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Badge of Honor [The Town of Pearl 9] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)

Page 11

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  Maxwell took another puff from his cigar then leaned forward to make full eye contact with Stephan.

  “You have thirty minutes to give up her location or they’re going to make a move that changes everything.”

  “What move would that be?”

  “They’re putting a price on this woman’s head. She’ll be fair game to anyone and everyone out there. Dead or alive, they want the detective responsible for killing their brother Aces and screwing up their plans. They’re willing to take you down as well.”

  “Take me down? Like that would ever happen. These dumb fucks have let the little bit of power they have go completely to their heads. They’ll never survive a blood war. They can go to hell.”

  Maxwell smirked.

  “I figured you would say that.”

  He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a small envelope.

  “This is the group of men they got to hunt this woman down and kill her.”

  He handed over the envelope and Stephan looked at the contents inside.

  He knew these four men. They were ruthless killers, mercenaries trained in survival and ready to kill on order and impulse. He needed to contact Dmitri. Lauren was as good as dead with a Mexican hit put out on her.

  Chapter 10

  “Mary, what is it you want us to do?” Galvin asked Mary as she stood in their kitchen by the island.

  “I want her protected. She’s a good woman. These men who are after her, they want her dead.”

  “She isn’t exactly being cooperative. We have rules and procedures she must follow,” Harper added.

  “But we also need to ensure that the information we’ve gotten on her is accurate. We have our own investigating to do,” Orin told her as Mace walked into the kitchen with his laptop.

  “She’s always been independent, and has taken care of May and her sisters for years. She doesn’t accept help from others. It’s not like her at all. This situation she was placed in has angered her and made her very distrustful. But from my understanding of these men who are after her, Lauren cannot handle them alone. Dmitri trusts the five of you. I’m asking you to trust me and take my word. Lauren did nothing wrong. She’s not corrupt or at fault for what took place months ago.”

  “When we spoke to her today and asked some questions about her past and why she became a cop, she changed the subject. Mace is looking into her background. Is there anything you can tell us that would explain why she’s so secretive and why she isn’t willing to answer our questions so we know she’s really the victim here?” Galvin asked Mary.

  “She had a tough childhood. An experience she never talks about nor would she talk about with five men she just met,” Mary explained.

  But Galvin noticed she was hesitant, too, and he couldn’t help but to wonder what had happened to Lauren.

  “Perhaps I could make it a little easier for you, Mary,” Mace said and then turned the laptop around so the others could see it.

  Gus read the bold letters of the newspaper article.

  “Twelve-year-old shoots and kills intruders and saves sisters, but couldn’t save parents.”

  “Jesus!” Gus stated aloud and ran his fingers through his hair.

  Gus continued to read the article and every detail of the home invasion, the assault on Laurens’s parents and sisters. The execution of her parents by the criminals was heart wrenching. At twelve years old, Lauren killed multiple men and saved her sisters before they were murdered..

  “It hadn’t been easy. May was the only relative in New York and willing to take in these three troubled young girls. May would call me and talk to me about the rough nights the girls had and how counseling went and then the need to move to the city and get out of the suburbs. They all thought being around friends and going to school would be comforting, but Carly and Daisy were so timid and shy, they closed up and barely socialized. Lauren was on the defensive. Kids constantly questioned her about how it felt to kill someone. They were inconsiderate.”

  “But she must have been fine psychologically to have passed and gotten into the police academy,” Orin said.

  “She was a phenomenal student, and even had the grades, the motivation to become a lawyer, but she’s antsy. She could never sit still. She liked a challenge physically as well as mentally. When her and her sisters moved to May’s place in the city, Lauren was drawn to the action, the constant activity, and the sounds of sirens and people in need. She wanted to help. She volunteered at the shelters, at different victim support groups, and even survivors’ groups. She wanted to be there in an emergency and be the first to respond to help people survive and not become victims. And she’s damn good at her job. It’s how she got promoted to detective so quickly. She’s got great instincts, a knack for police work.”

  “She definitely received a lot of awards. Her bio and file are impressive,” Mace said as he scrolled through other material on the computer.

  “What do you know about her partner? This guy Frankie?” Harper asked her.

  “They were close. They worked together for a couple of years. She said he was the best partner she ever had, and felt comfortable with him. I think because her commander, Jonathan, knew what happened to her parents, kind of set the partnership up. He thought they would make a great match,” Mary informed them.

  “Jonathan Mathews?” Mace asked.

  Mary nodded.

  “Yeah I’ve got some information on him. Mathews was a personal reference on her application for the police department,” Mace told them.

  “He knew her parents?” Orin asked.

  “No, I believe May said that he was friends with a friend of her parents. Louise and Al, Lauren’s parents, were very well known in the community and in the city for all the fundraisers and events they supported and sometimes coordinated. They were very good people. Made a lot of money in business and stocks and felt that giving back to the community and less fortunate was the right thing to do. They wouldn’t hurt anyone, and always gave the benefit of the doubt. When the police investigated the home invasion, they looked into individuals Louise and Al had contact with and who would know their financial status. But the guys Lauren killed were ex-convicts, probably hired out for the job, and since they were dead, there was no way to interrogate them,” Mary told them.

  “Gus, I want you to look into the case deeper. Find out what you can, and see if the setup looks familiar,” Galvin said as his cell phone rang.

  * * * *

  “What about Lauren? What are your plans to get her to trust you and allow you to protect her?” Mary asked.

  “That’s up to Lauren. We’ll do our part to prove she’s innocent because that’s what Dmitri wants us to do. We can’t force Lauren to let us protect her, but that doesn’t mean we won’t,” Harper said, knowing that he had strong feelings for Lauren and spending time with her was more than just a business priority.

  “Maybe I can get her to understand your positions? Perhaps a push from me might help?” Mary suggested.

  “It doesn’t matter if she doesn’t want our protection. She has it fully now. That was Dmitri. The Tenth Street gang just put an official hit out on Lauren and anyone protecting her,” Galvin said.

  Harper’s chest tightened.

  “Are you fucking kidding me?” Mace asked.

  Galvin looked grim as he shook his head.

  “Harper, follow Mary back to her estate and have Lauren pack her things then bring her here. She’s staying with us and under our protection. If she resists, gag her, tie her up, do whatever you need for her to cooperate and to get her here. Orin, you go with them,” Galvin ordered and Harper nodded his head.

  “Oh God, Galvin. Please watch over her. Please don’t let them find her,” Mary begged.

  “We’ll do our best, Mary,” Galvin said, and Harper could see the anger and worry in Galvin’s expression. By the time he returned back to the estate with Lauren more than likely in shackles, the house would become a command center.

  * * *

  Lauren had just gotten out of the shower and dried her hair when Mary called her downstairs. The moment she locked gazes with Harper, her heart began to hammer inside of her chest. Every time she saw the man this happened, and when she saw Gus and Galvin. But now she paused as the other man he was with took in the sight of her.

  She immediately saw the weapon on his hip, the dark cargo pants, the tight, dark blue T-shirt that accentuated all his muscles, and the gruff along his cheeks and chin. He had a hard expression, a distinguished nose, a hard jaw, and a fierce appearance. His dark black hair was slicked back, and the only semisoft thing about the man was the one dimple nearly hidden beneath the light gruff of hair on his left cheek.

  “Lauren, meet Orin Neal, another member of our team,” Harper introduced them and as Orin reached a hand out, Lauren looked way up toward his eyes, piercing, nearly black, and felt the shiver of intimidation and lust filter through her system. These men were hard, sexy, and more lethal than any she ever came in contact with before.

  “What can we do for you?” she asked, trying to be defiant and hard despite the attraction and comfort she felt. She was actually getting comfortable around Harper, and interested in learning more about him. It was stupid, especially because their sole purpose for following her around was because this Dmitri guy ordered it.

  “There’s been an update,” Mary began to say when Orin held up his hand motioning for Mary to stop talking.

  “You need to pack your things. You’re coming with us,” he stated firmly.

  Lauren scrunched her eyebrows together and then looked over Orin from head to toe which nearly backfired on her.

  “Not happening, soldier boy. Been over this earlier today with your other two buddies and leader of your little crew, Galvin.”

  She started to walk away.

  “The Tenth Street gang put a hit on you and anyone providing protection and safety for you,” Orin stated aloud.

  Lauren gasped and felt her tough attitude nearly disintegrate.

  “What? Where did you hear this? Is it true?” she asked and looked at Harper.

  Harper stepped closer and reached for her shoulders.

  “It’s true. We just found out. It’s best for you, for Mary and Beth, if you come with us and let us provide protection and safety.”

  She shook her head and stepped back.

  “Please, Lauren, go with them. They can keep you safe,” Mary told her.

  “I’ll leave town. I’ll go somewhere else and take care of myself.”

  “Not an option. They’ll find you and kill you. You’re coming with us,” Orin said in a firm tone.

  Lauren was in a panic. She didn’t know what to do or how to react. Miklos and his brothers had put a hit out on her. She knew how that worked. Whatever the price, people, criminals, would come out of the woodwork to find her and bring her dead body before Miklos and the crew.

  “How much?” she asked.

  “What?” Orin asked her, not understanding her question.

  “How much is the payoff for killing me?” she asked.

  “A million,” Harper replied and Mary gasped.

  Lauren took an unsteady step back and then covered her mouth and turned away.

  A million dollars. There’ll be hundreds of people coming to find me. They would kill Mary and Beth. They could find my sisters and Aunt May, too. I’m going to die.

  She felt the hands on her shoulders and Harper pressed close.

  “We can keep you safe. If you stay here and someone finds you they’ll kill Mary and Beth.”

  She turned to look up at him and now Orin, who came closer and stared at her.

  “And what about you and your team?”

  Orin looked surprised that she even cared.

  “This is what we do. We’re trained professionals. We’ll keep you safe and alive, while our friends keep your loved ones safe and alive as well,” Orin told her.

  She wasn’t sure what to do. She felt suddenly so numb and unsure.

  “We’ll help you pack your things. This is your only option. Trust us,” Harper said and then led her to the stairs. She glanced over her shoulder at Mary, who had tears in her eyes.

  “No matter what happens, Mary, know that I love you, and please, please protect May, Daisy, and Carly.”

  She headed up the stairs as Mary nodded and then Beth walked into the room and pulled Mary into her arms.

  Lauren realized in that moment that the only family she had, the only people she felt comfortable with and trusted, could get killed. She had no choice. She had to go with these men. Why couldn’t her life go back to normal again? Maybe it would be best to just give up, so everyone around her she loved could live?

  * * * *

  Harper watched her pack some things and then she paused, looked at the dresser by her bed, and pulled it open. She had several clips for her gun and she placed the gun down on the table then went to put the holster on her hip. He approached, covering her hand and her hip with his hands. She looked up at him. The fear, the anger in her expression, touched him.

  “Don’t. We’re the only protection you’ll need.” She shook her head. She held his gaze, and he felt the emotion, the power of her statement, go through his body.

  “I need this. I need my gun, the only thing in my life that I have left to make me feel like me. Like the well-trained cop, detective, who once hunted and now is the prey. I need it, Harper. Please don’t take my last bit of protection, my strength and feeling of comfort away from me.” The tears filled her eyes and he heard her voice crack.

  He held her gaze.

  “You can bring it because I understand how you’re feeling right now. But once you’re at our home. Once you’re surrounded by my team and I, you’ll see that you won’t need that Glock on your hip day and night. You’ll have all of us.”

  “Thank you,” she whispered as she lowered her head and began to pack her things.

  He saw a side of Lauren he had yet to see. A softer, more human side and it made Harper believe that she was more like him and his team, a soldier fighting her fears, evading the enemy, and accepting help when all she’d been conditioned to do was lead and be strong. She was a woman who had suffered loss, been forced to take lives to protect the ones she loved and the ones who could not defend themselves. She was a lot like him. A lot like Orin, Mace, Gus, and Galvin and that was why he felt compelled to help her. It seemed her badge of honor had left her a bigger target than she probably ever expected. It wasn’t right, and it wasn’t fair. Not for a woman like Lauren.

  Chapter 11

  “What are you planning on doing, Dmitri?” Storm asked him over the phone. “They’re calling you out. They’re challenging the family, you specifically.”

  “You and I both know that I could wipe these men out in a flash. No one would give a shit.”

  “Except the Feds, the investigators from the state police, and Stephan Koldovic.”

  Dmitri chuckled.

  “Yes, I suppose the legal consequences are always unfavorable. However, I’m looking at a bigger picture here than you are. These men from Tenth Street gang are pissed off because the woman who killed their brother and eight of their top men is nowhere to be found. They know I had a hand in securing her so they couldn’t knock her off. Now, they want to threaten to take over businesses and opportunities I’ve had for years in New York just to try and force my hand. That’s not happening. I’ll take the entire operation out if need be.”

  “Then why are we even talking? If you’re dead set on this blood war between this gang and your men, then you’ve made your decision.”

  “Storm, I haven’t made any decisions. I’m going to let the pieces fall into place. With all that was going on, no one even looked at why Lauren and her partner Frankie were even at that building the night of the incident. Or why Frankie was pronounced dead when he’s very much alive.”

  “He’s alive?”

  “Sure as shit is, and recovering nicely. You want to kno
w who took him in?”

  “Yeah of course. You got my curiosity going now,” Storm replied.

  “Maxwell Ortega.”

  “How the hell does he know Frankie, Lauren’s partner?”

  Dmitri smirked. “That’s why I’m calling you. I would like for you to use your security firms to help figure out the connection between them.”

  “Something fishy is going on. Why else would Maxwell visit Stephan and give him information on the hit on Lauren? If he was friends with Frankie and Lauren was Frankie’s partner, wouldn’t he want to help save her life?” Storm asked.

  “Unless that was part of the plan that night from the start. To perhaps have Lauren die in the midst of gunfire. But she shocked them by taking out all those men and their main leader, Aces,” Dmitri replied.

  “This is a big problem. And until we prove Stephan’s position, I wouldn’t trust him as far as you could throw him.”

  “I’m on it, Storm. You get on this. Let me know whatever you find out, no matter how small.”

  Storm disconnected the call and Dmitri looked toward the window. There was information to be found and some serious digging to do. What better people then Storm and his crew? They would get everything he needed and hopefully before someone found out where Lauren was hiding. Otherwise, she was going to die.

  * * * *

  Lauren looked out the window from the guest bedroom. Five days had passed since she arrived at her new place of residence. It was a stunning home with all the bells and whistles. Plus, the highest amount of security she’d seen in a home, ever.

  It should have given her peace of mind, but the other residents kept her on edge. The commander of it all, Galvin, was a force to reckon with. She butted heads with him constantly, while Harper seemed to try and appease her and calm each aggressive confrontation between her and his leader.

  Orin made her nervous, and Gus watched her like a hawk as if he were reading into her every word and movement. But worse of all was Mace. The man just had an expression of anger and darkness, and was always ready for a confrontation. He even seemed to spit his words at the others.


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