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Show Me, Baby: A Masters of the Shadowlands Novella (1001 Dark Nights)

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by Cherise Sinclair

  “I…I don’t like threesomes,” she told Jake. And she didn’t want to be with him any longer, either. “I’m sure the restriction is on my limits list.”

  “Perhaps, but that’s why I asked you to think about your limits again. A submissive’s wants and needs change over time. Reassessment is needed.”

  I don’t want to be reassessed.

  The lack of a dedicated Trainee Master meant she’d escaped a re-evaluation for quite a while. But Jake’s very posture held determination. He planned to be stubborn about this.

  He turned her to face him, and his gaze dropped to her chest.

  Brand had painted a Celtic-style knot band around the outside of her breasts. At the centers of each pattern, her areolas glowed yellow.

  “Artwork like that is an open invitation to squeeze.” Jake’s fingers closed on one nipple, pinching and smearing the yellow paint. His green eyes stayed on her face as he squeezed firmly enough to hit the threshold of hurting—and made everything inside her tighten and pool. “Legs far apart and bend forward.”

  “What?” She stared up at him, seeing the matter-of-fact resolve in his expression.

  He picked up a paper towel and wiped the paint from his fingers…and waited.

  Well, God. She set her bare feet shoulder-width apart.


  Fussy bastard.

  After widening her stance, she bent forward, grateful his grip on her arm helped her balance. Her loose breasts hung down, swaying. Even worse, her very short skirt no longer covered her ass. As members of the club walked around her, her face flared with embarrassment.

  And yet, her core rapidly filled with another kind of heat. No Master had driven her or controlled her so thoroughly in a long, long time. Her whole body seethed with excitement.

  Jake ran his palm over the bare skin of her buttocks and squeezed, wakening the tender skin he’d spanked. Slowly, he slid his hand between her legs.

  At the intimate touch, she jolted and tried to straighten.

  His unyielding grip on her arm held her still. His fingers traced her labia, her entrance. “Nice and wet, baby. Good to know.”

  After helping her straighten, he tugged her skirt back down.

  Her breathing was fast, and desire was a hammering pulse beat between her legs. With every command, every firm touch of his hand, she wanted to beg for more.

  But not from Jake. No, not Jake. Tears pricked her eyes. She blinked, dredging up anger to burn away her weakness. “You could’ve just asked.”

  His brows lifted.

  Even that miniscule movement made her knees try to buckle. “You could’ve just asked, Sir.”

  “Did I miss where your limits list noted ‘no touching’ or ‘no touching intimately?’” he asked mildly.

  Oh, he was the spawn of Satan. Why had she wanted him for so many years? “No.”

  “In fact, according to your lists and cuff colors, I could use my cock instead of my hand and fuck you, here and now. True?”

  Her mouth twisted around the answer. “True.” And she totally hated the surge of edgy excitement.

  Instead, he tugged her forward. “Let’s introduce you to more Doms, trainee.”

  Enjoying Rainie’s mounting frustration, Jake steered his trainee through the room, visiting the Doms whom he’d prepped about the “scene.” With his hand on her nape, he easily read her responsive body to determine how far he could push her.

  Each time she attempted to defy him and failed, her trembling increased. Damn, but he wanted to comfort her and control her and explore the depths of her personality.

  This wasn’t the time.

  Stay on task, Sheffield. Next lesson.

  After he supervised her belly being painted, he checked her arousal. Nope, these two Doms didn’t do it for her, although she was still wet.

  One asked her to go upstairs to fuck.

  She earned another two hard spanks before managing to refuse.

  In preparation for the next group, he removed her skirt. She had a beautifully bare pussy, with the inner lips poking out between the plump outer labia. Damned tempting.

  Stay on task, Sheffield. Next lesson.

  Under his supervision, Adam and Carter painted her mound, ass cheeks, and upper thighs.

  “I’d love to take that pretty asshole,” Adam said. “Want to let me have some time with her?”

  “Rainie, what do you say?”

  She looked from him to Adam and back, and her cheeks pinkened with her dawning anger. Although Jake had made his expectations clear, she’d apparently not realized how thoroughly she’d been set up. “You-you…”

  Smothering his grin, he tilted his head toward Adam. “Show me how you answer him, baby.”

  Despite now knowing the entire scenario was preplanned, she struggled. “I’m s-sorry, but I don’t…” Her gaze dropped, and she swallowed hard.

  “Rainie,” Jake said quietly. “It’s not difficult. Try this: I’m afraid not, but thank you for the offer, Sir.”

  The gratitude in her eyes made him want to cuddle her. “I’m afraid n-not, but thank you for the offer, Sir,” she parroted to Adam.

  “Nicely done.” The young Dom grinned. “Come and find me if you change your mind.”

  Chuckling over Rainie’s disgruntled expression, Jake led her away. Her refusals would improve with practice. The physical memory of pain would provide impetus.

  Being she was a smart woman, she’d probably study her past to figure out why she had so much trouble saying no. If necessary, he and the other Masters would help her explore.

  He was pleased with the evening’s work. And he’d gained some knowledge.

  She didn’t particularly like pain, but definitely got off on control, subtle or overt. She could tell the poser Doms from the real ones. Sexual submission was her gig, although she had a nice helping of service submissive in her personality, enough to create a need to please others. Especially Doms. Her smart-mouthed, independent personality tended to vie with the submissive side.

  She was definitely an intriguing woman.

  “Maybe I should do some painting, too,” he murmured, catching the subtle scent of her body—a light spicy fragrance that mingled with the musk of her hunger. “Or, I could just play with you.”

  A flush of excitement darkened her lips and cheeks.

  Interesting. She might avoid him—but she also wanted him. His cock swelled in response, although he’d been half-hard all evening as he’d hauled her around. Touching her lit him up as if he’d clasped a live wire.

  She was everything he enjoyed in a woman, from her scent to her lush body to her sassy mouth. Trouble was, since he’d spent the evening as a Master giving a lesson, he had to step back now. They each needed to be clear on what they wanted before moving on to fucking. Dominance and submission could definitely confuse matters.

  So, to divert them both, he smacked her pretty painted ass hard enough to make her hiss. “That was a reminder to be truthful in relationships, whether you’ve known the Dom for one minute or one year. I want to see you honest in your emotions, your thoughts—and your refusals.”

  “Yes, Sir.” She held still as he unfastened her wrist cuffs and the chain.

  Once freed, she pulled in a breath and rubbed her ass, which probably hurt like hell. She’d have trouble sitting for a day or so. “If you want the truth…I’d really like to punch your face right now. Sir.”

  He grinned.

  She pushed some hair back and faced him straight on. “Nonetheless, I’m grateful for the lesson.”

  And her honesty was even sexier than her gorgeous body. “Good night then, baby.”

  “Good night, Sir.”

  Chapter Four

  “Well, Master Fuzzy-butt, I wish I felt like partying.” The next night, Rainie stood in the bathroom, her makeup arrayed on the counter like a pre-battle army. Depressed and tired, she’d resorted to the heavy artillery: thicker foundation, darker eyes, and eyelashes long enough to reach her eyebr

  She checked the mirror. Not quite slutty, but close. Perfect for tonight’s bachelorette party and the “exotic dancers on the loose” theme. God, what a theme. Uncomfortable with looking like a hooker—outside of the Shadowlands—she’d tried to talk the other women out of the idea and been outvoted. So…just get over it, Rainie.

  With a snort, she glanced at the fluffy little dog at her feet. “It’s kind of dumb going to so much effort, really. I mean, a bachelorette party means all women.”

  Rhage obviously agreed since his fluffy, wagging tail whipped over the glittering blue nail polish on her toes.

  She beamed at him. He was such a good conversationalist. “I can’t believe the clinic didn’t find someone looking for you, but thank God they didn’t.” Because losing Rhage would break her heart.

  He felt that he owned her now, she knew. She grinned. The fifteen-pound fluff-ball had snarled at her neighbor’s dog—and returned to her, totally convinced he’d saved her from the huge pit bull.

  So she’d named him after her favorite fictional boyfriend. “You’re my hero, Rhage.”

  Ears pricked up, Rhage watched her closely. Anything she said was important to him, and how lovely was that?

  “I always thought I’d grow up and find my own hero.” Rainie grimaced at herself in the mirror. Obviously, she shouldn’t have wasted her youth on reading and daydreaming. “But I gave up; I’m not holding out for a hero anymore.”

  Rhage whined. Did that mean he agreed?

  “I don’t think heroes exist anymore, puppy.” Her ex-fiancé, Geoffrey Hollingsworth, sure didn’t qualify as a knight in shining armor. Or, maybe he hadn’t considered her a prize worth fighting for. The memory was an unhealed bruise on her heart.

  She’d been thrilled when he’d taken her up north to finally meet his family. “This is Rainie Kuras,” he’d said.

  But when his mother and sister looked down their noses at Rainie’s painfully purchased college clothing, her hopes shriveled. Then Geoffrey’s sister had whispered in her mother’s ear, “…foster care…drugs…”

  Mrs. Hollingsworth’s lips had compressed tightly. Her gaze, not warm to start, chilled further. She’d straightened her thin frame. “How do you do?”

  Obviously, Rainie wasn’t “suitable,” being a woman abundant in everything except money, respectability, and high-class ancestors. But then came the moment that really hurt. Despite past experiences, she’d foolishly expected Geoffrey to put his arm around her and show his family what she meant to him.


  Thus, she had learned a romance book was fiction. A hero who truly cared for the heroine was called a fantasy.

  And reality was the way Geoffrey had sidled sideways to put distance between them. The way he’d avoided any discussion of that night. The way cold had oozed into the empty space where love and trust should lodge.

  After a painful breath, Rainie slowly straightened the mess on her counter.

  A paw placed on her foot said Rhage wanted the rest of the story.

  “Sorry, honey. Nothing more to the tale. My so-called fiancé slithered out of my life with a ton of excuses. The putz. I’d respect him more if he’d been upfront about dumping me.”


  She froze, staring at her excuse-making, equivocating face in the mirror. Was she really belittling Geoffrey for not being honest after spending last night getting smacked for doing exactly the same thing herself? She was always making up excuses to avoid sex or dating or whatever.

  Master Jake had been more right than he knew—and didn’t that just suck?

  Okay. No more lying. She was better than that. True, she intended to climb the corporate ladder, rung-by-rung, which meant using…tact...rather than unvarnished honesty. But she wouldn’t abandon her character as she rose in status.

  She scooped up the dog, cuddling him. “Don’t worry, puppy. I’ll never lie to you. Promise.”

  Her chin got a quick lick, and she rubbed her cheek on the top of his fuzzy head. The perfect hero. He didn’t judge her by her clothing or her past mistakes or her horrible childhood. He loved her for who she was now. How rare was that? “How did I ever live all these years without you?”

  After she finished dressing, she opened the huge, black suitcase containing her special stock.

  Rhage bounced on his front paws, assuming the contents were new tug-of-war or chase-the-ball toys.

  “’Fraid not, honey.” Her lips curved as she studied a cock ring. It could be considered a type of chase the ball, right? “These are sex toys.”

  Was that an appalled look in Rhage’s chocolate-brown eyes? “Sorry, dude.” She ruffled his ears. “Arranging parties brings in extra money and lets me hang out with girls instead of truckers.” And provided great prizes for bachelorette parties.

  “Hopefully tonight won’t run too late.” She needed to work tomorrow—Sunday—to finish the payroll. Because of Cory. She scowled. “That man—all liabilities, no assets.”

  First, her “boss” had screwed up the schedule, ignoring a trucker’s requested hours off. Then when the trucker threw a fit, Cory’d fired him and wouldn’t let her mail off a final paycheck. She’d been stomping-mad furious—which was a trick to pull off in high heels.

  And now she had to work tomorrow if anyone was going to be paid. “And it’s all because Cory is one period short of a write-off. No, worse than that. He’s a putrid, piss-drinking, pustule with a pin-sized prick.”

  Rainie winced. Had she really said that out loud?

  Miss Lily had continually tried to mold her into someone with class. And Rainie’d curtailed her swearing—at least the true profanity. Did name-calling fall under the “genteel women don’t do that” rules? Unfortunately, she couldn’t ask Miss Lily. Not ever again.

  Grief hit her so brutally, she held her chest, trying to pull in a breath. “Why’d you leave me?” Like everyone else had.

  In a pale peach blouse, pearl necklace, and earrings, Miss Lily looked out of the picture frame. Her gaze was steady, her head high. Even in a photo, she displayed dignity. But she’d also known how to lay out the honesty.

  At seventeen, Rainie’d been left for dead after a drug deal gone bad. Her upcoming destination was juvenile hall, but the judge had seen something in her. “Would you like to meet Miss Lily?” he’d asked, referring to his executive assistant from when he’d been some fancy lawyer. The person who’d helped him become the man—the judge—he was.

  Rainie knew his question wasn’t about choosing between juvvie and another foster home—it was about who she wanted to be when she grew up.

  At the courthouse, Miss Lily had looked Rainie over and given her a thin smile. “You can continue on your bobsled ride into hell, young lady, or you can come home with me and become a lady in truth. Your decision.”

  Though one eye was swollen shut, Rainie had stared at the woman and tried not to whimper. Her life was in chaos and Jesus fucking God, she hurt. Shiz lay in the morgue. She didn’t want to be herself any longer.

  Years later, Miss Lily shared that she’d planned to turn the judge down, but she’d seen the longing in Rainie’s eyes to be…more.

  “I’m still trying, Miss Lily,” Rainie told the woman in the photo. “I’ll make you proud.”

  As she fought the tears, she knew what Miss Lily’s response would be. Then get moving. Do the next thing. Nothing is accomplished by tears or moping.

  “Yes, ma’am.” Rainie returned to the bathroom and fixed the streaking mascara under her eyes. Enough with the past. This evening wasn’t about her, but about the two bachelorettes, and she’d bust her ass to ensure Sally and Gabi had fun.

  Setting her bag of toys on the tiny dining table, she scowled at the notebook that was supposed to have Master Jake’s homework. She’d started…and stopped. Like she’d ever share her weaknesses with a man? Or her disgusting past? Never, never, never.

  And the list of what she wanted in a Dom only pointed out her nonexistent love life. S
ince Geoffrey, no “relationship” had lasted past a few dates.

  He’d been the one to teach her about BDSM and, although he didn’t like clubs, he’d taken her to the Shadowlands during a visitor’s night. With him, she’d learned she liked bedroom domination. Because of her past, she kept a tight control over her life, but letting someone else take charge for scenes and sex was amazing.

  Her smile faded. But because she’d trusted Geoffrey that much—enough to let go—his abandonment had ripped her apart.

  A while after they broke up, she’d joined the Shadowlands, hoping to meet someone wonderful. Those dreams had died because investing all her trust and love in a man was simply an invitation to get hurt.

  She bent over to tug lightly on Rhage’s silky ears. “Are you cruel too, buddy? Since you’re a male?”

  His tail thumped the carpet.

  “See, with humans, once a man conquers, he examines his prize and immediately begins picking her apart.” She slapped her ample stomach. “I’ve got a lot to pick apart here. And my background provides even more.”

  Rhage waved a little paw in the air.

  “You too, huh? Both of us with scummy backgrounds.” Rainie smiled down at him. “Guess we’ll just keep it to you and me.” No one else.

  She shoved the homework right off the table. Damn Master Jake anyway. After getting home last night, she’d dreamed of him, over and over. Even worse, she craved seeing him again—as though he was dark chocolate and she’d just come off a yearlong diet. She wanted.

  But she could have dealt with dreams. Really. But the dreams had slowly twisted into nightmares of how she’d fled his sister’s birthday party back to her foster care house—where she should have been safe.

  Jake wasn’t to blame. Nonetheless, he was a walking, talking reminder of why her life had descended straight into the sewer.

  Her head lifted as she heard footsteps on the sidewalk. Probably the limousine driver.

  “Okay, dog, I have to go party.” She picked up an encompassing shawl and swirled it around her body. “You guard the house, okay?”

  Rhage gave a small yip of agreement.


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