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My Defender (Bewitched and Bewildered Book 8)

Page 14

by Alanea Alder

  "So you male Alpha types can read minds?" she teased.

  "No, but as mate bonds deepen strong emotions can pass through the bond letting us know if our mates are in distress. The closer the mates are the better. The fact that I can feel you in my soul already just proves how perfect you are for me," Grant said quietly.

  Ellie's heart felt like it was glowing. Her mate made her feel like the only woman in the world.

  "Hey Meryn," Anne said, greeting the petite troublemaker as she walked up with Ryuu.

  Meryn didn't say anything but stood as close as she could to Rheia and Colton.

  "Aww, did you miss us?" Anne teased gently.

  Meryn didn't respond, but when she lifted her head, she had silent tears streaming down her face.

  "Oh honey!" Anne exclaimed and pulled Meryn close. "You're lucky Amelia isn't here; she'd never let you go."

  Meryn sniffled and laid her head on Anne's shoulder. "She's hugging me," she protested weakly, not sounding like she meant a word.

  Kendrick, having finished with the cases, strode over, his face like a thundercloud. "Is she ill?"

  Anne looked at Rheia over Meryn's head, panic on her face. Rheia turned to Ryuu who stood off to one side, her eyes flashing. "Ryuu, what in the hell has been going on? She's lost weight!"

  Ryuu held a hand over his heart. "The city has not been kind to denka."

  Colton growled low. "Who do I have to kill?"

  Kendrick cracked his knuckles. "Or maim."

  "Why are you so upset?" Grant asked.

  Rheia pointed to Meryn. "She's docile, crying, and practically begged for a hug. You couldn't ask for clearer indicators that something is wrong." She was about to ask Ryuu something when all around them the general noise quieted.

  Darian had closed the previous portal and opened a new one. With a stoic expression, he waited.

  Coming from the wolves' refuge, two columns of warriors, their uniforms pressed to perfection, carefully carried a tiny white casket between them. Behind them, Stefan and Demetrio walked next to Susan and Tobias. They moved at a stately pace, conveying with their measured steps, their affection and unwavering respect for the small girl who had died before her time.

  Ellie looked at the casket and was humbled. She knew without asking that the twins Nigel and Neil had carved the tiny box out of stone. The white marble box had beautiful carvings of wolves running toward a metallic silver moon. On top, an ethereal bouquet of flowers sat encased in diamond, ensuring they would never wilt.

  Behind her, Grant wrapped an arm around her waist as he lent her his support. Colton did the same for Rheia, and Kendrick held both his own mate and Meryn tenderly. Ellie looked around, wondering where Aiden was. When she spotted him she wasn't surprised to see that the soft-hearted commander had taken a place beside the warriors carrying the casket.

  They slowly walked through the portal. Moments later, they returned empty handed and the Garcias stepped away from Stefan and Demetrio. Hugs were exchanged, and they followed their daughter through the portal.

  Darian turned to Aiden. "I will follow them to their destination and assist Susan's family in getting the casket to its final resting place, then head home." He looked over at their group. "Gods bless your efforts and keep you safe." He offered a final wave and stepped through the portal, which closed behind him.

  Slowly, around them hushed voices began to whisper, and the normal sounds of the level returned.

  "God! That casket was so small. How old was she?" Rheia asked, turning to Ellie.

  "Five," Ellie answered softly.

  Rheia turned and buried her face into her mate's chest. Colton looked at her. "That's our daughter's age."

  Aiden walked over and plucked Meryn from Kendrick. "Probably not the best place for an empath to be," he said before walking toward the tunnel, Ryuu following close behind.

  Kendrick winced. "I was too shocked by the casket. I didn't think of Meryn."

  Anne patted his arm. "If she was truly in distress, Ryuu would have gotten her out of here," she assured her mate.

  Rheia turned to her. "I'd like to follow them and make sure Meryn is okay before meeting with you and the other attending doctor."

  Ellie nodded. "I agree."

  Solemnly, they made their way to the tunnel. Half the warriors helped escort the new group down to Level One; the other half carried the cases of medical supplies to the hospital. Ellie walked beside her mate and, not for the first time since arriving, she felt like the shadows were closing in on her. She wondered if she would ever get used to living underground.


  When Ellie had first seen the large dining room table, she couldn't imagine so many people sitting around it that there would be no empty seats; now, it didn't seem that impossible. It took them a few minutes, but introductions were finally over. Ryuu had a pot of tea brewing, which smelled faintly of chamomile. If it was Blessed Chamomile, then it was exactly what they needed. She just wondered where Ryuu had gotten ahold of some.

  Everyone was seated except for Rheia, who stood beside Meryn's chair, taking her blood pressure and checking her over. "That's it. Bed rest for you missy!" she ordered.

  Meryn's face scrunched up. "No way! I'll be good I promise! I can't sleep anyway, and it will just hurt my back to lay down for so long."

  Rheia's eyes narrowed. "What do you mean you can't sleep?"

  Meryn shrugged. "I don't know why."

  "You've been drinking coffee haven't you?" Rheia fumed.

  Ryuu stepped forward. "We've had to add it back in. She was getting too lethargic without it."

  Aiden paled. "She's not sick, is she?"

  Everyone turned to stare at Meryn. "I'm not sick," she refuted.

  Rheia turned to Ellie. "What are some of the other symptoms?"

  "Low grade fever, achiness, temper tantrums..." she trailed off then stared at Meryn. Was she sick?

  "Fuck you all. I do not throw temper tantrums!" Meryn bellowed.

  "Yes, that really cements your argument," Kendrick drawled.

  Colton tilted his head. "She's kinda always grouchy, but it's one of the things I like about her."

  Meryn smiled at Colton. "That's why you're my favorite."

  "Hey!" Aiden protested.

  Colton gave his commander a shit eating grin. "I can't help it if the women love me."

  Adriel sighed and gave Aiden a sympathetic look. "You do know how I feel."

  Aiden nodded, his eyes taking on a wild look, and he turned to Colton. "Who did you leave in charge at home?"



  "After I had fun torturing the guys while you were gone, he'll have it made," Colton waved off Aiden's concern.

  Rheia stepped away from Meryn and sat in the empty chair next to her. "Okay, no full time bed rest, but you have to stay in bed no less than eight hours a day, even if you don't sleep, and you need to drink at least seventy ounces of water a day."

  Meryn's eyes bugged out. "I'll never stop peeing."

  "Too bad." Rheia looked at Ryuu. "What has she been eating?"

  Ryuu winced. "Meat kebobs and pudding."

  Rheia waited as if she expected Ryuu to say more. When he didn't, she stared at Meryn. "And you have to start eating real food."

  "Nothing else sits right; everything here tastes weird," Meryn complained.

  Rheia circled her face with her finger. "Does it look like I care? Push me on this, Menace, and I'll slide a feeding tube down your nose in your sleep."

  Meryn covered her nose protectively. "I can't eat anything else, really Rheia. It makes me sick."

  Rheia frowned. "You weren't like this at home."

  Meryn spread her hands. "Don't know what to tell ya."

  "I may have an answer," Marjoram said, coming in from the antechamber. When the men started to stand, she waved them off and sat down in the first empty chair. "My apologies for being late, but I was getting the much needed supplies put away." She turned to Rheia. "We haven't b
een properly introduced, but judging from your scowl, you're Meryn's doctor. My name is Marjoram Johanson, I'm Ellie's grandmother."

  Rheia smiled. "I'm her doctor as much as she'll let me be. What did you mean when you said you think you know what's wrong with Meryn's food?"

  Marjoram tapped her finger to her lips. "It's just a guess, mind you, but everything she has been eating has one common ingredient, I believe." She turned to Sebastian. "Do you use fae Ceylon cinnamon in your pudding?"

  Sebastian's mouth dropped. "Yes, yes I do. Not many can detect the difference with the amount of vanilla I use."

  Marjoram winked. "I'm a baker as well. I won't know for sure without asking, but I'm willing to bet that fae Ceylon cinnamon is used in both the meat kebobs and meat pies on Level Six. It has a more woody taste that can lend itself to either sweet or savory." She looked at Ryuu. "Try adding the cinnamon to her dishes. If that doesn't work, she may have to drink it in a tea to settle her stomach before eating a regular meal."

  Ryuu bowed low to Marjoram. "A thousand thanks for your advice in helping me with my charge." He rose to his full height. "Her health is my utmost concern."

  "Of course it is; you're one of the best squires I have ever met."

  Ryuu's cheeks took on a faint pinkish tint at her praise, and he stepped back behind Meryn.

  Marjoram turned to Magnus. "Might we borrow a room down here for the physicians' meeting? We have space at the hospital, but I don't think what we will be discussing should be overheard by young ears."

  "Of course, anything you need," Magnus agreed quickly.

  Marjoram's lips pursed to one side. "You're on bed rest yourself until dinner," she announced.

  "Thank the gods!" Elizabeth whispered.

  Magnus stuttered. "I have too much to do to be lying in bed!"

  Marjoram smiled sweetly then turned to Kendrick. "You look like you pack quite a wallop, young man."

  Kendrick grinned at her. "I've been known to level a city or two," he said, buffing his nails.

  "Told you I didn't take out the council building," Meryn crowed to Magnus.

  Marjoram jerked her thumb to the prince. "Do you have enough juice to knock him out?"

  Kendrick nodded. "Quite easily."

  Magnus sputtered and looked around the table for some quarter of assistance. Everyone stared him down, including his own brother. Magnus sat back, looking defeated. "I am the prince around here," he muttered.

  "You can be prince tomorrow morning at nine a.m. Until then, get some rest before you keel over. You won't do anyone a damn bit of good walking around in a stupor," Marjoram pointed out.

  "We're only fussing because we love you," Meryn announced out of the blue.

  Magnus' face turned a deep burgundy. "Okay. You twisted my arm. You can have two things from the vault."

  Meryn pumped her arms in the air. "Yes!"

  Ellie looked around the room. "Are we done?" She wanted to get Rheia and Anne briefed as soon as possible.

  Kendrick held up a finger and cleared his throat. "One moment, if I may." He turned to Law then pointed down to Elizabeth and whispered something under his breath. "Do you see anything?" he asked.

  Law's mouth dropped. "How did I miss that?"

  Elizabeth looked around. "Miss what?" she asked.

  Kendrick was still staring at her when Gavriel pounded on the table. "What?" he demanded, his eyes flickering red.

  Kendrick sighed. "Beth, I think you have a shadow on you."

  Elizabeth frowned. "Shadows are bad right?"

  Kendrick nodded. "I didn't see it before, but..." He looked at the other end of the table. "I believe being closer to your father has made it visible."

  "That's good, right?" Elizabeth asked.

  Kendrick and Law shook their heads. Law answered. "That's bad."

  "Why?" Meryn asked, looking scared.

  Kendrick's features softened. "Because that means it's tied to her blood; it darkening in the presence of her father confirms it."

  "Who would dare?" Magnus asked, his voice as cold as ice.

  Law sat back. Both witches were staring at Elizabeth. "It's not recent."

  Kendrick nodded. "See the gradient along the edges. This has been with her for a very, very long time."

  "We live in a city with witches coming and going all the time, how come you're the only one to see it?" Broderick asked, his eyes wide. He clutched his mate's hand. Caspian looked like he was on the verge of tears.

  Kendrick winced. "If I said it was because I was that good, it would sound awful."

  "But he is that good," Anne added.

  "Get. Rid. Of. It." Gavriel bit off each word. His power began to swirl around him.

  Kendrick sat back. "I don't think I can." He frowned. "I never get to say that. Helplessness over a magical concern isn't something I'm used to experiencing. Now that I have, I find I don't like this it at all."

  Law rolled his eyes. "Welcome to the real world, librarian."

  "Archivist," Kendrick corrected absently. "I may be able to find out more, but it will take time. But considering it's been there for decades, I don't see the rush."

  Anne covered her face with her palm. "Tact, my love. We need to work on your tact."

  Kendrick snorted. "I'll get right on that."

  Gavriel settled down slightly. "It is not harming her?"

  Ellie watched as a wide range of emotions flittered across the witch's face. It finally settled on thoughtfulness. "I don't believe so."

  "Great, that's all we need right now," Aiden exhaled loudly. He pointed at Meryn. "She's okay right?"

  Kendrick shrugged. "It's hard to tell with the midget."

  Aiden growled, and Kendrick held up his hands. "Yes, she's fine. In fact, her empathy looks like it's doing much better." He turned to Law. "Your doing?"

  Law nodded. "You're so used to working with accomplished witches you've forgotten how unruly it is in the beginning. We're leaving the door to her empathy open so it can come and go without feeling confined. Meryn has been using visualization to assign an image to her feelings. It is allowing her to process much faster, and the empathy doesn't come out for too long."

  Kendrick looked impressed. "Visualization is new." He turned to Meryn. "What am I?" he asked smiling.

  Meryn clamped her lips together. "Can't say."

  Her answer seemed to knock the wind out of Kendrick's sails. "We'll discuss it later then." Ellie surmised, whatever Meryn saw, Kendrick didn't want anyone else to know.

  Ellie turned to Magnus. "Where can we meet?"

  "You can take over my meeting room here on Level One. Only Kari and I have access. You will be undisturbed," Magnus promised.

  Ellie looked across the table at Rheia. "Ready?"

  Rheia stood. "It's what I'm here for." Around the table, the men standing signaled the end of their impromptu emergency meeting. Colton decided to stay with Aiden and help with the warriors. Kendrick announced he would be with Law, babysitting Meryn while he looked into Elizabeth's shadow.

  Ellie walked with Grant out of the prince's living quarters as he led the way to Magnus' office. Rheia and Anne walked just behind them, and Marjoram brought up the rear. She was on her walkie-talkie, asking for Tarragon and Dr. St. John to join them on Level One.

  "So Meryn looks like shit, Beth has a shadow, the prince looks like a stiff wind would knock him down, and we have an unknown virus in a city of vampires." Rheia shook her head. "Sounds like a really bad B movie."

  "Don't forget angry mobs of Founding and Noble family members making demands," Grant added.

  "Not to mention finding my mate in all this mess." Ellie smiled up at Grant. "Okay, that was more of a happy thing, but it still makes for more chaos."

  Anne snorted. "I found Kendrick when I thought I was meant for his brother. Then we discovered the feral necklaces were made with the souls of unborn children." She shuddered at the memory.

  Rheia cackled. "I almost lost Colton the first week we were mated to a feral bi
te getting infected. He was rotting while still alive." Ellie turned back to her, eyes wide. Rheia nodded. "Did I mention that he got the bite from the feral that murdered my daughter's biological parents and was stalking Penny?"

  Ellie looked up at her mate. "We're good, right?"

  He leaned down and kissed her on her forehead. "Once we put this sorrow behind us, we'll be just fine."

  Kari jogged up from behind them, grinning. "Sebastian was putting Magnus to bed when I left. He sounded like a five-year-old protesting on Christmas Eve. I had to leave when Sebastian threatened to get Marjoram. If I laughed in his face, I think he would have fired me." She held up her clipboard. "Looks like I am yours for the afternoon."

  They stopped at a mahogany door, and Kari used her hand to unlock the meeting room. She walked in and turned on the lights. "Magnus said you could use this room for however long you need. I will add your prints to the lock before we leave." She raised a wooden panel to expose a large dry-erase board.

  Ellie walked in and picked up a marker. It only took a few minutes for Tarragon and Dr. St. John to join them.

  "Right. Let's get started."


  "What do we know?" Rheia asked, starting the meeting after Tarragon and Dr. St. John introduced themselves.

  Ellie smiled as her grandmother handed her some notes. "I was called in four days ago to treat three children who weren't feeling well. Their symptoms were achiness, restlessness, joint pain, low fever, and trouble sleeping. They would be fine one moment then fly into almost violent episodes, thrashing about and hitting their parents. Between the time I was called and the time I arrived, which was less than twenty-four hours, the number of patients doubled.

  "The sick children were moved to an open courtyard in the refugee camp to stay near their parents and pack. They were set up on cots and were given doses of a pain killer, sedative, and fever reducer. This helped enormously, and we saw results immediately. The children were calm and able to sleep. However, it quickly began to lose it's effectiveness." She flipped to the next page.

  "The next day, our patient load doubled again and we realized we didn't have the space to treat that many children. We also received our first adult, which shot holes in many theories about where the sickness was coming from since Julio had almost nothing in common with the children. His symptoms were completely different from theirs. Whereas the children became combative, Julio was brought in unconscious. We haven't been able to wake him. His mate is beside herself.


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