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NOMADS The Box Set

Page 4

by Erin Trejo

  “The bad guy? You are the bad guy! You killed that man with your bare hands. You need to stay away from Giselle, from us. We don’t need someone like you in our lives. We have enough to deal with without you adding to it.” Crossing my arms over my chest, I dare him to say more. Remi runs his hand through his long black hair before fixing his gaze on me.

  “Just stay here. I won’t be long, I promise.”

  “Why do you want her here? Tell me what you want with her?” He isn’t having her. We’ve done this before and all the assholes just want to fuck her and run. The thought alone sends a chill down my spine.

  “I like her, Suzi. I like you.”

  “Correction. You hate me. You like Giselle. I don’t particularly like you either if we’re being honest. People like you hurt her. They use her and toss her to the side. It’s wrong, Remi and I refuse to let that keep happening to her. It breaks her a little more each time it happens.”

  “I’m not tossin’ her to the side, Suzi!” The man that came out of the door a few seconds ago walks over and stands there looking between us confused.

  “Thought her name was Giselle?” Remi closes his eyes tightly digging his fingers into his eyelids.

  “It is.”

  “What the hell? You just called her Suzi.” Remi’s hand drops to his side before he looks over at his friend.

  “Landon, meet Suzi. She’s Giselle’s other personality.” The man looks from Remi to me before he laughs a full on laugh. I stand there strong and proud because this is the typical reaction we get from assholes when they learn about us. But Remi didn’t act like this when he learned about us, Giselle says in the back of my head. She needs to stop.

  “Case and point, Remi. We aren’t staying here. Goodbye.” I shove past the two of them and stomp back inside heading straight toward the bedroom him and Giselle wear sharing. She’s getting better at keeping me pushed aside when she really wants something and that is bothering me too. We can’t afford to be hurt anymore. I don’t know where that leaves her head. Slamming the door behind me, I start tossing my clothes into the backpack when the door opens behind me. I can feel Remi’s presence in the room. He’s very overwhelming.

  “Giselle, I know you’re in there. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I want you to be safe and I’m afraid that you aren’t with me.” Although his words are sincere, they mean nothing to me. Giselle on the other hand will fall for them if I let her.

  “She doesn’t want to hear you. Let us go, Remi. We’ll be fine on our own. We always have been.” Tossing the back pack over my shoulder I spin around to head back out when he steps in front of the door.

  “I don’t know that I wanna do that,” he admits.

  “And why not?” I counter.

  “Suzi, have you ever been around someone that just made you feel like you were somebody? Like you made a difference? Someone that…just from their presence made you feel safe and content?” Oh my little heart. Remi does have some sort of heart inside of him but that doesn’t work for me. The only heart I need to protect is ours. Giselle allows it to be broken so easily and then I’m left to pick up the pieces.

  “That’s not her, Remi. I’m sorry but it isn’t.” Remi’s head falls forward before he takes a step away from the door allowing me to walk past him. Giselle is protesting but I know what’s best for us. We can’t afford to be broken many more times before we become irreparable.



  The break at the Nomad clubhouse was nice while it lasted. Watching Giselle walk out of my room was hell. I’d only known the girl a fucking week but she was growing on me. She was a safe place amidst all the chaos of life and I was drawn to her in more ways than one. I blow out a ring of smoke before flicking my cigarette through the dark night sky, another night, another kill. I crack my neck from side to side and pull my gun from the back of my jeans before shoving the side door to the bakery open slowly. I watched this place for the last hour and haven’t seen anyone except for the mark go in. A bakery is a pretty fucking good place to hide drugs if you ask me. Who the hell would think you have tons of coke in here amongst the fucking frosting? I sure as hell wouldn’t. That’s not my problem though. The mark is. Another anonymous call on the burner phone, another twenty grand in my pocket. I sneak through the back undetected, keeping my movements slow until he comes into view.

  “You might wanna snort another line,” I tell him. He stands up quickly, reaching for his own gun but I’m faster. I make it to him in a few short strides, pulling the piece from the back of his jeans. He turns to face me, powder still sticking to the edge of his nose.

  “What the fuck is this? A robbery?” He chuckles. I shake my head and grin.

  “Your death,” I inform him. His eyes widen, words sticking in his throat but he can’t find the strength to say them.

  “You’re the one. The killer for higher?” He asks with a look of confusion on his face. I can’t help but laugh at him. He’s heard about me but then again, a lot of people have.

  “Yeah, that would be me.”

  “I fucking hired you a few months ago!” Lifting my shoulder, this isn’t the first time that someone has hired me to kill before someone else hired me to kill them.

  “And what?”

  “I can pay you. Double what they are offering you.” I don’t make deals. I make money. I take my order and I follow through, no questions asked.

  “Wish I could,” I say as my phone rings in my pocket. I keep the gun trained on his head, pulling my phone free.


  “Remi, we need to talk.” Landon’s voice thunders through the line.

  “I’m kinda in the middle of somethin’ here, brother. Can’t it wait?” I grin at the chubby asshole in front of me with the panicked look in his eyes.

  “I just got offered a hit, Remi.” That’s good isn’t it? Landon had wanted to get in with the program so what the fuck is the problem?

  “Good. Take it.”

  “I don’t think you want me to do that,” he says with a little hesitation.

  “Bro, get to the fuckin’ point here. I’m busy!” Roaring into the phone, I keep my eyes on the fucker in front of me. His gaze has begun to dart around the room meaning he’s looking for an out.

  “The hits for Giselle Dynasty.” His words send a line of fire racing down my spine. There’s no fucking way. Who the hell would order a hit on her? Why the fuck would they do that?

  “I’ll be back at the clubhouse soon.” Hanging the phone up, my body is tense. Anger races through my veins.

  “Game times over.” Pulling the trigger, I watch the slobs body fall onto the freshly baked cupcakes behind him before sliding to the floor. I shove the gun into the back of my jeans, turn on my heel and head out the bakery the same way I came in. Climbing on my bike, I rev it up as thoughts swarm my head. Who did she piss off? No one could want her dead. Then again, how the hell would I know? I barely know her.

  As I pull out onto the main road my mind races with ideas. I fucking shoved her away and now she’s in more danger than I could have ever imagined. She’s off on her own thinking she can handle herself but she can’t, not against guys like me. I fly down the highway not giving a shit what happens to me at this point. I need to get back to the clubhouse and figure out what the hell is going on. Landon got that phone call as his first fucking hit and it had to be her! The thought of anyone touching her pisses me off more than it should for her being a goddamn stranger to me but there is so much more to her that I want to know. I could see it in her big blue eyes. Gravel flies up from my back tire as I slide into the clubhouse parking lot. I’m off my bike in record time to see Landon standing at the doorway waiting on me.

  “What the fuck, brother!” I roar. He holds his hands up to calm me down but fuck that!

  “I called Tip to see if he can trace it. Hopefully it wasn’t a goddamn burner too. You need to find her, Remi. If I don’t take the job who the fuck knows who the next call goes to.” He’s right. We’
re not the only contract killers out here. There are tons more and not all of them are friends of mine.

  “If she hasn’t changed her clothes, I put a tracker in her jeans.” The smug look on Landon’s face pisses me off.

  “You did, huh?” Motherfucker. He can kiss my ass.

  “Fuck off, Landon. I didn’t plan on her leavin’ the way she did and I knew if Suzi came out there would be no findin’ her again. I did what I thought was right at the moment,” I inform him. He nods his head as if he understands but he doesn’t.

  “I’m sorry I was bein’ such a dick earlier. We’ll find her, brother.” Scrubbing my hand down my face, I don’t have a choice but to find her. I won’t let someone else kill her without cause. Hell, even with a reason, I will protect her. How much abuse can one person take in their life and still have that light about them? Giselle has that. She may use Suzi as a defense mechanism but Giselle is powerful all on her own, she just doesn’t see it yet.



  This place is a dump. It’s disgusting and dirty and fuck why did I rent a room here? Oh, yeah. So we can call daddy and have him come get us. I sit on the bed that is most likely full of bed bugs and cringe. Lifting the receiver to my ear, I dial his number. I listen to the ringing on the other end and wonder if he’s missed us? Or at least Giselle. He never did like me much but I’d like to think that he understood my purpose to a point.

  “Hello?” His groggy voice answers.


  “Giselle? Is that you?”

  “It’s Suzi,” I say and then hear him sigh. I suppose some things never change.

  “Where are you? I’ve had people looking everywhere for you! Do you know how wrong this is? To just up and run off?” His tone is harsh and Giselle cowers away from it. She always did hate when he’d yell like that. It made her feel useless and small just like when we were kids.

  “I know. Giselle wanted to run. I am ready to bring her back home. Can you send someone for us?” I listen to the pause on the other end and wonder what he must be thinking. I have no doubts that he’s angry but he has to understand the reason she did it. I do to a point but Giselle doesn’t understand that he only wants what’s best for us.

  “Tell me where you are. I will have a car come to pick you up,” he finally responds. I rattle off the address and tell him we’re in room seventy-two before he hangs up. I sit on the bed and cross my legs in front of me, thinking of how badly he must have been worried. After checking the clock, I decide it will take him hours before he has someone arrive to get us so I lay back and close my eyes. Sleep takes me quickly but all the dreams are filled with what Giselle did with Remi. I’m restless even in sleep. My sanity is being tugged on like a puppeteer would his puppet. Tiny threads are all that holds me together when I hear something. Sitting up quickly, adrenaline pulses through my veins.

  “We go in, we stick her with the needle, she’s out until we get her back,” a man’s voice says. No, dad wouldn’t do that to us again, would he? Having us drugged where neither of us are able to move or interact. He’s done it before but how did he get someone here so quickly. Peeking at the clock I’ve only been asleep for an hour. I climb off the bed and sneak to the window, peering around the curtain. With my heart slamming against my ribs, I see the men. A gasp nearly sounds out of me but I bite it back when I realize they are both dressed in all white. He’s going to have us committed. We’d be safe there but we’d also be so drugged we didn’t know what day it is! Think Suzi, think. What can we do? Before I have the chance to react, the door is kicked open. The men rush the room, eyes landing on me as I slink back in the corner, grabbing the lamp. Giselle cries in the back of my mind, sobbing heartbreaking cries.

  “I won’t let them hurt you, Giselle,” I tell her softly trying to calm her as the men come closer.

  “We’re here to help you, Giselle. Or are you Suzi right now?” The one man asks the closer the two of them get. My heart races, my fingers tightening around the lamp.

  “Stay away from us,” I warn them. I always warn them but that typically means nothing.

  “We won’t hurt you,” the other guy says. My vision begins to blur as panic dances inside of me. I can’t let them take us!

  “You sure as fuck won’t!” I hear Remi call out behind them. The men turn to face the voice when I jump and move in. Swinging the lamp around, it slams into one of their heads. His hand comes up to cover the spot just as Remi moves in. The man I hit swings around, slapping me across the face with enough force to send me flying back into the wall. With a thud my head bounces off the shitty wood, spots forming in my vision. Another man roars as I try to blink everything back into view. When all sounds cease in the room, a shadowed figure comes toward me, kneeling in front of me. I blink rapidly when his hand touches my skin.


  “You’re okay,” he says softly. Am I? My head throbs and my neck aches but I think he’s right, I am okay.

  “Suzi?” He says softly. Shaking my head, my vision slowly begins to return to normal.

  “Giselle,” I inform him and as soon as the name leaves my mouth, his crashes into me. His kiss is hard and unforgiving but I love every second of it. The same taste of cigarette and mint that he always tastes like assaults me. I slide my hands up and around his neck, tugging him closer to me.

  “We need to get outta here, brother,” the other guy, Landon says. I’ve met him a few times at the clubhouse. Remi breaks the kiss, pulling back but his hands still on my face. He looks me over as if to take me in or check for any injuries.

  “I’m okay, Remi.” He nods his head and helps me off the floor, yanking me into his side.

  “We gotta leave. Where’s your stuff?” He asks me but never let’s go of me. I don’t think I mind it either.

  “Over there,” I say nodding toward the chair in the chair in the corner. Landon moves to grab it, stuffing everything back inside before tossing it over his shoulder.

  “Let’s go before anyone else finds out about this shit,” he tells Remi quickly. I wonder what the hell is going on but I also don’t care because the safety that is Remi is wrapped around me, protecting me. As we hurry out of the room and down the stairs, Remi stops at his bike, pulling away from me. He jerks me in front of him and looks me over once more as if he needs to satisfy himself that I’m okay. I don’t say anything until his eyes meet mine, then I’m lost in their depths.

  “There are some things you don’t know that I don’t have all the answers to, Giselle. I’ll tell you but not here and not now. I need to get you somewhere safe first and figure out a few things, yeah?” The seriousness in his tone scares me a little but that adrenaline is still coursing through me, leaving me on a high that I crave.

  “Do you trust me, Giselle?” I don’t know how it’s possible after only a few weeks of knowing him but I open my mouth and say, “I trust you more than I trust myself.” Remi’s gaze softens as he gives me a little smirk. That smirk that could melt the panties off any girl, including me. Jesus, this man is too hot for his own good. Remi reaches for the helmet on his bike, passing it to me. I slip it on my head as Remi slips his arms out of his leather jacket and holds it out to me.

  “Put it on. We’re gonna be ridin’ for a little while.”



  My heads in a goddamn fog. I hate that I had to take her out of there the way I did but what other choice did I have? Soon enough Landon will be getting a call to make sure his job was taken care of and when they find out he didn’t do it, shit is going to get real. I rev the engine as my body tenses but with Giselle holding tightly to my waist, I feel a sense of relief. I need to make a few phone calls and set up a plan of action now that we’re far enough away from the hotel we left two body’s in. The first exit I see, I swerve off and find the first gas station there is, pulling into the parking lot. I kill the engine just as Giselle climbs off from behind me.

  “I have to piss so badly! I didn’t t
hink you were ever going to stop,” she says hoping from one foot to the other. I climb off and chuckle as I watch her dancing.

  “You could have told me; you know?” She shakes her head, a somber look crossing her face.

  “I should thank you for saving us.” Taking a step to close the distance between us, I pull the helmet from her head, lowering it to the ground before capturing her face in my hands.

  “I don’t need a thank you. I don’t know what I’m gettin’ into with you, Giselle. We don’t know each other yet I feel like I’ve known you forever. It’s stupid and I can’t fuckin’ explain but-“ Giselle ends our little talk with her lips covering mine. I quickly gain control before she has me stripping her naked right here in the parking lot of this dingy gas station. Pulling away from her she smiles up at me, those bright blue eyes dancing under the harsh gas station lights.

  “Go to the bathroom and get some snacks. I need to fill up and make a few calls, yeah?” Pressing my lips to hers once more, I reach in my pocket and pull out some cash. I turn my head and glance in the front window making note of where the bathroom is just in case I need to get in there quickly. “I can see you from here.” Nodding toward the window, Giselle glances over before pulling her eyes back to mine.

  “Where are we going and how did my dad get those men to me so quickly?” I knew she would have questions; I just didn’t figure she would ask already.

  “Don’t know, darlin’, but I will find out. Go on now.” Giving her a little push she turns and walks inside the store. I pull my phone out and make my first and most important call.

  “What the hell do you want?” I almost laugh when Armand answers the phone like that.

  “What kind of way is that to answer the damn phone, man?”

  “The kind when you know the gringo on the other end wants something. Spit it out, Remi,” he says cutting it short. I run my hand through my hair before glancing at the store once more to be sure Giselle is safe.


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