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Free - A last chance love story: A Black Ops Military Romance

Page 13

by Riley Edwards

  The walk back to my bungalow was quick. Milly’s shop was only a few blocks down, and it was a perfect afternoon for a stroll. The small streets were beautiful, and the locals and tourists alike were friendly and always waved as you passed. Something that was unheard of in busy Los Angeles. You could barely go to a bank these days without bulletproof glass between you and the teller. Somehow, I couldn’t imagine that glass barrier here.

  It was too nice of a day to spend indoors. I grabbed my beach chair and Kindle and headed for the beach. There was nothing better than getting lost in the pages of a good book. I could forget my pathetic life and be transported to the Stone Society’s post-apocalyptic world where sexy five-hundred-year-old gargoyle shapeshifters rule the land and save the girl. I desperately wished someone like Rafael or Gregor would sweep in and save me from my sad, lonely existence. I giggled to myself thinking about what it would be like to have a sexy shapeshifter sweep me off my feet and profess his undying love and loyalty. I’m sure those men know their way around the bedroom, too. My overactive imagination could easily conjure up the sexy Rafael taking me…nope, not going there. Damn pregnancy hormones either had me in tears or dreaming about sex.

  “Lily?” I heard a man’s voice calling out my name, pulling me from the most delicious dream. Shane and Gregor were rescuing me from a sinister vampire that wanted to turn me to the dark side. Neither of the men had shirts on as they fought the vampire, muscles flexed and sweat ran over the ridges of their cut abs. Both men fighting over who was going to claim me as their mate.

  “I’m sorry, are you Lily?” the man asked again. I cracked my eyes open and tried to focus on his face.

  “Yes, I’m Lily,” I answered.

  “I’m Adam. My grandmother Milly sent me over with dinner. Sorry I’m a little early, she didn’t want it to get cold.”

  “Dinner? What time is it?” I asked, trying to push myself off my chair which was becoming harder and harder to do with a beach ball for a belly.

  “Five-thirty. Here let me help you up,” Adam said.

  “Thank you.” I grabbed his outstretched hand and pulled myself up. “I can’t believe I fell asleep out here.”

  I hoped I hadn’t been snoring or drooling, how embarrassing. I tried to smooth my sundress, more to keep my hands busy than anything else. Now that I was standing, I could see how handsome Miss Milly’s grandson was. Holy wow, he was hot.

  “Good thing I came when I did. Another little while and the mosquitoes would’ve made a meal outta you.” Adam winked.

  Holy shit, was he flirting with me? No, of course, he wasn’t. I was very obviously knocked up, and I’m sure I looked a mess.

  “I’m sorry you had to drive all this way to bring me food. I offered to pick it up. I hope it wasn’t too much of an imposition.”

  “None at all. I actually only live two houses down.” Adam pointed to a sea green cottage one house over than the one I was renting. “I left the food on the porch. Do you want me to carry your chair back to the house or are you staying out here?”

  “I think I’ve had enough sun for one day. But, I can carry my chair,” I said as I folded it up and picked my Kindle up out of the sand.

  “I’ll take the chair, it’s the gentlemanly thing to do.” Adam’s face broke into a wide smile.

  “And are you a gentleman?” I smiled back.

  “Not according to my boyfriend, Anthony. But he likes the bad boys, so it works.”

  Sigh. So much for some harmless flirting to get my mind off of my heartbreak. He had a boyfriend.

  “Being a gentleman is overrated. I’m with Anthony - there’s nothing hotter than a bad boy who means business.” I laughed at my stupid reply. I really needed to make friends and get out more. I had been in isolation so long I had forgotten how to carry on a conversation without making an ass out of myself.

  Adam took the folded chair and started for the house. “How do you like the area so far?”

  How did he know I am new to the area? Was I still being followed, did Roman still have people watching me?

  Adam must’ve noticed my confusion. “Gran said you just moved here. There is nothing like small town old biddies who gossip.”

  Milly. I forgot, Milly knew I just moved here.

  “It’s beautiful here. So much different than California.”

  When we got to the porch, Adam held the screen door open for me to walk through. “Why, how gentlemanly of you.”

  “Please don’t tell Anthony. I don’t want him catching on.”

  “Your secret is safe with me. Wow. That is a big lasagna.” I commented on the huge casserole dish.

  “That’s Gran. Go big or go home.”

  “Oh, are you all originally from Texas?” I asked. I didn’t think I detected a Texas twang, but Milly’s South Carolina drawl was so thick it was hard to tell.

  “Hell no. Born and raised here in South Carolina. Gran just likes to feed the people she loves. I guess it’s a southern thing. I spend many extra hours in the gym after Sunday dinner.”

  “Well, I can tell you that the extra gym time is workin’ for ya.” My hands shot to my mouth, but it was too late. “I can’t believe I said that out loud. I’m so sorry.”

  I was going to die of humiliation. If the universe was ever going to open up and swallow me whole, now would be the perfect time.

  “Yep, you said that out loud alright. I’m mighty pleased you think so, ma’am.” Adam tucked his chin and nodded as if he was tipping an invisible hat or something.

  “Now you’re laying it on thick, aren’t you? Stupid pregnancy brain. Sorry, I’m normally very shy. Guess you lose your social filter when you’re always alone.”

  “Why is a beautiful woman like you alone?” he asked.

  “Long boring story,” I sighed.

  “I got time for a long boring story if you feel like sharing. Anthony is bartending tonight until nine. I am a free agent for another three hours.”

  “You may need three years,” I mumbled under my breath.

  “Now you have to tell me. I’m officially inviting myself in for story time and some of Gran's famous lasagna.” Adam picked up the dishes and motioned for me to open the front door.

  “How do I know you’re not crazy?” I asked only half joking.

  “Do you think that sweet old woman would send a crazy person to your house?” he laughed.

  “Well, you are her grandson. She might overlook your crazy if she loves you.” I was shocked at how easy it was to talk to Adam. And I really could use some company. It was lonely sitting by myself night after night.

  “Have you met my grandmother? That woman tells it like she sees it. Grandson or not, she’d call me on my crazy.”

  I opened the door and allowed Adam to walk past me, turning to the left to go to the kitchen. Something struck me as odd.

  “Have you been in here before?” I asked.

  “Yep. I did the remodel before I flipped it and sold it,” he told me. “That’s what Anthony and I do. We have a bunch of properties up and down the East coast. We buy mostly foreclosures, or bail homeowners out of their mortgages before they go into default. We remodel, update when necessary, and flip them. We’ve kept a few as rental properties, and we have two that we use as personal residences. And then there’s Gran’s house, too. We bought a cute one-bedroom cottage and built an extension for the new kitchen and dining room. Those are the only two rooms she cares about. Someplace to cook family dinners and somewhere to serve them. We were able to give her a small green space out back for her to garden, but nothing so big she can’t take care of it herself.”

  “That was so kind of you to do that for your gran.” I was stunned. I knew a few friends who were close to their families, but in the world, I grew up in, it was rare to see that kind of devotion for a grandparent.

  The mere fact that I was even thinking that scared me. Maybe I wasn’t fit to be a good mom. I didn’t even have one growing up. I had nannies that were paid to keep an eye on
me, not love or nurture me. I was going to screw this up. I had no business doing this in general, but most especially alone.

  “Hey? Where’d you go?” Adam asked.

  “I was thinking how lucky you were to have such a great family. I didn’t have that. I was surrounded by cooks, and maids, and nannies. No one loved me or taught me how to be a good mom. And now I’m having this baby, and I’m afraid I should start saving for my son’s therapy now. God knows I’m gonna screw this all up. I’m so dumb to think I could do this by myself.”

  Adam cut into the lasagna and plated it up before setting a heaping piece of cheesy goodness in front of me. He still hadn’t said a word. I bet he wished he was the one to ask if I was the crazy one before he came in.

  “I know we only met, and you don’t know me. So, I’m gonna have to lay it out. I have zero filter and no social grace. I’m beyond pussy footing around. I blurt shit out. If that offends you, I apologize in advance.” He stopped and waited for me to nod. “Great. So, why are you doing this alone? Where’s the baby’s daddy?”

  Whoa. Talk about going for the gusto right off the bat. He was truthful, there definitely was no pussy footing around.

  “That’s the long story.”

  “Great. Start talking, and don’t leave anything out, especially if he’s hot. And you are absolutely gorgeous, so there is no doubt this baby daddy is fine.”

  “Do you want the novel or the cliff notes?” I asked.

  “The novel, please. And don’t forget the good parts, like the baby making.” Adam wiggled his eyebrows and dug into his food.

  “It all started when we were in high school…”

  And that was how my friendship with Adam started. Lasagna, peach cobbler, and a whole lot of tears. He listened, and interjected, and gave his opinion. And boy, he was like his gran and held nothing back. He said he thought we were both wrong, and stubborn, and stupid.

  That night I cried my eyes out. Not only was my heart broken, but I was drowning under the weight of my guilt.

  Over the last week, I’d spent a lot of time with Adam and Anthony. They were both great guys and so funny. I had never laughed so hard in my life. I knew all about their families and childhoods. They told me more about their business and the charity work they did for Vets and the houses they remodeled for active duty military families as a way to give back to them. Both of them were giving, funny, and totally easy on the eyes. I hated they would be leaving soon to go South. They had a remodel and flip in Savannah. They asked me to tag along when they saw pictures of my condo in Los Angeles. Anthony thought I’d be great at staging their houses once they were ready to sell. But that was too close to Shane, and with the baby coming, I didn’t want to travel. I was flattered they had asked.

  We had just finished barbecuing hamburgers and brought them in my kitchen. I was shaking up the ketchup bottle, laughing at Anthony’s silly impression of Adam trying to paddle board when the top popped off the bottle and red sauce splattered all over Adam’s shirt and face.

  “Oh my God. I’m so sorry.” I spat out half-laughing, half-horrified that I ruined his shirt.

  “Oh, don’t be sorry. Now he has to take his shirt off and eat his dinner bare chested. Well played, friend, well played.” Anthony’s comment only made me laugh harder, as if I’d done it on purpose.

  Adam pulled the soiled shirt over his head and wiped his face with it.

  “Here, let me rinse it out in the sink.” I offered, taking the shirt from Adam. “Damn, I don’t have any stain remover spray here.”

  “It’s fine, don’t worry about it. I’ve had that shirt a million years. Let’s eat.” Adam waved me off.

  “You’re such a liar. This is the new shirt you got at the mall. I’ll get you a new one.”

  “Lillian, sweetheart. It’s fine really. Anthony wasn’t lying, he prefers the show.” Adam winked at me and took a gigantic bite out of his burger, uncaring he was half-nude.

  “Alright, it’s gonna bother me, too. Give me the shirt, I’ll run it home and spray it down and be back in a flash.” Anthony took the shirt and headed for the door. “And don’t eat all the watermelon, you little piggies. I want some of that.”

  “I knew that it was only a matter of time before his OCD kicked in,” Adam laughed now as he eyed the platter of cut-up melon.

  Anthony was smart to tell us not to eat it all. The last one Adam and I picked up from the farmer’s market was gone before Anthony was done with his bartending shift.

  “We should’ve told him to bring you back a shirt to put on,” I said around a mouthful of burger. “This is so good.” I groaned.

  “Why? Does me standing here bare-chested do funny things to your insides,” Adam smirked.

  “Ha! My insides, not a chance. But Anthony’s, yes. And our night will be cut short because he won’t be able to stop imagining doing bad things with you. And frankly, it makes me want to gag when he drools over all those muscles you have going on.” I waved my hand in the direction of his chest and laughed.

  “Oh, Lily. You need a man.” Adam flexed his muscles and laughed.

  “She has a man.” Came from the doorway of my kitchen. I spun around so quickly I stumbled back. Adam reached out and pulled me to his chest right before I fell.

  “She does? Funny, I’ve been over here every night, and I don’t remember seeing a man,” Adam said.

  The growl that came next was both terrifying and sexy as hell.

  “Did you just growl?” I asked.

  “I’d appreciate it if you’d take your hands off my woman,” Shane ordered.

  I belatedly noticed three very pissed off men standing behind Shane. All standing legs shoulder width apart, arms crossed over their chest.

  “Well, hellooo, who called in the badass brigade and forgot to invite me?” Anthony said as he joined us in the kitchen. “I was only gone a minute. What’d I miss?”

  Now it was Adam’s turn to growl at Anthony. My eyes rolled with impatience, and suddenly the room felt very small with all the male egos floating around.

  “Can we put away some of the testosterone, please?” I asked the room.

  “Who is that?” Anthony loudly whispered to Adam.

  “Baby daddy,” Adam whispered back just as loud. No doubt all the guys could hear them as well.

  “Helloo. She said he was hot. But, honey, he is really hot. Do we like him?” Anthony continued to carry on the very annoying side conversation, leaving us all staring at them.

  “Not sure. He hasn’t grovelled yet. But you are getting some of those commando boots because they are sexy.”

  A smile played on Shane’s lips obviously amused and no longer worried another man, with no shirt on I might add, had his arms wrapped around me.

  “Can you not discuss your bedroom games in my kitchen, please?” I scolded.

  Shane’s eyes came to mine and my breath caught in my throat. He looked sad and tired. I should’ve been happy he was miserable after everything he had put me through, but I wasn’t. I was even more heartbroken. His eyes left mine and traveled to where Adam’s hands were on my very pregnant belly. I waited for him to look at me again, but he remained focused on the baby.

  “What are you doing here, Shane?” I asked.

  “Can we talk in private?” His eyes came up to meet mine.

  “Not right now. I have dinner guests.” I pulled away from Adam and walked around the island. “And you.” I pointed to Jasper. “You’re a rat fink bastard.”

  “I told you I wouldn’t keep your secret forever. I gave you both time to get over your shit and told him,” Jasper explained.

  No, he didn’t just say that to me.

  “Get over my shit? Is that what you call getting my heart ripped out of my chest?”

  “I see I didn’t wait long enough,” he mumbled.

  “You would be correct. It would take a thousand lifetimes to get over my shit,” I growled out.

  “No, Lily. A thousand lifetimes still wouldn’t be enough
. You’ll never get over it. Want to know why?” Jasper put his hand up to stop me from speaking. “Don’t answer that. I’ll tell you why. Because there is no getting over it. Shane has to fix it, he’s the only one who can. Just like he’ll never get over you or what you said to him. When two people are destined to be together and share the love that you two have, there is no getting over the other person. So I guess the question is are you ready to stop being stubborn and forgive him for being a stupid prick.”

  “Don’t know about baby daddy yet, but we like him,” Anthony whispered.

  “This isn’t happening. Please tell me that this is a nightmare.”

  Tears were already forming in my eyes. I was more confused than ever. I had been making progress accepting that Shane was lost to me forever. Adam and Anthony had almost convinced me I could be a good mother, and in time, the pain of losing him would fade to a dull ache. Now Shane and his band of brothers show up in my little hide-a-way and blow my world apart again.

  “It’s happening, Lily. And I’m not leaving without you,” Shane spoke up.

  “And if I don’t want to go?” I asked.

  “You do.” Shane smiled.

  Smug bastard.

  “Really? I think I made myself clear in Nassau that I didn’t want to go anywhere with you.”

  “You mean when you sat on the balcony and lied your ass off? That time? Or the time I was too much of a pussy to wade through your lies and call you out on it because I was scared you’d finally wised up and saw me for the man I really am? Or the time in Big Bear when I was an asshole and lied through my teeth, trying to get you to hate me. Because then I was just being a spineless coward too afraid I would fail you and you’d be better off with a man that didn’t kill people for a living. Because that time you begged me to stay and told me you loved me. So which time are we talking about, Lillian?”


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