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By the Fire: Issue 3

Page 4

by Stewart Felkel

  “I don’t think you understand the weight behind his request.”

  “Oh, I understand very well. I also understand that we invited the Command of the Morrigan down to meet with us in good faith and then took them prisoner. You can tell general Stalls that until he gets his head out of his ass he can take his request and shove it.”

  The messengers face went through various contortions before he could speak. “Very well.”

  He spun on his heel and stomped out of the room. The door had barely closed before Delaney and Jones burst into laughter.

  Alicia cocked an eyebrow at them. “I’m glad to see my little act of insubordination is so amusing to you.”

  Delaney wiped tears from his eyes. “You just have no idea how many generals I’ve wanted to say that too.”

  “Probably as many as I have. I have to admit, it did feel good. That doesn’t change our situation however.”

  “Our situation Captain? You on our side now?”

  Alicia shook her head. “I just feel a certain responsibility for you.”

  “How honorable of you. What do you think their game plan is?”

  “Fairly straightforward I imagine. They’ll try to trade you for control of the Morrigan. Failing that they might settle for weapons tech, although I can’t foresee them just letting you run loose. Too much of a wildcard.”

  Delaney nodded his head. “I was thinking along the same lines.”

  Alicia ran a hand over her scalp. She could feel tiny prickles of hair beginning to grow back.

  “Don’t worry” Delaney quipped, “I’ve always liked bald women.”

  “Ha-ha, very funny.” She placed her hands back on the table but found herself tapping her fingers in sequence. Pinky to index. Over and over again.

  “What I want to know is where my team is. They had better not be mistreating them.”

  Delaney laid a hand over hers. He didn’t say anything just sat there giving what comfort he could through a simple touch. Alicia felt a little of the tension drain out of her.

  What felt like hours later the door opened again. A squad of heavily armed soldiers marched in and took up position. General Stalls came in behind them red faced and puffing air. Behind him came another man in a suit. Alicia jumped to her feet. Delaney and his crew looked at her confusedly but followed her. She snapped to attention and offered a salute.

  “Mr. President.” When she acknowledged him realization dawned on Delaney and he offered a salute of his own. The President returned their salute precisely.

  “At ease please. Captain James I’d like to commend you on a job well done.”

  “Thank you sir” she replied.

  He turned to Delaney and extended a hand. “Commander, I’d like to apologize for how you and your crew have been treated. The military” he jerked his head towards Stalls who grew even redder, “Took things upon themselves. As soon as I learned what was going on I came to sort things out.”

  “I thank you Mr. President. And exactly how are things to be sorted?”

  Alicia winced at his wording. The President just chuckled. “To the point isn’t he?”

  “It’s a character flaw I’m afraid.”

  “I suffer from that same flaw. To answer your question, you are free to return to your ship at any time. Although I would like to speak with you before you go.”

  Delaney gestured to the table and smiled. “I’m free at the moment. What would you like to talk about?”

  The President sat and motioned to one of the guards. “Would you be so kind as to bring coffee and food for our guests?”

  The guard nodded and hustled out of the room.

  “We’re getting some racket from the Sino/Russian Alliance about the destruction of their shuttle as well as their fighters.”

  Alicia sat up straighter. “Both incidents were unprovoked attacks by Chinese forces. An attack that also included nukes despite previous treaties forbidding them.”

  The president cocked an eye towards her. “Can you prove that?”

  Delaney chimed in. “I can have the footage from the attack sent down from Morrigan. That should quell any rumblings.”

  “Excellent. Hopefully that will be enough to forestall a shooting war. Now, I’m curious what your plans are? I’ve read Captain James’ report on your situation and I’d like to know what comes next from you.”

  Delaney shook his head. “I honestly don’t know yet. We’re lost here just trying to find our way. The next step will be to head straight for Earth and see if we can find any answers there.”

  “We’d like to support you in any way possible. Of course we’d love to have access to anything you find out.”

  “That’s a reasonable request. I’ll see that copies of any data are made available to you. I cannot offer any technology to you however.”

  “I was afraid that you would say that. Ah well. We’re no worse off than we were. I would like to ask one more thing though. I’d like to assign a liaison to go with you.”

  “Who did you have in mind?”

  The President shifted his gaze to Alicia. It took her a second to realize what he was implying. Her heart leaped at the thought.

  “Oh Hell yeah!” She clapped a hand over her mouth. “My apologies sir that just slipped out.”

  He waved her apology away. “It’s quite alright. Commander is that acceptable to you.”

  He found himself grinning. “Oh Hell yeah.”

  Alicia raised a hand. “May I request my team be assigned as well?”

  Delaney frowned. “I’m not sure I’d like an armed team on my ship.”

  “I can assure you that we will follow all instructions while under your command. But I believe I’m correct when I say you could use the manpower.”

  He rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “Very well. Anybody else you’d like to bring along?”

  “There is a Doctor Simons who I believe would jump at the chance to go along.”

  Delaney nodded. “Very well” said then President. He slapped the table and rose from his chair. “That’s settled. I’ll see about having supplies prepared. God speed Commander. I hope you find what you are looking for.


  Doctor Simons tripped coming off the shuttle ramp. Alicia had to cover her mouth to keep from laughing. Already overburdened with bags, he had been staring open mouthed around the bay and his foot slipped sending him sprawling. The marines around him didn’t even bother to hide their laughter. It was good natured though and they promptly helped him back to his feet. Several even took his bags for him.

  He pushed his glasses back up on his nose. “Thank you gentlemen, I seem to have lost my footing.”

  Alicia looked at Delaney. “How long until we leave orbit?”

  He glanced at his wristwatch. “Not for a few more hours. It’ll take that long to get the promised supplies picked up and unloaded. Wanna be on the bridge when we take off?”

  “Oh hell yeah” she said jokingly.

  He rolled his eyes at her. “Don’t know that it is inappropriate to speak to a superior officer in that manner” he said while shaking his finger at her.

  “Hey, last I checked I was a Captain and you were a Commander.”

  “Yeah yeah yeah. I’m still in charge of this tub so you just watch it.”

  He waved a crewman over. “Will you show Captain James and her team to their quarters?”

  The crewman gave him a crisp salute in rely. “If you all will follow me” he said.

  Alicia waved to Delaney. “See you on the flight deck in a bit?”

  “Can’t wait Captain.”

  When they were out of the hangar and in the corridor the soldiers with her started laughing. “Someone has a new boyfriend” Stanwick joked.

  “Oh shut up” Alicia said while shoving him away.

  “Hey, we’ve seen how you two flirt” Perkins chimed in.

  “Don’t worry cap” Said Greene, “We don’t blame you. Besides, that Crewman Jones is pretty cute. Thinking about aski
ng her for a personal tour of the ship.”

  “Yeah, you can keep thinking, but I saw her first” said Watkins.

  “You boys can argue all you want but I outrank you both” Perkins said.

  Alicia just rolled her eyes and was grateful that they were off of her case. Dr. Simons looked around at the arguing soldiers.

  “Are they always like this?”

  “Oh yeah Doc, every soldier I’ve ever met was like this. It keeps the boredom away. Sometimes it keeps the terror away.”

  “Oh! So it’s a psychological release. We studied things like that in my undergrad.”

  “Something like that Doc” Alicia said with a smile.

  “These are your quarters” their guide cut in. “We’ve placed you all in the same section. If you need anything feel free to call.”

  Alicia thanked him and walked into her new quarters. As an officer she rated a single as did Doctor Simons. The others were bunking two to a room.

  Inside were more steel gray bulkheads. The only color in the room was the green of several potted plants. She threw her bag on the bed. Unzipping it she pulled out two small pictures and taped them to the wall. The first was an older couple posing, all smiles and comfortable embraces like most couples who have been together for years. The second was of a young girl with blonde hair in pigtails flying a kite.


  The holo-imager showed the Morrigan orbiting Mars. Alicia shook her head again when she saw it. Her team stood around her and all but Watkins were staring open mouthed around them at the flight deck. Doctor Simons stood next to the holo-imager staring intently at the minute details of the image.

  “Incredible” he said to no one.

  “I take it that he is impressed” Delaney said from over her shoulder.

  She nodded. “Looks like. We ready to get underway?”

  “Near about. Excited?”

  Her heart was pounding and she could feel excitement coursing through her. “Maybe a little.”

  “Just a little?”

  She held her fingers a half inch apart. “Just a little.”

  “Ok then. Systems check” he called out.

  “All systems report green across the board” Crewman Jones responded.

  “Very well. Lay in course for Earth command.”

  “Sub light or jump sir?”

  He shook his head. “I don’t think we’re prepared to attempt another jump just yet. No telling where we’d end up. Sub light, best possible speed.”

  “Aye sir.”

  Alicia leaned over to ask “how long will it take us at that speed.”

  “About two and a half weeks” Delaney replied. “At least that will give us plenty of time to sort everything out onboard ship.”

  “Well, if we have nothing but time how about you show me some more of your ship later Commander?”

  “I’d love to. How about I pick you up at O six hundred?”

  “Sounds like a plan.”


  O five thirty found Alicia staring into her mirror wondering what to do with herself. “No hair to fix” she mused out loud. “At least I brought a little bit of makeup.”

  Unfortunately she wasn’t sure how dressed up to get. Well, as dressed up as one could get in a flight suit. She had already put on makeup and then washed it back off once. Now she was applying more as lightly as she could make it. “Why do I feel giddy” she asked her reflection. Too bad the mirror didn’t have any answers for her. When the door chime beeped her heart kicked into overdrive. She gripped the sink and took three deep breaths. By the time she opened the hatch she had her game face on.

  “Good evening Commander” she said with a smile.

  “Captain. Are you ready?”

  “Absolutely. Where to first?”

  “I thought we’d start with the atrium” he replied.

  “Isn’t that where you first captured us? I’ve kinda already seen that place.”

  It was his turn to smile. “You haven’t seen anything yet. Come on.”

  They walked through the double hatch into the atrium. Despite having seen it before she still gasped at the sight. “It’s just so green. It’s weird to see so much plant life in space.”

  “Not as weird as you think. Everything has a purpose. We grow fruits and vegetables to help with food stores. The trees and moss help replenish our oxygen. You might have noticed all the plants in your room.”

  “Yeah, I wondered what was up with that.”

  “Every room has several plants, everything from peace lilies to small rubber trees. It’s each crewmember’s responsibility to keep up with them. We even have a small botany staff on board to tend to this atrium and the hydroponic bays.”

  “There can’t be enough to support everyone on board though” Alicia interjected.

  “No, but they help take some of the load off of the atmospheric systems. And they have a certain psychological effect. They’re very calming.”

  She looked around again. “I can see how that might be important on a long term mission.”

  “Oh, just watch.” He walked over to a control panel on the wall and hit a button. The roof began to retract. Alicia gasped and turned to run.

  Delaney laughed. “Relax. We’re still enclosed. That is a clear polymer. Just have a seat and enjoy the stars.”

  She followed him over to a bench and sat down absentmindedly. She couldn’t tear her eyes away from the sight over her head.

  “It’s beautiful.”

  They sat that way for close to an hour before a call came from the flight deck. “Commander Delaney?”

  Delaney sighed and touched his watch. “Delaney, what is it?”

  “We’ve got something up here that you need to see.”

  “I’ll be right there.” He turned back to Alicia. “Sorry Captain, we’re going to have to cut this short I’m afraid. Duty calls.”

  “It’s fine. Mind if I join you?”

  He smiled and offered a hand to help her up.


  The first thing she looked for when they stepped onto the flight deck was the holo-imager. Anything that was happening would be represented there. All that was projected however was a swarm of black specks.

  “What is that” she asked.

  Jones glanced to Delaney and at his nod answered her. “It’s debris ma’am.”

  “Debris? Debris from what?”

  “We suspect it is debris from a force of at least two dozen Sol Confederation ships.”

  Alicia gasped. “What could destroy two dozen ships like the Morrigan?”

  Delaney shook his head. “God knows. Let’s see if we can collect some of that debris for further study.”

  She shook her head again. Her mind spun while she tried to imagine what must have happened. From the way Delaney was rubbing his chin and staring at the imager he was likely wondering the same thing.

  Several hours later a technician came to the flight deck to report. Delaney wasted no time on formalities. Taking the tech by the arm he led him to the captain’s ready room. Alicia wasn’t invited but she followed anyway.

  “Report” Delaney said abruptly.

  “The debris shows signs of high yield energy weapons as well as heightened radiation levels possibly from nukes. Carbon dating reveals that this particular battle took place over five hundred years ago.”

  “Anything else?”

  “Yes sir. Roughly ten percent of the debris was found to have a non-terrestrial origin.”

  Alicia and Delaney exchanged a glance. “Non-terrestrial” she asked.

  He shook his head. “Whoever attacked us at the edge of the system must not have been from around here. At least we apparently got some licks in before they wiped us out.”

  He looked back at the technician. “Have we recovered any fragments large enough to give us any signs of their tech?”

  “None yet I’m afraid and we are rapidly pulling away from the area.”

  “I suspect we’ll have more opportunity to ex
amine debris before this is all over.”

  He dismissed the tech. When he was gone Delaney sat back in his seat and rubbed his eyes. Alicia resisted the urge to reach out and touch him.


  The image on the holo-imager showed a revolving planet painted in blue and green. As they grew closer it was constantly updating with finer and finer details. Alicia, however, watched the crew more than she watched the image. As the image refined faces began to frown and mouths fell open.

  “What am I looking at” Delaney asked.

  Jones tried to speak several times before the words came out. “It looks like signs of multiple nuclear strikes as well as” her voice broke for a moment, “as well as massive strip mines on every continent.”

  Alicia could see Delaney’s hands ball into fists by his side. “How is the background radiation level?”

  Jones checked her readouts again. “Tolerable. Whoever nuked the planet must have spent some time and energy cleaning it up; likely to facilitate mining operations.”

  “Very well then” Delaney replied. “Prepare a landing party. Someone has ransacked our house and I want to find out who it was.”

  About the Author

  Stewart Felkel lives in Sterlington, La with his beautiful wife and their three fur babies. He has been a band director, music minister and optician. His hobbies include an eclectic mix of things such as boxing, archery, bow making, medieval combat and writing. For freebies, news of upcoming works and the occasional book review check out his website




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