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Safe With You

Page 9

by DeMuzio, Kirsten

  “Oh, Taryn,” my mom gasped. Wyatt clenched his jaw as he took in my bruises and my dad paced the room spouting off several choice words about Ryan. My mom ran her hand over my hair reassuringly and smiled warmly at Wyatt. “Let’s get you home. The police can come there to get your statement, and I will call Dr. Morris to come and check you over.” I nodded because I didn’t trust my voice to be steady yet and eased my way off Wyatt’s lap to stand up. I was still shaking, from fear or adrenaline, and I stumbled slightly. My mom reached for my arm to steady me and looked over to Wyatt. He immediately swept me up in his arms and I gratefully nestled against his chest.

  My dad frowned at us but remained silent as he led us downstairs and out to the car. We rode with my parents back to the apartment, with me still curled up on Wyatt’s lap. He ran his hands over my back and held me close.

  “How did you know?” I whispered to Wyatt. He knew I meant the video and replied, “Lindsay.” My dad was on the phone with Roland making sure all video and photos that Ryan had were found and destroyed, and then with his lawyer arranging for my statement to be taken at home. My mom was on her phone arranging a house call from Dr. Morris. Neither of them asked what the video was of and I was grateful.

  We dropped off Lindsay on our way home. Dr. Morris came and pronounced me fine other than some bruising. She left me with a sleeping pill so I would be able to get some rest tonight. The police came and took my statement, and my dad got an update from Roland that Ryan’s phone and computer had been wiped clean.

  When everyone left, my mom helped me get undressed and into the shower. I needed to wash away Ryan’s touch. After spending half an hour under the hot water, I dried off and slipped on the pajama pants and t-shirt my mom had set out for me. She dried my hair for me, something she hadn’t done since I was a little girl, and twisted it into a braid down my back. She gave me the sleeping pill and a glass of water and walked out into my bedroom.

  I followed her after brushing my teeth and found her sitting on the edge of my bed talking quietly with Wyatt, who was leaning up against my pillows. I could tell he had showered too. His hair was still damp and he was wearing gym shorts and a t-shirt. I stopped in the doorway, wondering what the hell was going on, and watched as my mom stood up, patted Wyatt’s arm and came over to give me a hug.

  “Get some sleep, sweetie. I’ll see you in the morning.” I watched her leave, my mouth still hanging open in shock. “Did my mom just leave you in here with me to go to bed? What’s going on?” He smiled and reached for my hand, helping me onto the bed and pulling the covers up to my chin, tucking me in. He turned off the light before lying down beside me, on top of the covers, and ran his fingers slowly down my cheek and lightly over the bruises on my neck.

  “I had a little chat with your dad while you were in the shower.” I raised my eyebrows, “A little chat? My dad doesn’t do little chats.” He laughed, “Yeah, you’re right. He wanted to know what the fuck was going on between us. His words, not mine.” I winced. That sounded like my dad. He didn’t get to be in his position by mincing words.

  “So what could you have possibly said that got you a free pass into my bedroom tonight?”

  “It’s not a free pass. As you can see we are both fully clothed, I am on top of the covers and your door is wide open.” I smacked him playfully on the chest, “You know what I mean.” He took a deep breath and exhaled, “I told him the truth from the beginning. I told him I understood if he was upset, but that even if he fired me, I wouldn’t leave your side. I told him I don’t trust anyone else to keep you safe. And…” He paused and made sure my eyes were on his before he continued, “I told him I loved you more than life itself.” I gasped and was speechless for a moment.

  “I love you too, Wyatt.” He grinned before pressing his lips lightly to mine. I urged him closer and swept my tongue over his bottom lip. He chuckled and gently but firmly pushed me back. “Let’s not push it, baby. I want to be allowed to stay in here with you tonight.” I made a humph sound, and he laughed at me again. “Always so eager, Taryn.” He rolled me over and pulled me close so my back was against his chest, his arms tight around me.

  “Before you fall asleep I want you to promise you won’t keep something like that from me again, Taryn,” he said firmly. I sighed and nodded, “I promise. I just didn’t want to get you involved in my mess.” My eyes were starting to get heavy from the sleeping pill. He kissed the top of my head and whispered, “Your messes are my messes now, Taryn. I love you.” That’s the last thing I remember before falling into a deep dreamless sleep.

  Chapter Fourteen


  I rolled over in the morning and felt the space next to me for Wyatt – nothing. Seriously? One of these days he would be there when I woke up. My head still felt a little groggy from the sleeping pill, but I forced myself out of bed when I heard raised voices down the hall. After a quick trip to the bathroom to pee and brush my teeth, I went toward the sound of voices and stopped just outside my dad’s office door. I pulled the elastic out of my braid and combed my fingers through my hair while I eavesdropped on my dad, Wyatt and Blake Wellington, my dad’s campaign manager. Blake had worked on my dad’s last campaign, and even though he was an ass, he knew how to win.

  I could tell they were talking about how to manage the fallout from the Ryan situation. Thank god the video hadn’t gotten out. “I trust your opinion on most things, Blake, but not this one. If I decide to make a run for the White House, we are keeping Taryn as far out of the spotlight as possible. If that can’t be done, then I won’t run.” I slapped my hand to my forehead. Geesh Dad, I’m not nine years old anymore. I refuse to be the reason my dad gives up on his dreams.

  “I think you should reconsider, James. I think her sad orphan Annie story will play out great in the media. And this thing with Harper will be icing on the cake. She’ll be the victim here and the public will eat it up.” I peeked around the corner to see how that suggestion went over. Not well, judging by the way Wyatt was stalking toward Blake with his hands clenched into fists. At the same time my dad leaned over to get in Blake’s face. “There is no way you are using my daughter…”

  “Stop it. Both of you.” All eyes were on me as I walked over in front of Wyatt, putting a hand on his chest to push him back before standing next to my dad. “Dad, I’m an adult now. I can handle this stuff. You don’t need to protect me from everything anymore.” I looked over at Wyatt so he would know I was talking to him too. “There is no way that you are not running for President next year. It’s what you’ve been working for your whole life. And the public loves you. This country needs you.” I gestured toward Blake and rolled my eyes. “As much as I hate to agree with Blake, he’s right. People should know what you and mom have done for me, and if that means I have to go on national television and tell my sob story, then I will.”

  Blake leaned back in his chair, grinning, and crossed his arms over his chest in satisfaction. My dad was still pondering my outburst when Blake continued on with his plan. “And I think we need to make Taryn’s relationship with Wyatt public knowledge. After that picture in the paper last week we need this so she’s seen as a loving girlfriend and not a sidewalk skank.” My dad glared at Blake and Wyatt made another move towards him, but I grabbed his hand and pulled his arm around my waist.

  Ignoring Blake’s crude choice of words I said, “That’s up to Wyatt. I don’t have a problem with it, but I don’t want to force him into the spotlight with me.” I smiled up at him and I could feel the tension leave his body. He nodded, “I’m fine with that.” Then he leaned down so only I could hear, “I want the whole world to know that you’re mine.” My dad was still frowning and I could tell he wasn’t completely sold, but I knew we could get him to come around.

  He sent Blake away to start working on a press release about Ryan-Gate. He cleared his throat, “Wyatt explained your relationship to me last night. While I don’t condone his pursuing you while working on your security detail, I do
appreciate his honesty. I have to admit I feel better knowing he is with you. He has a lot of motivation to ensure nothing happens to you.” I pulled away from Wyatt to give my dad a kiss on the cheek. “Thanks for understanding, Daddy.”

  “Now we need to work out what you’ll be doing the rest of the summer. I won’t be announcing my candidacy until the end of August, but there will still be a strong media presence around you because of recent events. I want you to move back in here, Taryn. This building has better security and more room to accommodate your security team. You can spend your time off this summer working on your research paper and doing whatever else you wish, but you will have security with you from now on.” I could tell he was afraid I would object to leaving my apartment and being followed around, so he was surprised when I simply said, “Okay.” I knew he would have a lot of stress coming up and I didn’t want to add to it by making him worry about me. Besides I didn’t really care where I was as long as Wyatt was with me.

  “Mr. Ross, I think it might be a good idea for Taryn to get out of the city for a few days until the interest in Harper dies down.” My dad nodded, “I agree. Lisa and Lawrence’s house in the Hamptons, perhaps?” Oh…yes. Relaxing at the beach with Wyatt in his swim trunks…or nothing…

  “Actually, I would like to take her home with me. My parents live in a small town upstate, a few hours outside of the city. A quiet country setting where no one would recognize her.”

  “Sounds perfect. You can leave tomorrow morning. Rebecca and I will be returning to DC then as well.” He shook Wyatt’s hand and left the room. I was staring at Wyatt with wide eyes that were quickly filling with tears.

  “You want to go home? And take me with you?” He took both my hands in his and smiled at me sadly, understanding what I was asking. Only I knew what a big step this was for him. He hadn’t been home in ten years, and this would be his first time back since his brother’s death. He framed my face with his hands and brushed his thumbs softly over my cheekbones. “Don’t cry, baby. I need to do this. If you can put yourself in front of the world, then I can go home and face my parents. You’re stronger than I am, Taryn. But I’m going to try my hardest to be what you deserve.” My eyes fluttered shut as his lips brushed mine in the sweetest of kisses.

  Wyatt spent the rest of the day at his place packing and doing whatever else he needed to do since he hadn’t left my side for the last several days. I had gotten used to seeing him all the time and when he left a slight feeling of panic filled me. Even though I knew he would be back at the end of the day, I still had a hard time letting him leave. My mom insisted we spend the day at the salon and then out for dinner, just the two of us, because we wouldn’t see each other for a few weeks. By the time we got home, I had been massaged, manicured, pedicured, cut and styled, highlighted, buffed and waxed. That last one was a new experience for me. I was texting Lindsay during my pedicure to get advice, and she recommended the Brazilian. Wyatt had better appreciate what I went through, and I had a new found respect for aestheticians.

  It was already getting dark when we reached the apartment and I was exhausted from relaxing. My mom went to their room to start packing for their return to DC. I dropped my purse in my room, kicked off my shoes and went searching through the apartment. I found Rosa in the kitchen getting ready to leave for the night, my dad and Blake in his office on a conference call, and Dominic in the gym on the treadmill. None of these were the one person I was looking for. I found him sitting on the terrace.

  “Hey, you. When did you get back?” I asked as I walked over and sat on his lap throwing my arms around his shoulders. “I got back a couple hours ago. Rosa makes a mean pot roast.”

  “Yes, she does…you looked so serious out here, are you thinking about tomorrow?” He nodded, “Yeah, but now I’m thinking about you. Did you have fun today?” He asked pulling me against him so he could kiss my neck. I moaned lightly when he kissed my neck and wriggled on his lap, feeling him instantly respond. “Mmmm, what?” He chuckled and leaned back so I could answer him without being distracted.

  “Did you have fun at the salon doing whatever it is you do there?” I gave him a wicked smile, “Oh, yes. I have been polished from head to toe and everywhere in between.” His eyebrows drew together. “Uh, what exactly does that mean?” I moved so I was straddling his lap in one of my favorite moves. I breathed on his ear before I whispered, “Everywhere.”

  I really wished there were not five other people inside the apartment right now. I’d replayed the other night in the pool in my mind a hundred times, and sitting out here on his lap, knowing he wouldn’t let this go any further was pure torture. I nipped at his ear and he set his hands firmly on my waist to stop my squirming. “Sorry,” I said moving off his lap and curling up next to him instead, but I really wasn’t sorry at all. But I was glad I had been able to distract him from worrying about his trip back home – at least for now.

  I packed my bags for a few days away before falling into bed, and before I knew it my alarm clock was going off. Wyatt wanted to get on the road by 9:00 so we would be to his parents’ house by early afternoon. There was no way I could wake up that early on my own, so for the first time since school ended I had set my alarm clock. I showered and dried my hair, letting it hang in soft waves, before standing in front of my closet in my bra and panties, contemplating what to wear to meet the parents.

  Even though I knew they would be too overjoyed at seeing Wyatt for the first time in a decade to spend much attention on me, I still wanted to make a good impression. I ended up choosing a white button down with the sleeves rolled up and a pair of light blue chino shorts. Casual but not too casual. After slipping on a pair of black flip flops I dragged my bags out to the foyer and joined everyone in the dining room for breakfast.

  Wyatt was chatting comfortably with my parents and I gave everyone, including him, a kiss on the cheek before sitting down. My dad greeted me and said, “Dominic will be staying here while you and Wyatt are gone. Make sure you follow their orders this summer, Taryn. I need to know you will be safe while we are in DC.” I nodded, “I know, Dad. I will be on my best behavior.” Satisfied that everything would be fine in their absence, my parents finished their breakfast and said their goodbyes before leaving for the airport.

  It was shortly after 9:00 when we pulled into traffic in a black SUV with tinted windows, the same kind that had whisked us away from the club a week ago. I looked over at Wyatt when we got out of the city. He was wearing a navy blue t-shirt and khaki colored cargo shorts and flip flops. With his aviator sunglasses covering his eyes and his hair slightly mussed he looked like he just stepped out of an Abercrombie catalog. I sighed and he glanced over at me. “You okay?”

  I smiled, “Yes, I was just admiring the view.” He chuckled and reached over to take my hand.

  “So, do your parents know we’re coming? Do they know I’m coming?” He nodded, “Yeah, I called them yesterday. My mom is very excited. She cried when I told her I was coming home, and … she was very excited when I told her I was bringing a girl with me.”

  “Do you think they’ll like me?” I asked suddenly very unsure of myself. The only parents I had ever met were Ryan’s, and they already knew me. He squeezed my hand reassuringly, “They will love you. How could they not?” I thought about that for a minute.

  “Are they Republicans?” He threw his head back and laughed. “No, they’re Democrats. They have always voted for your dad. But that’s not why they will love you….They will love you because I do.” I smiled and went back to taking in the scenery, both outside the car and inside.

  Chapter Fifteen


  We stopped after a couple of hours for lunch at a quirky little roadside diner, which was surprisingly delicious. As we got closer and closer to Wyatt’s town I could feel him getting increasingly tense. I rubbed my thumb over his knuckles, knowing he was worried to face his parents and dreading the memories of his brother that being back home would bring.

  “This is it,” he said in a tight voice when we drove down a long driveway lined by trees and pulled up to a large white farmhouse. There was a detached three car garage and I could see a large pond farther back from the house. The whole area was surrounded by woods, and it was incredibly peaceful out here away from the noise and lights of the city.

  Wyatt released my hand and gripped the steering wheel so hard his knuckles were white. He took a deep breath before opening his door. I came around and took his hand as we walked toward the house. Halfway there his mom rushed out of the back door and ran straight to Wyatt throwing her arms around him. I let go of his hand and stepped away so he could hug her back.

  “Wyatt, it’s so good to have you home.” She was crying but I could tell they were happy tears. Wyatt’s father walked out after her and held his hand out to me. “Miss Ross, I’m Wyatt’s father.”

  “Please call me Taryn. It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Hunter.” I said shaking his hand. He smiled warmly at me, “Please call me Robert.” He turned to Wyatt and I thought I saw the glimmer of tears in his eyes. Wyatt’s mom released him and smoothed her chin length dark hair cut into a stylish bob. Wyatt held out his hand to his father, but Robert pulled him into a hug as well.

  “I’m glad you’re home, son,” he said gruffly. I smiled at Wyatt’s mom, and she hugged me too. “It’s wonderful to meet you, Taryn. Wyatt has told me so much about you. Please call me Anne.”

  “Thank you,” I mumbled, wondering what Wyatt had said about me. Before letting me go, she whispered, “Thank you for bringing him back.” I wasn’t sure if she meant bringing him back home or bringing him back from the darkness that consumed him after Derek’s death. I think maybe she meant both.


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