Moon Mark

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Moon Mark Page 9

by Scarlett Dawn

  A lazy answer. “No.”

  I wasn’t sure I believed him…but I let it pass. “I’ll see you in an hour.”

  The line clicked, going dead. No ‘good-bye’ either.

  I placed my cell on the table. A gradual grin lifted my lips. I was going to have an orgasm again. Mmm.

  I walked through the castle at a sedate, forced stride, rambling through the hallways, as if I were evaluating the artwork on the walls. I kept my eyes from anyone passing by, not in the mood for their curious glances. Only when I heard no one nearby did I slink into the shadows. The path to his bedroom wasn’t clear, annoying me greatly. It took longer than expected to steal past any late night travelers without notice.

  When I finally stepped up to the wooden door, I lifted my hand and knocked sharply. Three taps. Enough for him to hear inside, but quiet enough that the two individuals a hallway over—and walking this way—couldn’t.

  “Enter,” Geo called.

  I stepped inside just as the two rounded the corner. I quickly shut the door and turned to face the room, my eyes taking their time to adjust to the low lighting. With my back to the doors, the cold doorknob digging into my lower back, I evaluated the room.

  It wasn’t as pretentious as I thought it might be.

  There was a fireplace in use on my left. Though the logs burned bright, it was the only lighting in play, each lick of a flame casting shadows deeper into the room. In front of the fireplace was a brown couch cavernous enough that it was the size of a small bed. A white, longhaired rug lay between the couch and the fireplace. A sizeable dark wooden desk, also facing the fireplace, sat behind the couch to my right, with plenty of room to walk between the two.

  I turned my head to the far right, and my eyes stopped on the monumental-sized bed in an adjacent room, the wooden doors open to it. I snapped my attention back to the main room and cast a quick look at the stunning artwork of landscapes hanging on the walls, each adorned by creatively carved, wooden frames. The entire suite was a masculine portrait of simplicity and elegance. Even the heavy navy drapes covering the windows on the far side of the room were tasteful, but a hard line against intruding eyes.

  “You’re late. I thought you might have changed your mind.” I stopped ignoring the rebellion leader where he sat on the leather couch. He was barely dressed, only wearing a pair of black training shorts. It was the most casual I had ever seen him, completely at ease in his domain. His muscled torso was on full display as he lowered his left arm and stopped peering at his halo-watch.

  Purple eyes, frosted with danger, turned in my direction. “Did you have trouble getting here?”

  My lips pinched, but I made my feet move forward. “A little. I didn’t want anyone to see me enter.”

  His gaze traveled over my features slowly, chilling me to the core, until he nodded his head in agreement. “I had wondered how you would make it here unseen.”

  I sighed my annoyance. “It wasn’t easy. The halls are filled at this time of night.”

  His head cocked in silent question, his white hair gliding against his bare left shoulder. Why are you here? He wanted to know for certain. He wasn’t going to voice his assumption.

  I didn’t blame him.

  I lifted my arms and ran my fingers through my white hair, my nerves coming back to the fore. I wet my lips with my tongue, his perceptive eyes not missing any action. I cleared my throat and dropped my arms and stopped a foot away from him. I didn’t step between him and the fire so I could still see his features in the clear light. When I spoke, it was distressingly timid.

  “I-I would like another orgasm. The feel of it has been haunting me. I wish to experience it again.”

  His head nodded, with the confirmation, no guessing needed. With no expression on his features, he stated in a calm fashion, “And even though you ran away from me, even when you knew you were mine, you expect me to have sex with you freely?” He arched his right white brow. “You demand to have a separate room, and you still have yet to apologize for your previous actions.”

  I held perfectly still, my jaw gradually going slack. He didn’t blink, his cold eyes straight on mine. The bastard wasn’t joking, not that I thought he ever did. His words had been blunt, always to the point. My mouth bobbed. “I apologize?” It wasn’t the most intelligent response, but it was what he wanted.

  He pointed a long finger at me. “That was pathetic.” He tapped that finger on his left temple. “Try not to forget I can read your mind. Lying and trying to pacify me is of no use.”

  My eyes narrowed. I hated he had that power over me. “I said I apologize. And I do mean it. But if you want me to beg, it will never happen.” My voice rose inside the room with my irritation. “You said you would kill any other man I look at with interest so that only leaves you.”

  “While that is so flattering I’m surprised I’m not blushing, I am no fool. Do not treat me as such. I know you’re fighting your attraction to me.” He shrugged his left shoulder, getting more comfortable. He pushed with his palms and placed his back flush with the back of the couch, his right leg bent up with his left leg straight. He was so casual as he gave his reasoning. “And I can’t help who I am. Or what I am.” His own eyes narrowed at the thought, disgust clearly lacing his tone. “Just as you cannot help who and what you are. And I can read your mind, so your anger toward me is juvenile at best. Once you come to terms with your surroundings and the Kireg, this will go much smoother for us.”

  I scowled.

  And how long will it be before you come to terms that I’m half Human, a hybrid?

  He arched his eyebrow again. “It will take time, Madeline. But I keep my hostility at bay.”

  Whereas, I did not.

  My mouth snapped shut, cutting off the harsh retort I was about to utter.

  I eyed his casual pose, letting my regard run over him from head to toe. And I evaluated the pulse at his throat. The constant bum-bum was a little too fast for anyone who was truly comfortable. I watched as he fisted his right hand, his knuckles turning white. And I snapped my gaze up when a glimmer from the firelight caught my eye. It was one bead of sweat on his right temple. My attention traveled back to his purple eyes. I squinted and saw they were pinched at the very corners.

  No, he didn’t want this any more than I did—our connection.

  I licked my lips. “Do you want me to go?” I could be blunt, too.

  His voice was a quiet drawl, his fist unclenching. “No, I don’t.”

  I took a step toward him, my regard completely on his unique eyes. “Sex?”

  He lowered his right leg to straighten it. “We are meant to be.”

  My eyes narrowed when he didn’t answer directly. He was toying with me…but I didn’t completely hate it. “Yes, then?”

  “Hmm.” His voice was changing, deeper. More gruff. Turning to all masculine need. “Remove your clothing. Then I’ll make up my mind.”

  I blinked. “What are you doing?”

  One side of his lips curved up at the edge. “I believe I’m flirting with you.”

  “Oh,” I mumbled. “Like how your sister and her mate do?”

  “Yes. I thought I’d try it out.” He flicked a finger. “I do want you naked, though.”

  “So, we’ll have sex?” How many times must I ask it?

  “Yes, Madeline. We’re going to have sex tonight.”

  Thank Mother Joyal.

  I kicked off my boots without hesitation. My gaze never left his, seeing his eyes already dilating. I bent at the waist and yanked my knee-high socks off. My shirt went next falling in a soft flutter to the ground over my tossed boots. I almost stalled when he huffed quietly, his own hands going to the waist of his shorts and pulling them off in an efficient manner. He placed them over the back of the couch nice and neat. His cock was at full attention, but I didn’t glance down. I unsnapped my chest support and let the straps fall down my arms, tossing it to the side, too. My nipples puckered on their own accord under the direct regard
of his hard gaze. The shiver that ran down my spine was all encompassing from the way this man was staring at me. It was much the same way this woman eyed him.

  Pure want.

  When my skirt landed on the ground, he grunted. But he wasn’t upset, only surprised. “You came armed.”

  I unhooked the thigh holsters quickly, gently placing my knives on the ground. “Don’t be flattered. I’m generally armed in some way now.” I shimmied out of my remaining undergarment and kicked them aside, now fully bared. “Small female. Lots of possibilities for injury.”

  He hummed under his breath, his purple regard running down my flesh in an unhurried motion. The black of his eyes enlarged during his perusal, only leaving a small ring of purple around the edges. His legs widened as he placed his feet flat on the couch, bending his legs. “I want you on top of me.”

  “I can try.” I crawled onto the couch between his legs, careful not to touch his hard member. The heat from his flesh warmed mine far more than the fire could ever manage. The sides of my arms skimmed the insides of his thighs. His legs jerked at the touch, and I finally lifted my gaze to his. My lips quirked, and I teased, “This won’t hurt. I promise.”

  Frosty eyes stared back. “I have no worries. I can handle you.”

  I snorted softly and continued to climb on top of him. My legs straddled his waist, my hands gripping the back of the couch on either side of his head. “Your ego knows no bounds.”

  “It is merely the truth, not ego.” He lifted his arms and gently placed his warm palms on my bare skin, resting his hands on my hips. His thumbs rubbed back and forth in slow motion as if he were petting me, keeping me from running. His brows rose on his forehead, his dark eyes holding mine completely. “Tell me, Madeline, is there a reason why you’re avoiding my cock? It is going to be inside you soon, and you have seen it before.”

  I sighed, letting the breath I had been holding out. “Get over yourself. I was just getting comfortable.” A small lie, but it made me feel better, more in control. I let his hands coax me down against his hard length, his heat meeting my pussy…not horrible. A small warmth kindled inside my chest, and my lower stomach clenched, tightening in an age-old sign of allure and need. I tried not to squirm, getting closer, as I raised my right hand. He didn’t flinch when I gripped his chin in a soft hold and turned his head to the side. I tipped his head back, baring his neck—all that pretty flesh.

  He had focused on my neck before. I thought I’d return the favor. “I’m going to kiss you here.”

  “I’m waiting.”

  My eyes widened in shock as he showed his first sign of emotion. Like real freaking emotion. His lips twitched, and the edges of his mouth turned up in a cocky as hell smirk. Damn if it didn’t make him even more attractive. He whispered, “You have my word I won’t stop you.”

  I stared, still holding his head to the side. “Okay.”

  It went quiet inside his chambers.

  He cleared his throat, his lips curving once more.

  I blinked and tore my attention away from his smirking mouth. Shaking my head didn’t help to clear away the fact I found him extremely attractive. That I found a Kireg so striking, it made me shell-shocked and mind-dumb.

  I muttered, “Don’t even say it.”

  He was barely holding his hilarity back. “I didn’t.”

  Shut up, Kireg.

  He didn’t make a peep, though he watched on with deadly regard.

  I lowered my head and placed my mouth against his heated neck. His skin was smooth and soft beneath my lips. I inhaled deeply, and my eyes shut. He smelled like the coconut oil on Joyal and the sweet heat of a blessed day, a direct contrast to the night and moon that he loved so much. I moaned softly against his neck and stroked his warm skin with slow caresses.

  The rebellion leader lifted his hips against mine, rubbing his cock against my core, the wetness that quickly drenched my pussy astonishing even me. I smiled against his flesh when he groaned deep in his throat, the vibration tickling my lips. But it wasn’t long before he reached up and grabbed the back of my hair, tugging with a firm grip.

  “Enough teasing,” he growled.

  I shook my head the barest bit and continued placing light kisses on his neck.

  “One more and that’s it, Human,” he hissed. He tightened his grip on my hair.

  I flinched at the pain and took the hint. He was very impatient.

  And, damn, did he smell good.

  I took a small lick before lifting back from his neck.

  “Having you on top isn’t going to work tonight.”

  “You wanted me here.”

  “I was wrong.” He tucked his hair behind his ears, and then I was gripping his shoulders in shock as he flipped me onto my back onto the couch. His jaw tightened as he rested on his knees between my spread legs. With a hot palm, he lifted my right foot, bringing my leg up into the air. His cheeks were flushed in arousal, even though his eyes were still so fucking cold. He turned his head and gently began to nibble up the delicate inside of my foot.

  His tongue peeked out between his lush lips, and he ran it around my ankle bone in a deliberate, erotic glide. I sucked in a harsh breath and reached above me. My fingers found purchase on top of the arm of the couch. My gaze never left his face, his features reflecting severely in the firelight as he kissed and nipped at my calf. His dark eyes gazed between my thighs. They heated in desire, pinching at the corners, while he eyed my core slick with desire. The evidence was clear that he had an effect on me.

  The rebellion leader leaned forward and placed his right arm next to me. He lifted my right leg effortlessly over his shoulder as he held his body over mine. His hips pressed against me, grinding his cock against my slick opening. With his eyes boring into mine, his words were rough and blunt.

  “I’m going to eat you before you get my dick.”

  I licked my bottom lip. “I hope you don’t mean that literally.”

  Those lips quirked up at the sides again, gifting me with a luxurious grin. “I’m a carnivore, not a cannibal.”

  “Thank Mother Joyal,” I whispered, my body twitching as he ground against me once more.

  He chuckled softly, the first time I had ever heard him laugh, and he pushed back on his arm. He grabbed my free leg and placed it over his other shoulder, easily sliding his large body lower on the couch. “When you come against my mouth—”

  “Moon above! Sorry!” a woman squawked. The words were awkward and rushed. Shit. It was Corza, her sweet voice undisguisable. “I didn’t know you had someone with you.”

  I froze—my entire body on lockdown—with my fingernails facing the intruder, over the edge of the couch, digging into the leather. This was not a position I wanted to be caught in, my heart rate galloping off into a wicked frenzy, pounding furiously against my chest—my very bare chest.


  With my legs bent over his muscled shoulders, Geo’s head snapped up, and he released a growl. The man was furious, the noise frightening and suffocating in the quiet. I stiffened even further, but he wasn’t looking at me. His eyes, always so emotionless, were violent slits as he glared at his sister over the side of the couch.

  He barked, “Get out!”

  There was a slight rustling behind me, though the door didn’t slam shut as I thought it would.

  Corza cleared her throat, and sounding much more in control of herself, stated evenly, “I will in a moment. You wanted me to inform you as soon as the council members arrived. They have.”

  The bastard’s body was rigid, and he ground his teeth together. Though he managed to say in a more sedate tone, “Tell them, I’ll meet with them at ten o’clock tomorrow morning.” He paused. “And lock the fucking door on your way out.”

  “I will inform them of the meeting.” A quiet pause. “So sorry, Madeline.”

  The lock clicked, and then the door closed with a sharp snick.

  We didn’t move.

  I was still scared shitles
s, caught, as we were, my fingers cramping on the couch.

  Geo was merely furious, his jaw constantly working, the muscles in his cheeks showing.

  I exhaled heavily, and whispered, “Did she see me?”

  “Not your face,” he growled.

  I groaned long and hard. “I’m not used to people seeing my bare flesh.”

  “I know.” His gaze dipped back down to mine, and his hands on my hips began that petting motion again. His red, plush lips thinned for a second, his gaze tracking mine. His voice was strangled when he asked, “Do you want to stop? We can do this tomorrow if you need.”

  I focused on my heartbeat, willing it to calm. The asshole was actually being sensitive to my needs. It was shocking enough for me to wonder how out of sorts I looked. I cleared my throat, making sure my voice didn’t waver. “I’m okay. Tonight is fine.”

  His dark eyes were penetrating. “Last chance. Are you sure?”

  I forced my lips to lift into a smile. “I’m already naked. You’re already naked. Plus, getting here was a real bitch. I’d rather not do it again tomorrow night.”

  His head tipped down, and he peeked at me between his white, dangling hair. “That could be rectified easily. No one would think twice if you moved into my room. You are my mate.”

  My eyes turned skyward. “I don’t wish to discuss that again right now.”

  “Fair enough.” The rebellion leader was true to his word as my breathing escalated, coming in sharp pants. He didn’t ask again as he lowered his face to my waiting core.

  I squeaked a feminine sound—one I hoped he never mentioned—as his lips made contact with my flesh. He huffed, and his thumbs started petting my thighs again, while his tongue skated in an unrushed glide over my wetness. The black in his eyes widened, and a deep groan vibrated against my flesh, his attention turning from my eyes down to my core.

  I ripped my left hand away from the couch and grabbed a fistful of his hair, my thoughts quickly turning to the carnal pleasure he was giving me. I bucked my hips as he lapped at my core in earnest, though his fingers stopped petting me to sink into my legs, holding me still. The tip of his tongue found my clit without pause, and he circled it slowly before rubbing the flat part of his tongue against it hard.


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