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Slave Of Destiny

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by Derek Easterbrook

  Slave of Destiny


  Derek Easterbrook

  Copyright © Derek Easterbrook 2014

  This book is copyright under the Australian Copyright Act 1968

  No reproduction without permission

  All rights reserved

  The right of Derek Easterbrook to be identified as author of this work

  Has been asserted in accordance with the Australian Copyright Act 1968


  This book is the work of fiction. Names, places and characters are either a product of the author’s imagination or they are used fictitiously.

  Any resemblance to actual people or events is entirely coincidental.

  Author - Derek Easterbrook

  Novels available on

  * Tropical Dreams & Murder

  * The Harken Chronicles Series

  · Gliese 581g

  · Lorelei’s Legacy

  · The Warrior Queen

  * Slave of Destiny

  Table of Contents

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Part 2

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Part 3

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 1

  Michael Hart’s life was entering a new phase; one that would change his life forever. School and his senior year were finally finished and the summer vacation had begun. The year was 1971 and he lived in Townsville, North Queensland. Life was so simple then! His parents lived well out of town, with very few neighbours. He always dressed in blue jeans, t-shirt and a black hat on weekends and holidays, but he hated shoes.

  Barefooted Michael walked out the gate, across the road and clambered down the river bank, pushing aside the tall guinea grass with his Fox-Terrier dog following him. All the farmers pumped water from the small over flow stream, so Michael made his way down to a sandbar and crossed over to the island on the other side. On the northern end of Loam Island a transport company mined the rich soil and also removed sand out of the river bed when it was dry. It was the dry season, but the heavy rains were only about one and a half months away but, for now, Michael was content to look for baby turtles in the deep waterholes.

  As he approached the deepest waterhole two wild whistler ducks took flight, frightened by the dog’s sudden appearance. Michael sat down quietly to watch for tiny turtle heads to bob up to the surface of the water. Parrots screeched in the trees above his head as they fought over the best blossom to eat. A Kookaburra cackled further up the river and a flock of Zebra finches breezed past him. To Michael’s disgust there were only adult turtles in the pool, but when he was about to leave he heard voices, so he kept quiet for a while until the sounds began to fade away. He quickly and quietly crawled up the river bank on Loam Island and followed the voices at a safe distance. Michael couldn’t see the men, because of the long grass, but he carried his dog so that she wouldn’t alert them to his presence. He eventually reached the other side of the island, so he put his dog down and stopped to watch two dark-skinned men walk across the dry river bed, towards the other side.

  “Make sure my step-brothers don’t see you” said a voice on my right side.

  “Who…Who are you?” he asked, because he couldn’t see anyone.

  A girl stepped out from behind a large paper bark tree.

  “My name’s Sally” she said as she approached him. “What’s your name?”

  “My name’s Michael and this is my dog, Tina” he said as his dog jumped up to greet the beautiful girl.

  The girl was young and pretty, with large breasts and a husky voice. She was slightly shorter than he was and her straight black hair rested on her shoulders, but her skin was the colour of milk-coffee. Michael couldn’t take his eyes off her full breasts, which were covered with a skimpy red bikini.

  “You’re a typical male! How old are you?” she accused.

  “I’m…I’m seventeen” he replied feeling slightly embarrassed now. “How…How old are you?” Michael asked, as he averted his eyes down her body to check out her blue hot-pants and slim brown legs.

  He was nearly seventeen, so it wasn’t like he lied or anything.

  “I’m seventeen too” she said when she stopped to stand in front of him. “What are you doing down the river?”

  “I’m looking for penny turtles” he said, trying not to look at her. “What are you doing down here?”

  “I’m a look-out for my two step-brothers. I have to warn them if there is someone around” she said, before she added. “I don’t mind you looking at me or my breasts.”

  “What are your brothers doing?” Michael asked, happier now and not really caring what they were up to.

  “They’re collecting some special plants, so you better not be around when they come back or else they’ll beat you up” she mentioned.

  “Well, I better go” he said unhappily.

  “Do you come down the river much, Michael?” she asked as he walked away.

  Michael stopped and turned around to reply to her.

  “I come down here as often as I can, but mostly I come down here on the weekends and when I’m on holidays. See you later, Sally” he said before he turned around again and walked away.

  “I might see you around here again, Michael” she called out softly as Michael disappeared through the long grass.

  “She was beautiful” he whispered to Tina, when they were well away from Sally. “I hope I will see her again.”

  Michael promptly forgot about her brothers and what they were up to, but he made sure her image was imbedded in his mind. The wild passion fruit he collected and ate were delicious, but he decided to go back home and read some books for a while.

  “Come on girl. Let’s go home” he called to Tina.

  As Michael walked around the back of his house, he heard hammering coming from the back shed. Dad was always building something, so he ran over to where the noise was coming from.

  “Hi dad” he called out.

  “Hi son” he replied. “How’s the river?”

  “The waterholes are drying up” Michael replied, sweating profusely.

  “They will soon fill up, because the storms are already beginning and the air is hot and humid” he advised, before adding. “We may even get an early cyclone.”

  “I’m going to see the chickens” Michael said as he walked away.

  “Ok” dad said and continued to hammer the copper nails into the marine plywood he was applying to the frame of a speed boat.

  The small chicks were in a warmer, which was placed in the rear partition of the long shed, near the incubator. Every year dad bred several batches of chickens and, when they became larger, he either added the hens to the other hens or separated the young roosters, because they were designated for the freezer. The chick warmer was basically a large wooden box which had a small wattage light bulb fitted to the top. The top door had gauze fitted to it to allow fresh air in and warmer air out, so Michael opened the door, reached in
and removed a chick to cuddle. Tina was busy looking for mice, so this allowed him to sit on the ground with the chick. The surprised creature had never seen grass, but it tried to peck at it anyway. Tina rushed over to bite the chick, so he put it back with the other ones. Michael decided to go back inside as a light misty rain started, but as he walked inside his mouth began to water. He could smell mum’s home-made pumpkin cream pies, which were his favourite dessert. They always had plenty of pumpkins and tomatoes, because his grandparents grew them on their farm.

  “The pies are not to be eaten today, because Aunty Lisa, Uncle Pat and your cousin, Jennifer, are coming to visit” mum said when he walked into the kitchen.

  * * *

  The next morning Michael looked out over the duck pond down the river and he felt happy and carefree; He really wanted to see Sally again. The dust was stirred up as the trucks drove in and out of the sand quarry, but the air was clean down here and he hoped that she would come back here without her brothers. During the daytime the southern part of the island was usually very quiet and he liked walking in the area, because it was cool and well hidden.

  “Hi there, Michael” said a voice behind him.

  He was startled, but the voice sounded familiar, so he turned around.

  “Hi Sally” Michael said happily, when he noticed her broad, perfect smile.

  Michael looked the girl over and noticed some of her features that he had missed before. She was very pretty with her beautiful almond shaped eyes and her light brown skin looked very soft and supple. Her straight black hair rested on her shoulders, while her flat stomach and narrow waist led to hips that were beginning to broaden. Her black skirt revealed long, slim legs, but he really wanted to see her delightful breasts again. Michael noticed how full they were and he felt a wave of excitement when he saw the white bikini top. Sally could tell where he was looking, and smiled. She already knew what boys wanted when they looked at her like that.

  “You like what you see?” she asked, smiling warmly.

  “Uh” he replied uncomfortably. “What do you mean?”

  “I know what you want” she said.

  “I don't know what you're talking about” he managed to mumble.

  His face felt hot and he knew that he would be as red as a beetroot.

  “I do” she giggled, pointing at the bulge in my pants.

  Michael wondered if all girls were this forward. His curiosity overcame his reluctance to seem inexperienced in front of this beautiful girl, and suddenly he asked, “You mean to say you have done that already?”

  She shook her head and slowly started walking towards the shade of a big mango tree, so he followed her.

  “My mother said that I have to wait until I’m married to do that, but I’ve seen my step-brothers doing it with their girlfriends” she mentioned.

  Now Sally clamped up, reluctant to say anymore. Michael felt her hesitance, but decided to trick her, and she fell for it.

  “I bet you don't even know what happened” he taunted.

  “I do too!" she blabbed. “I saw them doing it in their car.”

  “Did you, really?” he asked, sounding surprised.

  Then she chuckled, and with a mischievous smile looked at his bulge again. Sally was amazingly well developed for a girl her age. Her breasts already looked like a large handful, and he noticed thick sturdy nipples pushing out the thin fabric of her bikini top. Even her dark brown areolas were visible through the white material. She knew where he was looking, and her smile broadened, which made her even more beautiful.

  “Looking there isn’t going help you relax” she giggled, as she leaned back against the big tree trunk.

  Michael quickly looked up from her feminine charms to her face and again she flashed that wonderful smile; her mouth full of pearly white teeth. On impulse, he leaned forward and kissed her on the mouth. He had expected her to be shocked, or push him away, but she didn’t. Instead, he felt her relax a little and, to his immense surprise, her mouth opened and her tongue tried to gain access between his lips. In school he had heard vague accounts of French-kissing, or some special way to kiss, and he realized his had to be it. Michael squirmed as he allowed her tongue into his mouth, but he continued to kiss her and he wished to touch those wonderful breasts. Michael took his liberty and pushed his tongue in her mouth while he cupped her firm breasts through her bikini top. To his amazement she didn't try to push him away, but allowed his hands to fondle her through the thin fabric. She freed herself from his embrace, straightened up, and slowly undid the knot on the ribbons that held the bikini top together. Then she slowly removed the garment with a playful smile. Michael feasted his eyes on her fully exposed, milk-coffee coloured breasts. They were firm and round with long dark nipples that were fully erect. She was breathtakingly beautiful.

  “That’s all you get to see and touch” she said firmly before she kissed him again.

  They kissed for a few minutes, before he lowered his head to suck on those wonderful nipples. He returned to kiss her again on her lips, while his hands fondled those delightful parts of a woman’s anatomy.

  “You’re a fast learner, Michael” she whispered breathlessly, when she finally pushed him away. “I better go; otherwise my step-brothers might come looking for me.”

  She refitted the bikini top before she whispered. “I’ll see you next time, lover-boy.”

  Michael stood still and watched as she disappeared through the long grass, too stunned to move.

  “She called me, lover-boy” he thought to himself. “She must have liked my kissing.”

  He walked slowly back home happy that he had kissed an older girl and seen her shapely breasts.

  Chapter 2

  The week passed quickly, but Michael didn’t see Sally again until Saturday afternoon, the day before Jennifer and her family were due to come back to Townsville. He was down the river, hiding near the duck pond, when he noticed her step brothers walking across the dry river bed and into the small side creek. Michael had picked his hiding spot really well, because he could see Sally looking around for him. Michael knew that they could only talk for a short time if he confronted her, but he wanted to see what her step-brothers were actually up to, so he sat still. About twenty minutes later they returned, holding a large and bulging Hessian bag.

  “I wonder what type of plant is in there” he asked himself.

  Michael waited until the three of them were out of sight, then he allowed another ten minutes for them to climb the river bank and walk away from the river. His curiosity was urging him to walk straight over to where he saw the two brothers on the other side, but he actually walked further up the dry river bed before he crossed and doubled back along the other side. As Michael crept closer he saw the rows and rows of serrated leafy plants on the gentle slope of the side creek and he noticed that there was a pungent smell in the air. Michael inspected one of the plants and he saw that it had a slender, seven-fingered jagged leaf that was dark-green in colour. The plants were about six feet tall and the stems were thick and stout. Some of the plants had been cut down recently, so he assumed that these were Sally’s step-brothers, special plants.

  “I shouldn’t be here” he thought to himself as he became increasingly nervous. “There is something suspicious about all of this and I don’t want to be here if they come back.”

  Michael became so scared that he ran as fast as he could, back along the river bank, only stopping when he thought he was well enough away from the weird crop. He hid in the shadows for a few minutes, contemplating his next move. A teenager like him couldn’t do anything and he didn’t want to do anything but, by the same token, he didn’t want Sally’s step-brothers to beat him up if they saw him. He decided that the plants must be marijuana or something like that, so he walked slowly and he went straight home. Next Monday he and his family were heading up to the beach hut for three weeks. His last thought involved the wet season and if the heavy rains arrived early, the weird plants might wash away or they wil
l be harder to get to. He finally decided to stay from the main river bed and the crop of marijuana.

  The Smith Family arrived for lunch, but Michael couldn’t spend some quality time alone with his very pretty cousin Jennifer, because her younger sister, Jessica, was with them. They talked for short while, before they left to go home. Michael decided to try and catch up with Sally, because he had to tell her what his family’s holiday’s plans were, so he set off for the river. He waited around for nearly an hour before Sally finally made her appearance.

  “I glad you’ve come back down here” he said, before he noticed her bruised cheek and eye. “What happened, Sally?”

  “My step-brothers experiment with drugs out of curiosity, to have a good time and because their friends are doing it. But they are beginning to have many problems, such stress, anxiety and depression. When they have smoked marijuana in the past they used to be alright, but now they are becoming quick-tempered. Their drug use is causing problems in my life and I think that they have an addiction problem. Marcus slapped me when I didn’t get his beer quick enough” she said with her tears freely flowing now. “I hate them!”

  “I’m so sorry for you Sally. What did your mother say about all this?” he asked as he held her.

  “She didn’t do anything, because she’s too frightened. I had to leave because they’re drinking and smoking again” she whispered. “I’m worried that they might try and have sex with me.”

  She bawled her eyes out, but Michael couldn’t respond with any advice, so he just held her in a brotherly way.

  “Mum whispered to me, just before I left, that we might have to leave during the night and go to her sister’s place, in Cairns” she admitted, crying again.

  “Won’t they follow you?” Michael asked.

  “They probably won’t even know that we’re missing for a few days. My step father is always drunk and he sometimes punches my mother if she doesn’t do as he asks” she mentioned, beginning to calm down. “This might be the last day we see each other, Michael.”


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