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Roy’s Jaguar [Cherry Matchmaking Agency 1] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

Page 16

by AM Halford

  “Female cats are vengeful. The stronger the female, the more adamant about getting their revenge they are. Maria, she’s about as strong as they come.”

  “She’s still my sister,” Nexus reminded his friend. “And I’m telling you, I never once saw her with Lane.”

  “He’s more than just a victim to you, isn’t he?” It was a statement, not a question, and Roy’s voice was incredibly soft as he said it.

  “We were friends,” Nexus admitted. “We grew up in the same pride, and were the same age. It’s rare for cubs to be born in the same year in the same pride, so yes, we were close. So, I can say without a doubt there was nothing between Maria and Lane.”

  “Except the evidence proves otherwise.”

  “Screw the evidence!” Nexus snarled at Tyrese. “Lane can’t be the reason for Maria’s actions. It’s impossible.”

  “Regulus,” Tyrese spoke calmly, “you’re allowing your guilt for killing Lane to cloud your reasoning. Your sister must have a reason for what she is doing. We found this picture”—he tapped the photo of Lane—“in her house. If that doesn’t show a connection, I don’t know what does.”

  Nexus growled and stood up, Roy sliding from his lap to take his seat in the chair. Pacing his office, he searched his memory for any time before he had become Regulus, of when Lane was still alive, that Maria and Lane had been together without Nexus present. He had never smelled one on the other. Maria had never mentioned Lane, and vice versa. There was nothing connecting them except Nexus.

  “How about you look for something else,” Roy suggested, breaking through Nexus’s storming thoughts. “Obviously Nexus doesn’t know anything about this. So, either find proof of Maria and Lane having a relationship, or find another reason for her insanity.”

  “Insanity?” Tyrese sounded shocked. “That’s a strong term.”

  “A fitting one, as well.” Roy glared at the lawyer. “She had someone leave two dead kittens in my nursery. If that isn’t the mark of someone that’s completely lost it, I don’t know what is.”

  “True, true,” Tyrese agreed. “Fine. I’ll see if we can come up with something else. For now though, Regulus, I implored you to consider something going on behind your back between Maria and Lane.”

  Nexus said nothing as Tyrese let himself out. How could it be possible? If it was, why didn’t Maria speak out before they were forced to fight each other? Had she hoped Lane would win?

  “Stop it,” Roy instructed him, his hands reaching up and grasping Nexus’s face. Roy forced Nexus to look at him, a gentle smile reflected in his brown eyes. “You’ll drive yourself crazy. You said you don’t know anything, and that’s exactly all you need to concentrate on.”

  Leaning down, he pressed his forehead to Roy’s and just absorbed his mate’s support. Even with everything that was going on, with how he’d treated Roy just yesterday, he was still being caring and loving.

  Thinking of loving, Nexus considered if now was an appropriate time to tell him. “Roy,” he whispered. “I lo—”

  Roy cut him off with a quick kiss.

  “Not right now.” Roy smiled at him. “I’m still mad at you.”

  Sighing, Nexus nodded. He understood. After everything he’d done yesterday, it didn’t surprise him that Roy was still upset with him. Of course, it only went to show how strong he was that he could still support and comfort Nexus at this time despite everything he’d done.

  * * * *

  Roy was just starting to pack up in preparation for the class—he’d baked chocolate chip cookies this week—when a knock resounded from the front door. In the kitchen, Roy reached for a knife as Iago moved to answer it. His new guard, Bram, a wolf shifter, moved in front of Roy. He knew everyone was doing everything in their power to protect him, but the fact he was afraid every time someone showed up made him anxious. He hated living like this.

  Thankfully, as Iago opened the door, Roy felt himself relax upon seeing who was on the other side. Calisto, with Cupid, entered the house bringing with him a ray of light Roy hadn’t felt in what seemed like eternity. He marched right up to Roy and hugged him.

  “I should’ve been here yesterday, but Stylianos wouldn’t have it,” Calisto explained as he released Roy from the hug and grasped his hands. “I’m so sorry you had to go through that alone.”

  “Technically I wasn’t alone.” Roy smiled at his friend. “Nexus was here, being pigheaded.”

  “He was correct.” Cupid spoke up. “Calisto filled me in, and Nexus was right. Leaving here would be a huge mistake. I know it doesn’t seem like it, what with the brick and threat, but this is the safest place for you, besides my offices.”

  Calisto smiled brightly. “Which is exactly why tonight’s class is going to be held at the Cherry Matchmaking Agency building.”

  “It is?” Roy looked between the two. “Changing the venue so late, how are the others going to know?”

  “Simple. I’ve already contacted them.” Cupid grinned cockily. “I keep tabs on all of you. Part of the reason I’m here today is because I needed to touch bases and ensure your progress is going well. I’m glad to see that it is.” He indicated Roy’s stomach.

  Translation, the god only cared that Roy was pregnant and new shifters were soon going to enter the world. For the god of love, he sure didn’t seem to care all that much about actual love.

  “Yes, I’m pregnant and fat,” Roy snipped.

  “And in love,” Cupid tacked on.

  Gaping, Roy could feel a blush heating his cheeks, and Iago and Bram suddenly found the ceiling and floor very interesting. Calisto just smiled knowingly.

  “You don’t know that,” Roy argued.

  Cupid’s expression clearly said he was stupid, but Roy held his ground. “Listen.” The god sighed and moved around the counter to stand in front of Roy. “I’m the god of love. Not some cheap parlor trick hack trying to make a dime off other people’s desperate attempts to find romance. I can walk into a room and instantly tell when two people have a connection. I can see the red string that connects two souls to one another. More than that, I know when two individuals, such as you and Nexus, are in love with each other without even trying. So, how about taking your ludicrous notions and shoving them, boy.”

  “Fine,” Roy huffed, his arms crossing on top of his stomach.

  “Now, are we going to discuss the elephant in the room?” Cupid smiled and returned to his usual aloof persona.

  “What elephant?” Roy asked, looking about. For all he knew there could be an actual elephant in the room. Considering how his life had been going recently, he wouldn’t doubt it for a second.

  “Your psycho sister-in-law,” Cupid answered. “I think I might be able to do something about her. I can at least protect you from her wrath.”

  “How?” Roy stepped forward and grabbed the god, shaking him. “Tell me!”

  “First.” Cupid knocked Roy’s hands off of him. “Don’t touch me like that again. Second.” He reached into his inner jacket pocket and pulled out a silver necklace, with an old copper coin with a gorgon’s head etched into it dangling from the chain. “Just put this on.”

  Without a second thought Roy snatched the necklace and slid it over his head. “I’m not going to turn to stone or something, right?”

  Cupid shook his head. “No, but the gorgon will protect you from anyone meaning you or your babies harm. It also cannot be removed by anyone except you.”

  “Cool.” Roy smirked. “Mystic security.”

  “Hold still.” Cupid rolled his eyes before he started chanting in what Roy was fairly certain was Latin. “Voco super te, protegere haec processerat. Protegam eum puerum incolumem. Nemo animae suae tollere locat. Ut ligaretur pannis, et in nomen, periere Cupid.”

  Roy felt the coin heat up against his chest before the gorgon’s eyes glowed. As soon as the god stopped chanting, the weird shit ceased, and it returned to the ugly-looking piece of jewelry he first thought it was.

  “There, now you’re
good to go.”

  “And, just in time.” Calisto smiled. “We need to be heading out. Now, remember, stay with me, keep Iago and Bram in eyesight at all times, and do not remove that”—he motioned to the coin with a cringe—“trinket.”

  “Oh, trust me, I don’t plan to.”

  “So, what excuse have you used to not see your family?” Calisto suddenly asked as he helped Roy finish packing up.

  “I’m in Europe with Nexus on a yearlong business trip,” Roy said pathetically. “She still calls me every day, demanding to know how I am, if I’m sick, or anything like that. She’s always asking me about my diet. If I’m getting enough to eat, that the foreign food isn’t too much for me. Stuff like that.”

  “She’s a mother,” Calisto rationalized.

  “Yeah,” Roy agreed. Honestly though, sometimes her questions seemed a bit too direct. His mom never asked him about his diet before, so hearing her concern over it now was just odd. Of course, he assured her he was getting plenty to eat, and no he wasn’t feeling ill—which could be considered a lie depending on the time of day she called.

  Packed, and ready to go, Roy followed Calisto out of the kitchen and to the front porch where Nexus was standing with Danyal. “What are you two doing?”

  “Coming with you,” Danyal answered before Nexus could.

  “Yeah, no.” Roy cut him down instantly. “These classes are for the human half of the equation. Having two jacked-up alpha idiots in the room while we talk and share isn’t going to help them.”

  “Jacked-up alpha idiots?” Danyal growled.

  “I didn’t stutter, king of the naps.”

  “And we’re back to sarcasm and abrasive language.” Nexus sighed. “Will you two please stop acting like children?”

  Roy just glared at the lion shifter. “You aren’t coming.”

  “Yes, Roy,” Nexus said, “we are. We will not enter the room that you guys are using, but I am not allowing you to leave without me by your side, minha alma.”

  He wanted to argue. He wanted to kick, scream, and throw a fucking tantrum. Calisto cleared his throat and gave Roy a pointed look. Again, everyone was on Nexus’s side! He might as well be locked up in a cage. He’d have the same amount of fucking freedom.

  “Fine,” Roy grumbled and moved to get into the awaiting car. He got into the front passenger seat, buckled himself in, and looked straight ahead like the pissy bitch he felt like being.

  Nexus got in after him with Danyal driving the car with Calisto and Cupid. Iago and Bram were in the back of Roy and Nexus’s car. The small convoy pulled out, and soon they were on their way into the city.

  Hopefully the classes today could provide Roy with plenty of distractions. If not, he was seriously going to skin himself a pussy cat. He hated being coddled like a fragile doll.

  Chapter Nineteen

  If Roy thought the cabin was crawling with security, he was taking that all back now. Cupid’s building was all but made out of men in black suits with those radios in their ears and sunglasses hiding their faces. What the hell was this? The Secret Service HQ? Sure, Cupid was a god, but this was ridiculous. Thankfully none of the macho men in black were in the conference room Cupid was allowing them to use.

  Roy and Calisto had taken one look at the formal space and cringed. The whole purpose of these classes was to create a friendly and welcoming environment where the human mates could let loose and connect. Corporate, hostile takeover, American CEO boardroom didn’t exactly instill that feeling. Deciding to put some of that extra muscle standing around to use, besides keeping him alive of course, they asked them to help move the table against the wall and bring the chairs into the middle.

  Calisto and Roy then set up the usual displays on the table and put out the refreshments they’d brought. Others often brought their own foods, with everyone being mindful of allergies. Roy especially had made it a point to bring up that topic when the others had started talking about contributing to the food and drinks. He appreciated the help. He just didn’t want to go to the ER because someone brought in a peanut butter cookie.

  Despite the efforts they made to make the room more approachable, Roy couldn’t help but worry. They were all used to the clinic. It was already a safe place for them. Sure they’d all, technically, gotten their start in this odd life here, but it just didn’t seem the same.

  “Wow.” Iago whistled as he came in with some paper cups. “Amazing what a difference just moving a table and chairs makes.”

  “You think so?” Roy frowned as he looked about the room.

  “Definitely,” Iago assured him, setting down the cups on the table. “Much better.”

  Iago’s opinion would have to do, because two of the expecting fathers walked in and smiled at Roy and Calisto. Over the span of the next ten minutes everyone had arrived, drinks and food had been placed out, and everyone helped themselves to the selection. Seemed Roy didn’t need to worry. The other human mates were just as relaxed here as they were at the clinic. Dr. O’Hare was the last to arrive, which was nothing unusual. He had his practice to see to, so they never started until he was done for the day. Plus, seeing as they weren’t at his office today, it did mean they were starting a bit late allowing him time to show up.

  “Okay, I think it’s time to call this group to session,” Calisto announced, moving to take a seat. The others quickly followed. “Anyone have something exciting to report? New discovery? Nursery updates?”

  The first to raise his hand was Hye Cheong, a Korean man mated to an amur goral, which after a quick Google search Roy discovered was a type of goat. “I’ve found that barley tea greatly helps with my morning sickness, and even helps ease my craving for hay, which I have not eaten. Thankfully.”

  Yeah, these meetings had opened Roy up to the knowledge that his cravings were by far not the strangest. The herbivore shifters’ mates had it far worse than he ever did! He couldn’t imagine going to a stable and wanting to eat what the horses were eating, which was exactly what poor Hye had experienced two weeks ago.

  “What brand are you using? Or are you making it from scratch?” Aras Pisula, the mate of a red deer, asked.

  “Here.” Hye reached into his backpack and pulled out a tea bag. “I got it from Bashir’s.”

  “I love Bashir’s!” Roy added. “They have everything these two want.” He rubbed his stomach with a small smile.

  “Absolutely.” Hye nodded in agreement. “Thank you for suggesting them in your blog.”

  “No problem.” Roy grinned at the smaller man.

  Itri Kabri raised his hand. The dark-skinned man was their newest member, having joined just last week. Roy was surprised to learn Itri was mated to Tyrese’s brother, Jamar. Itri was a first-generation American, as well, having immigrated to the States from Nigeria after marrying Jamar a year ago. Seemed they had some difficulties conceiving, so he’d jumped at the chance to join their group to ensure the health of his child once he had found out he was pregnant.

  “Yes, Itri.” Calisto smiled warmly at him.

  “Is it normal to want to hunt small animals?” he asked bluntly.

  Calisto chuckled. “Yes, it is. Especially for those of us caring reptilian babies.” He reached down and checked the temperature of his own egg for a second. “When I was pregnant this last time every time I saw a cow, I wanted to chase it, and then eat it.”

  “These urges are something you’ll have to fight.” Dr. O’Hare spoke up. “I’d suggest doing some light cardio, and then squeeze a stress ball before eating a meal.”

  Itri nodded. “Why do we wish to hunt? None of the other predators’ mates have that urge.”

  “Because reptiles are, for lack of a better choice of words, more primal than mammals. They’re older, and their instincts are far more ingrained in them,” Dr. O’Hare explained.

  “Tell me about it.” Tristan Duguay sighed dramatically. “Getting to eat in the tub used to be a luxury, now I have to do it or I feel like I’m going to vomit most of the tim
e.” His Southern accent was thick, which was expected considering he’d lived most of his life in Louisiana before moving to California to go to school. Now Tristan lived here full-time and had the pleasure of being mated to an alligator shifter. “Louie loves it though, weirdo.” Louie being his mate.

  “Want to talk about weird cravings? I have to have everything blended.” Kurtis Holst cringed. His mate just happened to be a bird, a northern goshawk. “Ever have a steak blended into soup? Talk about uncomfortable.”

  Roy couldn’t help his whole-body shiver reaction to Kurtis’s words. That was just wrong. Oh yeah, he was so happy to be having jaguar cubs after getting to know the many different types of cravings that came with the other shifters. He’d take smoked frog legs any day over blended meals, having to eat in his bath, or wanting to dine with farm animals.

  “I personally miss meat,” Dale Nikula whined. “I’d love to have a steak, even blended right about now.” Dale’s mate was a rabbit, which meant nothing but plant-based foods for him. “I never liked kale in the first place, but now I really don’t like the stuff.” Everyone laughed at that.

  They all had their troubles, but in this group they weren’t alone in them. Sure, Roy was learning, their mates were beyond supportive and helpful for the most part. They couldn’t support the emotional need for comradery that their isolated human mates so desperately needed though. Support, friendship, and community were huge things to suddenly lose, which they did when taking on this new life. That’s what Roy was hoping to instill with these classes.

  “I’m interested to know more about the developmental years of shifter children,” Tristan said. “It’s nice to know what to expect while pregnant, but I’d also like to know what I’m looking forward to in the coming years. Especially for puberty.”

  “Oh, yes, definitely,” they all said, looking to Dr. O’Hare and Calisto.

  The pair smiled, and Roy grabbed his notebook right before they started in on a long explanation of shifter growth and puberty.


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