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Immortal Envy

Page 7

by Justice, A. D.

  “What are you doing, Slade?” I whispered.

  “Keep your eyes on me, and watch what I do to you. Watch everything. Don’t close your eyes.”

  I watched with rapt attention as he moved into position, his fingers parted the folds between my legs, and the heat from his tongue connected with what felt like every nerve ending in my body. Shudders tore through my body as he licked me and thrust his tongue inside me, rolling it around and groaning against my skin.

  “You taste so good I can barely control myself. I love fucking you with my tongue.” His words made my heart flutter, and my body released an unexpected surge of wetness. He moaned appreciatively and became more vigorous in his quest.

  My fingers gripped his hair, and I held on tightly while I watched everything he did to me. When a scream tore free from my throat, a fleeting thought of waking my parents quickly vanished and was replaced with the most delectable gratification. When the ability to think and speak returned, I was at a loss for words to describe how incredible he’d made me feel.

  “How? What? I don’t understand—” My stammering made no sense. My thoughts were jumbled, and I didn’t know where to even start to understand.

  “You’ve no doubt seen pictures in books. Naughty books your family or friends have hidden in their libraries.”

  He waited for my answer, but I could only nod in agreement. I had seen a couple of them in recent years. My father has one hidden in his office I stumbled across when looking for something else. The drawn depictions of various acts both embarrassed and intrigued me. Then when we were visiting his brother’s estate, one of my older cousins showed me a similar book, and we giggled over the different positions the characters were drawn in.

  “Did you like this?” he asked, but he knew the answer. The smirk he wore told me there was no sense in trying to argue the point.

  “Yes,” I whispered with eagerness.

  “We can do this again…and more. Every night, Alea. I can lift you up to the heavens and bring you safely back to earth again. Just give me the word.”

  “Every night?” My eyes grew wide with the thought and anticipation of such a divine promise.

  “Every night. This is only the beginning.”

  “I’ll wait for you here, then. Meet me here, every night.”

  He rose up on all fours and crawled back over my naked body. He dipped his head and drove his tongue deep into my mouth. Even in my dream, I could taste the mixture of Slade and myself on his tongue, and it only made me want more. “Until tomorrow night, then,” he promised when he broke our kiss.

  When I woke the next morning, my gown covered my body and my bedcovers were undisturbed. It was the most surreal feeling because the dream felt like it actually happened. When he came to visit later that day, my mother was concerned I had come down with something because my face was so flushed. It took quite a bit of reassuring her I felt fine and it was probably just something I’d eaten.

  At least a couple of times, I thought I’d caught Slade stifling a laugh behind his cup of tea. When I challenged him on it, his shocked and confused reaction appeared genuine, so I dropped it. I think that was the only time I actually met his gaze head on that day. Visions of what we’d done in my dream replayed in my mind every other time I’d tried.

  Regardless of my internal embarrassment, we’ve continued our daily courtship, and every day is better than the last. My father absolutely adores Slade and, in a completely shocking move, now allows Slade to take me out on official dates without a chaperone. I’m sheltered, protected, and loved when I’m with him, but in a completely different way than my family treats me. Slade doesn’t put me on a shelf, protecting me like a delicate china doll the way my father does. He shelters and protects me when needed, but he also teaches me to be independent and confident in my own abilities.

  We were walking through the park one day, and a couple of shady characters stepped into the path in front of us. They were lying in wait for us to approach, and my heart began to pound in my chest. My instincts were to turn away and walk as fast as possible back in the opposite direction. Slade stopped me and brushed his hand along my cheek.

  “Do you trust me, my love?”

  “Of course,” I replied.

  “Then walk with me. Don’t be afraid of them.”

  “But Slade—”

  He put his finger over my lips to stop my objection, looked deep into my eyes, and comforted me. “I’m with you. Nothing and no one can hurt you while I’m with you.”

  With my life in his hands, we continued our stroll. Slade continued speaking as if he hadn’t a care in the world. My eyes were glued to the two men on the path in front of us. They’d split up and were waiting on opposite sides, waiting to ambush us and to do God knows what else to us. The bigger of the two spoke first.

  “You don’t belong in this area of the park. This is our path. It’ll cost you to pass.” His eyes raked up and down my body, undressing me as they moved, and his lips curled into an ugly sneer.

  “It’ll cost you more if you don’t move on this instant,” Slade replied, his voice low and dangerous. “Believe me, gentlemen. You won’t like the price I charge.”

  He stepped in front of me to block me from their leering gazes. “And if you ever see this woman again—and look at her in that manner—I’ll rip your eyes out of your fucking head and make you eat them for lunch.”

  The horrified expressions on the men’s faces before they turned and ran away were all the reassurance I needed. Slade turned and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. “Let’s finish our walk, shall we?”

  “How did you do that? How did you make them run away like that?”

  “I just showed them I’m not one they should try to antagonize. Maybe I’ll teach you all my tricks and skills one day.”

  “As much as I’d love that, I doubt my threats would be as effective as yours,” I laughed.

  “You’d be surprised what you can accomplish, if you handle it just right.”

  That’s just one example of what he’s done for me over the past several weeks. Every night, he returns to me in my dreams. In every dream, he keeps his original promise. My body has been racked with sensations I never even knew were possible. I’m so fully sated and thoroughly worn out after I fall asleep in my dreams, I don’t dream the rest of the night. It’s been absolutely heavenly.

  During our daytime excursions, it’s become exceedingly hard to keep my night visions at bay. What would he think of me if I told him all the inappropriate dreams I’ve had about him, about us? Is something wrong with me, or are these kinds of dreams normal for young women of my age? I wouldn’t know—and I have no one to ask, no one to talk to about it who won’t immediately judge me.

  It’s times like this when I miss Sean so very much.

  Even during his moody phase before he finally confided in me, he was still my friend. My only friend I could have an honest conversation with and not worry about how I’d be viewed later. Just thinking of Sean makes me miss him and wonder how he’s doing. It’s been so long since I’ve seen him. To think, we would be married by now had I stayed in London instead of coming to America.

  And had I stayed, I wouldn’t have met the wonderful man who has become my obsession—at my side by day, and in my dreams by night. If the last five weeks have taught me anything, it’s that love doesn’t abide by man’s rule of time. My love for this man is strong, and it grows by leaps and bounds every single day.

  Slade and Father had a long, private discussion before he left our house tonight. Though I tried to persuade one of them to tell me what was so important, neither of them would budge. Neither would give a hint of any kind. I couldn’t even tell from their facial expressions if it was good or bad. It very well could’ve been something regarding their business dealings, as Ramses still hasn’t returned to resume responsibilities for his part of the business.

  I wonder if their talk concerned Ramses.

  This guessing game is driving me mad.r />
  * * *

  Slade Barnett, 1790

  What I’d always considered to be a fairy tale of epic proportions has proven to be one-hundred percent accurate. My immortal love is here—and she loves me in return.

  After spending so much time with her and her family, certain human emotions were involved, and I found myself sincerely vying for her parents’ approval. Tonight, all my schmoozing paid off. I don’t have to kill them, after all. I’d already arranged for a private meeting with Clarence and expected more of a fight than I received. His love for Alea is strong, and that’s one of the very things that makes him so focused and driven. Strong-willed people are much harder to influence.

  “Come in, Slade. How are things going?” Clarence asked as I took a seat in his office.

  He purposely left the question open for interpretation to avoid limiting the conversation. I both appreciated and respected him for that.

  “Very well. Actually, that’s what I wanted to speak with you about today. I think you know I’m thoroughly and completely in love with Alea. I believe when two people are destined to be together, nothing can keep them apart. Alea is my destiny. She is the one fate designed for me and only me. It’s because of this I’d like your blessing to ask Alea to be my wife.”

  Clarence studied me with his serious scrutinizing expression for several seconds. Then his smile crawled across his face before he slapped his thighs with both hands.

  “That’s the best news I’ve heard in months! Even better than all the shipping deals you’ve given me. Better than all the new friends we’ve made in New York. You’ve made my daughter happier than anyone ever has. I’d be proud to call you my son, Slade.”

  He circled around his desk and drew me into a fatherly embrace. After a couple of manly slaps on my back, he released me.

  “When do you plan to ask her?”

  “In a couple of days—on our outing this weekend. I have an exciting, romantic day planned for us,” I assured him. He wanted to know his daughter would always be on a pedestal—and I have no problem with taking her up to unbelievable heights before gently bringing her back down to rest in my arms.

  “Her mother and I will anxiously await the weekend and all the details of your exciting proposal.”

  We shook hands, and I left his office under the watchful eyes of Alea. My plans had to remain a secret until it was the right time, so I kept my facial expression impassive as I said my goodbyes. Her pensive expression from my refusal to share information cut me. It wasn’t that she didn’t trust me, but there are so many lingering questions and topics we haven’t covered yet.

  But we will.

  For now, I need to feed.

  Chapter 7

  Slade Barnett, 1790

  Today went even better than I could have planned, imagined, or hoped for in my wildest dreams. And my dreams can get pretty wild. But apparently, Alea inspires my dreams more and more every day.

  We started the morning early and took my carriage to a remote location a couple of hours outside the city. I picked a spot on the banks of the river to spend the day with the love of my life. My immortal love.

  “Where are we going?” she asked, excitement ringing in her voice.

  “I have a very important surprise for you today, sweetheart. We have the whole day together, and I don’t plan on bringing you back until late tonight. You have no idea how long I’ve waited for this day.”

  She bounced in her seat playfully, her beautiful smile lit up her face, and her excitement was barely contained. But it was true—she had no idea how long I’d waited to find her. Never actually believing I would, but never able to fully give up hope that she existed.

  “Are you not going to give me a hint where you’re taking me?”

  “No. But I do have you all to myself for the next two hours in this carriage. Then for the rest of the day when we reach our destination. Then again on the ride back. I will give you a hint of one of my many plans for you. I plan to take full advantage of our time alone.”

  Without reading her thoughts, I knew the visions from her nightly dreams flashed through her mind. Her pink-tinged cheeks and the way she averted her eyes were telltale signs, but I planned to help her past that embarrassment. Permanently.

  As long as she didn’t run away in the opposite direction, screaming in terror, after I confessed the truth to her. The whole truth about me and what I am. Inside, I knew that could never happen. The shock of it may take her a few minutes to absorb, but I knew she’d quickly adjust. The rest of the ride was spent with our mouths fused together, our hands wandering and pleasing, and my cock throbbing painfully behind the fabric of my pants. The need to make her completely mine surpassed painful weeks ago. Now it has become hell on earth.

  But I won’t take her—until she knows the truth. The nights I’ve visited her in her dreams and in her bed, I’ve shown more restraint than I ever knew was possible. I’m definitely the most powerful fucking vampire in the entire fucking world. There’s no other explanation for how I was able to resist the strongest temptation known to man. Or vampire.

  A knock on the carriage door alerted me we’d reached our destination. My coachman opened the door at my command, and I stepped out first. I extended my hand to help her out. “Ready to see where we are?”

  “I can’t wait. But for the record, as long as I’m with you, it’ll be perfect wherever we are.”

  I leaned in and kissed her. “I love you, Alea.”

  She knew, but hearing the words made it all so very real. “I love you too, Slade.”

  She stepped out of the carriage with my help and immediately gasped. Her hand flew over her mouth, and her eyes grew wide. She took a couple of steps and turned slowly as she took in the scenery. My servants traveled ahead a day early and prepared everything for our arrival. The white canvas tent was erected on the banks of the river. Autumn flowers adorned the outside and lined the white rug that served as a walkway to the tent opening.

  The clear water ran swiftly beside the covering and provided the perfect backdrop to the scenic vista surrounding us. She took carefully measured steps along the water, no doubt memorizing every sight and sound along the way. I walked behind her—memorizing everything about this momentous occasion. There wasn’t one moment I wanted to forget.

  Inside, the tent was arranged just as spectacularly as the outside. The plush, plump cushions matched the fall flower colors—deep yellows, oranges, and browns—and were arranged several deep along three full walls to make large, comfortable lounge areas. The flowers decorated every surface, trays of finger foods in every variety sat on columns of varying heights, and flutes of the finest champagne sat beside the tray of specialty strawberries I’d had imported for just this occasion.

  Having a household staff of immortal servants has its perks.

  I led her to one of the chairs and motioned for her to sit, and I took my seat beside her after giving her one of the glasses of champagne. “Take a sip of your champagne,” I instructed and she obliged. I then raised a strawberry up to her mouth. “Now bite.” I offered the red berry and watched spellbound as her teeth sank into its sweet flesh.

  “That is so delicious,” she gushed. “The sweetness from the champagne and strawberry mixed is amazing.”

  I captured her mouth and drove my tongue inside to taste the sweetness for myself—but with her distinct flavor mixed in. When I broke away, I swung down on one knee in front of her and began my prepared speech.

  “Alea, my love. I want to ask you something, but there are things about me you must know first.”

  “No matter what you have to tell me about yourself, I’m sure I will love every word of it, Slade. As much as I love you.”

  Her response was so sweet, so filled with warmth and honesty, I was afraid my admission would break the spell of love we’d lived under.

  “I hope that is true, Alea. But if not, you must promise to tell me. I need you to give me your word, on your honor.”

  “On my
honor, I will tell you the truth. No matter what that means.”

  I scrubbed my hand over my face and took a deep breath while I worked up the nerve to tell her the whole truth about myself.

  “Slade, just tell me. You know whatever you have to say won’t change how I feel about you.”

  “Alea, I want to marry you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Day and night, I want you by my side. I’ve spoken with your father and explained the decision must be yours and yours alone, because there is a lot at stake—for both us.

  “Many, many years ago, something happened to me that changed me forever. At first, I hated it. I despised what I had become and wished for nothing but death to take me. Eventually, though, I learned to accept my lot and embrace it.

  “I’m glad I did now, because it brought me to you. Without this curse, I never would’ve been so lucky. When I explain this to you, there are a few things I need you to remember. First, this is not a joke. I’m not trying to be funny or charming in any way. Secondly, I know this will be hard to believe and accept, so if you want to take time to think it over, I’ll gladly give you that. And lastly, no matter what your decision is or how you may look at me after I finish, you can never breathe a word of this to another person. Your life will be in dire risk if you do.

  “Do you understand and agree to these terms?”

  The serious turn her normally jovial expression took assured me she understood the gravity of my words. “I agree, Slade. Tell me what it is.”

  “I am a vampire, Alea. A creature of the night. One of the undead, the damned. We do exist, and there are many more like me. If you agree to marry me, you will have to join us. There’s no other way to ensure your safety in the clan.”

  At first, she thought I was pulling a practical joke on her. Her sly smile and dubious expression conveyed her thoughts with precision. The only way to convince her what I said was true was to show her my true self. Her doubt was instantly replaced with fear before changing to a quiet comprehension as her fingers skimmed my changed features. I changed back as she watched, then continued explaining.


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