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Big Boss: Quick and Dirty

Page 5

by Alexandria Hunt

  It was the first time I’d seen him shirtless and I sat on the edge of his desk with my jaw hanging open. I was practically drooling as he wiggled into a fresh shirt taken from a side closet, his muscles rippling at the effort.

  “Sorry about that, by the way,” I said, indicating the torn shirt he’d dropped on the sofa. “I guess I…well, I got carried away.”

  He began to button the fresh one up, taking away my new favorite view one stupid button at a time. “Never apologize for taking what’s yours,” he replied in a low tone. “You feel this as much as I do, princess, there’s no boundary between us now.”

  “I do feel that,” I replied softly. “You can rip off my shirt tonight if you’d like. You know, so we’re even.”

  “I think I get a little more than that, you owe me big time after Friday night and today,” he chuckled.

  “Oh god, don’t mention that,” I groaned in pain at the memory of my clumsiness and vomiting.

  “I never will again if it bothers you, just know it doesn’t bother me,” he said, “nothing you could do would bother me.”

  He finished doing up his shirt and shrugged into his suit jacket, completing his look…and god, what a look it was. I still barely contained my drool worthy appreciation of him, even when he was fully dressed.

  “I’ll get over it,” I smiled, “but I should get back to work.”

  “I’m serious, you’re in here with me now,” he said. “There’s no point in you going back out there, you’re my personal assistant…and sex doll.”

  He gave me that crooked cheeky smile and my heart melted. I wanted to be his everything, but I felt like I owed it to his father to let him know what was going on.

  But I was his, that much was undeniable. I could feel it in my bones, in my blood, and of course in the way he left my body, exhausted and aching…for more.

  “We should at least let him know,” I replied.

  “You are too good, Melody,” he laughed. “Here I am doing my best to corrupt you and all you’re thinking about it getting your work done.”

  He pulled me into his arms and pushed my thick mane of hair back, bent and nipped my neck, sending shivers down my spine.

  “I love that about you,” he said, “I can see that’s what got you through law school with such an impressive GPA.”

  “That and about a million pots of coffee,” I replied and felt myself melting against him, fitting into the curve of his body as if we’d been formed from the same substance at birth.

  “Don’t ever underestimate yourself,” he whispered against my hair as we embraced. “You’re an amazing woman, it’s obvious from everything I’ve seen…and felt…and tasted…”

  His simple words had the strangest effect on my body, my knees went weak at his words and my insides turned to molten fire. I couldn’t pull away even though I did feel responsible for finishing my work.

  All of it felt so insignificant to me. Everything before I met Hunter was meaningless when I was in his arms, everything ahead of me meant nothing without him in my life.

  “Coming from you that means a lot,” I said, closing my eyes and soaking in the sensation of being in his arms.

  “I inherited everything I have,” he said, “nothing like you.”

  “You didn’t inherit your law degree,” I said, looking into his eyes, “that’s something money can’t buy.”

  “You’ve got me there,” he replied. “But everything was worth it to end up right here, right now.”

  “Me too,” I said with a smile slowly spreading across my face. “This is crazy though, isn’t it?”

  “It is, but it’s perfect,” he said and kissed me yet again. I could have stayed there the entire day, kissing him and getting kissed…among other things…but my sense of responsibility was itching somewhere in the back of my head.

  “You need to get back to work,” he laughed, “I can see it in your eyes. You’re thinking about the work that’s piling up on your desk.”

  “You know me so well already,” I smiled. “I’m pretty transparent.”

  “Should I ask you to do some photocopies or does my father keep you busy enough?” he asked and smacked my ass as he released me from his arms.

  “You father keeps me busy enough,” I laughed and looked back at him, “besides, you already give me enough to do.”

  “I have many plans,” he said and winked at me as I walked back to my desk. I trembled with the overwhelming sensation of having him look at me with that heat in his eyes.

  And I sat taller and smugger than I ever had once I reached my desk.

  He was incredible, perfect in every way it seemed, and in spite of only knowing him a couple weeks and having my embarrassing night with him, he seemed to like me.

  He really liked me.

  I smiled to myself and did my job like a good little intern, researched cases and laid out arguments for Mr. Drake, and did my best to not run into Hunter’s office and into his arms every two seconds.

  He had a lunch meeting and I pretended not to see him when he left. He chuckled at my attempt and leaned down to give me a kiss on the cheek before he left.

  His father saw us, shot me a surprised look, and headed back into his office until the day’s end.

  And finally Hunter and I could be together again.

  We rushed to Hunter’s apartment after work like our tails were on fire.

  At least it felt like something was on fire, I was burning for him so hot that it felt almost dangerous.

  Everything was forgotten the moment the elevator doors opened into his apartment and we tumbled out, laughing and breathless from our kisses and groping the entire way up.

  “I want you naked, princess,” Hunter whispered against my neck between nibbles and kisses.

  “Yes sir,” I replied, using my office voice. I began to unbutton my shirt and he grabbed my hands.

  “Not here though, I need to fuck you properly in my bed. I want to be able to kiss every inch of you and let our bodies tangle together,” he insisted and grabbed my hand, dragging me up the stairs behind him.

  I made it about halfway up before he turned around and swept me up his arms. I gasped and laughed as he held me close, nuzzled my neck and took the stairs two at a time.

  “I feel like you’re carrying me over the threshold,” I said and clung to his neck like a child.

  “One day soon,” he said and I knew it was insane, this feeling we had together, but it felt like the smartest thing I’d ever experienced. This was authentic, this was real..

  “Promises, promises,” I teased back and he nudged open the door to the bedroom with his foot.

  “Not just a promise, love,” he said and set me down in front of him. “A guarantee even.”

  I laughed and pulled him down towards me for a kiss. I felt so light and free, like everything before Hunter had been weighing on me and he lifted me up.

  “Love? Is that what I am to you now?” I asked playfully.

  “You feel it too, it’s undeniable,” he said, tugging at my clothing and kissing me up and down every spot of skin that became exposed.

  “It is undeniable,” I sighed and worked on his clothing myself, kissing him as he kissed me. My darted my tongue along his flesh, tasting salt and the tang of his masculine scent. He was delicious.

  I needed more though, before he got to my skirt, I dropped to my knees and dragged his pants down over his hips. He stepped out of them, releasing his magnificent cock for me to admire.

  It was a thing of beauty. It was thick and long, longer than I’d ever seen, and had throbbing veins encircling it up and down the shaft.

  I’d never paid much attention to anybody else before, not their most intimate parts, but Hunter was so different.

  I wanted to know him, to know every part of him. I wanted to worship his body as he worshipped mine.

  “Oh…love,” he said and wound his fingers in my hair as I leaned forward and ran my tongue along the bottom of his shaft. “Melody,” h
e exhaled and the tense pleasure in his voice sent a shockwave of excitement through my body.

  It felt amazing, to have him in my grasp like this. It was thrilling to have such a powerful man at my mercy with my hands and mouth.

  I gripped his muscular thighs and pulled him against me, taking him deep down my throat. I gagged slightly, but pushed through and forced myself to relax and accept him inside of me.

  In spite of his massive size, I was able to handle more of him than I ever expected.

  His fingers tightened in my hair and the pain made me wince but connected me to him in ways I’d never known. I trusted him, that he’d never hurt me like that on purpose, but pain was akin to ecstasy and he was bringing me both by using my mouth for his pleasure.

  “Oh fuck, princess,” he groaned and I felt his muscles twitch and tense. “I need to taste you, fuck, I need you.”

  He reached down and lifted me up, carried me to the bed, tore my clothes off and climbed over top of me.

  He rolled over, pulled me with him until I was straddling his face, staring again at his massive cock, from a different angle.

  “Sit on my face, love, let me fuck you with my tongue,” he growled and pulled my hips down until my pussy covered him.

  His tongue when to work immediately, seeking my clit and my entrance, licking and sliding along both of them.

  I dropped my face and took him in my mouth again, adjusting to take him deep this way. I worked my tongue around his sensitive ridge at the top every time he came up, and squeezed my throat tightly every time I slid down.

  I felt him slip a finger and then a second one in my pussy while he continued to attack my clit with his mouth. He sucked and flicked until I couldn’t stand it, the orgasm build up behind my eyes until I felt as if I couldn’t contain any more.

  I screamed against his cock, the thickness muffling the sound of my orgasm but Hunter heard it. He worked faster against me, flicking my clit and using his fingers inside of me, pumping me until I felt him tense as tightly as I was wound.

  And we hit sweet release together, exploding in perfect time, our bodies clenching as our hearts expanded into each other.

  Our intensity faded and we began to relax, I wiggled back up into his arms and we kissed each other, tasting ourselves on the other’s lips, joining perfectly again.

  Part of me knew this was crazy, it was foolish to fall so hard for somebody so fast, but I didn’t care.

  When I was here in his arms, nothing else mattered. The only thing that meant anything to me was Hunter and the perfect way our bodies fit together, and the way that the beating of his heart seemed to match mine in perfect rhythm.

  Lying with my head on his chest, talking and sharing our hopes and dreams into the night was the most intimate I’d ever been with another human being.

  And when he took me again, sliding his length deep and hard into my throbbing pussy, I knew it was something more than lust.

  When we came together, and decided that night that we’d never be apart again I knew exactly what it was.

  It was love, and it was ours, and it was perfect.

  Also by Alexandria Hunt





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