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My Defender (Bewitched and Bewildered Book 8)

Page 9

by Alanea Alder

  Ellie looked at her grandmother. "I didn't know about that."

  Marjoram winked. "I helped to fund and establish most of the paranormal-run hospitals in the country. After your grandfather passed away, I needed the distraction, so I built hospitals in his memory to help other paranormals who are hurt and can't go to human facilities. I put the clause in the charter myself.

  "I pointed Sulis in the direction of the hospitals that have that charter. We'll have our supplies by tomorrow. However, before they arrive, we need to sit down and discuss location."

  "Gram, you amaze me." She looked around. "I agree, we need a new space. Give me five minutes to check in on the children." She looked at her mate. "You may want to grab a baby bag for Benji while I get them settled."

  It took them fifteen minutes to get a bag packed for the baby and for Ellie to check in on the children before they left. Finally, once everything was done, with Benji tagging along, they returned to Level One.

  Ellie was surprised to see Prince Magnus pacing back and forth in the hallway in front of the living quarters. Ellie frowned. Was he mad at them for walking out mid-conversation?

  A smiling Sebastian stood to one side. He winked at her. Ellie felt better about approaching the prince. When Prince Magnus saw them walking up, he stopped and straightened his back.

  "Sire?" she asked.

  "I wanted to apologize if I came across as..."

  "Domineering," Sebastian supplied.

  Prince Magnus frowned. "Not really..."


  The prince glared at his squire.

  "Rude?" Sebastian quipped.

  Prince Magnus looked at them and, with his back to the squire, rolled his eyes.

  "I saw that," Sebastian said urbanely.

  Prince Magnus' shoulders slumped. "Of course, you did." He looked at Grant and Ellie. "What I am trying to say is I am sorry. No matter what you do, I will help in any way possible, and please, call me Magnus."

  Sebastian handed them a packed lunch. "We thought you might like to take a break with everything going on."

  "Thank you. That would be lovely." Ellie took the heavy bundle. What had Sebastian packed? The kitchen?

  Magnus led them to the doorway of the gardens. Like the lab, this door also had an intricate lock. However, unlike the lab, it wasn't science that had created the lock; it was magic. Using his hand as the key, the prince opened the door.

  "Take your time. You both more than deserve a respite," he said, then walked away, closing the door behind him.

  Looking around, Ellie felt as if she had been transported to a different world. "Have you been here before?" she asked.

  Grant nodded. "The first time wasn't too long ago. I helped watch over the children when they came down and played."

  Ellie looked around at the lush plant life all around them. "Where would be the best spot for a picnic?"

  Grant pointed down the path. "They had picnic tables put in next to where the children's playground was installed. We could eat there and you can poke around the area looking at the plants."

  Hand in hand, they walked over to a table and began opening the lunch Sebastian had packed for them. It included a tablecloth, eating utensils, plates, an array of sandwiches, chips, potato salad, and two thermoses of tea. Instead of putting the tablecloth on the table, Ellie laid it on the ground. "I hope Sebastian won't mind."

  "I can't see how. Especially if it's for Benji; this baby boy has the squire wrapped around his tiny finger."

  Ellie gave him a sidelong glance. "He's not the only one who's wrapped."

  Grant shrugged. "I deny nothing."

  Under the artificial sun, Benji was a different child. He cooed and played, rolling around and laughing as he discovered his toes. Ellie sat on one corner watching him, her heart full. She'd always longed for her own child. When she looked up, she saw Grant watching her, an intense look on his face.

  "What?" she asked.


  "Yes, what?"

  "Yes, I want children."

  Ellie sat up straighter. "Really?"

  Grant's eyes drifted to the small child. "Benji doesn't seem to be afraid of me, plus you look like the embodiment of motherhood. You don't realize how much you light up around children. Let's have a dozen."

  Ellie sputtered. "A dozen! Kids are hard work you know."

  He smiled. "I'll just use my Alpha voice on them."

  Ellie shook her head, laughing. "Well, now we know why the kids wanted you so much. As an Alpha Born, your presence must be very comforting to them."

  He shrugged noncommittally. "Go look for your plants. Benji and I will have guy time." He walked around the table and leaned down. When his lips captured hers, she felt a jolt of electricity race through her body. When his tongue teased hers, she melted against him. Just as she was about to lose her mind, she heard a tiny giggle. They broke apart and looked down. Benji clapped his hands and chortled happily.

  Grant gave him a sour expression, although he smiled. "Well, maybe not a dozen."

  Ellie lifted the child and kissed him on the top of his head. "You be good for Mr. Alpha here." Benji waved his arms happily as he was handed up to Grant. Ellie stood and shook out her pants. She began her search with the plants closest to the playground equipment. There were so many different species it looked as though the prince had spared no expense. She considered herself something of amateur botanist, but there were things growing here she couldn't identify. She made a mental note to ask Magnus if he had an inventory of what had been imported.

  When she couldn't find anything around the playground that would have an adverse effect on the children, she widened her search. Slowly, she made her way around the play area, moving farther and farther away.

  When her back began to ache from bending over so much, she realized how far she had walked away from their picnic site. There was no way any child could have wandered off this far with how closely they were guarded.

  Feeling slightly disappointed she hadn't been able to find anything, she made her way back to where Grant and Benji waited for her. When she reached the edge of the tablecloth, she saw Grant was feeding Benji soft bits of potato.

  The boy had yellow smeared from cheek to cheek, around his nose, and down his shirt. When Grant heard her approach, he looked up, his eyes laughing. "He likes potato salad."

  "I can see that." She shook her head and reached into the baby bag, taking out the baby wipes. She cleaned him up the best she could. Grant laughed at her efforts to keep the baby clean. Together, the three of them had lunch, and it was one of the happiest afternoons she'd spent in a very, very long time.

  All too soon, she realized it was time to go back. She was glad they had taken time out for them; it had been a welcome break, especially considering everything that had come to light. Watching Grant pack up the picnic utensils, she saw there was something different about him. He didn't seem as guarded, as if revealing his past had somehow freed him in some way.

  After dropping the picnic basket off with Sebastian they made their way back up to Level Six, Ellie was surprised to see there were people waiting for them. Unit Commander Aiden McKenzie, his mate, Meryn, and Ryuu, her squire, stood by the tunnel opening.

  Aiden nodded at Grant. "Do you have a moment?" he asked.

  "Of course," Grant replied. The two men, with Benji in tow walked off to one side.

  Meryn stepped around Ellie to stare up at her head.

  "What?" she asked.


  "My ears aren't big, Meryn."

  "I know; I was just checking."

  Ellie smiled at the quirky woman. "I want to thank you for defending Grant. I know that he felt better when he realized someone in the room was in his corner."

  Meryn shrugged and jerked a thumb back to where the men stood. "That's what they're talking about now. Aiden wanted to let him know that if he had any questions about being an Alpha Born, he could go to him." Meryn scuffed the toe of her sneaker o
ver her other shoe. "I know how Grant feels. I can't imagine leading people."

  Ellie frowned. "Don't you though?"

  Meryn shook her head. "I have moments of brilliance where I dictate and tell people what to do, but then I have to retreat to my Batcave where everyone leaves me alone. I kinda hate people, and to lead, you have to care, and I don't." Behind them, the same abrasive tunnel escort appeared, having completed an escort job. He stepped onto the ledge. "Look what we have here: a cow and a pig." Ellie was surprised the man could speak at all; she was sure Grant had broken his jaw. Even with vampiric healing, one half of his face was still bruised.

  Meryn released a tiny growl. Ellie noticed the tunnel escort had kept his voice low enough so that neither Aiden nor Grant could hear him.

  Meryn stepped in front of Ellie, her arms crossed at her chest. "You must want to go net surfing again."

  The tunnel escort sneered at her. "Your butch friend is not here this time. Just you and the timid little piggy, oink, oink."

  "You better shut up before I punch you in the throat," Meryn threatened.

  The tunnel escort laughed. "As if you could reach my throat, you half-grown mongrel."

  "You're right, I can't reach your throat." Before he could see what she was about to do, she swung her foot back and kicked him square in the groin. Groaning, he collapsed onto the floor.

  Meryn waddled over and picked up his ankle. When she started to pull him toward the tunnel opening, he barely budged. She tugged harder to no avail. She turned around and made a pouty face at Ryuu.


  "Of course," Ryuu replied. He placed his hand on his heart and gave a half bow. When he straightened, he snapped his fingers. The body shot backward as if from a slingshot. The tunnel escort slammed against the back of the tunnel wall and then disappeared out of sight.

  The poor jerk was really having a terrible day.

  Meryn peered down into the tunnel. "This! Is! Sparta!"

  "Meryn!" Aiden's voice roared behind them.

  When they turned, Meryn put her hands on her hips. "What?" she asked.

  Both Aiden and Grant looked shocked. Benji giggled, breaking the silence. Aiden turned from the squire to his mate and back as if he couldn't believe what the two had done. "You can't keep doing this," Aiden grumbled.

  Grant walked up and pinned her with a stare, his mouth twitching in an effort not to smile. "Well?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

  Ellie turned back to look at Meryn before looking back up at her mate. "This is Sparta?"

  Behind her, Meryn dissolved into giggles.


  Ellie could tell by the way Grant's mouth was twitching that he was trying desperately not to laugh. Behind her, Meryn's mate was nearly smothering her as he growled down at the transport tunnel escort. Low moaning could be heard from several levels below them. When Meryn's small, brown head finally popped out from under Aiden's arms, Ellie was shocked at the look of fire in her eyes.

  Meryn scowled. "You're too nice! Don't let people be mean to you. You're amazing, and they're just jealous. Next time, tell them to go fuck themselves."

  Ellie swallowed hard. "I can't do that." Every time she had ever tried to defend herself, she had gotten so tongue-tied she sounded like an idiot.

  Meryn stilled and looked at her. "Why not?"

  Aiden pulled Meryn close to his body. "Maybe she's not as violent as you are."

  Meryn thought about in a moment. "Oh." She looked disappointed for a second then brightened. "Then tell Grant and he can tell them to fuck off...with his fists!" Meryn punched at the air as if she was boxing.

  Grant chuckled and walked over to ruffle her hair. "Thank you for defending my mate, midget."

  Meryn moved her head to duck out from under his hand. "I'm not a fucking midget!" She scowled. "And you're welcome. I like Ellie. She's so genuinely nice, I feel like I have to defend her." Meryn began to rub her belly. "After being all badass, I'm starving! I believe Meryn-two-point-oh would like some meat kebobs!"

  Ellie didn't know how she felt about the small, pregnant human defending her. But she was adorable in her declaration. Meryn exuded a confidence that made one believe she was eight feet tall and breathed fire.

  Aiden shook his head. "No way. I'm taking you back to Level One before you start World War Three." He glared at the tunnel opening. "Then I think I will volunteer to assist Adriel in getting that escort out of the net."

  "No! Please!" Meryn begged, folding her hands in front of her chest. "I've been stuck down on Level One for years! Besides, you can't get mad at me for taking out the trash; it's like a civic duty." Aiden rolled his eyes.

  Ryuu stepped up beside the pair. "Let's go get your favorite kebobs, visit with Mr. Culpepper, and then we'll go down to the Royal Gardens for some sunlight. How does that sound?"

  Meryn weighed her options. Ellie could practically see the wheels turning. Meryn nodded. "Okay, I guess that's a compromise I can live with. But I want some meat pies too."

  "Of course, denka," Ryuu replied. As they walked away, Grant reached down to hold Ellie's hand. Together, they walked back to the courtyard to settle in for the afternoon.

  In a separate playpen off to one side, Grant lay Benji down for his nap. When Ellie walked over to their makeshift nurse's station, Marjoram joined them. "What on earth was all the ruckus about? A couple of the parents came in laughing after returning from the marketplace for lunch." she asked. Ellie described the scene at the transport tunnel. Smirking, Marjoram shook her head. "It looks like Meryn will be getting extra cookies." She looked at both her and Grant. "That nice boy, the one from last night, swung by to let you know you've both been invited to Level One to relax before dinner. I believe his name was Keegan. Anyway, he evidently was asked to convey the invitation by Prince Magnus himself."

  "But what about the children?" Ellie fretted.

  Marjoram's eyes were kind. "Ellie, I love you, and I'm very proud of you. You're a wonderful doctor, but you're not a miracle worker. You do have to eat. If this were a hospital, at the end of the day you would sign out and go home. The same should apply here. Physician, heal thyself."

  Ellie nodded quietly. When she looked up, she saw that Grant and her grandmother were watching her closely. "I'd like to start children on a round of antibiotics to see if that helps. We have a few hours before dinner, and I'd like to be here in case there are any initial reactions." She sighed, feeling like a failure. "I'm so frustrated. I feel like all we're doing is shooting in the dark."

  Marjoram laid comforting hand on her shoulder. "That's all we can do. Remember that we're all dealing with a scenario that has never happened before. There is no wrong answer here," she reminded her gently.

  "Some days it's not good enough." Ellie looked out over the children.

  "I know, love. I know."

  Grant wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her close. "How about after the children have been given their next treatment, I show you my home? We can get ready for dinner there."

  Ellie couldn't help smiling. She had completely forgotten he had his own home here in the city. "I think that sounds like a wonderful idea."

  Ellie explained what she wanted to do to Nathaniel, and he agreed. Together, they administered the first round of antibiotics and watched the children carefully. She reviewed his notes from Carina about her mate. How had Julio gotten sick? They didn't have any children of their own, and Julio hadn't been one of the volunteers who had been in and out of the courtyard helping the children since her arrival. What was she missing?

  Two hours later, when there had been no reaction to the antibiotics, Grant waited while Ellie grabbed her toiletry bag and a change of clothes. Hand in hand they headed down to the Unit Level.

  Ellie was fascinated by the way the warriors had created their own small village. Each warrior had his own house designed to fit his personality. Together, they walked down the thoroughfare that ran through the middle of their level. Grant showed her where the guys
hung out and the commissary. He let her know which warrior lived where and shook his head when he pointed out Declan's small castle.

  However, it wasn't until he nervously stopped at the large Craftsman style house that she realized she was looking at her new home. "This one is ours." He watched her closely for her reaction.

  Ellie clasped her hands together excitedly. It was everything she had ever dreamed of. Without thought, she threw herself at her mate, jumped up, and wrapped her arms around his neck. She kissed him with abandon as the feeling of perfect happiness overwhelmed her. His arms wrapped around her body, and he easily lifted her and held her off the ground.

  When he pulled back, he was smiling wide. "I take it you like the house?"

  Blushing, she couldn't believe how silly she had just been. He leaned forward and kissed her between her eyebrows. "Don't. I love that you feel comfortable enough to act freely in front of me."

  She wiggled and bit her lip, realizing that he was still holding her off the ground. "Put me down. I'm too heavy." Behind his back she still held on to her small overnight bag.

  He frowned down at her. "Are you calling me weak?"

  "Of course not." She shook her head.

  "You wouldn't be putting yourself down again, would you baby?"

  She stared at his throat to avoid his eyes.

  "Because you know that would hurt my heart. The woman you think so little of is my entire world."

  She looked up and saw the sincerity shining brightly in his eyes. "You don't have to carry me if you don't want to."

  He nodded. "I want to." He tightened his arms and smiled down at her. "I'm never putting you down."

  She couldn't seem to swallow past the large lump in her throat. He wasn't just saying the words to make her feel better; he was showing her with his actions that he meant what he said.


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