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A Final Paige (Hidden Kingdom Trilogy Book 3)

Page 19

by L. Rose

  Paige sat back in her seat more and shook her head. “You’re a fool to think I would do something like this.” The lions behind him roared and hissed. Ezra and Nate stood and snarled back at them. Paige laid a hand on each of their heads. “It’s okay, guys.” They settled and sat back down as soon as the noise stopped at the other end. “Do you know anything about me?” Paige asked.

  “We only know you’re the new ghoul queen to a race we thought were extinct.”

  Paige nodded. “The former queen had to take our people into hiding. Over time, we also gained people of other races. They sought out our community for refuge away from the council.”

  “Why? As far as we know, the council has been just,” Raquel said.

  “So many thought that as well. Alex, Nate, and I did too, when we worked for the council as their elite enforcers,” I told them.

  Their shock showed from their widening eyes and how their pulses raced.

  “The council is corrupt, and they are the ones who are behind your alphas’ disappearances,” Alex stated.

  Shouts and conversations started up down the other end. Raquel’s hand rose. The sound stopped immediately. “You’ll need to give us more information for us to believe this story.”

  Alex clicked his fingers. A file dropped into his hand. He walked it down the other end and then slid it over the table to Raquel since she seemed the more sensible one. She opened it and sucked in a breath. She quickly passed some papers to Detroit. He took one look and paled.

  What they were seeing were pictures Alex had found in Councilman Gerald’s computer. They were of the elite enforcers he was in charge of kidnapping both alphas after they’d beaten them senseless.

  “Where did you get these?” Raquel asked, her voice thick with emotions.

  “I managed to hack into a council member’s computer before I was detected and found these. The people you see taking your alphas are members of the elite force.”

  “Why did you look into them in the first place?” Detroit questioned. I wasn’t sure he bought the photos or if he still thought this was all a trick from us.

  “When I came into my queen powers, I was attacked by demons. Someone sent them after me. It was lucky I had my men at my back, or I would have been taken. We found out the council was behind it.”

  “For what reason?” Detroit asked.

  “For power,” Cedrick answered. “I’m unsure if the news has been heard here as yet. In the realms of Airrile, we lost our mother five years ago. After my father was murdered, I became king.” They looked upon Cedrick in a new light, with a lot more wariness. “It was only yesterday we found my mother alive. My father had made us believe she was killed when the palace was attacked. However, instead he’d locked her away to drain her of power and life force, to which he took within himself, making him stronger.”

  Gasps and shouts of outrage echoed around the room.

  “This is what the council is doing,” Paige announced. Everyone quieted once more. “Cedrick’s father got the idea when he stumbled upon it in the basement at the council compound six years ago. Alex, Nate, and Asher have worked out that the cases, which seemed suspicious, could have happened for this reason.”

  “You think our alphas are being drained of their power and life force?” Raquel uttered, without taking her eyes from the images in front of her.

  “Yes,” I answered, and since they had been missing for a year, I wasn’t sure about the chances of finding them alive. Yet, Castilina was down in that room for five years. However, only one person had been draining her. If all the council members were in on this, that was ten people.

  We wouldn’t know anything until we were in there.

  “What are you asking from us?”

  “To be witnesses and offer backup if needed when we go to the council.”

  Detroit stood. “Why would you go there?”

  “Because I know my people, my family, won’t be safe until something is done about them. I’m going to be the something,” Paige answered.

  Raquel finally lifted her head. Tears glistened in her eyes. “You have the tigers at your back. Let us know when and how you’ll need us, and we’ll be there.”

  “Raquel,” Waylon pressed.

  She shook her head. “No, Waylon. This is Zion we’re talking about. Our alpha, my mate.” She stood and turned to her people. “Who will stand with me and back Paige Alice?”

  Roars erupted around in the room, but also outside of it.

  Raquel turned to Detroit. “What of the lions? Will you join?”

  Detroit’s jaw ticked. He glanced back at his people on his side, and I caught a woman nod. Who she was, I didn’t know, but she did scent like Detroit.

  He faced us. “We will be there also. Send us in, and we’ll get everyone in their basement out.”

  Paige stood. She dipped her head a little and straightened. “Thank you.”

  “No, Paige,” Raquel said. “It is us who should thank you. We’ve been doing everything to find out what happened that night, but came up empty-handed. You’ve given us hope, even if it’s a small amount.” She bowed. Her people followed suit, and then she turned and walked out of the back of the room.

  Detroit nodded. “We’ve been in limbo not knowing. Now we have a plan of action; it gives us something to fight for.”

  “Something right?” Paige pressed with a small smile.

  Detroit laughed, but it didn’t last. “Yeah, I suppose. Call us when the time comes.”

  “We will,” I told him, and then he, along with his people, left the building. I held up my hand until I knew there wasn’t another being about, then lowered it.

  “That went better than I thought it would,” Thorn said.

  “It did.” I nodded.

  “We will be able to count on them. They want revenge, but also to find out exactly where their alphas are,” Cedrick commented.

  “I agree. I would also like to thank you all for listening to my instructions and trusting I had everything under control,” I told them with a small smile.

  “It was hard, but like old times.” Alex grinned.

  “It’s also a turn-on, like Paige said.” We all looked to Ezra. Paige and Alex laughed, while Cedrick and I smiled.

  Paige clapped her hands. “Now it’s time for the vampires. For Asher’s former lover and now friend who I hope I don’t kill.”

  “Love” was all I said.

  “Yeah, yeah, I know she’s nothing to you now and all that jazz. But if she looks at you like you’re her dinner, I’ll be snapping the fangs right out of her mouth.”


  We drove to the airport and got on one of two private jets belonging to the former queen. Actually, they were my private jets. God, that still shocked me. Even though with all we had been through, I was sure it would take me another year or two to get used to the fact I was a queen.

  On the two-hour flight, we took the time to rest, eat, and used it for alone time. Xi wasn’t pleased again he couldn’t get on the same plane as I was, but Kiered calmed him enough to climb onto the other one with the rest of the guards. I was looking forward to some quiet time with only my mates on board. The plane had already been stocked with the necessities, knowing in advance from Thorn what we would need. The only food we didn’t have was for Asher, but that was supplied from any one of us.

  I had a need to be his dinner that night.

  Ezra, Alex, and Nate were all arguing over who would feed him while Cedrick sat back smiling. Thorn’s laughter indicated he also found it amusing. He couldn’t feed Asher since he didn’t have enough blood running through him like I had with my heart working for me. Still, it didn’t stop Asher from marking him with his teeth and getting a tiny nip from Thorn when he wanted. It was something Thorn enjoyed.

  “Asher,” I called and held out my hand.

  His eyes bled green. He stood and glided over to me. In seconds I was out of my seat with him sitting in it, and I was positioned on his lap.

  Asher swept my hair over my shoulder, and I shivered. The others quieted and went back to their seats. They were fine with me feeding Asher. I could tell from the way all of them watched us with either a smile or heated looks.

  “You know you have nothing to worry about, love.”

  “I know, but I can’t help worrying. She was a big part of your life, Asher.”

  “She was, but now you are and will always be.”

  I hummed under my breath. “Maybe if you keep telling me that while we’re there, I won’t have to hurt her.”

  His chuckle shook my body. “You are vicious, and I love it.”

  Turning to have his eyes, I smiled. “I’m glad you do.” I pressed my lips to his. It was only meant to be a quick kiss, but when kissing any of my mates, it was so easy to get lost in the feeling. Which was what we did. Asher’s hand threaded into my hair, and he dropped the other to my hip and up under my shirt where he gently traced the skin there, causing me to grip him closer to me.

  His lips trailed over my cheek. He nipped at my ear, and I tilted my head to the side to give him better access. When he slid his tongue down over my neck, I bit my bottom lip and whimpered. He sucked on my skin before I felt him graze his fangs across it, and then he struck. It was fast and painless, but oh so very pleasurable. I grabbed hold of his arms and ground down on his lap with his first pull of my blood into his mouth. He groaned around me, and it vibrated right down to my clit. I moaned, tipped my head back, and rubbed my hands up and down his arms.

  My heart was already beating hard in my chest, but on his next pull, it went haywire and my skin felt alive. “Asher,” I moaned.

  Another pull, I orgasmed in my jeans without a touch to my pussy. My body quivered and shook. I panted out a breath, and licked my lips just as he swiped his tongue over my neck.

  “Delicious as always, love.”

  “Hmm” was all I could say, which made him chuckle.

  “Is watching Asher feed from our mate always that intense?” I heard Cedrick ask.

  Ezra laughed. “It’s more sometimes, especially when we’re all in a room naked together. Asher has a way of sending very pleasant vibes to the ones he’s feeding on.”

  Cedrick made a noise in the back of his throat, and I had a feeling he was now thinking of wanting to see how it felt for himself.

  “Alex, I’ll need fresh clothes and a clean body,” Ezra admitted, and I couldn’t stop the giggle. I opened my eyes to see him staring down at the wet patch on his pants.

  “I have to admit I am in need of the same,” Cedrick said, and I swung my gaze to see, but his shirt covered the front of him.

  “Same,” Nate grunted.

  “Let’s just say all of us then.” Alex smiled.

  “Yes,” Thorn said.

  “Of course,” Asher replied. “Our queen makes me crazed enough to act like a teen and jizz my pants.”

  Another giggle burst out of me, and I looked around at all my mates smiling over at me. We needed more moments like these. Happy and carefree.

  Of course the vampire’s lair was an old mansion in New Orleans. Like that wasn’t cliché. We’d just pulled through the huge-ass gate and stopped out front of a gothic-looking place. I climbed out after Asher and Thorn and stood out in front while thanking Fate for once that we hadn’t been attacked on the way there from the airport. My nerves weren’t the best in that moment after keeping an eye out the whole way there for trouble, and I knew they wouldn’t settle until we got this out of the way. With Asher far away from Cynthia as soon as possible.

  “We’re getting the stare down from the sentries placed about,” Ezra sent through the link. The mind connection had been the best asset to our family since it made communication so much easier. Yet I hoped Cedrick knew we wanted him within our fold because we cared for him, not for what he offered us.

  It was something I needed to make sure he understood.

  Asher nodded. “I see them. Don’t worry. Cynthia will have the place under control.”

  I screwed my nose up and looked to the cobblestone ground. “Of course, Cynthia will have the place under control. She’s wonderful. She’s perfect. She’s dead.” Glancing up, I realized everyone was looking at me. “Huh, I didn’t block that, did I?”

  Nate, Ezra, Cedrick, Alex, and Thorn grinned, all at different watts, but still they were grinning. Asher frowned. Oh shit. Was he upset I mocked his precious Cynthia?

  “You do understand I’m dead also, love?”


  “I’m of the undead. Do you have something against it?”

  I placed my hands on my hips and turned to him more. “Sorry, what?”

  “Dove, you said and I quote ‘She’s wonderful. She’s perfect. She’s dead.’ Asher is concerned you have a dislike to dead beings.” His lips twitched because he knew that was an idiotic thing to say. So silly. I laughed, and then laughed some more.

  “Asher, you fool. I’m dead. Well, I was. I still think I am. Thorn’s also dead. No, I don’t have anything against dead beings. In fact, I love a few of them. I meant that she would be dead. That I would kill her fully.”

  Before he could say anything, our attention went to the steel doors as they slid open with a creak. A woman, who looked very similar to the younger version of Catherine Zeta-Jones, appeared. Asher had had sex with her.

  I wanted to throw my hands up in the air as my insecurities took hold and told me Asher had settled for little plain old me.

  “Merde,” I uttered under my breath, taking on Cedrick’s French swear word.

  Some of my men coughed. Asher reached for my hand and took it, sending me serenity and love. I felt like dropping his hold, but I was being petty. All of my men had a past, and I had to remember it. I didn’t have to like it, but I had to remember all of them were older than I was. So I would suck it up…. Well, until she pissed me off.

  Like she currently was as she gazed down at Asher adoringly.

  Clenching my jaw, I gripped Asher’s hand tightly. Heat hit my back. Nate’s scent swept over me, and then Alex’s as he stepped up to my other side and took my free hand.

  I touched their minds and said, “Are you guys just trying to stop me from killing someone for looking too beautiful for her own good?”

  “Who, us?” Alex smiled as he stared forward, giving nothing away as we had our private conversation.

  “I don’t care if you kill all the exes.” Nate’s hands dropped to my waist.

  “Really not the greatest thing to say.” I could feel Ezra’s humor.

  “She is nothing compared to you,” Cedrick said. He moved to Asher’s other side and I was grateful because I hoped his steely look would get her to back off. I didn’t like the smile on her as she descended the many stairs.

  “I agree,” Thorn added.

  “As do I. Please do not kill anyone on my behalf, my love, because no matter what you do or how you act, I will love you.”

  Thinning my lips, I hated how he just blew my anger right out of the water.

  “Asher, my darling, it is so good to see you.” Cynthia made her way directly to Asher, ignoring everyone else in the process. I wasn’t having it. Not only was it disrespectful to not acknowledge me as queen, but she had chosen to try and push my buttons already by making it clear she thought nothing of me, even as his bonded mate.

  Unless she didn’t know. A smile crossed my lips. I was more than ready to inform her. Ezra swore through the mind link when he looked at me. “She’s smiling.”

  “Shit, that’s not good,” Nate commented.

  “Not in this situation at least,” Thorn said.

  “Beautiful, now isn’t the time to lock us from your thoughts.” I sensed Cedrick look around Asher to me, but I kept my eyes on the bitch in front of us.

  I wanted to roll my eyes. They were overreacting. Maybe.

  Just as she started to reach for Asher, who tensed, I dropped my mates’ hands and stepped in front of Asher. My smile grew. “Hello, I’m Paige
Alice, ghoul queen, and bonded mate to Asher, Thorn, Nate, Cedrick, Ezra, and Alex. I don’t believe we’ve met, and I’m sorry, I haven’t heard who you are.”

  “Ha, she just peed all over you, Asher,” Ezra teased.

  “She also peed on you, Ezra, but, my love, you did it beautifully. She was disrespectful.” I could sense Asher’s unease. He didn’t understand why Cynthia would act that way. Maybe she wasn’t the upstanding vampire he thought she was after all.

  Cynthia glanced over my head to Asher. “Oh, yes, my apologies, Queen. Welcome to the Barrick Clan’s residence. My name is Cynthia Mirrer.” She waited for some type of reaction from me, but when she didn’t get it, she once again glanced to Asher. “Though, I find it strange you’ve never heard of me.”

  I tilted my head to the side in an act of confusion. “Really, why’s that?” I straightened. “I’m new to all this, sorry, but your name doesn’t ring any bells.”

  Her jaw tightened before she was back to smiling. “Why, I helped Asher through a troubled time in his past. We became close. I thought he would have mentioned it, being your mate and all.”

  Oh, bitch.

  “We’ve been very busy in such a short amount of time, Cindy. I’m sorry you haven’t come up.”

  Nate snorted, Ezra chuckled, but my other mates hid their amusement well.

  “It’s Cynthia.”

  “Yes.” I nodded. “Shall we get down to business?”

  A tick started in her perfect forehead. “Of course, but do you mind if I greet Asher since we were so close?”

  “Greet him all you like.” I waved a hand around. She went to step around me, smiling once more, but I grabbed her wrist. “Just don’t touch him. I’m very possessive of my men.”

  She looked down at me and must have heard the seriousness in my cold tone or seen something in my expression because she then nodded. “Yes, Queen Alice.”

  I nodded and released her arm. I didn’t move. I stayed looking up at the ugly place when I heard, “Asher, it is lovely to see you after so long.”


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