by Gloria Obizu
What has the gun got to do with me? She asked.
I’m hoping you might recognize it and see whether it belongs to Isabel. See, she used to keep things in my place sometimes so when I found this, knowing it doesn’t belong to me and not knowing who else might have kept their things in my house I remembered her. She told me about this gun she has and how she finds it hard to have it secured but I never really encouraged her to keep with me. And then I found this.
On a closer examination, Carissa was convinced beyond doubts that the gun belongs to Isabel because she saw it several times. Yet, for a brief moment she wasn’t sure on how to deal with Gary. Tell him the truth she doesn’t know how it will affect Isabel or hide the truth she still doesn’t know how it will affect Isabel. I don’t know what to say about this right now, she finally said.
I do need your help for the sake of our friend, please! It’s been too long she’s gone missing and we need to find her. That’s what this is all about, Gary pressed on.
Ok! If I tell you the gun belongs to her for instance what are you gonna do? Turn it over to the Police or something? Carissa asked.
You know I will never do that!
Why did you suddenly get interested in all these?
I told you I have always been interested in Isabel’s case. I have been looking for her since the day she went missing, okay? It is just that I haven’t come up with anything. I even went searching for you at your former place at some point but you already moved.
I was long gone, get what I’m saying. How am I supposed to handle the rent alone? It wasn’t practical with my income. So I found me some new roommates and left. Gary! My thing is this; you’ve had this gun for years. So, why are you just bringing it up?
I didn’t know it was at my place until recently, just like I told you.
Ok! I don’t even see how whatever I say about this gun right now will help find Isabel.
Knowing it belongs to her and she chose to hide it at my place before she left lives me with the impression that she planned this whole thing ahead of time. And what does that say? She is ok wherever she at. Don’t you think so? What that leaves me with is the possibility of finding her.
Gary Listen! I’ll trust you’re not going to do anything that would bring harm to Isabel in any way, understand me? Carissa said.
I thought she must have given you some hint about the kind of relationship we had, Gary said.
Anyways, I’ve the feeling you are here to help her genuinely, I myself will give anything to see her again and is for this reason I’ll gonna work with you right now. This is Isabel’s gun!
Are you sure about that?
Yeah! As sure as the daylight breaks! I’ve seen it several times and I’m positive that is her gun.
Good! Thanks a lot for your help! I really appreciate that! Right now I’ve to be on my way but will get in contact with you as soon as I lay my hands on any information, okay? I’m sure you’ve got other important things to do so I rather not take any more of your time. With that Gary left Carissa’s place in renewed hope. He got the confirmation he needed concerning the gun and that was reassuring. Isabel hid it in his apartment to escape the law. More than that, he considered the guy Freddy as yet another lead in this whole drama and thought he should go after him too. There are chances the guy knows a whole lot or even the person shading Isabel, he thought, because there are times Gary remembers Isabel and would have this uneasy feeling that she may not be in the hands of Wallis as everyone may want to believe but living somewhere no one is looking with some punk. There are even the possibility that either of the two, Isabel or Wallis could have killed the other to conceal their crimes and now hiding somewhere, even here in LA. His discoveries at Wallis apartment during his initial quests early in their disappearance convinced him Wallis himself must have had some sort of shady past and Isabel might be aware of what happened in that past, but as a cop he knows that nothing is ever confirmed without proof. Now, obsessed with his feelings on guy Freddy’s involvement he went for him without delay.
Like every one born and bred in LA, Gary is well schooled in his surroundings and knows how to find his way in the city. Thanks to his training in the Police and the natural compass in his brain, he could watch and trail anybody without the person having the slightest idea he is being followed.
On his next day off duty, he drove past Paha Avenue in search of the buildings with the numbers he got from Carissa. Probing the entire area he sought for any male figure that looked like some one of his idea of what Freddy would appear like today.
The house with the street number 4181 in his view looked nothing but one of those houses on section eight unlike 4182 which is a private house with some class built into it. So he shifted his attention to 4181.
He had driven round the block several times before luck smiled at him as he sported someone walking out of the building under his surveillance. Quickly he parked and approached.
Hi! I’m Gary! Can I talk to you for a minute? He asked as he walked with an elderly man along the street.
Isaac is my name. Listen, I’m an old man now and the type afraid of young guys of todays, the man said. But what is it you want?
I’ve a friend who used to leave in this building but I lost contact with him. What had happened was I moved to Boston four years ago to be with my mother who was down with leukemia and somewhere along the line we lost contact. Now I’m back to LA and really miss him a lot ‘cause we used to hang out all the time and I’m like why not search for him, you know. And I remembered he was living in this exact building. This is 4181 Paha Street, right?
You are at the right place, if that address is what you are looking for, continued the man.
Cool! I know he was living here when I was in LA ‘cause I visited quit often. Oh men, we did many fun things together. I really miss him!
So what do you want me to do for you? Isaac asked.
I’m thinking you may know him since you live in the same building.
What’s this guy’s name? Isaac asked.
Freddy! Gary said with a smile.
No! I may be old, but I’m quit new here and hardly know anyone. But you can go talk to the apartment manager, she is a Spanish lady. Her office is the first room on your right. You won’t miss it. Tagged 1A.
In a short time, he found the manager’s office following Isaac’s direction. This time around Gary figured that acting in his capacity as a cop would make matters easier considering the kind of relationship between apartment managers and Police officers, so he introduced himself as Gary Hanford of the LAPD and showed his barge.
Griselda Lopez, she responded. What can I do for you?
Like I said I’m an Officer of the LAPD in search of a guy named Freddy.
Freddy Knuckles? Griselda asked.
Yeah!! That was quick! I can’t believe how lucky I got.
He used to leave here with his mom and sisters but they moved soon after their mom passed, Griselda continued.
How sad! Anyway, I need to talk to him urgently over some private Police matters. Do you by any chance know where they might have moved? Gary asked.
Not really! But I have a number you can call.
That will be very helpful!
Gary took the number thanked Griselda and left but not for his home. Instead, he went, packed his car on a shopping area, dilled the number and waited. Freddy’s sister came on the line. Naomi Bricks! That’s what she called herself.
I’m an Officer of the LAPD, Gary said again and I would like to speak with you in connection with your brother.
Are you talking about Freddy? She asked.
Is he ok? And as she said that Gary sensed that this is a lady really concerned about his brother so he got more careful with his own response. I hope so ‘cause I don’t have much informatio
n on that right now. That’s why it is important I talk to you.
You can come over right away since I’m at home. Here is my home address and she read it out to him. Without further delay, Gary turned and drove towards Naomi’s home.
It was one of those very large old fashioned buildings that Gary never seemed to fancy but right now, esthetic is not the subject of his interest. In a short time he found the apartment he sort for and stood before Naomi. Officer Gary Hanford introduced himself again and showed his badge.
Is Freddy okay? Naomi asked again with probing eyes all over Gary.
Like I told you on the phone, I’ve no answers right now. I’m actually looking for your brother in connection with a burglary incident in which his name got mentioned.
Burglary? No! Not Freddy! He will never do a thing like that! Lazy hands! Yes! But steal from people? No! Freddy doesn’t operate that way. See, we were all leaving here before he decided to hit the street Naomi said.
Oh men! You mean he left? Gary asked in his frustration.
Why did he do that?
I don’t know! What I can say for sure is that I fear for my brother’s life. I worry so much for Freddy! Naomi continued.
I don’t think he ever got over our mother’s death, get what I’m saying? And I don’t think he will ever get it over with. He was living here with us but used to act kind of wired. Most of the time, he’ll lie on a couch and do nothing but watch the damned TV, eat and do stupid stuff like someone who has given up on life totally.
Does stupid stuff like what?
You know, smoke the damned weed all day long, get what I’m saying? And he wouldn’t say much but stares at you in those eyes with nothing but misery. And whenever he says anything, it is to himself. I’ve to work my ass off to put food on the table and take care of everyone. I got six kids and a single mom yet he never tries to help me in any way. He does nothing for anybody. I don’t ask for too much, understand? All I need is for him to help himself with simple things like do his own laundry and stuff but he does nothing at all. He would want me to cook the damned food, take it to him, wait for him to finish eating and then pick up and go do the dishes. He wants me to do his laundry and shit. I think he even expects me to bath him and we are talking about a grown man here. You know, I got tired of all that shit and we started arguing and then one day, he got mad. I mean real mad! I never seen Freddy act out before like he acted that day and like I do whenever he got into a rage, I tried to calm him down but he wouldn’t and continued ranting all over the place like he’s gone completely insane. Anyways, I and my kids managed to get him to calm down after a very long time. I thought he forgot about the incident, no what I’m saying? But he didn’t. There were times I tried talking him into getting some kind of help. But no! Not Freddy!
What kind of help you wanted for him? Gary asked.
Checking into a correctional facility or something, understand? But he wouldn’t listen to me. And since I didn’t see him as a danger to himself or of any treat to me and my kids I just let him have his way. He just rants and rants but he never did anything physical or harmed anybody. Freddy would never touch anyone in that way. No! I was still trying to get help for him when one day he got all his stuff together, put them in one of those carts he picked up from some store and hit the street! Naomi said
Do you have any idea where he might have gone?
I haven’t seen him since he left and I don’t think I wanna see him in that way, Naomi continued. But some people tell me they seen him at bus 890 stand on Bermuda Avenue in Torrance. I heard he is always lying there on a bench with his entire body covered and all that. I don’t even know why he chose that kind of life but like I said, I think he is a little sick in the head and needs some kinda help urgently you know! Since our mother passed, he has not been the same Freddy I used to know. But I do love my brother still and pray every day that he’ll have a change of heart and come back home. Come with me, I’ll show you his room. And Gary followed her into one of the rooms. That bed at the corner belongs to him and it’s still the way he left it. Nobody is ever gonna sleep on it until Freddy comes home and I know is gonna happen one day cause I’m praying real hard for him.
See I must get in contact with him somehow. You said bus 890 routes Bermuda Avenue in Torrance? Gary said after a short pause.
Yeah. I had this particular stand is at the corner of Bermuda and Eclipse. Naomi added.
Gary thought it was time to continue with his quest, so he thanked Naomi and was about to leave when she spoke again. If you ever get to see Freddy, tell him I love him very much and that I and the kids want him back home to where he belongs.
I will, Gary said and left. It was really hard for him locating that bus stand situated along obscure area that people seemed tired of seeing but determined as he was, he eventually found it.
As he got closer, Gary could make out the figure of a person whose body was covered head to toe in a dirty blanket lying down on a bench and he knew immediately he was at the right spot.
He approached quietly, sat down on the same bench the fellow was lying on and nothing else happened. After a short while, he touched the figure in a blanket but nothing beneath indicated sign of life. He waited for a short time before he tried again but without getting the response he wanted so he called out, Freddy! Some movement followed and nothing more. Freddy! He called out even louder. And like someone awaking from a deep sleep which was actually the case, he threw off his blanket and sat up on the bench living Gary to wonder how anybody could fall into deep sleep on a street with dangers everywhere. Now fully awake, Freddy took a look at the fellow sited by his side and asked in a casual manner, what do you want?
I’m here to talk to you, Gary responded
And who are you? Freddy said, staring Gary directly in the eyes.
I’m an officer of the LAPD, he responded with the air of someone in authority.
And what do you wanna talk to me about?
Some incidence that happened many years ago!
What incident? Freddy said and continued to probe this stranger he wasn’t really interested talking with.
A girl you used to know had a party, someone got shot then she disappeared and has not been seen since then. And as Gary said that, he noticed how Freddy suddenly light up but even then the response that followed wasn’t exactly what he expected. And why do you think I’m interested in that shit? Freddy reacted.
You used to hang out with this girl before the incident, Garry continued.
You must be talking about the bitch named Isabel for sure. If you must know I went to her place only once but I’ve not forgotten. Actually what took you guys so long? It’s this day I’ve been lying here waiting for all this time. You guys finally decided to pay up, ha? So I was right! I knew she did it! I hope you came along with my money.
What money are you talking about? I don’t understand what you are trying to make out of this.
What? Is that how you wanna play? Alright! Let the game begin! I don’t know what you are talking about either, okay? So get out of here and leave me the fuck alone ‘cause I need me some rest. If you think you can zero down on me like that, evade my privacy and toss me around like a coin ‘cause you are a cop, then you need to learn some-n about Freddy, okay? Bullshit! Freddy signaled to make a retreat but Gary shouted, please wait! I’m here to help you, Freddy!
The only help I’ll ever get from any of you LAPD guys is that I get paid what you owe me. Yelp! You and your pals had some money put to the head of that guy the bitch murdered, right? I came up with all the tips you needed some fucking years back to help you solve the case but up till this day I never heard anything more from your end. And now, all of sudden, you crept in here like the fucking snake and wanna talk to me some more like I’m some kind of idiot or something. Bullshit! Look at me! I
said look at me! I may not have fancy clothes on, but I’m a grown man! I ain’t no butt licker, damn it! I ain’t crazy either! Listen, I don’t get in nobody’s business and I don’t want anybody get in mine so please get your ass of my bench and get out of here, okay? You need to leave me alone unless you have my money, then we talk man to man. Otherwise hit the street right away! And I mean every damn shit out of my fucking mouth.
I don’t have any money for you Freddy! Gary said. And you know why? Is because I don’t know what you’re trying to make of this. But if it’s what I’m thinking, then you need wait until a court of law proves she did what you said she did then LAPD may consider paying you any money. And if you ask me, this will happen quicker if we find Isabel. This is why I’m here to ask you help me find her.
I ain’t saying shit to you no more, okay? I already done my bit but if you guys are so slow with finding that bitch why am I gonna suffer the consequences, eh? You go ahead and leave me out of it ‘cause I don’t get mixed up with bullshit, feel me?
Freddy you may be helping yourself if you choose to pay attention to what I have to say to you.
I ain’t got nothing to do with you anymore fella! So why don’t you just leave, eh? Freddy continued.
I may have to ask you to come with me to the Police Department, Gary tried intimidating him.
You’ve got nothing on me, okay? And I ain’t going nowhere with you ‘cause I don’t wanna talk to nobody about nothing! All I did is lying down here on this bench, okay? So leave me the hell alone and get out of here! Freddy reacted and Gary could see he meant business.
Your sister says she loves you, Gary said thinking that will get` Freddy to cooperate.
Which one of them? He asked casually.
I love her too. She told you where to find me, didn’t she?
Yes, she did, Gary responded. She and the kids want you back home.
How can you say you love somebody and set them up with the damn Police? Get what I’m saying? It is all about treachery. Yeah! That’s what I’m talking about. I like it out here and I’m gonna live and die here. To hell with Naomi and her kids! I couldn’t care less! Bullshit!