Crossing Lines

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Crossing Lines Page 13

by Alannah Lynne

  Why in the world was she thinking things like a man in her life? She didn’t want a man in her life. Kevin was a temporary thing… like a new toy for her collection. Only this toy breathed and kissed and moved independently, and boy, did he ever move. He had moves she couldn’t ever dream up, and even if she did, she’d never be able to make those vibrating pieces of plastic feel so friggin’ fantastic. But that didn’t make him anything more than a temporary good time, and she’d be well served to remember that.

  “Okay, that’s it for now,” Kevin said as Spencer popped up from the water. “We’ll be sitting at the patio table, working, but we can still see you guys. All right?”

  Grumbled “yes, sirs” and “fines” came from the pool as Kevin grabbed his towel and ran it over his head and the back of his neck, then paused mid-swipe. Cocking his head to the side, he studied Sam for a moment, then sat down on a nearby chair.

  “Hey,” his soft and gentle tone tugged at her. “What’s wrong? You hurting that bad?”

  Shaking off the melancholy thoughts of her daddy and the way her life had been before, she said, “No, I’m fine.” She grabbed her towel and dried her legs. “I have your job folder and the site plan in my bag. Do you mind grabbing them from the house?”

  “Of course not. Do you want something to drink?”

  Kevin had forgone the cooler today, but made several trips in and out of the house for water and lemonade. This seemed to be a new thing for him, and several times she’d caught him taking a drink of his water, then holding the bottle up and looking at it, as if surprised it tasted so good.

  “A glass of sweet tea would be great.”

  He’d already started toward the house and stopped mid-stride to turn around. “Iced tea?”

  She grinned and nodded. “Yeah, any Southern boy worth his salt will have sweet iced tea on hand.”

  His shoulders drooped as he slowly shook his head. “I guess I’m a total disappointment.” He brightened. “At least this time. Next time, I won’t let ya down.”

  As he disappeared into the house, she pushed to a standing position and began the slow, laborious, and extremely painful trek across the patio to the Holden’s outdoor table that was so big it could accommodate an entire family reunion. She flopped down in the chair and propped her foot up on the seat next to her as Kevin exited the house.

  He looked around the pool for her, and when he found her at the table, frowned. “Jesus, woman, you’re the most stubborn person I’ve ever met.”

  “I’m not an invalid. You, yourself, pointed out I’m going to need to figure out a way to get around tomorrow.” She shrugged. “Why not start now?”

  He set her bag and two bottles of water on the table and leaned down nose to nose with her. “Someone needs another spanking.”

  Whoosh! Just like that, with a single sentence, a fire erupted in her belly and spread upward into her chest and breasts and down through her sex. Yes, please, was the only intelligible thought that came to mind, but she hadn’t meant to actually say it. However, the words were out and she couldn’t take them back, so she laughed and said, “My new name’s More, remember?”

  His eyes were like onyx, dark and soft, and his mouth gathered like it did when he was deep in thought. “I’ve been thinking about that more you seemed so interested in. I need to make a phone call, but I think I’ve figured out a way we can make your fantasy threesome happen.”

  Sam’s heart rate hit triple time. “We?” she squeaked. “As in you and me or you and”—she gulped—“someone else?”

  Although still dark with passion, his eyes softened, as did his features as he knelt in front of her. “I heard every word you said.”

  That was scary, because several times she’d been crazy out of her mind. She had no idea what all she said in her sexed-up state, but she got the impression, right now, he was strictly talking about her fantasy threesome. She’d been terrified of admitting the fantasy, but her answer seemed important. When he responded with great relief at hearing it was only a fantasy, she was glad she’d shared the private information.

  His steady gaze locked onto hers and held her tight. Reaching for her hand, he said, “I know your boundaries. Will you trust me to fulfill your fantasy?”

  He knew she wanted a threesome, but he also understood it needed to be a twosome, giving the impression of a threesome.

  “Yes.” Chill bumps rushed up her arms as she shook her head nervously. “I trust you.”

  “Thank you.” He leaned in for a slow, bone-melting kiss before standing and pushing her bag over to her.

  The heat of the moment dissipated on the breeze as Sam pulled out the Vanguard file and site map.

  Kevin was all business as he scooted a chair around next to hers and said, “I can’t tell you how much I appreciate you working on this for me the other night.” He ran a hand over the top of his head and sighed. “This project has been my baby from the beginning. I was concerned about jumping the gun without the tower, but Papà convinced me it would be fine.”

  “Daddy and I had a similar situation once, which is why I felt I might be able to help.” She rolled the site map out between them and pointed to where the water line came onto the property. “Right now, the water line goes to the box here”—she pointed to a location off to the left of the club house—“and then divides into the individual buildings.”

  She pulled out the tracing paper she’d used for drawing an alternative map and laid it over the site plan. “You’re gonna have to run a new four-inch line from the road directly to the dumpster pad back here in the corner, build a small, temporary shelter for the booster pump, then route the water back to the cut-off. God willing, you’ll never use the booster pump, so as soon as the tower’s installed, you can resell the pump and remove the temporary shelter. Or, you can build the structure so the front wall stays intact and acts as a barrier to hide the dumpster.”

  She ran through a few other possible options, none of which were any less expensive than the first, and, in her opinion, none as good. They would all create additional work, like tearing up the parking lot and landscaping in multiple locations, rather than the few places she marked. Also, if they ever had a leak, it would be a nightmare to figure out where the problem originated.

  Kevin listened to all of the options and studied the plan and her notes carefully. After several moments of silence, he leaned back in the chair, wrapped his arm around the back of hers, and said, “Personally, you prefer the first option, right?”

  “Yeah, it’s going to be a pain in the ass and expensive to run an additional water line from the road to the future pump house, but you’ll only have to cut the pavement in…”—she counted the places they would need to cross the road and parking lot—“three places. And they’re narrow trenches.” She winced. “You’ll need to do curb and gutter repair in two places, but I still think you’d be better off going this route than any of the others.”

  He rested his elbow on the armrest, propped his head in his hand, and stared at her. After a long, looooong uncomfortable silence, he said, “You’re not only beautiful; you’re smart.”

  Heat infused her face while her chest filled with pride. No one but her daddy ever acknowledged her competency on a job, and while the reminder sent a pang of sadness through her, she also sat a little taller. “Thanks. But, like I said, I’ve been through this, so the experience helps.”

  His eyes narrowed and his demeanor chilled. “Your brothers’ lack of faith did a real head-job on you.”

  She laughed uncomfortably. “Yeah, of course. That and—” She cut off the thought, refusing to allow Michael to be a part of this conversation. “When someone doubts your ability, it messes with your head.”

  “It wasn’t just someone, Sam, it was your whole family.”

  She drew in a breath and slowly exhaled, pushing the pain out with the air. “Yeah.”

  He leaned forward in the chair and took hold of her hand. “Their stupidity is gonna be my gain. Come to th
e office Tuesday morning and meet with Marianne and me.” He grinned. “She’s gonna have my ass for jumping the gun like this, but I don’t need more research.”

  “If she needs more research to be comfortable with a decision, then she should do it. I can give you the name of another builder in Columbia who had a similar situation. He can tell you how he solved the issue.” She grinned. “Although, he’s going to tell you the same thing.”

  His grin broadened and his eyes sparkled. “You misunderstood what I was saying—”

  A young, attractive brunette stepped onto the patio from the Holden home, interrupting his sentence. “Oh, I’m sorry.” She jumped back a step, startled by their presence. “I didn’t know you were over here. I’m sorry to interrupt.”

  “Hey, Callie, it’s okay.” He stood and greeted the young woman with a hug. “Come here. I want you to meet someone.”

  “Sam, this is Callie Holden. She’s recently gone to work for us and will be responsible for decorating the Vanguard buildings”—he paused to playfully glare at Sam—“as soon as the mean building inspector gives me my CO. Callie, this is Sam Wallace… the mean building inspector who won’t give me my CO.”

  Callie laughed as she shook Sam’s hand. “She doesn’t look mean to me.”

  Kevin snorted and crossed his arms over his chest while widening his stance. “Don’t be fooled by the pretty face.”

  Sam laughed at his teasing and took a brief moment to enjoy the playful intimacy. Getting on board with the act, she crossed her arms in return, then threw him the bone she’d been holding on to. “After that comment, forget the temporary CO I’d planned to give you.”

  “What?” Kevin’s arms fell to his sides while the rest of his body snapped to full alert. “You can do that?”

  “Well…” She moved her head side to side. “Once I get the revised site plan back from the engineer, showing the proposed changes, I can walk it through permitting and get you a temporary CO. Only so Callie, and the other finishing contractors, can get in to set things up and prepare for opening. Not one customer is to set foot in that building.”

  Kevin squeezed his eyes shut and muttered something in Italian before kneeling in front of her and wrapping her in a hug so tight she could barely breath. “Thank you. Thank you…” His voice cracked and he buried his head in her neck. “You have no idea what a blessing you are. Thank you.”

  Callie cleared her throat and backed toward the door. “Okay, well, just give me a call when you’re ready for me. Sam, it was nice to meet you.”

  He pushed to his feet and said, “I’ll give you a call Tuesday or Wednesday and let you know where things stand.”

  As Callie disappeared into the house, he sat back down in his chair and faced Sam. “Sorry to chick out on you, I just…” He rubbed the back of his neck. “You’ve been such a pleasant surprise in my life.”

  He rested his forearms on the table and opened his hands in an I-don’t-know-what-to-say spread. “I still can’t believe you worked through all of this in your free time. And I can tell by the way you talk that you’re as passionate about this business as I am.” He took a breath and looked at the kids. “It’s nice to have someone who understands and can help me work through this stuff. Marianne is as committed to the business as I am, but she’s the business wiz. She doesn’t understand the physical details of the job.”

  He seemed so genuinely touched by her simple act, and amazed she would take the time to do something like this, she had to wonder if random acts of kindness didn’t happen much in his life. It seemed odd, given how kind and giving he was, but his gratitude and wonder was obvious.

  She’d enjoyed the work—which hadn’t felt like work at all, more like the joy and satisfaction that came from working a jigsaw puzzle—and was glad she’d taken the time to do it. Happiness at doing something she loved, while helping him work through a troubling situation, filled her soul and made her feel as light as a helium balloon.

  “I’m happy to help, anytime. All you have to do is call.”

  His eyebrows lifted playfully. “I like the sound of that.” He reached across the table and took her hand in his. “Seriously, will you come to the office Tuesday morning and talk to Marianne?”

  Sam didn’t know what else Marianne would need. Kevin had all the information before him to make a decision and move forward. But if it would make him happy, she’d go.

  “Sure. Any particular time?”

  His grin turned mischievous. “After I feed you breakfast.”

  A faucet turned on in her mouth and she had to swallow a couple of times so she didn’t drown in her own drool. Her gaze dropped to his swimming trunks, then took a leisurely stroll up the center of his abs to his chest to his chin and settled on his mouth.


  Chapter Fifteen

  Kevin gathered Sam’s hand in his as he listened to the kids giggle and play in the backseat. He was reminded of riding with Marianne in their parents’ car, watching Papà hold Mamma’s hand as he smiled across the seat at her… much the way Kevin felt compelled to do with Sam.

  Even as a child, when he didn’t have a clue what relationships were all about, he recognized the significance of that smile and the love flowing between them as their eyes met and held each other captive. He’d been blessed to grow up in a close-knit family with terrific parental role models who taught him famiglia always comes first—that no matter what, you take care of your own.

  Back then, he wanted a relationship like his parents shared. But the beauty and innocence of childhood segued into young adulthood, complete with a wild, often reckless bachelor lifestyle that left no room for marriage and family.

  Fortunately, the Wildman matured and started to think he might want something more significant than work, endless parties, and a revolving door of one-night stands. The idea continued to blossom and take shape within him, until the day Kat arrived on the scene. That day, the idea erupted through the surface and became a living, breathing, constant force.

  He watched her and Erik wrestle their way through hell, more than once. But rather than being ripped apart, they grew even closer because of their challenges. They served as each other’s rock, crutch, or glass of bubbly. Whatever the situation demanded, the other was there to fulfill the necessary role.

  The real megaphone blast that drove the message home loud and clear, in a way he couldn’t miss or forget, was the announcement Kat was expecting. His friends’ shared joy at creating a life erased all lingering doubts from his mind. He no longer wondered. He knew he was missing out on something precious.

  As he glanced in the rearview mirror at the kids, a tight fist squeezed his heart, then twisted a few times, making sure he got the point. This… riding in his truck right now… was the future he wanted so badly it sometimes hurt. A mini-me and a mini-her, playing in the back like he and Marianne, while he and his wife traveled life’s highways side-by-side.

  “Thanks,” he said, glancing at Sam from the corner of his eye as he squeezed her hand.

  She lifted her head from the headrest, opened her eyes, and gave him a soft, sweet smile that registered as the final you-better-not-fuck-this-up twist to his thumper. “For what?”

  “For a great day. I can’t remember the last time I had this much fun.”

  Hadn’t he thought the same thing yesterday? Did this mean every day with Sam and Michaela would be better than the last?

  “You’re forgetting you’re the one who provided the pool, drinks, chips… pizza for dinner.”

  He kissed her palm. “Yeah, but you provided the entertainment.”

  Her eyebrow shot up and her chin dropped. “I don’t remember dancing on the tables or singing karaoke.”

  “See…” He checked the mirrors and merged into traffic on 501, headed toward Conway. “You and Michaela make me laugh. Being with you makes me happy.” He glanced at the kids in his mirror. “Like I said yesterday, I’m sorry about your ankle, but I’m so glad Spencer and I got to spend th
e weekend with you guys.”

  “Me too.” She glanced over her shoulder and laughed at something Spencer said to Michaela. “She’s had a great time… We’ve had a great time.” Her gaze skimmed over his torso before landing on his crotch. She bit down on her lip and lifted her heavy-lidded gaze. “It’s all been good, but some parts have been unforgettable.”

  His chest puffed up with pride at having made his girls’ weekend special. It wasn’t over yet, though. He still had plans for a few of those toys he hadn’t gotten to last night. Bouncing the sexy vibe back, he said, “There’s still more in store for you.”

  Her mouth formed an “oh” as interest darkened her eyes and shortened her breath. She glanced at the clock and smiled. “Bedtime for Michaela comes early on school nights.”

  He grinned and stroked her palm before linking their fingers together. Leaning toward her, he said, “It comes early for her mamma, too.”

  She swallowed hard and nodded, then shifted in her seat, apparently unsure of the best response.

  After allowing her to run the possibilities through her mind for a few minutes, he said, “Thanks, again, for helping me with the Vanguard project and for brainstorming with me on the Bellamy job, too. I’ve been trying to figure out how to get around the drainage field for weeks, but kept getting tripped up by the retention pond. I used to be able to run things by Papà, but he’s been in Italy for almost a month, and I don’t have anyone else I can trust.”

  On Friday, all lingering doubts about his future with Lizbeth had vanished. However, had he still questioned whether they might, under miraculous circumstances, be able to work things out, they would’ve been eviscerated this weekend.

  Not only was Sam willing to listen to him, she listened with interest and replied with enthusiasm. She got it. She got him. She understood the job and shared his passion for building something from nothing. Smart as hell, she possessed a tremendous understanding of the business and offered useful feedback on everything he threw at her. He’d already considered some of her suggestions; others were brilliant ideas he never would’ve come up with on his own.


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