch his brother. Trevor was always Mr. Logical, but he turned as his mother breezed over to the window to talk to the receptionist.

  She pointed to Liza and then smiled, nodded, and headed over in their direction. “Trevor how lovely to see you, dear.”

  “I seem to have been dragged here unwillingly.” Trevor rested his head on his hands.

  The door to the office opened and a woman stepped out. Dark hair, petite form, wearing a lab coat. She looked around until she found his mother. “Hi, Jackie.”

  “Liza, dear.” Jackie motioned for Liza to join them.

  Liza took the long way around to avoid walking past Julian. She held her hand out.

  “Dr. London, this is Liza Thomas and Liza this is Arianna London.” Jackie made the introductions.

  “Hi.” Liza held her hand out to the doctor.

  Dr. London shook her hand and smiled at her. “We’ll get you through this with no problem. Why don’t you come with me and we’ll get started?”

  Julian and Trevor both stood and Dr. London raised her eyebrow before turning to Jackie. “I hope we’re not trying to determine paternity today, we don’t do that in this office.”

  “Oh n-no,” Trevor stuttered.

  Julian chuckled, he wasn’t used to seeing his brother flustered.

  Trevor glared at Julian and jabbed a thumb in his direction. “I’m here because my asshole of a brother asked me to come to lunch with him, and then decided we needed to make a stop at an OB office.”

  “Well, I guess there could be worse places you could go. He could have decided to have you stop off for a vasectomy.” Dr. London gave him a smile.

  Trevor laughed. “Now that’s the kind of sense of humor I could get used to.” He smiled and turned his attention to Julian. “Now, as nice as it would be to talk to her more, I’m going out to the car.”

  “Thanks for nothing.”

  “You owe me lunch.” Trevor waved as he headed out of the waiting room.

  Liza glared at Julian. “Are we ready?”

  “Yes, let’s go. We have a waiting room you two can go while I talk to Liza.” Dr. London motioned for Jackie and Julian to go into a room right inside the door. “Liza the last door on the left is a bathroom. We’ll need a urine sample.”

  “Liza.” Julian reached for her, but she headed down the hall.

  “I’m sensing tension between the two of you.” Dr. London peered up at him.

  “You could say I didn’t take the news of her pregnancy well.” Julian watched her disappear into the bathroom.

  “The last thing she needs is to be stressing out about your relationship. You need to be supportive and do whatever she needs to make her feel comfortable.”

  “There is no relationship.” He let out a heavy breath. “I screwed the hell out of that one. I’m trying, but she’s not responding well.” He rubbed the back of his neck, his muscles were tense.

  “Then leave her be.” Dr. London rested a hand on his arm. “When she’s ready to talk to you, she’ll come to you.”

  His mother stood and swooped into the hallway. “I’m going out to the waiting room, darling. Do try not to make an ass of yourself.” She patted him on the cheek.

  “Thanks, Mom.”

  Jackie gave him a little wave as she glided out into the main waiting area.

  “I’m going to wait.” He told Dr. London and moved into the other room.

  He shifted in his seat and scanned the room.

  A woman cleared her voice from the doorway.

  He looked up to see his older sister Marissa standing there. She was the owner and head doctor of the OB office. “Hi, sis.”

  “Remind me what doctor said you were infertile?” Marissa stood with her hands on her hips in the doorway. She was seven years his senior.

  “I’ve never had a doctor tell me that.” Julian looked skyward, waiting for his sister to make her comment. Sometimes it sucked having nine meddlesome siblings.

  “Funny, I’ve always gotten the impression your ‘I can’t have kids’ type attitude when it came to women had been confirmed.” Marissa smirked.

  “I was wrong. Is that what you wanted to hear?”

  “Something like that.” Marissa came over and plopped down next to him. “Congratulations.”

  “Thanks.” He gaze fell to his lap. “You should have individual waiting rooms so no one has to sit out there and get stared at.”

  “Really?” Marissa’s smirk turned into a full blown grin and she laughed. “You get your girlfriend pregnant and then you’re embarrassed to sit in an office with women staring at you?”

  “I wasn’t embarrassed.” He shifted in his seat, looking anywhere , but at his sister.

  “You dragged Trevor with you.” Marissa patted his hand “Are you and Liza at least talking?”

  “No.” Julian tried to still his bouncing leg. It didn’t work.

  “Maybe doing an ultrasound will do the trick?” Marissa shrugged.

  “I don’t doubt she’s pregnant and I know it’s my baby. I just want my relationship back with Liza.”

  “I’ve seen more fighting parents bond over an ultrasound. I’m telling you, there’s a magical quality to the black and white picture.” Marissa nodded.

  “Let’s hope. ”

  “I’m sure you’ll have time. Mom took Trevor out to lunch.” Marissa stood.

  “Of course, she did.” Julian shook his head. He hoped he could convince Liza it wasn’t a set up on his part. “Liza’s not going to be happy.”

  “Liza’s not going to be happy about what?” Dr. London entered the room.

  “Mom split, she’s stuck with me,” Julian said.

  “Well, now’s your time to try and get through to her. The ultrasound is all ready to go.”

  Julian nodded, gave his sister a wave, and then followed Arianna down the hall. “I’m not a bad guy.”

  “I never said you were.” Dr. London opened the door to the ultrasound room. “But then again, I’m not the one you’re going to have to convince.”

  Julian nodded and went into the room. Liza was on a table a sheet covering the lower half of her body. “Hi.”

  “Come in and let’s get this over with.” Liza shifted on the table.

  Julian opened his mouth to say something, but then closed it. He wanted to make her comfortable. He slipped into the chair next to her and whispered to her. “Do you come here often?”

  She sent a glare in his direction. “Not the time.”

  “Sorry, trying to make you laugh.” He rested his arm next to hers on the table. His arm brushed against hers. He wanted to hold her hand. “I really do care about you, Liza.”

  “Good to know.” She turned her attention to Dr. London who was seated in front of her.

  “This is going to be cold and it can be uncomfortable,” Dr. London said apologetically.

  Liza shifted on the table and her hands fisted.

  He touched her arm, but she snatched it away.

  Once everything was completed, Dr. London moved things around so the picture became clearer on the screen. “You’re not going to see a whole lot because you’re early in your pregnancy, but do you see the round black area there?” She pointed to a spot on the screen.

  “Yeah,” Liza said.

  “Well if you look inside the black area you’ll see what looks kind of like a peanut. That is your baby. If your lab tests hadn’t confirmed it before this does. You are in fact pregnant.”

  “Wow.” Julian watched the screen. “It’s hard to believe that will grow into a baby.”

  “Here’s something to bring it home for most fathers. This is your baby’s heartbeat.” Dr. London pushed buttons on the machine and the sound floated through the

  Julian closed his eyes and listened. His fingers wrapped around Liza’s. His heart clenched. The baby’s rapid whoosh whoosh whoosh heartbeat . . . his baby’s heartbeat.

  Liza squeezed his hand.

  He looked at her and puffed out his chest. “We’re going to have a baby.”

  Liza bit her lip and Julian saw her struggle, but the chuckle did come. “Kind of a duh there, Mr. Obvious.”

  Julian laughed. He wove his fingers between hers and met her gaze. “I’m sorry.”

  “I know.” Liza squeezed his hand again and then tugged it away.

  “I printed out a couple of pictures. You’re measuring between five and six weeks, hard to be exact this early in the game.” Dr. London stood and held out the pictures to the two of them. “I’ll take Julian to the waiting room. You can get cleaned up and dressed again.”

  “Thank you.” Liza sat up a bit.

  “Mom said something about nausea. Did you talk to her about it?” Julian asked Liza.

  “Already covered.” Dr. London nodded. “Now, go to the main waiting area and I’ll send her out when she’s ready.”

  Julian peeked at Liza one more time before heading out into the waiting room.


  Liza dressed and stopped at the reception desk to make her next appointment. She opened the door and saw Julian sitting there. “Your mother left?”

  “Yeah.” He stood. “Can I offer you a ride?”

  “I guess.” She headed out the door.

  “Liza, wait.” Julian jogged to catch up with her.

  “What else is there to say?”

  He caught the door handle and stepped in front of her. “I’m an ass and I need to apologize for the way I’ve handled things.”

  “I’m tired of hearing it. Apology accepted. Will you leave me alone now?” She pushed at the door and he opened it for her.

  “But you’re not listening to me.” Julian let out a sigh.

  Liza walked with him toward his car. When he opened the door she saw a pink envelope on the passenger’s seat with her name on it. She picked it up, before sitting down, and fastening her seat belt.

  Julian came around to climb in the driver’s seat and looked at her. “Will you at least read it?”

  Liza stared down at the envelope in her hand. “Did you ever think, I’m not ready to forgive you? Or I’m not ready to talk?”

  “No.” He gripped the steering wheel his gaze fixated on something outside the windshield.

  “You hurt me, Julian. You hurt me when you broke up with me and again when I told you I was pregnant. We need to talk, but at this point I don’t want to listen, and you can’t make me.”

  “All right” He started the car and glanced over to see Liza opening the card. “Thanks for opening it.”

  She opened the card and laughed. “Sorry I was such an . . . and a picture of a donkey. Cute.”

  “I thought it was better than anything sappy.” Julian smiled.

  Liza opened the card. “I hope you can forgive me. I’d like to get back to where we were before the break up. Miss you. Julian.” She laid a hand on his arm. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.” He put the car in reverse and head out of the parking lot. “When you’re ready to talk, I’ll be waiting.”

  Liza nodded and traced the letters on the card.

  “You need to get your prescription filled. Did you want me to stop at the pharmacy?”

  “I guess we should. Maybe then I’ll be able to hold down food.” She pulled the prescription and the ultrasound picture out of her pocket. “I don’t have a regular pharmacy. I guess wherever works.”

  A wave of nausea washed over Liza as they were driving. She rested her head on the seat trying to control it.

  Julian stopped at a local pharmacy and got out to open her door. “Are you all right?” He held his hand out for her.

  She let him pull her to her feet. “I’ll be fine.”

  They strolled hand in hand to the pharmacy counter. She should have pulled away, but as upset as she was, she still missed him.

  Julian flashed his award-winning smile at the lady behind the counter.

  Liza yanked her hand away. Same old Julian. She dug in her purse for her insurance cards.

  “Hey, Julian.” The woman behind the counter gave a smile of her own. “How are you doing?”

  “I’m all right, Marcie.” He grasped Liza’s hand and brought her over to the counter. “She needs to get a script filled.”

  Liza tugged her hand out of his and rested both on the counter.

  “Well I guess you came to the right place.” Marcie held out her hand for the prescription. She kept glancing at Julian, giving him little smiles.

  “Funny, the asshole knocks me up and everyone else is flirting with him.” Liza slapped her insurance cards and the prescription on the desk.

  Marcie’s jaw dropped and she scanned from Julian to Liza and back to Julian.

  Julian touched Liza’s shoulder, but she shrugged it off.

  “Have you ever had a prescription filled with us before?” Marcie began typing in the computer.

  “Nope.” Every time she looked up, Marcie was peering at Julian.

  Marcie picked up the prescription, insurance cards and then gave her another smile, this one forced. “This should be done in about fifteen minutes.”

  “Thanks.” Liza rotated away from the pharmacy counter.

  Julian followed her over to the waiting area. “What was that about?”

  “You and your thousand-watt smile.” She dropped into the chair and averted her eyes. “Kind of hard to believe your apologies when every other woman in the room gets the same reaction from you as I do.” Was it so wrong to want to feel like she was the only one to capture his attention?

  “That’s bullshit, Liza. There’s only one woman in this world I’m interested in and that’s you.”

  Liza got up too fast and grabbed the arm of the chair for balance. “If you’re going to give me lines, don’t bother.” She dropped into the chair.

  Julian sunk into the chair next to her and held her hand. “It’s not a line, babe. I mean it.”

  Liza nodded, she didn’t believe him, but she wanted to end the conversation.

  Marcie looked over at Julian again . . . another smile.

  “Who is she?” She yanked a magazine off the table and flipped through it, turning every page as if she were about to rip it out. She felt Julian getting closer to her. Could feel his breath against her ear. If he kissed her right now, she’d punch him.

  “You’re jealous,” he whispered.

  Liza slammed the magazine closed and tossed it on the table. “I am not.” She withdrew from him.

  His fingers caressed her arm.

  She shivered and smacked his hand. “Stop that. I’m mad at you.” Why did he have to affect her so much? Every touch brought with it a fire not easily extinguished.

  He moved his hand.

  She faced him.

  He folded his hands in his lap, his head rested against the wall and his eyes closed. A smile crossed his face. “Your ass looks great in those pants.”

  Liza pursed her lips and her eyes widen. Why did he have to be so infuriating? She angled her body away from him and picked up the magazine again.

  “To answer your question.” He rubbed her arms.

  She closed the magazine. A tear ran down her cheek. “Damn pregnancy hormones.” She wiped at her cheek.

  He wrapped his arms around her. “Marcie’s been my pharmacist for the last fifteen years. She doesn’t look it, but she’s a good fifteen years older than I am.”

  “Well, I think she’s interested in more than being your pharmacist.” Liza moved his arms and turned to face him. “We’re not dating, Julian. You made that perfectly clear a couple weeks ago, so stop touching me like we are.”


  She shook her head. Another wave of nausea hit her, she moaned and pressed her hand against her stomac

  “Is there anything I can do?” Julian started to put his arm around her, but then dropped it to his side.

  She took a deep breath, trying to get control over the feeling. “I’m going. You can wait for the script.”

  “Why don’t you let me run you home?” This time he did touch her. He rubbed her back in circular motions. “I don’t mind.”

  “I’ll give you the key when we get there. Leave the keys and the script on the table, because I’ll probably be asleep. This whole pregnancy thing has zapped most of my energy.” She put her hand against the wall to stand up.

  “Let me help you?” Julian held out his hand for her.

  She stared at his hand, blew out a heavy breath, and gave him her hand. “Thank you.”

  “I’ll take you home.”


  Liza woke later to the sound of someone in her apartment. She padded into the kitchen, and yanked her robe over her shoulders as she walked into the kitchen. Seeing Julian, she leaned against the wall. “What are you doing here?”

  “I wanted to make you dinner, but I’ve discovered you have little to nothing to eat.” He opened and motioned to the barren refrigerator. “How do you plan on keeping our baby healthy if you don’t eat?”

  “I was planning to grocery shop sometime today, but your mother had other plans.” She walked into the living room. Just because she was carrying his baby didn’t mean he got a say in how she did things.

  “We were right next door to a grocery store, why didn’t you tell me you were out of food?” His hands came to rest on her shoulders. “I would have picked up groceries while I was getting your meds.”

  “I don’t need your money, Julian. I can do this on my own.” She strode into the dining room and picked up an envelope from the table. “And speaking of money, your first and second installment, since you deposited the other installment in my account . . . which I didn’t appreciate.”

  “I won’t take your money, Liza. I put the money in your account because I don’t want it.” He folded his arms across his chest, tucking his hands so she couldn’t hand him the envelope. “We did the whole car thing because we wanted to. My mother ran into your car. You needed a new vehicle. I took care of your old loan and Dad paid for the new car. They were to make up for the accident not for any other reason.”


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