by Chris Turney
Macquarie Island 224–6
Madame Tussauds 64
Madigan, Cecil 250
Magellan, Ferdinand 7–8
Magnetic Crusade 18
magnetic fields 15–16, 18–19
magnetic observations 18–19, 20, 31
Australasian Antarctic Expedition (AAE) 220, 237–9, 248, 255–6
Discovery expedition 32, 48–9
Nimrod expedition (BAE) 65–6
Terra Nova expedition 255–6
magnetic poles 16–18
see also North Magnetic Pole; South Magnetic Pole
Magnetic Union 18
Magnetograph House 237–8
Manchester Guardian 133
maps 2, 3, 8–9, 173–4, 268–9
Markham, Sir Clements 24–5, 64, 121, 286
and Amundsen 139, 262–3
Antarctic Manual 31, 44
on Australasian Antarctic Expedition (AAE) 216
on geological samples 273
and German Antarctic Expedition (Filchner) 208
Lands of Silence 67, 174, 268
and National Antarctic Expedition 28–9, 30
and RGS 25, 71
and Scott 261–2
and Shackleton 67–8
Mawson, David 4, 43, 286
and Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science 214–15
Australian National Antarctic Research Expeditions 282
calls home 249
and David 66
and Davis 253
Far Eastern Party 240–7
funds 256–7
future expeditions 76–8
health of 244, 245, 246–7
Home of the Blizzard 253–4, 256, 298
and Jeffryes 250–1
letters home 227
magnetic observations 65–6
and Nimrod expedition (BAE) 45
plans to return 213–16
publicity after 253–5
and RGS 234, 254–5
and Scott 77, 218
and Shackleton 213–14
and Shirase’s Japanese expedition 157
South Magnetic Pole expedition 56–61
and Wilson 77
see also Australasian Antarctic Expedition (AAE)
Meares, Cecil 82, 83, 100, 148, 289
meat 27, 60, 91, 100, 182, 242–3
Meiji Restoration 144–5
Meinardus, Wilhelm 210
Mertz Glacier 228, 243
Mertz, Xavier 241, 242–3, 247
Meteorological Office 73–4
Miisho, Seizo 158
Mill Rise 236, 274
Mitsuhara, Tsuchiya 148
mittens 54
Moluccas 7
Morrell, Benjamin 201–2
Morrell Land 201, 268
Mossman, Robert 208
motorcars 55, 56–7
Mount Betty 171
Mount Buckley 273
Mount Erebus 20, 48, 56, 75, 89–90
Mount Nobu 174
Mount Okuma 174
M. Pathe film company 165–6, 170
Murakami Inlet 174
Murray, John 26, 28–9, 74–5
Nansen, Eva 51
Nansen, Fridtjof 49–52, 54, 81–2
and Amundsen 114–15, 139–40
on equipment 106–7
and Scott 262–3
National Antarctic Expedition 28–33
see also Discovery expedition
Natural History Museum, London 273
Nautical Almanac 126, 127
New South Greenland 201
New South Shetland 12
New York Times 133
New Zealand government 42, 45, 221
New Zealand Times 151
Newnes, Sir George 28
newspaper rights 121, 132–3, 297
Nimrod 39–40, 80
Nimrod expedition (BAE) 52–5
base 47
biological samples 48
collects men 60–1, 64
conditions 47–8
dogs 52–3
funding 40–3, 55, 68–9
geological samples 48, 56, 298
horses 52–3
magnetic observations 65–6
preparations 49, 52–5
and RGS 39–40
South Geographic Pole 61–4, 68
supplies 53–5, 58–9, 63–4
team 45
trip to pole 53–5
voyage down 45–7
weather observations 48–9
see also Shackleton, Ernest
Ninnis, Belgrave 241–2, 247
Nomura, Nackichi 153–4, 156, 158
Nordenskjöld, Baron Adolf 41
Norman, Robert 15, 16
North Geographic Pole expeditions 50–1, 69–70, 108–9, 140
North Magnetic Pole 19, 50, 106–7
Northcliffe, Lord 216
Northwest Passage 21, 106–8
Norwegian expedition
see Amundsen’s Norwegian Antarctic expedition
Oates, Lawrence ‘Titus’ 79, 87, 260, 261
Observer 137, 153, 254
ocean properties 187–8
oceanography 182, 187, 232–6, 248
Amundsen’s Norwegian Antarctic expedition 115, 137
Challenger 22
German Antarctic Expedition (Filchner) 185–6, 209–10
Terra Nova expedition 274–5
Okuma Bay 167, 174
Okuma, Shigenobu 147, 155–6, 157, 262
One Ton Depot 87, 99–100
Palmer Archipelago 274–5
Palmer Land 27
Palmer, Nathaniel 13
Paramore, HMS 17–18
Parsley Bay 154
Peary, Robert 69–70, 109, 111–12, 121–2
pemmican 53, 291
Penck, Friedrich Albert 179, 183–4, 206, 284
penguins 32, 91–5, 278–9, 296
Shirase’s Japanese expedition 151–2, 161–2, 166–7, 168–9
see also Adelie penguins; emperor penguins; king penguins
Pharos 190
photography 66–7, 78, 134–5, 141, 220–1, 254
Physical Society of London 74
place names 40–1, 270
plants 43–4
Pointe Géologie 225
Polar Front 190–1
poles 14, 16–17
Polheim 130–1, 134, 135, 292–3
ponies 52–3, 62, 82, 87, 100, 205, 263
Ponting, Herbert 78, 91, 100, 283
Prester John 8–9, 190
Prestrud, Kristian 123, 124
Priestley, Raymond 40, 65, 78, 282
Prinz Luitpold Land 269
Prinzregent Luitpold Land 194
Przybyllok, Erich 183, 199, 206
psychological effects 249–51
Queen Maud Range 127–8
Raymond 55
Relief Inlet 60
Resolution, HMS 10
Richards, Sir George 50
Roosevelt Island 117, 172
Ross Ice Shelf 21, 270–1
see also Great Ice Barrier
Ross Island 20, 32, 47, 175
as base 31, 37, 38–9
Ross Sea 172, 174, 208, 269, 270
Ross, Sir James Clark 19–21, 202
Royal Company’s Islands 235
Royal Geographical Society (RGS) 297
and Amundsen 108–9, 121, 137, 140–1
and British Antarctic expeditions 25–6, 38
and Cape Adare 218
and David 267–70
female fellows 24
formation 22–3
Hints to Travellers 23–4, 88, 101, 111, 201
and Mawson 234, 254–5
and National Antarctic Expedition 29–30
and Nimrod expedition (BAE) 39–40
and Peary 121–2
and Royal Society 29–30
and Scott 71–2, 263–4
and Shackleton 39, 64–5
and Shirase’s Japanese expedition 173–4
and Terra Nova expedition 98–9, 288–9, 291
Royal Meteorological Society 73
Royal Navy (British) 14, 17, 19, 29
Royal Society in London 10, 17, 18, 29–30
Royal Society of New South Wales 157
Royal Society of Victoria 26, 41, 41–2
Royds, Charles 73, 119
Sawyer, Arthur 234
and exploration mix 14, 30, 293, 297–9, 300–302
global endeavours 186–7
and sport 35–6, 299
scientific equipment 14, 43, 48, 76, 106–7
see also compasses
scientific expeditions 25, 30
scientific observations 29, 32, 39, 48–9, 84, 87–8, 89
Australasian Antarctic Expedition (AAE) 239, 295–6
comments on 73–4
German Antarctic Expedition (Filchner) 179, 180, 198, 206, 207–11, 296
Terra Nova expedition 101–2
by Weddell 13–14
see also magnetic observations; weather observations
Scotia Arc 193
Scotia Sea 278
Scott, Lady Kathleen 216, 219, 222, 264, 287–9
Scott, Robert Falcon 4
and Amundsen 97, 114–15, 135–6, 262
and Cape Adare 218
death 259–62, 291
diary entries 288, 292–3
experiences 99–100
and Filchner 177, 183, 263
future expeditions 70–3, 111
and horses 87
as leader 87
leaves London 177
and Markham 261–2
and Mawson 77, 218
and Nansen 262–3
and National Antarctic Expedition 29, 32–3
on penguins 92
remembered 259, 261–2, 263
and RGS 71–2, 263–4
and Shackleton 36–7, 38, 67, 177
and summer 249–50
and supplies 288, 290
on Victoria Land 115
weather observations 75
see also Discovery expedition; Terra Nova expedition
Scottish National Antarctic Expedition 30, 79
Scott’s Last Expedition 272
Scouten, Willem 9
scurvy 27, 32, 63, 91, 101, 146, 288
Sea of George the Fourth 13–14
sealers 11–12
seals 27, 161, 191–2, 224
Seasonal Affective Disorder 48
sennegrass 54–5
Seward, Albert 273–4
Shackleton, Ernest 33, 36
and Amundsen’s Norwegian Antarctic expedition 121
and Arctowski 37–8
and funding expeditions 40–1, 42, 214, 215–16
and German Antarctic Expedition (Filchner) 182
Heart of Antarctica 46
Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition 284–5, 299–300
lectures by 66
letters home 64
and Markham 67–8
and Mawson 213–14
and National Antarctic Expedition 32
and Nimrod expedition (BAE) 45, 49, 52–5, 61–4, 64–5
as poet 45–6
and RGS 39
and Scott 36–7, 38, 68, 177
South 283
see also Nimrod expedition (BAE)
Shackleton Ice Shelf 270
ships and ice 50–1
Shirase, Nobu 4, 143–4, 158, 285–6
and Amundsen 173
on Chishima Islands 145–6, 173
and Japanese government 173, 175
monument to 175
in New Zealand 151
and Tada 160
Shirase’s Japanese expedition in Australia 153–9
dogs 149–50, 164, 169
films 165–7
geological samples 167–8, 171–2
King Edward VII Land 165–9
letter to David 157–8
meets Amundsen’s Norwegian Antarctic expedition 162–3
in New Zealand 150–1
penguins 151–2, 161–2, 166–7, 168–9
to pole 163–5
preparations 146–50
publicity after 169–72
Record of Antarctica 170
voyage down 151–3, 159–63
Simpson, George 76, 88–90, 187, 252, 264–5
Skelton, Reginald 40, 81–2, 222
skis 50, 55, 82, 164, 242
sledges 50, 52–3, 99–100, 122, 124–5
motorised 81–2, 99, 121
sleeping bags 96, 164
Smith, William 12
snow blindness 54
snow predictions 74–5
Solomon, Susan 266
South Geographic Pole 38, 296
Amundsen’s Norwegian Antarctic expedition 110–17
Borchgrevink’s expedition 28
Discovery expedition 32
Nimrod expedition (BAE) 39, 61–4, 68
ocean access 13
Terra Nova expedition 96–8, 116
South Georgia 188–92
South Magnetic Pole 31, 32
expeditions to 19–21, 27, 59–61, 247–8
location of 57, 58–9, 256
South Shetlands 275
South with Scott 91
Southern Ocean 22, 44, 172
research in 173, 175, 219, 232, 248, 274
rock in icebergs 167–8
weather conditions 84, 159
wild life in 190, 192, 278
Southwest Passage 9
sport and science 35–6, 299
Sprent, Chas 42
Staten Land 9–10
Stopes, Marie 80, 274
Strait of Magellan 8
Suess, Edward 44, 233–4
sun movement 102
Sun (Sydney) 154–5
supplies 118–19
Australasian Antarctic Expedition (AAE) 242, 244, 248
Nimrod expedition (BAE) 53–5, 58–9, 63–4
Terra Nova expedition 95–6, 260, 288–91
see also clothing; food; meat; scientific equipment
swords 158–9
Sydney Morning Herald 223
Tacoma Times 153–4
Tada, Keiichi 160
Tafel, Albert 183–4
Takeda, Terutaro 148, 158
Tasman, Abel 10
Tasman Rise 236
Tasmanian state government 224
Taylor, Frank Bursley 233
Taylor, Griffith 78, 88, 272
telegraphy 120–1
Terra Australis Incognita 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 17, 33
Terra Nova 80–1, 98, 149
Terra Nova expedition 252, 291
comments on 98–9, 263–4
dogs 100, 263
geological samples 101, 260, 261, 271–3
lectures 90–1
magnetic observations 255–6
meets Amundsen’s Norwegian Antarctic expedition 86, 120–1
oceanography 274–5
preparations 80–3
scientific observations 101–2
scientific reports 264
supplies 95–6, 260, 288–91
team 76–80, 83–4
trip to Cape Crozier 94–6
voyage down 84
weather observations 88–90, 101, 264–7
see also Scott, Robert Falcon
Terror, HMS 19–20, 21
Tierra del Fuego 8–9, 21, 27, 110
The Times 68, 69, 72, 109, 115, 259, 267, 282
Tokyo Geographical Society 147, 148
Transantarctic Mountains 270, 278
Travellers Club in Pall Mall 22
Trinity Land 12–13, 27
Turney, Chris
research by 286–8, 290
trips to Antarctica 1–2, 302
Union Steamship Company 45
University College, Ch
ristchurch 255
University of Cambridge 273–4
Vahsel Bay 195
Vahsel, Richard 184, 186, 195–6, 199, 200, 203
Vickers 222, 257
Victoria Land 20, 28, 32, 171
mountain range 61, 65, 115, 269
Victorian state government 41–2
Victory, HMS 19
vitamin A levels 243, 244, 247
vitamin C levels 27
von Bellingshausen, Fabian Gottlieb 12, 191
von Drygalski, Eric 180
von Goeldel, Wilhelm 199, 200, 204, 206
von Neumayer, Georg 107
Walk in the Snow festival 175
Watkins, Hugh Evelyn 222–3
weather observations
Amundsen’s Norwegian Antarctic expedition 117–18, 119–20, 129–30, 136
Australasian Antarctic Expedition (AAE) 236–7, 244–5, 248, 255, 266–7
Discovery expedition 32, 73–6, 119–20
German Antarctic Expedition (Filchner) 208–9
Nimrod expedition (BAE) 48–9
Terra Nova expedition 88–90, 101, 264–7
Webb, Eric 220, 238–9, 247–8, 249, 255
Weddell, James 13–14, 178, 191
Weddell Sea 14, 178, 185, 204, 207–8, 269
as base 70
Wegener, Alfred 275–6, 278
whales 21, 32, 47, 161
whaling stations 191, 192
Whetter, Leslie 239–40
Wild, Frank 65, 217, 222–3, 229–30, 246, 253, 267, 285
Wilkes, Charles 19, 180, 226–7
Williams 12
Wilse, Anders Beer 134
Wilson, Edward 74, 88, 260, 292–3
and Amundsen 103
and base locations 28–9
and biological work 92–5
diary entries 289–91, 292
geological samples 272–3
and Mawson 77–8
and National Antarctic Expedition 32, 36–7
Wilson, Oriana 289, 292
wireless telegraphy 120–1, 224, 240, 248–9, 251–2
woollen clothing 54, 96
World War I 283–5
Wright Brothers 222–3
Wright, C. S. 252
Yamato Yukihara 165
Yasunao, Taizumi 166