Book Read Free

Rose and Jacob

Page 13

by Lexi Buchanan

  “What are we doing in here?” I asked.

  He smiled at me. “I want a photograph of us both. We’ll get two copies so you can give one to your brother.”

  I had tears in my eyes as I followed the photographer through to the back of the shop. Jacob stood behind me with his hands wrapped around my waist. I cuddled into him as the photographer snapped our moment in time. He used one of the new Polaroid Land Cameras, which could produce our photographs in minutes like magic.

  With two copies of the photograph safely in his pocket, we continued on to his apartment. Jacob placed my bag down by the side of the chair in the living room.

  He turned and cupped my face between his palms, then proceeded to kiss me. He pulled away, and placed tender kisses over my eyes, cheeks, the tip of my nose and then back to my lips again.

  “Make love to me.” I didn’t hesitate as I took him by the hand and led him into his bedroom.

  He undressed me in slow, sweeping caresses and laid me on his bed. He started to remove his clothes, which I found delightful as I watched his muscular frame appear. He had an amazing body.

  He lay down next to me. “I want to touch you,” I whispered softly.

  He gulped. “I hope I survive.” He watched me through heavily lidded eyes.

  I sat up and smoothed my hands over his chest. I followed a path down to his ribs and then back up to his nipples. I leaned over him and licked his nipples with my tongue. I felt him quiver.

  I slowly moved my hands back down to his ribs, followed by my lips. Reaching his swollen penis, I wrapped my hand around him and slowly massaged up and down, enjoying the texture of his length. I rubbed my thumb around the slit, where he was leaking, and watched as he arched off the bed in obvious pleasure. I wanted to tease more so I leaned over and swirled my tongue around the flared head. He groaned.

  Loving the power I had over him, I licked him from root to tip.

  “Enough, you have got to stop,” he said, rising from the bed. He moved over me, caressing my face with his hands while he slipped his penis inside my quivering core.

  He slammed his lips down onto mine and slipped his tongue into my mouth as he started moving his hips in a slow, seductive rhythm. He started to nibble my neck, moving further south. He took one breast into his mouth then moved to the other one. He started to speed up his movement with his hips.

  My climax burst, seeing stars I lunged against Jacob, who started to groan as his penis jerked inside me.

  Breathing heavily, still joined, he wrapped his arm around my waist and rolled onto his side.

  “I love you so much, Rose,” he whispered, as he slipped out from my body.

  “I love you just as much . . . I have something to tell you, and I hope you’ll be as happy as I am.”

  Jacob turned to me and must have seen the hesitation in my eyes. “You can tell me anything, Rose.”

  I looked into his eyes and told him, “I think I’m pregnant.”

  He froze beside me, and then turned away.

  I could feel my eyes filling with tears as I watched him shut me out.


  He sighed, sitting up on the side of the bed with his back to me. I watched him put his head in his hands.

  I couldn’t stay. I needed to leave. Sitting up, I started to climb from the bed in tears, when Jacob caught hold of my wrist, pulling me back down and into his arms.

  “I’m sorry, Rose. I wasn’t expecting you to say that. It was a shock.” He gradually started to smile, which spread across his face. “Rose, not only have you given me your love, but you’ve given me the most amazing gift . . . a child. I promise, I will always love you, and provide for you and our child . . . for our children.”

  He stroked my stomach tenderly. I watched him with silent tears cascading down my face. I was so happy with Jacob, my Jacob.

  “Let’s leave tonight,” he said so seriously.

  “We can’t. I’m not ready tonight, but I will be on Monday.”

  He pulled me against his chest. “I just want you with me.”

  “I want that as well. It’s only three more days.” I kissed him.

  He made love to me once more, then we dressed and he walked me home. I hated parting from him. I just wanted to stay wrapped in his arms.

  April 12, 1947

  Richard was sneaking around…

  I was so sick this morning that I could barely move. There could be no mistake. I was pregnant. I found myself unable to wipe the smile from my face. I was so happy, and my new life with Jacob was just two days away.

  At work, I found myself humming while I placed returned books back onto the shelves. I got some weird looks from my colleagues, but I didn’t really care.

  Richard walked into the library and just stared at me. Until the other day, I didn’t ever remember him coming in before. He actually made me feel uncomfortable. If I didn’t know better, I’d say he was up to something. I prayed it didn’t involve me, but I couldn’t think of any other reason for his behavior. I just had a really bad feeling.

  Dinner tonight was, yet again, a rather quiet affair as JT had been grounded again! He had been caught pinching an apple pie from Mrs. Jenkins next door. Apparently, she had left the pie by the window to cool, and JT and his friend, Levi, had taken it, hoping she would think it was a dog. Then she had caught them taking the plate back!

  April 13, 1947

  Only one more day!

  I felt a bit better this morning, and my breakfast stayed down, thank goodness. I walked out of the front door and bumped into JT, who was sulking because he wasn’t allowed out after yesterday’s fiasco with the pie. Father had told him, school, and home with nothing between. I could guarantee that by the time he arrived home this afternoon, he’d be in more trouble.

  At the library, Richard came back and actually walked over to me. “Rose, I want to speak with you.”

  Well, nice to see you too!

  He took hold of my elbow and pulled me out of hearing of anyone who might have come along. “What does he have that I don’t?”

  “What?” I asked, stunned. Surely, he couldn’t be referring to Jacob. Could he?

  “I saw you two days ago. You were wrapped around a tall guy. You were acting like a . . . like a . . . hussy.”

  The nerve of him. “What I was doing and, with whom, is none of your business,” I told him, walking away.

  He grabbed my arms and turned me around. “If you continue to see him, I’ll tell your parents. I bet they don’t know, do they?”

  “You have no right interfering in my life. Who I have a relationship with is my business, not yours or my parents. So please stay out of it.”

  He turned away from me and headed toward the exit. Tossing a sneer over his shoulder, he said, “We’ll see, Rose. We’ll see.”

  For the first time since I met Jacob, I felt really shaky and was afraid all our happiness was about to come tumbling down. I really wished Jacob was with me, to hold me and tell me everything would be all right.

  After lunch, I got my wish. I heard the front door open and glanced up, meeting Jacob’s eyes. He took one look at me and obviously knew there was something wrong. I stood and followed him to the back of the library, near the storage closet. I walked past him, took his hand, and pulled him after me into the closet.

  “What’s wrong? Are you sick?” he asked me with his heart in his eyes.

  I just shook my head and burrowed my face into his chest. “Richard came in this morning. He said if I didn’t stop seeing you, he would tell my parents.” I looked up into his face. “He saw us kissing the other night.”

  “Nobody threatens you, Rose. Do you hear me? I’m going to go see him.”

  Oh, no!

  “Jacob, please don’t. Knowing Richard, he’ll report you to the police, and then you’ll get arrested and we won’t be able to leave tomorrow.”

  While I held him tight, I stayed silent. I just wanted him to cool his anger and calm down.

  As he p
ulled away from me, he stroked my stomach then knelt down. He wrapped his arms around my hips and kissed my stomach, which brought tears to my eyes. I didn’t know what I’d done to deserve him, but I was so grateful.

  He stood and kissed my lips. “I better go before I get you in trouble.”

  I grinned.

  “Um . . . any more trouble.” He chuckled, amusement clear in his eyes. “Everything is set for tomorrow night so don’t worry, okay?”

  “I won’t. I’m really excited to finally be with you all the time.”

  We snuck out from the cupboard and I picked a couple of books up from one of the shelves to make it look as though I was returning them. I watched Jacob leave, and then rounded the corner to the next aisle where I bumped into Mary.

  “That’s the same man as before. Are you sure you don’t know him?”

  Mind your own business. “No, I don’t know him.”

  Work was over for the day, for which I was grateful. After Jacob’s visit, Mary kept watching me. She knew I was lying to her, and her constant gaze was very unnerving.

  I took my time walking home because I knew if I rushed, I would be in time to see Mother and Father before they went out. Luckily, I missed them. I really hoped Richard hadn’t been to see them. I was leaving tomorrow evening, but I wouldn’t put it past him to cause a great deal of trouble for Jacob and me.

  I entered the house through the kitchen and stopped dead. JT was in the kitchen, stuffing his face with cookies and ice cream. “Have you eaten dinner?”

  “Yes.” He carried on eating.

  “You’re going to be sick.”

  He gave me a chocolate-covered grin. “I have an iron stomach.”

  “Ha, you wish.” I made myself a sandwich and sat down with him.

  Once finished, I helped him eat the cookies, dipping them into a glass of milk.

  I really wished JT were a bit older so I could confide in him. I hoped I didn’t live to regret not telling him.

  Chapter 21

  Mack stopped reading and closed the diary. She really wasn’t sure if she would be able to continue. There was only the last entry left to read, the one that changed everything.

  “Mack, what’s wrong?” Dean asked as he sat up and massaged her shoulders.

  She reached back to cover his hands with hers and leaned back into his chest. “I’m nervous to continue, knowing it ends with Rose’s death.” Mack wiped at a wayward tear with her fingers.

  Dean wrapped his arm around her waist and rested his chin on her shoulder. “Don’t you want to know what happened on her last day?”

  “Yeah,” Mack whispered.

  “Do you want me to read it?” Dean offered.

  She let out a sigh. “No. I’ll be okay. Let’s eat and then we’ll read about the fourteenth.”

  “Okay, babe.” Dean reached for the picnic hamper. “Cheese or ham?”

  “Ham, please.”

  Mack took the sandwich from Dean and sat resting her chin on her drawn-up knees, looking further along the beach while she ate. There was another couple further down the beach who were playing Frisbee with two children as a dog ran circles around them. She could hear the children giggling from where she sat.

  Mack turned back to look at the ocean. When her sandwich was finished, she turned and knelt between Dean’s legs as she looked up at him.

  She grinned and moved closer. Dean’s eyes widened when she reached the bottom of his T-shirt. “I need distracting for a few minutes, and I want to have a closer look at the tattoo I keep catching glimpses of.”

  He groaned. “Mack, I’m not sure this is a good idea.” He sucked in his breath when Mack’s hand slid inside his T-shirt and up to his chest. She climbed onto his lap and managed to pull the T-shirt over his head. Dean didn’t protest too much.

  “Mmm, you look . . . damn good.” Mack licked her lips. Dean’s breathing had become more erratic.

  Mack kissed him on the lips before she moved down to his chest and smoothed her hands over his biceps. She crawled out of Dean’s lap and around to the back of him. Now it was her turn to suck her breath in.

  On his back, from one shoulder to the other, spread an eagle. It was magnificent, like nothing she’d ever seen before. Mack reached out and started to trace the wings with her fingers. Dean broke out in goose bumps as she moved closer and started kissing her way across the wingspan.

  “Mack,” Dean hissed, “unless you want to put on a display for that family down the beach, I suggest you stop.”

  Mack smirked. She knew exactly what she did to him. “Spoil sport.” She crawled back to the front of him and couldn’t help but notice the bulge in his lap. “Your eagle is amazing.”

  He smiled. “I drew up the design and the tattoo artist did an excellent job of transferring it to my skin.”

  “That he did and the design is amazing,” Mack agreed as she straddled Dean’s hips. “You are really talented.”

  She sealed her lips to his in a heated kiss, which ended all too quickly for Dean’s liking.

  “Very nice. Okay, I’m rested and, I think, ready to finish the diary.”

  She climbed off Dean and turned around to scoot back between his legs.

  “Thank you for the distraction.”

  “Yeah, well, if you carry on wiggling that bottom where you’re wiggling it, you’re going to get more of a distraction than I think you’d planned for the beach.”

  “That really is a tempting offer. I’ve always wanted to make out on the beach. We’ll have to take a rain check for when it’s dark.” Mack turned her head and laughed when she looked into Dean’s lust-filled expression. “Okay, fun’s over . . . for now.” She reached for the diary, laughing to herself at the look on Dean’s face because she was passing him over for a diary from 1947.

  Chapter 22

  April 14, 1947

  Today’s the day…

  On my way down the stairs, I felt really well or, at least I did, until Mother asked me to join them for breakfast.

  I entered the dining room and could tell straightaway that something was wrong. JT wasn’t there, which meant he’d been told to eat in the kitchen.

  “Who is this man you’ve been seen with?” Heck. So Richard had been to see them.

  I decided to be as honest as I could. “I have fallen in love with a good man, and he’s asked me to marry him.” I paused and looked up at them, “I’ve agreed. I love him with all my heart.”

  Father looked ready to burst. “If he’s a good man, why hasn’t he been to ask me for your hand in marriage?” he roared.

  “Because I asked him not to,” I said quietly. Father was such a snob.


  I took a deep breath. “Because Jacob doesn’t have a lot of money. He has an apprenticeship awaiting him in New York. I love him and want to be with him. I was afraid you wouldn’t understand, and that you would prevent me from seeing him.” There was no way I was mentioning Boston.

  “So you keep saying you love him, yet you’re ashamed to bring him to meet your parents?” Father threw his napkin down on the table.

  “I’m not ashamed. Frightened, yes, but never ashamed of him . . .” I was as stubborn as my father when I wanted to be, but I stopped short of admitting that I was ashamed of my parents and how snobby they were.

  “Then prove that to me, bring him for dinner tonight.” Both Mother and I sat in shock.

  “If you’re serious, then I will.”

  “I’m serious. Seven this evening, we’ll meet this young man you say you love.” Father sneered.

  I turned and stomped out of the house. I was halfway to work before I realized I hadn’t eaten breakfast. I felt slightly dizzy so I stopped at Belle’s to buy a pastry, which I quickly ate in the restroom so Mr. Young wouldn’t catch me. No one was allowed a morning break.

  When I finished eating, I brushed the crumbs from my blouse and headed onto the library floor. Where I practically bumped into Richard, who I ignored by walking past him. He ca
me after me.

  “Rose, wait. I want to talk to you.” He grabbed hold of my arm.

  “I have nothing to say to you. Please stop bothering me.” I tried to pull my arm free, but he was holding me too tight.

  “You’re going to regret being with him. He’s not worth it. He can’t give you what I can.”

  Anger and frustration filled me and all of it was for Richard. “I will say this for the last time. Leave. Me. Alone.” I stamped on his foot. He released my arm. I hurried away, back to the desk. Mary gave me a quizzical look, but I ignored her and pretended to be sorting some papers out on the desk. Richard left and I sagged against the desk in relief.

  Not long after, Jacob appeared, I followed him behind the antiquated books.

  He pulled me straight into his arms and hugged me really tight. I lifted my face for his kiss; he didn’t disappoint me. “I love you. Are you sure about tonight?” he asked.

  I took his face in my hands and pulled him down to me. “Yes. I love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you.” I kissed him.

  “Transport is arranged for our lift to Boston. Eleanor is really looking forward to having us both living with her.”

  “I’m so excited, Jacob, but . . . I need you to come to dinner tonight.” He paused with his hand caressing my face. “Richard told my parents about us and what he’d seen. I told my father at breakfast that I love you and plan to marry you. So my father told me to bring you to dinner tonight.”

  “Then I’ll be there. What time?”

  “Seven sharp.”

  “Rose, everything will be fine and, if it isn’t, we can still slip away tonight, all right?”


  We heard voices approach so he placed a quick peck to my lips and headed out of the library.

  How I managed to endure the rest of the day, I would never know. It was such a relief to be on my way home.

  I’d just left town when I heard someone shouting my name. I looked behind me . . . Richard. “What do you want now?”


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