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Page 29

by Cyndi Goodgame

  Dr. Green choked out a cough/squeal like sound. He bent down and picked up the letter folded and bent by Calum’s shoe. He handed it off to Calum and moved back enough for him to have space between them, “This will change things forever.” Calum also took a step backward putting more space between them but it was intended for me. Calum didn’t speak as he held it stationary in his hand. He already knew whose hand had it last but he was trying to figure out how I got it back into this hairy situation.

  “Thanks father. I wanted this back. I just wish I knew what it meant.”

  “In good time, son. For now, it will explain what your future holds. I can promise you that.” His eyes switched to me. “And I understand you have one also?”

  I nodded. What was he getting at?

  Dr. Green put it out there, “You both need to keep your eyes open to all possible allies. Follow your instinct, Anastacia. And Calum, let her.”

  What the heck?

  Dr. Green ambled to Calum again almost reluctantly. “I have one more thing.” A box. Inside was a ring. To me it looked like a small mini sized potato.

  “Will you wear it tonight?” his father asked him.

  A confused Calum simply said, “Yes!”

  His father let us all out under a watchful Dr. Quinn and we headed back across the lawn.

  I leaned in out of sheer worry from all events involved, “Why do you think he wants you to wear it?” Suspicion clouded my brain.

  “I don’t know, but I don’t think its intention is harm, but perhaps I should wear it since I know he’s only doing all this out of fear for me.” I hadn’t heard him say it with his own voice, but his nervous lilt was still there. I squeezed his arm through his jacket.

  The cantankerous Lee spat nails at me as I checked to make sure he was still with us. “Still here, princess.” He angered so easy so I ignored him. My mind wandered to frivolous matters. Birthday gifts. I never got anything for Calum. I kept going back the idea that he’d possibly never get to appreciate it.

  “What are you thinking about?” Calum asks me.

  “I’m empty handed.” He looked at my hands. I was still walking in sync with him towards the party going on without us. Lee walked past us to Maze.

  I felt Calum’s hands grab mone, sans the gift I don’t have. I sighed heavily wishing I’d gotten the three or four possibilities I’d tossed around in my head. Maybe I could give him something else. Non-tangible.

  His hand whipped up to my face so I stopped and turn to face him. I press into him wholly and kissed him with everything I’ve ever had because I was scared and it gave me some small amount of joy. He returned with fast quick kisses that take my breath faster than any fight could have ever done. I might not ever kiss anyone again.

  We kept the momentum until finally he pulled back, smacking our lips apart and holding my shoulders just far enough away from his that I was forced to stare at his closed eyes and heavily breathing mouth. This moved me to want more and I close in for it—

  “Stace! Stop!”

  “What? Why?” I whined.

  “Stace, this is torture.”

  I smiled a little. “Good. Then you’ll want more after this is all over.”

  “Want is an understatement. This is…you are everything all rolled into one. I want everything. Your kisses, your laughs, your whispers, your body, all of it.”

  I clucked my tongue, “I can’t give all that. Let’s get this over so we can move on. This school year will be over in three months and we can move on to whatever happens next. You never know where life takes us.” I sure didn’t. I relished in my wondrous epiphany.

  I tugged his arm, but he’s not finished. I spun back from my forward step and find a necklace, shimmery in the moonlight, dangling in my face.

  “I didn’t wrap it. I didn’t want to waste time letting you see it.”

  Interesting conclusion to come to. I watched it swing back and forth in front of me. It couldn’t have been bought hence the missing wrapping and possible box it should have come in. Plus, it was a ring added to a gold chain. He was waiting for me to take it, respond, or something else. I reached out and wrapped my hand around the coldness of the heart shaped pendant around my neck and moved to grab the sparkly new one inches from my face now.

  “It belonged to my mother,” Calum said softly.

  I breathed loudly at the resemblance to the one on his hand. This was no accident or sweetly though out gesture. “Why are you giving it to me?”

  “Because it’s beautiful like you. And…my father told me to give it to you.” Calum lost any sincerity in that moment. He could have just told me.

  My face fell. I shouldn’t have let it, but the last little comment dampered every part of my classical endearing moment that just ended at receiving my first gift from a guy.

  He didn’t misread me and said, “He wanted me to give it to you when you got here as a welcome gift but then changed his mind and told me it wasn’t time yet. I thought it weird myself until I met you. I’d give you anything. And then after he gave it to me mine, I thought it might make a great surprise for your birthday since he reminded me I hadn’t given it to you yet but wouldn’t explain the mystery behind it.”

  Okay, after getting over the fact that this gift was not thought out from any possible romantic vibes I was very reluctant to take it, but I was more curious why Dr. Green felt it important for me to wear it. And why Calum just lied since he had to have it on him before his father just handed him his own. “Why do you think he wanted me to have it? Especially if it belonged to your mother.”

  “Because it actually belongs to you,” a voice from the darkness moved in closer. Dr. Green! We both jumped away from each other farther apart.

  Dr. Green actually smiled. “It’s okay you two, but remember what I said earlier.” His glazed over eyes moved over to me alone. “When my wife died, she left an envelope hidden in a place where I’d predictably find it. It was with this note among other items and what convinced your father and I of Calum's link.”

  He handed it to me.

  Dear daughter of Anat,

  You will be magnificent one day. Take care of my son and keep him safe. Wear this ring and never doubt its protection. It belongs to you now. Your doubts are most likely swimming around you as you read this, but know that your mother and I were very close before I lost her. I promised to help and this is my gift. This ring is more than it seems. It will protect your darkest secrets if the need be.

  With love.

  Calum was waiting impatiently. I hadn’t shared all the letters my father gave to me with Calum. Inside the first and only letter I read, my mother told my father that I wasn’t completely human or Valkyrie. I am half god, goddess, or whatever that means. But either way, I will have to distance myself from Calum if I survive this until I know more. I can’t lead him on anymore. Even his father’s fatherly looks made sure of that. I am starting to think everyone can see us better than we see ourselves.

  Calum grabbed the letter and read it as I watched his frantic eyes sweep the page. I knew when he was finished and started to reread the note again probably in total disbelief and confusion that his mother wrote a letter to me.

  “I don’t expect you to understand all this. I only gave one to you first son because it felt right to do. You have a relationship with the young princess. I know that whatever happens tonight, the two of you have to survive. I ask that you don’t hate me after certain events have taken place. It all had to happen to keep the order of things. There are other letters telling of the rest of us. The likelihood of myself surviving is well…”

  Calum stepped up to his father but was cut off. “Son, I’ve done everything I could. You’ve taken care of her very well. Now, protect what you’ve got. Wear this without fail. Some who appear as enemies will be your greatest allies. Others less down on the food chain have ultimate gains at the hands of both of your deaths.” He wrapped his hand around the ring. Funny how it transferred hands.

�And for the record, I think your father raised a very wonderful young lady and I’m glad your brother recovered well. As for my son, I can’t lose him. So be sure both of you survive.”

  Dr. Green looked over his shoulder and left swiftly saluting the two of us as if we were soldiers. In a sense, we might be before the night unfolds.

  “Why should I survive?”I asked when he was out of earshot.

  “Maybe he knew that I wouldn’t live without you.”

  “That’s pretty heavy for a teenage boy to say. We just met weeks ago.” He was hurt. I seemed to be good at doing that to him.

  “Yes, but I told you before, I can’t go back now. There is just something about you. I can’t sleep or focus right when I can’t see you. And besides, we just became aware of the fact that my mother knew you were coming. That seals a lot more than male and female desires and believe me…”

  My hand flew up. I do not know what he was coming out with next but instead I moved onto to something else, “Why were our mother’s friends? A Valkyrie and Hunter. There is something we are missing. And your father knows what it is, for sure. They were all friends.”

  My finger tethered to my lip in thought. “And your mother knew I’d need this.” I held the ring in my hand now fastened around my neck. Everything comes down to this night somehow.

  He shrugged in honesty. So many secrets. “We need to get back,” I changed my mind telling him I should have read the rest of the letters. It couldn't help us now.

  “NO! Let’s tick off the facts real quick. What was in that letter?”

  I ignored him and tried to walk away. He followed reluctantly. I knew the Hunter in him was in constant worry over missing any fight action so made him multitask. I held up a finger for each fact as we walked.

  “1. We were born at the same time. I’m betting we could even compare the time of day. 2. Our marks. 3. Our names – most likely chosen for reasons not known yet. 4. We are different species. 5. The letters. 6. The rings. 7. They kidnapped my brother to bring him here tonight – not going to happen now. 8. The two docs are being black-mailed to get us here. 9. They, whoever they are, are trying to kill us. 10. We don’t know why this is all happening except some prophecy said we are both tied to it somehow. 11. Your mother knew I was coming. 12. I didn’t! 13. Our bodies pump electricity to each other.”

  He watched my face when I stopped but looked preoccupied. “I still don’t know what it all means.”

  He looked back at the party that was close enough others could see us now. Finally he said, “You are an amazing records keeper. Now let’s get back to the party of doom. I want to be on my guard.” He looked at his watch like I was the one holding us up.


  “Nine o'clock.”

  We returned and played friendly towards the natives for what seemed like hours into the night but in reality was a little over two hours.”

  I tried very hard to enjoy just chatting and watching Calum’s eyes dance while he watched me from across the grove as we circulated as guests of honor but staying within feet of each other. Every time I was caught in a conversation with someone, I let my eyes travel unsparingly over to find Calum in the crowd. Maze and Lee didn’t stay far from either of us. I found they were doing the same eye thing but not with the intensity that Calum’s kept throwing at me. Once I caught him spanning the length of my body and thought he was just letting his eyes wander, but the pattern of the way his eyes were darting in a zigzag showed he was counting my knives. How interesting. I wonder if that was for the coming fight or pure curiousity. Both, I guessed. I decided on the perfect birthday gift right then. And he would have it when we wake up tomorrow. I sighed at the thought. I decided I’d do it anyway not knowing the next day’s events.

  I dialed Szar’s number. He’d have the dagger I wanted ready and delivered to Calum’s dorm before the morning. Szar was home still, which shocked me. I still wasn’t used to having the new cell phone my father snagged into my hands when I saw him last, but I was adjusting. Szar said he’d call the blacksmith right away and would have it delivered the next morning. He sounded as agitated as Calum did and I tried to calm him by saying nothing has happened so far. He sighed into the phone and let me hang up with a breathy, "Take care, sis. And remember not all are as evil as you know. Trust your instincts.”

  Did that mean Green or Quinn? He couldn’t mean Borgon. And certainly not Lee. I didn’t have any others to go on but a missing Were and two Vamps I didn’t know the purpose of yet.

  I made my way over to Calum in lieu of announcing my secret for tomorrow. I sidled up next to him and squeezed beside where he was crowded in. I wrapped my arm tightly around his waist signaling that we were still safe. Where did that come from? his face said all over it.

  I shrugged off any answers to keep from sounding too much like the scared on the inside girl I was. I nestled into him more and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. I liked this. I could get used to safe.

  “He! He!” I heard beside me. The giggling picked up when I kissed his cheek in a friendly gesture. His face reddened.

  He took my hand now and led me away from the four or five Hunter girls who were all trying very hard to wish him a happy birthday. I hadn’t realized I’d interrupted him.

  “What was all that?” he asked. I plead the American fifth amendment. I didn’t answer. His mouth washed over mine. Musky and a hint of sweat with a nervousness I've never detected in him before.

  He chuckled instead and pulled his face back to see my eyes open with beat red cheeks blaring at him. “I don’t know what to do with you.”

  My eyebrows wiggled up and down like I’d seen Maze do every time she talked about kissing Lee. Calum took a turn pecking my cheek.

  “You know, I’m beginning to think I’d be worthless in a fight if it involved you near me.” My eyes watched the side of his mouth raise up a touch. I was still amazed at all the things his face could do. “Did I just say that out loud?” Calum freaked.

  I nodded. I was such a guppy around him. Not a burning fire, but I couldn’t help but smile any time he spoke. He was just an all around make you feel good guy. He was more of my best friend than anyone had ever been. He knows my secrets and still wants to be with me.

  He shook his head up and down very slowly. “Don’t worry princess, your secrets are safe within me. And mine with you. No enemy can torture it out of us.” I smiled at the intimacy of it but frowned at the word torture. I hoped like everything that could never happen. He was fast becoming the best friend I really never had and might still lose.

  Calum tossed me fast out longways and bowed like a character from one of my books. One I knew well. He dipped me like I’d seen at the many Val weddings and kissed me quick. I was falling again. And this time for real, I think. My hand let loose of his hip and went to my knife at my stomach. I don’t know why really. A feeling I think. He twirled me around and danced me to the side table with no one standing near it.

  “Why did you reach for your knife?” his voice was turned desperate.

  “I…I don’t know. I felt something.” My eyes darted around. My Valkyrie sense of dark feelings started to sensor out, but all I found was joy and happiness emitting from everyone. And I couldn’t sense any of that previously. That was new.

  I kept my eyes searching while he put his hand to my stomach. I looked down at his bold attempt.

  “Yes?” I asked.

  My knife. He was hinting to be ready. I slid it just slightly out feeling the anger closing in on me. Calum’s arm held mine pinching off the blood flow. His own hand reached for his knife. He nodded behind the table to someone. He reached under and heaved a long bow and sword out from under the tablecloth.

  “I think we have company. I feel them.”

  Epilogue If we could be miserable all the time…

  …if I could be absolutely certain…that our love would be returned. Then maybe we wouldn’t be half the person we turned out to be.

/>   Marked Ones

  ANAT (goddess within many)

  ...goddess who destroyed Orion with the Scorpion to punish his misdeeds including stealing her bow, excessive bragging towards the intention to kill the earth’s creatures, and ignoring her. Legends say Artemis, and even Apollo her twin brother, set out to punish him but Anat beat them to it using trickery and good timing. She used her sordid past to help solve an escalating dilemma among the supernatural factions on the earth. The humans were passive and set in their ways, but those living among them are restless. They want to own each other. That could never happen.

  Anat set out to create only one, but that would be impossible. It went awry last time. She would need reassurance when the time came. Who would make the group compatible? Who would make them achieve their goal? Not all decisions can be easily identified as explainable, but sometimes you just know. The goddess rings made available will keep them safer. All asked have willingly accepted her plea for help. The five chosen will bring back unity.

  STACE (marked with ALL signifying the connection between the five)

  Goddess ring- multi-colored and blocks thoughts from Cas (and ability to have power increased when touching Cas physically but not revealed until later), enhances electricity with Calum (doesn’t officially know it yet), shields others combined with Szar (finds out later), sees specific future events with Cord (later) the child born to a goddess- daughter of Anat who killed her lover Aqhat (Orion) in the legends. She was created to change a dying supernatural world from destroying itself from the inside out. After many dangers, traitors, and feuding allies she finally makes the group whole in book two with a unified beginning towards peace. But it’s a long road.

  Anat tells Stace in book two that she took the name Anat over any other simply because she wanted to and that all the names she and the other gods have held are synonymous regardless of how the different people of the world change it. Her name well become legend.


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