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1912 Page 33

by Chris Turney

  Great work is also being done on South Georgia, where rats brought to the islands by whaling and sealing ships in the past are threatening native wildlife once again. As the glaciers retreat, overland routes are now opening up between peninsulas, allowing previously isolated rat populations to expand across the island into the few remaining areas that had been rodent-free.

  The South Georgia Heritage Trust (www.sght.org) has instigated the largest rat-eradication program ever attempted, costing millions of dollars. Phase 1 is now complete and has been a success. If you would like to help finish the job by supporting Phase 2, find out more at the SGHT website.



  Adelie Land 225, 227, 236

  Adelie penguins 91, 161–2

  Admiralty Range 152

  aerial photographs 32

  aeroplanes 223

  Ainsworth, George 224, 235

  Aladdin’s Cave 245

  albatrosses 161

  alcohol 123, 199, 248

  Alexandra Mountains 165

  American Amundsen–Scott South Pole Station 296

  American expeditions 13, 19, 69–70, 79, 226–7

  American Geographical Society 174, 205

  Amundsen, Leon 109, 115, 121, 285

  Amundsen, Roald 4, 84, 285

  on Belgica 27, 105–6

  and Campbell 86

  diary entries 123, 129–30

  early life 105–6

  and Edwards 112–13

  health of 131

  in Japan 173

  and Johansen 123–4

  as leader 123–4, 131–2

  lectures by 135–6

  and Markham 139, 262–3

  and Nansen 114–15, 139–40

  North Geographic Pole expedition 108–9, 140

  Northwest Passage expedition 106–8

  and publicity 133–42

  and RGS 98–9, 121, 137, 140–1

  and Scott 97, 114–15, 135–6, 262

  sketches 128

  South Pole 117, 136–8, 299

  and Wilson 103

  Amundsen’s Norwegian Antarctic expedition 84, 102–3, 218

  date reached 130

  dogs 110, 122, 124–5, 128, 132, 141

  journey to pole 124–31

  King Edward VII Land work 124

  location measurements 125–7

  meets German Antarctic Expedition (Filchner) 186

  meets Shirase’s Japanese expedition 162–3

  meets Terra Nova expedition 86, 120–1

  newspaper rights 121, 132–3

  oceanography 115, 137

  preparations 110–17, 118–19

  publicity after 132–6

  return to Framheim 123–4, 131–2

  start out 122–3, 124–5

  weather observations 117–18, 119–20, 129–30, 136

  Antarctic Andes 179, 182, 191, 269, 270, 274

  Antarctic Circle 2–3, 22

  Antarctic Circumpolar Current 278

  Antarctic Committee of Enquiry 287

  Antarctic Convergence 190–1

  Antarctic Expedition Supporters’ Association 147, 173

  Antarctic Manual (Markham) 31, 44

  Antarctic Surface Water 190–1

  Antarctic Treaty 283

  Antarctica 3, 27, 268–9

  land bridge 44–5, 232, 234–6, 274–5

  place names 40–1, 270

  see also Terra Australis Incognita

  Antarctica Research 170–1

  Antarktikos 3–4

  Arctowski, Henryk 37, 110

  Armitage, Albert 31, 36–7, 52–3

  Arrol-Johnston motorcar 55, 56–7

  Auckland Islands 202

  Aurora 217–18, 229, 245–6, 253

  Aurora Australis 49, 251–3

  Australasian Antarctic Expedition (AAE)

  dogs 241, 242

  Far Eastern Party 240–7

  Far Western Party 229-31, 248, 267

  funding 215–16, 217–18, 221–3, 253

  geological samples 241, 248

  Macquarie Island base 224–6, 249

  magnetic observations 220, 237–9, 248, 255–6

  oceanography 232, 235–6

  plans 218–21

  publicity after 253–8

  scientific observations 239, 295–6

  second winter 246–7

  Southern Party 247–8

  supplies 242, 244, 248

  team 217, 220, 241

  team relationships 239–40

  voyage down 223–5, 227–8

  weather observations 236–7, 244–5, 248, 255, 266–7

  Western Party 248

  Wild’s base 229–30, 253

  Wild’s team 246

  Winter Quarters 228–9, 236–7, 253

  Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science 35, 214–15

  Australian government 221

  Australian National Antarctic Research Expeditions 282

  Axel Heiberg Glacier 129, 171, 269


  Bage, Robert 247–8, 284

  Balloon Bight 32, 46–7, 86

  balloons 89–90

  Bay of Whales 47, 115, 117, 169, 172

  Beacon Sandstone 62, 88, 269

  Beardmore Glacier 62, 65, 100, 271, 272–3

  Beardmore, William 38, 41, 55

  Beattie, J. W. 135

  Beaufoy 13

  Beaumont, Lewis 288–9

  Belgian Antarctic Expedition 27, 249

  Belgica expedition 27, 75, 105–6, 187–8

  Berlin Geographical Society 179

  Bernacchi, Louis 28, 75–6

  Bickerton, Frank 249, 251, 252

  biological samples 48, 161, 219, 296

  Bjaaland, Olav 131, 134

  Bjövik, Paul 196

  Blijde Boodschap 9

  boots 54–5, 164, 242

  Borchgrevink, Carsten 27–8, 55, 77, 114, 236

  Borchgrevink’s expedition 27–8, 66, 68, 219

  Bowers, Henry Robertson 94–5, 102, 260

  Bransfield, Edward 12

  Brennecke, Wilhelm 183, 200, 209–11

  British Antarctic Expedition (BAE) 39–40, 45, 111

  see also Nimrod expedition (BAE)

  British Antarctic expeditions 4, 12, 25–6, 27–8, 38

  see also Borchgrevink’s expedition; Discovery expedition; National Antarctic Expedition; Nimrod expedition (BAE); Terra Nova expedition

  British Association for the Advancement of Science in Australia 284

  British, Australian and New Zealand Antarctic Research Expedition (BANZARE) 286

  British government 22, 41, 42, 68, 108, 221

  British Scott Polar Research Institute 282

  Brown, Rudmose 263

  Bruce, Wilfrid 148

  Bruce, William Speirs 30, 142, 178, 182, 232, 234–5

  Buckley Island 271, 273

  Burberry 54, 107

  Butcher’s Shop 128

  Byrd, Richard 174


  Campbell, John 2

  Campbell, Victor 85–6, 117, 121

  Canadian coastline 21–2

  Cape Adare 28, 76–7, 218–19

  Cape Crozier 32, 94–5

  Cape Denison 228, 240, 248–9

  Cape Disappointment 189

  Cape Evans 85, 100

  Cape Royds 47

  carbon dioxide 277

  Carmen Land 137–8, 142, 207–8, 269

  Carnegie Institute of Washington 112–13, 220

  Challenger, HMS 22, 187, 188

  Cherry-Garrard, Apsley 78–9, 91, 94–5, 100, 125, 261, 287, 292, 298

  Chishima Islands 145–6

  Chree, Charles 74, 220

  Christiania Geographical Society 50

  chronometers 101–2, 126, 127

  Clarence and Richmond Examiner 154

  climate 74–6, 265–7

  clothing 53–5, 96, 107, 164

  Clyde 224

  coal 62, 65, 271–2

Land 137, 178, 207

  Commonwealth Bay 228, 245, 246, 254

  Company Islands 268

  compasses 14–16, 18, 20, 58–9, 81, 127

  Cook, Frederick 27, 69–70, 109–10, 138–9

  Cook, James 10–11, 189

  cookers 53, 119

  Crean, Tom 101

  Curzon, Lord 24, 140, 141, 174, 262, 287–9, 291


  Daily Chronicle 121, 133, 136, 291–3

  Daily Mail 64, 216, 259

  Daily Telegraph 155, 157

  Daini Hoko-maru 149

  Dana, James Dwight 233

  Darwin, Charles 43–4, 167–8

  Darwin, Leonard 64, 71, 121

  Dash Patrol 164, 172

  David, Edgeworth 217

  and AAE 215, 247, 253

  and Amundsen 135

  on Antarctic research 42

  on coal 271–2

  and funding expeditions 42, 43, 215, 253

  and geological samples 77

  health of 60

  lectures by 66–7

  letters home 46

  and Mawson 66

  and Nimrod expedition (BAE) 40, 45

  and Penck 284

  and RGS 267–70

  on science 35–6, 299, 301

  and scientific observations 48

  and Shirase’s Japanese expedition 153, 155, 157–8, 169–70

  South Magnetic Pole expedition 56–61

  Davis, John King 61, 121, 202, 214, 298–9

  and Aurora 229–32, 245–6, 253

  Macquarie Island base 224–5

  and Mawson 253

  oceanography 232, 235–6, 248

  de Gerlache, Adrien 27

  Debenham, Frank 78, 82, 83–4, 87–8, 272, 282

  Deception Island 191

  dehydration 129

  Delprat, Paquita 227, 249, 286

  Denison, Sir Hugh 228

  Deutschland 182, 184, 193, 206

  see also German Antarctic Expedition (Filchner)

  Devil’s Ballroom 128

  Discovery 31, 80

  Discovery expedition 31–3, 38, 116

  comments on 73–4

  dogs 82–3

  funding 29, 31

  leader 29

  magnetic observations 32, 48–9

  preparations 28–30

  weather observations 32, 73–6, 119–20

  see also Scott, Robert Falcon


  Amundsen’s Norwegian Antarctic expedition 110, 122, 124–5, 128, 132, 141

  Australasian Antarctic Expedition (AAE) 241, 242

  Discovery expedition 82–3

  German Antarctic Expedition (Filchner) 205

  Nimrod expedition (BAE) 52–3

  Shirase’s Japanese expedition 149–50, 164, 169

  Terra Nova expedition 100, 263

  Drake Passage 189, 278

  D’Urville, Jules Sébastien César Dumont 19, 225–6

  Dutch East India Company 9


  earthquakes 234, 276

  Edmonds, Harry 112–13, 137

  El Niño 265–6

  Elephant Island 285

  Ellisworth Mountains 3

  emperor penguins 32, 93–5, 166–7

  Enderby, Captain 201

  Endurance 285

  Engelstad, Ole 113–14

  equipment see supplies

  Erebus, HMS 19–20, 21

  Evans, Edgar 260

  Evans, Edward ‘Teddy’ 37, 79, 80, 101, 274, 288–93

  Expedition World 147

  exploration and science mix 14, 30, 293, 297–9, 300–302


  Farr, C C. 255

  fauna 44, 161–2, 190, 192, 278

  see also penguins

  Ferrar, Arthur 287

  Ferrar, Hartley 62

  Filchner Ice Shelf 207

  Filchner, Wilhelm 4, 175, 177–9, 286

  Exposé 195, 210

  on future trips 206–7

  at Grytviken 193

  preparations for expedition 181–6

  and Scott 183, 263

  search for land 202–3

  To the Sixth Continent 195, 199

  and Vahsel 195–6, 200

  weather observations 208–9

  see also German Antarctic Expedition (Filchner)

  film rights 165–6

  films 165–7, 170, 237, 254, 283, 297

  Finsås, Ronny 114

  Fisher, Andrew 215

  Fisher, Osmond 232–3

  Fishery Protection Vessel 189–90

  flights 221–3

  Flinders, Matthew 20

  flora 43–4

  food 27, 53

  see also meat

  Forster, Johann Reinhold 93

  fossils 43–4, 62, 65, 274, 275, 276–7, 279

  see also Glossopteris

  Fox Dip Circle 20

  Fram 51, 110, 114, 132, 137, 149, 285

  see also Amundsen’s Norwegian Antarctic expedition

  Fram Museum, Oslo 106

  Framheim 115, 116, 117

  Franklin, Sir John 21, 25, 29, 41, 105, 106, 108, 144

  Franz Josef Land 51–2

  French expeditions 19, 225–6

  Freshfield, Douglas 254–5

  funding 296–8, 299

  Australasian Antarctic Expedition (AAE) 215–16, 217–18, 221–3, 253

  British Antarctic expeditions 26

  Discovery expedition 29, 31

  Nimrod expedition (BAE) 40–3, 55, 68–9

  fur clothing 54, 96


  Galton, Francis 201

  Gauss 180

  Gauss, Carl Friedrich 18

  Gaussberg 219

  geographical exploration 25

  Geographical Society of London

  see Royal Geographical Society (RGS)

  geological samples 31, 57–8, 76–7

  Australasian Antarctic Expedition (AAE) 241, 248

  French expeditions 270–1

  Nimrod expedition (BAE) 48, 56, 298

  Shirase’s Japanese expedition 167–8, 171–2

  Terra Nova expedition 101, 260, 261, 271–3

  geology 43–4, 62, 65, 101

  geomagnetic poles 17

  German Antarctic Expedition (Filchner) 4, 175, 205

  base 196–8

  dogs 205

  at Grytviken 192–3, 204–5

  meets Amundsen’s Norwegian Antarctic expedition 186

  oceanography 185–6, 209–10

  post-voyage 204–7

  preparations 181–6

  scientific observations 179, 180, 198, 206, 207–11, 296

  search for land 202–3

  team relationships 198–200, 203–7

  voyage down 186, 188–9, 193–6

  weather observations 208–9

  see also Deutschland; Filchner, Wilhelm

  Gerritsz, Dirk 9

  Gilbert, William 15–16

  Ginkgo biloba 277

  Gjøa 106–8

  Glossopteris 43, 80, 274, 276–7

  gloves 54

  Gondwanaland 44, 275–6, 278–9

  Graham, George 18

  Graham Land 137

  Gran, Tryggve 82, 83

  Great Ice Barrier 21, 28, 32, 46, 115, 172, 270–1

  Gregory, John Walter 30, 73–4

  Grytviken 191, 192–3

  Gunji, Naritada 145–6, 173


  Haakon, King 131

  Halley, Edmund 17–18

  Hamilton, Sir Richard 29

  Hamre, Ivar 166, 174–5

  Hann, Julius von 119–20

  Hanssen, Helmer 132

  Hassel, Sverre 131–2

  Hayes, Gordon 257–8

  health of explorers 60, 129, 131, 244, 245, 246–7

  see also scurvy

  Heiberg, Axel 128

  Heinemann, William 136

  Helland-Hansen, Bjørn 115

  Heroic Age of Antarctic Exploration 4, 26

  Hilary, Sir Ed
mund 247

  Hinks, Arthur 125

  Hints to Travellers (RGS) 23–4, 88, 101, 111, 201

  Hooker, Joseph 19, 24, 43

  horses 52–3, 82, 87, 100, 182, 205, 263

  Hurley, Frank 220–1, 237, 247, 254, 258, 285

  Huxley, Thomas 47–8, 298

  hypsometers 111, 128–9


  IceCube 296

  Ikeda, Masakichi 156, 158, 173–4

  Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition 284–5, 299–300

  Indo-Australian Pacific Plate 276

  International Geographical Congress, Sixth 25–6

  International Polar Year 186–7


  Jackson, Frederick George 52, 53, 107

  Jackson–Harmsworth Expedition 52

  Jane 13

  Japan Times 155

  Japanese expeditions 4

  see also Shirase’s Japanese expedition

  Japanese government 173, 175

  Japanese Polar Research Institute 175

  Jeffryes, Sydney 250–1, 252

  Johansen, Hjalmar 51–2, 108, 123, 140


  Kainan Bay 162, 174

  Kainan-maru 149, 151, 169, 173

  Kaiser Wilhelm Ice Barrier 195

  Kaiser Wilhelm II Land 180, 248

  Keedick, Lee 135

  Keltie, John Scott 109, 139, 141, 174

  Kerguelen Land 202

  Kidson, Edward 266–7

  King Edward Point 191

  King Edward VII Land 28–9, 32, 165–9, 171, 174, 269, 270, 274–5

  king penguins 92

  Kishiichi, Kokubo 148

  kites, man-bearing 113–14

  Kling, Albert 186, 198, 202

  Kohl, Ludwig 193

  König, Felix 183, 199, 200, 202, 206

  Kuril Islands 145–6, 173


  land bridge 44–5, 232, 234–6, 274–5

  Larsen, Carl Anton 192–3, 205

  Laseron, Charles 229, 240

  Lashly, William 101, 292–3

  latitude measurements 125, 136, 202

  Le Maire, Jacob 9

  Lindstrom, Henrik 118, 122, 123

  Lloyd-Creak dipping circle 58, 81

  location measurements 23, 125–7

  longitude measurements 102, 125, 202

  Longstaff, Llewellyn 29, 36

  Lorenzen, Wilhelm 200, 203, 205

  Lucas sounding machine 234–5

  Luitpold Land 194, 195, 269–70

  Lyttleton, New Zealand 45, 151

  Lyttleton Times 151


  Mackay, Alistair 56–61

  McLean, Archibald 245, 250

  McMurdo Sound 20, 31, 47


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