Moon Mark

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Moon Mark Page 10

by Scarlett Dawn

  My teeth bit into my bottom lip to keep from crying out. He continued to torture me, his teeth nibbling at my folds only to lick at my pussy as if it were his favorite treat. He played with my clit with his tongue repeatedly, and my head tilted to the left as I arched my back. I tried to hold it in, but my mouth opened, and I shouted in pleasure when he pushed two of his fingers inside my gripping channel.

  He hummed in approval and pumped his fingers into my body. His tongue flicked at my clit endlessly, and he pressed his face harder against my flesh, his mouth devouring me. My thighs started to tremble around his head as a heat took hold of my frame. My brain turned to mush in a wave of ecstasy as I screamed my release. His strength held me down as I quaked underneath him, his mouth replacing his fingers as I came against his tongue. With zealous licks, he stayed there until my body fell against the couch in sated pleasure. I repeatedly blinked at his white ceiling and tried to focus my eyes, my vision hazy and lethargic.

  My legs slid over his shoulders and down his arms as he climbed up my body, his muscular arms trapping me underneath him. Dark eyes watched as I squinted at the ceiling, trying to come to terms with the fact that this Kireg had given me one hell of an orgasm. We weren’t under duress. No one’s life was on the line. This had been by choice, on both our parts. One I had initiated.

  His face took the place of my evaluation of his ceiling, his hair hanging down on either side of his face. I panted and tried to catch my breath, the air from my lungs making his hair sway against his flushed cheeks.

  Fuck. Where had all the oxygen gone?

  He quirked his brows in silent question.

  I waved a hand. “I’m good. I’m good.” I was so not good. Not at all.

  Geo pressed his forehead to mine, capturing my gaze utterly. His dark eyes owned mine while he placed the broad head of his cock at my core’s entrance. “Just accept it, Madeline.”

  He wasn’t talking about his cock.

  “You first,” I panted.

  He was done playing…if he ever was playing.

  He shoved his hips forward, his cock driving halfway inside my dripping channel.

  My body jerked, and my mouth slammed open. “Shit!”

  Then he asked calmly, “Who has their cock inside you?”

  “You do.” My brows puckered.

  “And what am I?”

  My nostrils flared, understanding. “A Kireg.”

  He lifted his torso and pulled his hips back, just to slam them forward again. My breath hitched as his cock slid all the way inside me, stretching my channel to a painful fullness. I lifted my arms in a hurry and braced my hands against his shoulders. The flex of his muscles played under my fingertips as he held still, breathing in through his nose and out through his mouth, waiting for me to adjust to his large size.

  He spoke through gritted teeth, “Say it again. What am I?”

  I bit my bottom lip. “A Kireg.”

  “You’re mine,” he whispered, his tan cheeks flushed. “And I’m yours. Your mate.”

  My eyes flicked back and forth between his. I allowed quietly, “Yes, you are.” I eventually tested moving my hips and my eyes shut in pleasure. I ground more feverishly against his cock, shuddering as the head of his dick rubbed all the right spots deep inside me. “What are you waiting for?”

  “For that.” He pulled his hips back and then shoved his cock back into me hard. He huffed out a long sigh, nearly sounding like a purr. His eyes shut and his head tipped back, his neck muscles straining against his skin. “This is what I needed.”

  I moaned softly beneath him as his speed picked up, my fingernails scraping down his arms. He shivered at the contact and dropped his head to stare into my eyes. He liked that, the bite of pain, the way his breathing turned even heavier. I slid my hands under his arms and grabbed onto the flexing muscles of his back, and dug my fingernails in. My hips lifted and slammed against his, the pleasure overriding any decorum I may have had with him.

  His groan was guttural, and he ducked his face into my neck. He bit into my skin with his teeth. It wasn’t hard enough to draw blood, but it was gripping enough to have me shout in pleasure. He growled and dug his teeth in more fiercely.

  “Geo,” I moaned in pain and satisfaction. My nails did puncture the flesh on his back when he tilted his head and bit my shoulder, little dabs of blood wetting my fingers. “Oh fuck. That’s so good.”

  “Mmm.” He shuddered against me, driving his hips against mine. He licked his way down to my breasts, nibbling and sucking on each pebbled nipple. “It’s not completely horrible.”

  I blinked furiously. “Did you just make a joke?”

  “Yes. I do have a sense of humor.” He nipped my right nipple hard.

  I shouted his name as my body tightened around him.

  He lifted his head over my face, staring down at my mouth. But he didn’t kiss my lips. The asshole chuckled quietly as sweat began to mist his naked flesh. He drove his hips so hard against my body, his cock filling me so full, I lost my breath, unable to say anything at all. He smirked, the expression all male. “That’s better.” He continued his onslaught of pleasure, ramming his cock into me and grinding his pelvis against my clit.

  I growled softly, but my eyes rolled back into my head. My gaze shut against his imposing features, and I merely allowed myself to feel with each meeting thrust of our hips. My body followed his lead, his tempo, my hips moving faster as my body slickened with sweat. The coarse hairs on his legs rubbed against my smooth legs, tickling my flesh, and my hands wandered to his impressive pecs. My fingers probed, the pads running over all the muscle and power flexing over my small frame. My breath came in harsh pants, just like his now. The tips of my fingers ran over the hard muscles in his abdomen working with each of his plunging drives. The constant sound of our skin slamming against each other was a carnal melody to my ears.

  I opened my eyes and ordered quietly, “Just a little deeper.”

  He grunted and grabbed my right leg, crooking it over his arm, and drove against me.

  I blinked in rapid succession as my body bowed against his. “Mother Joyal, you’re big.”

  He hissed out a breath. His cock slammed into me, rubbing me just right. “Have it.”

  My body tightened around him, my channel squeezing his cock. A keening cry started low in my throat and turned into a full-fledged shout of ecstasy. My head thrashed back and forth against the leather, his cock filling me, stretching me, again and again. The orgasm took me in a brutal hold, choking the air from my lungs, each nerve ending lit in powerful waves of decadent euphoria. My eyes glazed over as my body quaked underneath the man instilling so much sensation through my limbs, my fingers tingling with the waves.

  Geo’s frame grew even tauter, his eyes on my bouncing breasts as he shoved his cock in balls deep. He growled under his breath, his features full of pained pleasure. His cock jerked inside me as he came brutally. His body jolted over mine hard, until my body relaxed under his. When his body landed hard on top of mine, spent from pleasure, he hissed a curse, “Fucking sacred moon.”

  I patted his back, my eyes closing in exhaustion. “I don’t mind.”

  He was warm and smelled so nice. And I…liked…the pressure of his body on mine.

  His grunt was quiet. “You’re going to fall asleep if I don’t get up.”

  I hummed, hardly paying attention. “I’ll sneak out tomorrow morning. I’m not moving.” Though I stifled a surprised yelp when he pushed off me and lifted my body into his arms. I was too tired to argue. My head fell against his heated shoulder. “Where are you taking me?”

  “Where you belong.”

  My eyes drifted shut as he placed me on his soft bed.

  Was this really where I should be? I didn’t know yet.

  But I didn’t argue. Not tonight.

  I groaned in exhaustion and rolled over. My body thumped alongside a warm and muscled frame. With skin touching skin, the stranger next to me, and I, too…were very naked un
der the sheet covering us.

  “What the hell?” I muttered, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. I squinted at the back of a white curly-haired head, the man next to me lying on his stomach with his face pointed away from mine. I would know that hair anywhere. I glanced around my surroundings. I was in the bastard’s bed. And he was sleeping next to me.

  I whispered, “What?”

  Then the memories came, bombarding me in crazy, vivid detail.

  Along with the rush of cum between my legs when I moved again.

  I jumped out of his bed, my gaze searching fervently for a bathroom. There were too many closed doors in this room. I didn’t know which one to hurry to first. Mother Joyal! I was going to unload a shitload of cum all over his fancy carpet if I didn’t find a toilet soon.

  The rebellion leader grunted and slapped a hand down on the side of the bed where I had lain. Though, when he clutched just the bare sheet, he turned onto his back. He took one look at my cross-legged standing position and waved one of his hands to his left.

  “Bathroom’s over there.”

  I took off with immense speed. I opened and slammed the door behind me. I was already sitting down on his toilet when the damn door bounced back open, having jarred it too hard. I groaned in mortification and dropped my forehead into my palms. Wonderful. The rebellion leader was going to hear me relieve myself…of him. And my morning pee. I wasn’t sure which flooded out of my body faster. It was like I was pregnant and my water had just broken, the splash degrading in itself.

  I didn’t move from the pot for over five minutes, just in case another ‘gusher’ came.

  It was disgusting. Humiliating. And…somewhat comical.

  Eventually, I hollered from my perch, “How the hell did you manage all this?”

  Dry, very dry, words. “I’m a man of many talents.”

  I snorted and flushed his toilet for the fourth time. “This is freaking ridiculous.”

  “So says the woman who tried to sneak back to Joyal, but landed in Triaz, instead.”

  I bared my teeth at him, even though he couldn’t see from the bed. “Shut up.”

  “I would if you’d quit talking.”

  I wiped again and attempted to stand up.

  Nope. Back on the pot I went.

  I growled under my breath. “I’ll be here all damn day.”

  Hard footfalls—stomping—came in my direction. Naked as the day he was born, right along with me, he stopped just inside the bathroom. Chilled, purple eyes stared at me on his stupid toilet. He snorted softly before tipping his head to the shower next to me. “Get in there. You’ll feel better after a shower.” He paused. “Unless you love your hair sticking up at all ends.”

  I blinked up at him. “You really are an asshole.”

  “I have to pee. And you’re hogging the only place to relieve myself.”

  I ground my teeth together and sucked it up, quickly wiping in front of him. My feet moved super-fast as I jumped into the shower and closed the glass door. I couldn’t get any privacy in here. I yelped when the water came out frigid—like the bastard’s damn attitude—and hurried to adjust the water temperature.

  He snorted and proceeded to take his morning piss while I danced around inside his shower. “The cold water is touchy. Turn it down and you’ll get the right heat.”

  “Dammit, you could have told me before.” My teeth chattered, and I quickly followed his direction. But soon, my shoulders slumped in appreciation as warm water rained down on me. It was then I truly began to feel how sore my body was. The ache between my thighs was less than pleasant. I growled softly and cursed his name a few times while I searched for the soap amongst all his other bathing products. It appeared he took his personal hygiene very seriously—a bit vain, actually.

  “I can hear you, you know.” And he flushed the fucking toilet out of spite.

  “Ahhh!” I jumped out of the scalding hot water, slamming my back against the tiling. I glared at him through the spray of the water and quickly fogging glass.

  He stood scowling back, his arms crossed over his chest. I didn’t look below his waist. I wouldn’t give him the satisfaction. His white brows rose. “Hmm… I guess the hot water is touchy, too. I should probably have that looked at.”

  “You. Are. An. Asshole.”

  He merely turned to his vanity, bored with our conversation. The bastard grabbed his toothbrush and started to brush his teeth. His eyes met mine through the glass. He talked around a mouthful of white bubbles. “Hurry up. I need to take a shower too.”

  I stuck my tongue out at him, enjoying how his eyes narrowed at the action. Though I grabbed the soap and lathered up, proceeding to take the quickest shower ever. As I rinsed, I asked, “Geo, I forgot about something last night.”

  He glanced at me in his mirror while he gargled a blue mouthwash.

  My words were hesitant. “We didn’t use one of those shield protectors you mentioned.”

  His blink was gradual, and he spat into his sink after a moment. While he wiped his mouth, he watched my reflection in his mirror. “I only asked the Dynasty about it when I couldn’t use my powers. But now that I have them back, I can control my fertility, as can any Kireg. You won’t become pregnant from last night.”

  I breathed a sigh of relief. “And you don’t have any weird Kireg disease?”

  He snorted. “No, again, that’s something I can control, too.”

  Thank Mother Joyal. I knew the Kireg were far more healthy than the Humans or the Mian.

  I paused getting out of the shower, a gifted towel wrapped firmly around my bare frame when he brushed past me into the still running water. “May I attend the meeting with you today?” It was brazen of me to ask, but I would adore knowing what was going on with the rebellion.

  When water started to pelt my skin from his body in the shower, he shut the door. Purple eyes ran over my features shrewdly through the glass. “You care so much?”

  I lifted a white brow. “This is where I live now. And while I don’t enjoy politics, this isn’t exactly that. I would like to know if we’re going to be at war much longer with the Dynasty.”

  He eyed me a second longer before he tipped his head back into the water. He closed his eyes and lifted his arms to run his fingers through his quickly soaked hair. I may have taken my time then to run my gaze over all the naked flesh before me. My cheeks heated in a blush, pink and uncomfortable, enjoying what I saw—immensely. This rebellion leader was built for battle, all his muscles hard and honed for fighting. Every part of his build was perfect for his position in life.

  And, perhaps, lickable.

  I cleared my throat and pulled my gaze up from his hardening cock. “So?”

  His voice was much deeper when he replied, “They will be able to read your mind. You don’t have the natural shields that we have against invasion. Not even the smallest amount that a weak Kireg has.” He opened his eyes, holding my gaze. “Are you prepared for that?”

  My cheeks heated even further, knowing he had heard my thoughts. “Have they been broadcasting all around, like a loudspeaker? Or does someone have to focus to hear them?”

  Cold eyes held mine. “With normal thoughts, they would need to focus on you. But if you’re under duress or distraught or ecstatic, then they are heard easily by everyone close by with a decent voy-level. And all of my council members are powerful.”

  “Voy-level is?” I wanted the clarification since I had just been guessing.

  “Our ability to control others or fight the control.”

  I nodded. I had been right. “Wait. Did anyone hear my thoughts…last night?”

  His eyes squinted—in humor, I think. “No, I protected you after my sister intruded.”

  I blinked. “Appreciated.”

  “Accepted.” His head cocked as he grabbed his soap. “Do you still want to attend?”

  “Will you protect my thoughts again?”


  I stared. “But you did last—”

>   Sharp, frosted eyes snapped to mine. “Last night was different. That was private.”

  My mouth gradually shut. The possessiveness in his purple gaze was intimidating.

  His attention didn’t falter. “You must adapt to this culture, Madeline. I can’t be with you at all times. You need to learn to keep your thoughts private or on mundane topics when in public. Otherwise, you will never have any privacy.”

  I nodded my head as I held his imposing gaze, now understanding.

  He was still trying to protect me. In his own harsh way.

  “I still want to attend.”

  He evaluated my set gaze. “Then you shall.”

  When I turned to leave the bathroom and find my clothes, I sniffed my right forearm. His soap didn’t smell like coconut oil. His natural body oils must give him that delicious aroma.

  Truly, the man couldn’t be any more appealing.

  And it irritated me. He had to have some flaw. Everyone did.

  Just like the gadgets I adored working on and creating, no one was perfect.

  I paused at the door when he called absently, “I burp when I drink too much juice.”

  My blink was gradual.

  Does it at least stink?

  He answered, “Sacred Moon, does it ever.”

  I grinned as I left him to shower in peace.

  In the morning light, I held perfectly still and stopped fighting. I gawked with enormous eyes down at the five-story drop to the perfectly manicured lawn. The ground was too far away for my liking—for anyone’s liking in this situation.

  It hadn’t gone as planned when I left Geo’s room.

  I knew Corza was protective of her brother, but I hadn’t expected this. I hadn’t planned to be hit over the head, knocked out, and to wake up on the roof.

  The strong hands gripping my ankles and holding me upside down, dangling me over the side of the stronghold shook my prone frame.

  “Did you hear me?”


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