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Business is Business PT 1

Page 3

by Silk White

  “Aww, yes eat that pussy daddy,” Millie moaned in a light whisper while her fingers moved a hundred miles per second. “I’m cuming daddy, I’m cuming!”

  “Mmmm... yes make that pussy cum for daddy,” Derrick said making loud slurping noises with his mouth until Millie’s orgasm took over. “I love you baby I gotta go dream about me,” he blew her a kiss then hung up. Derrick turned and looked at Tony who sat there pretending as if he was looking at something important on his phone. “Sorry about that, had to take care of my wife real quick.”

  “No problem,” Tony said as the Maybach pulled into the Alvarez family estate. The mansion looked like three high schools could fit inside. The driver walked around to the back of the vehicle and held the door open as, Derrick stepped out the back seat in a three thousand dollar suit and a cigar in his mouth. His light skin and smooth baldhead not to mention his million-dollar smile was his best asset. Derrick favored the rap mogul Dame Dash.

  “Gentlemen right this way,” the doorman said escorting Derrick through the mansion. It seemed as if the three men were walking forever when Derrick spotted four big bodyguards dressed in all black. He and Tony were immediately searched and removed of their weapons.

  “Derrick Mason,” Joey Alvarez smiled as he stood and shook Derrick’s hand. Joey poured two drinks and handed one to Derrick.

  “Let me start off by apologizing for my son and his actions,” Derrick sipped his drink.

  Joey sipped his drink. “Your son didn’t know that the Ricardo brothers were made men?” He asked with a raised brow. “I find that hard to believe.”

  “I apologize for my son and his ignorance,” Derrick said again. “It was an honest mistake there has to be a way we can fix this.”

  “You kill a made man and the consequences are death you know that Derrick,” Joey said in a calm tone. “Besides from what I hear your son has been out there bringing a lot of heat down on the entire city with his wild cowboy antics.”

  “I know, Jimmy has been a handful but I can personally promise you if you give him another chance I’ll keep him in check,” Derrick pleaded.

  “I don’t know Derrick, your boy seems to be out of control,” Joey sipped his drink. “He may have to be put down.”

  Derrick sipped his drink then smiled. “Listen Joey, I have a lot of respect for you and your family but Jimmy is my son and I’m not going to just sit back and let you take my boy from me.”

  “Then the next step is a war,” Joey said in his usual calm tone. “This is not up for negotiations your son broke the rules plain and simple and he will be dealt with accordingly.”

  “Before we declare an all-out war and mess up both of our money I’m asking that you rethink this because this isn’t going to end good for either side,” Derrick stated plainly. “Give my son another chance...please.”

  “One million dollars and you owe me two favors take it or leave it,” Joey sipped his drink. He was going to spare Jimmy’s life because he had a lot of respect for Derrick.

  “I’ll take it,” Derrick said quickly.

  “Great,” Joey smiled. “For the first favor there’s this guy out in Florida that snitched on a cousin of mines,” he paused to sip his drink again. “I want you to take care of him.”

  “Done,” Derrick stood to his feet and extended his hand. “I’ll have the million dollars delivered to you first thing in the morning.”

  “You’re a good man, Derrick,” Joey shook his hand. “Keep an eye on that son of yours he’s going to have you in a cell if he keeps it up.”

  “I’ll get the money to you first thing in the morning,” Derrick turned and made his exit.

  Once Derrick and Tony slid in the back of the Maybach, Derrick unleashed a series of curses. “A million fucking dollars can you believe that cock sucker?”

  “I’m not trying to tell you what to do, but if you pay Joey he’s going to think he owns you,” Tony said. “You know how those old mob type guys are.”

  “Going to war with the Alvarez family and we’re sure to lose millions of dollars due to all the heat that’s going to come down,” Derrick explained. “I’m going to pay him and keep it moving,” he fumed. “You get Jimmy on the phone and let him know I need to see him first thing in the morning!”

  “You got it boss,” Tony said. He didn’t like how things were playing out, he saw nothing good coming from paying Joey Alvarez but it wasn’t his call to make so he just kept quiet. Tony sat back staring out the window when he noticed the driver make a sudden detour once he saw what street they were headed down he already knew what time it was.

  “Third house on the left pull into the drive way,” Derrick ordered. The driver pulled into the driveway, stepped out the vehicle, walked around the back, and held the door open for, Derrick.

  “I’ll holla at you in the morning,” Derrick said as he bumped fist with Tony.

  “You sure you gon alright for the night?” Tony asked.

  “I’m good now go home and get you some rest,” Derrick said as he slammed the door shut and watched as the Maybach’s tail lights disappeared down the street. He then quickly walked up to the front door and rang the doorbell. Seconds later a sexy light skin woman with blonde hair answered the door wearing nothing but a silk Chinese robe that was left wide open.

  “Damn Pearl,” Derrick licked his lips. “Hey baby.”

  “Get in here!” Pearl growled as she reached out and snatched Derrick inside her house. For the past five years, Pearl and Derrick been going strong. What started out as friendly sex turned into a full-blown relationship. Now Pearl was doing everything in her power to try and get Derrick to get a divorce. “It took you long enough to get here,” Pearl said. She removed her robe and let it him the floor. “You gon stand there all night or you gon come get this pussy?” Pearl spun and headed towards the bedroom, her bright red pumps stabbed the hard wood floor with each step she took.

  Derrick stood with a grin on his face as he watched, Pearl’s huge ass jiggle with each step she took. Without thinking twice, Derrick followed Pearl in the bedroom and shut the door behind him.



  Eric sat in the booth at a five-star restaurant with a scowl on his face. Once again, his wife had disappeared, and then showed up hours later trying to down play her disappearance. It was beginning to become a pattern. Eric wanted to give his wife the benefit of the doubt but some things just weren’t adding up. He sipped his wine and said, “So you ready to tell me where you’ve been sneaking off to in the middle of the night?”

  Kelly rolled her eyes and let out a loud sigh. “Could you not start tonight please I already have a headache.”

  “No I’m not going to let it go!” Eric said his voice projecting louder than he had meant for it to.

  “Let it go Eric,” Kelly said giving him the evil eye. The truth was she didn’t know how to tell Eric that she was sleeping with his brother. Kelly found herself falling in love with them both and enjoyed the fact that she could have her cake and eat it too. “You are so jealous for no reason; you’re going to have to trust me and learn to respect my privacy.”

  “I do respect your privacy, but you disappearing for hours is unacceptable!” Eric barked.

  “Lower your voice!”

  “Where have you been disappearing to?” Eric growled.

  “You’ve had way too much to drink,” Kelly said gathering her things. “Come on its time for us to go.”

  “I’m not going nowhere with you,” Eric looked his wife up and down as if she was a piece of trash. “Go crawl back under the rock that you came from,” he flicked his wrist in a dismissive manner.

  Kelly grabbed her drink off the table and tossed it in Eric’s face.


  “Asshole!” She stood to her feet and stormed out the restaurant leaving Eric sitting there covered in wine. Eric grabbed his handkerchief and cleaned the wine from his face and suit. Immediately he felt horrible for the way he spoke to his wife, he q
uickly ran outside to try and catch her but when he made it out to the front of the restaurant it was too late. Kelly was already long gone. “Shit!” He cursed. Eric hurried over to his B.M.W. trying to catch his wife before she made it back home. He pulled out into in traffic like a mad man. For as long as Eric had known, Kelly he had never spoke to her like that and now it was eating him up inside. Eric wasn’t like the rest of the Mason family; Millie had raised him to be a gentleman and to have respect for women.

  Just as Eric was about to get on the highway he noticed flashing lights in his rear view mirror. “Just great,” he huffed as he pulled over to the side of the road. Eric removed his wallet from his back pocket and removed his driver’s license. “What seems to be the problem officer?” Eric said with a smile. That smile was quickly wiped off his face when he was roughly snatched out the vehicle and tossed down to the grown. Eric’s eyes grew wide in shock when he looked up and saw Mike standing over him with a nightstick in his hand. Before Eric got a chance to say a word, a black pillowcase was quickly placed over his head. “What the fuck is going on!” Eric yelled as he was picked up and violently tossed in the back of a van. While in the back of the van, Eric could hear Mike as well several other men’s voices. When the van finally stopped, Eric was roughly snatched out the van and the pillowcase was removed from his head. When his blurred eyes focused, he saw Mike standing in front of him while several other officers surrounded him.

  “What’s this all about?” Eric asked with a scared look on his face. Without warning, Mike turned and slapped the taste out of Eric’s mouth.

  “You don’t speak unless you’re spoken too cocksucker!” Mike snarled. “This is a warning to you and the Mason family,” Mike paused. “We’re on the Mason family’s ass make sure you let Derrick know that his days as a free man are numbered.”

  “Mike why are you doing...”

  Mike spun and punched Eric in the pit of his stomach before he could finish his sentence, scared that he may have said something that he wasn’t supposed to. Mike felt bad when he saw Eric double over in pain but he had to make it look believable to the rest of his fellow officers. Mike knew Eric wasn’t built for lifestyle but unfortunately, for him he was associated by blood. He roughly snatched Eric up to his feet, “Tell the Mason family to watch their backs,” Mike said as him and his fellow officers hopped back in the van. They dramatically let the tires spin as they pulled off blowing dirt back in Eric’s face.

  Eric stood in the middle of nowhere as tears rolled down his face. He never wanted to be a gangster or live this type of life, but it was forced on him by his family. As Eric headed down the dark street, he pulled out his cell phone and called the only person who understood him. The phone rung three times before a woman answered. “Hey mommy.”

  “What’s wrong son, talk to me,” Millie said. She could always tell when something was wrong with her favorite son.

  “Can you talk for a minute?”



  Mike sat at the bar in Hooters sipping on a vodka and cranberry juice. Inside he felt bad about having to put his hands on Eric. He knew Eric was a good man and didn’t deserve that, but he was just doing his job. Being a part of the Mason family and one of the city’s best detective’s was really beginning to put a strain on Mike and he wasn’t sure how much longer he would be able to serve both sides. He knew soon that it was going to come to the point where he would have to choose a side.

  “Wanna talk about it?”

  Mike looked up and saw a beautiful Latin woman standing before him dressed in a silver dress looking like she had just stepped off of someone’s red carpet. The Latin woman had perfect skin with light eyes, and hair that came down a little pass her shoulders not to mention her body was flawless. “Huh?”

  The Latin woman sat down on the empty stool next to Mike and waved the bartender over. “Yeah let me get a bottle of mango Absolute, some orange juice, and two glasses,” she said then turned her gaze on the man sitting next to her. “I said do you want to talk about it?”

  Mike chuckled, “Is it that obvious?”

  The Latin woman smiled and extended her hand. “Nicole Alvarez.”

  “Mike Brown,” he shook Nicole’s hand.

  “Nice to meet you Mike.” Nicole immediately poured two drinks and slid one over towards Mike.

  “Likewise,” Mike smiled as he sipped his drink. “Your last name is Alvarez. You wouldn’t happen to be the daughter of Joey Alvarez?”

  Nicole smiled. “Why are you scared of my father?”

  “Not scared of anyone,” Mike answered quickly. “But I’m no fool either.” Mike had heard stories about the black men who tried to date Joey’s Alvarez’s daughter and they all ended with their bodies never being found. “What are you doing in a place like this anyway?”

  Nicole nodded up towards the several TV screens. “Here to watch this UFC fight.”

  Mike sipped his drink. “Yeah Ronda Rousey is a beast,” he said as he felt his cell phone vibrating on his hip, he looked down and saw Derrick’s name flashing across the screen. “It was nice talking to you but I have to get going,” he stood up to leave when he felt Nicole reach out and grab his arm.

  “I would like to take you out on a date some time if you’re not too busy,” Nicole smiled, devilishly licking her lips.

  “I don’t think that would be a good idea.”

  “Here’s my card Mike if you change your mind give me a call,” Nicole smiled as she watched, Mike make his exit.

  Mike stepped out of the sports bar and quickly called Derrick back. “Hey pop.”

  “I saw you sent me a text that said “666” is everything alright?” Derrick asked.

  “We have a problem,” Mike began. “My boss has got a hard on for the Mason Family and is willing to do everything to bring us down.”

  “It’s your job to not let that happen,” Derrick said in a stern tone. “I mean that is why I pay you the big bucks am I right?”

  “Absolutely but I just think maybe you should slow down a little until this heat dies down you know?”

  “No I don’t know,” Derrick capped back. “Money doesn’t sleep and neither do I.”

  “Pop they are coming down on the family whether you like it or not,” Mike explained. “I’m not telling you what to do, but if I were you...”

  “Well you’re not!” Derrick cut him off. “Are you forgetting the rules son? It’s the cop’s job to catch me and it’s my job not to get caught.”

  “Me and couple of my partners ran into Eric today and roughed him up,” Mike said rubbing his hands over his waves. “If you speak to him tell him that I’m sorry, but I had to make it look believable.”

  “Don’t worry about Eric he needs to toughen up anyway,” Derrick laughed. “You just keep me posted on what’s going on out here in these streets and don’t forget that you too are a part of this family.”

  “I’ll never forget that, I’m a Mason for life,” Mike said proudly. He knew that things weren’t going to play out well because Derrick didn’t know how to back down. At the end of the day, he may not have been a Mason by blood, but he was connected to the Mason’s through the money.

  “Business is business.”

  “Business is business,” Mike replied then ended the call.



  “But pop why do I have to go to Florida?” Jimmy complained. He had sat there for over an hour listening to his father lecture him about him murdering the Ricardo brothers.

  “You got us into this shit now you’re going to get us out of it!” Derrick barked. “I’ve told you over and over again to start thinking before you react. You keep it up and soon we’ll all be sitting in a cell because of you.”

  “Pop I keep telling you the Ricardo brothers left me no choice,” Jimmy tried to explain. “And now it feels like we’re working for the Alvarez family, he’s got us doing hits for him for free at that,” Jimmy huffed. “I would have rather gone
to war then be someone’s bitch.”

  “What did you just say?” Derrick asked getting up in Jimmy’s face. “You just call me a bitch?”

  “I didn’t say that. What I said was I would rather go to war then be Alvarez’s bitch,” Jimmy stood his ground.

  “You killed Joey Alvarez’s hit men so now you have to go hit two men of his choosing,” Derrick looked at Jimmy like he wanted to rip his son’s head off. “You brought this all on yourself son, I can’t keep on saving you.”

  “I don’t need you to save me I can handle my own.” Jimmy didn’t like the fact that Derrick was willing to take orders from, Joey Alvarez. “I just don’t believe you are making me do a hit for another man. A man you don’t even care for at that,” he paused. “If Millie was here we would be going to war right now.”


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