When You're Mine (The Gallaghers)
Page 15
"I am happy like this, not being tied down to a woman, being free to do whatever I want, but you've always been different. I'm glad you're embracing it." He fist-pumped in the air. "Don't worry. I'll hold the fort down here while you're in D.C, and you're not needed at the meeting tonight. It was more to please your OCD tendencies."
I cocked a brow at him. "I just like to know what's going on."
"Yeah, I know. We all do, but we'll keep you informed. I also want a thorough report of D.C."
It was my turn to laugh. "Who's the one with OCD now?"
Ian shrugged. "We are related, after all. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree and all that."
That was true. Our parents were like that too.
I stood up.
"Thanks. I’ll let you know how things go in D.C. Talk to you tomorrow."
"Have a great trip."
I left my office and headed straight to Mel's apartment. I was supposed to pick her up later, but I couldn’t wait. She was on her balcony sipping what looked to be orange juice from a glass. She had her earbuds in. I was betting she was listening to one of her steamy audiobooks. I didn't want to go up the stairs and ring the bell because she might not hear me. Walking around, I found some cones from a fir tree and threw one on her balcony. She was startled, looking around, in the wrong direction, up in the air. I threw another one. It landed right next to her. She lowered her gaze and smiled brightly.
"Dylan, oh my God. Did I lose track of time? " she said, taking out one earbud.
"No, I'm here early. I want to spend more than just the evening with you."
Her smile widened even more. "Come on up. I'm going inside to unlock the door."
I headed up the stairs, taking two at a time. Her door was already open when I reached her floor, and I went inside.
"I was drinking pineapple and orange juice."
"Too early for wine?" I asked.
She laughed. "Exactly." She still had one earbud in.
"Want to finish listening to your chapter?" I asked.
She blushed. "How do you know I'm listening to an audiobook?"
"It was an educated guess, but judging by your blush, I'm right, huh?"
"Yes, you are."
"Another steamy one?"
"Okay, then. I don't want to get between you and your audiobooks."
She grinned, taking out the second earbud as well. "I accept an interruption if you give me a steamy hot kiss."
I sealed my mouth to hers the next second. She tasted like oranges and pineapple, and I couldn't get enough. I pinned her against a wall with my hips, keeping my hands firmly on her waist, but skimmed my thumbs on the underside of her breasts. I wanted to memorize every second of the kiss. I wasn't going to see her for two full weeks. Damn, I missed her already.
She stumbled back when we paused for air, eyes still closed.
"Hm. Now, that is what I call a steamy kiss." She blinked her eyes open. "What do you want to do?"
"Well, we have reservations for a restaurant, but not until seven thirty. We can see another place on your list if you want to.”
"Oh, my list. You do like going through it, don't you?"
"I like spending time with you, Mel, whatever we do."
"You're such a flirt."
We went out on her balcony. I sat on the chair and lowered Mel on my lap. Good enough for me. I looked over her arm as she opened the note on her phone where she had the list of New York attractions she still wanted to see. "Hey, have you ever been to the One World Observatory?" she asked me.
"I haven't. I haven't been to 90 percent of the locations on your list. I’ve heard of it. The photos look great.”
“They even have a restaurant in the building." She tapped her phone, scrolling quickly. "That would be awesome, but it's probably all booked."
I kissed her arm. "I can pull some strings and get us in tonight."
She looked at me, eyes narrowed. "Really? Are you trying to impress me, Dylan? Not that I don't appreciate your efforts, but I'm going to admit that I'm already impressed with you."
"If you want to have dinner there, we'll have dinner there. Simple as that. I'll make it happen."
She grinned, kissing one corner of my mouth. "Okay, then I'll go get ready, and you try to get us in. If you manage, then that's okay. If not, you have those other reservations anyway."
"I will get us in," I promised. She wiggled her eyebrows, plugging in one earbud. “Want to give me one of those earbuds? You make me curious about them.”
Her cheeks turned so red that I couldn’t help laughing.
“Ummm, no. My steamy audiobooks are for my ears alone.”
“Duly noted.”
The One World Observatory reminded me of the Empire State Building, only it was newer. It was all glass and steel, and we were on the viewing platform on the 27th floor. It had a 360-degree view through the enormous windows. There were many people, though I'd expected even more considering it was high season for tourists. I liked exploring the city with her. Spending time with Mel had become one of my favorite things, no matter what we were doing. She lit up something inside me.
I liked having her in my condo, finding her clothes and toiletries in random places. I’d never felt so close to anyone in my life, not even Lina. Actually, it wasn’t fair to compare the two in any way.
“The city looks so different from up here,” Mel said. “I love that the viewing platform isn’t open like at the Empire State Building. Those are so windy.”
“Ready to go to the restaurant? Our reservation is in five minutes.”
“Sure.” Putting an arm around her shoulders, I kissed the side of her head, leading her up to ONE Dine.
A hostess greeted us, checking the ledger for my name.
“Your table will be ready right away. I’m going to check if everything’s okay. I’ll be right back.”
Mel smiled. “I can’t believe you pulled that off.”
“I told you I’d get it.” I bit her shoulder lightly.
She swatted me away, so I went for her neck, in a spot I’d discovered she was ticklish. Mel let out a burst of snort-like laughter before covering her mouth with one hand. I laughed, and she immediately snorted again.
“Oh my God. Stop laughing at me,” she whispered between guffaws. “It’s only making me laugh harder.”
I buried my mouth in her neck, laughing against her skin.
The hostess came back, and I straightened up, trying to school my features. Mel was red in the face. The hostess glanced between us with a surprised look.
“Your table is ready. Are you?”
“Yes,” I said, and Mel chuckled.
The tables were crowded, but she led us to the one in the very back where we were next to the window. There were no tables around us for two feet, which was a damn miracle.
"This is our best table," the waitress said proudly.
"Thank you," I replied.
We sat down, and I noticed Mel was still red in the cheeks.
“I love your blush.”
She nudged my leg under the table. “It’s all your doing.”
“Even better. I plan to do it a lot more later. I love seeing you blush. And not necessarily from laughing.”
“Oh my God. You cannot dirty talk in public.”
“I can, but then we’d have to leave right away and skip dinner.”
Her cheeks turned a deeper shade of red. “So confident.”
“Am I wrong?”
“No, but just saying, I’m dangerous on an empty stomach.”
“That’s why I’m saving the dirty talk for later.”
A waiter approached us with menus, and Mel immediately started reading it, as if afraid I might change my mind and not wait at all. She ordered a veggie burger, and I went for the braised short rib. The waiter recommended red wine. He brought it from the nearby rack.
“Oh, Dad messaged me. I’ll reply really quick,” Mel said while the waiter poured us each a glass
Once we were alone, she slipped the phone back in her purse, smiling at me. Was it my imagination, or did she seem nervous? She kept her hands under the table, moving them as if she kept tugging at her white dress.
"What's your schedule in D.C going to be like?" Mel asked, fiddling with her fingers on the stem of the glass.
"Honestly, I don't know. I'm going to be at the client's and see how they're moving forward and where they’re having problems, primarily with implementation, so we’ll see how it goes."
"But it's software. Can't you do it remotely or something?"
"I could. That’s how we work with all our clients that aren’t New York based. It works well, but when our clients run into trouble, they appreciate the personal visit. They feel more looked after if we're there in person."
It wasn't my imagination. She was nervous.
"Mel? What's up? Is something wrong with your dad?”
“No. Why?”
“You seem nervous all of a sudden.”
She took a sip from her drink, then said, "While there, will you be seeing people?"
I frowned. "You mean clients?"
"No. I mean friends and other women... women friends."
I jerked my head back. "You think I'm going to date someone else?"
She looked down at the table. "I don't know. I mean, we've never talked about this."
"Mel," I said sharply. "You're mine, and I'm yours. And I know we didn't plan it this way, but I wouldn't change one fucking thing. Unless you don't want it?" I asked. My spine stiffened at the mere possibility. Had she brought this up because she didn’t want us to be exclusive?
"I do. I just didn’t know what you wanted.”
“You. I want you. That’s all I know.” I reached over the table, covering her hand with mine. "How do you feel when we’re?" I asked her point-blank. Her eyes widened.
"I'm happy," she said simply. "I'm so, so happy, and I'm always looking forward to the next time we're together. I’m sorry. That was silly of me.”
“No it wasn’t. I’m glad we talked about it. Always tell me what’s on your mind, okay?”
“You sure about that? Because I have some dangerous thoughts right now.”
“Tell me.”
She glanced around, then back at me, shaking her head. “No, no. Dinner first.”
I leaned across the table, dropping my voice a bit. “Time for dirty talk?”
She stroked my leg under the table. I had no idea how she could turn me on so fast, but suddenly all I wanted was to be alone with her. No matter how much time I spent with her, I always wanted more.
“No, no,” she said playfully, still stroking my leg.
“This was a bad idea. Should’ve ordered something in.”
“I thought you liked exploring the city with me.”
“I like exploring you even more.”
She sucked in a breath. “Dylan! Stop right there. That flirty tone is a one-way street to dirty talk.”
“Fine. I’ll wait until after dinner. But then we play by my rules, Mel.”
After dinner, we decided to spend the night at my place. My flight was early in the morning, and I wanted to enjoy as much time as possible with Mel.
“I believe you can start Operation Flirty, Dylan,” she said the second we were inside the apartment.
I kissed the side of her neck, biting her lightly as I did at the restaurant. I couldn't wait to get her naked. I wanted to show her exactly how deep under my skin she'd gotten, how important she was to me. I wanted to touch her right now. I needed it.
When she bent at the waist to take off her shoes, her hair fell sideways, revealing the back of her neck. I pulled at the bow that was holding her dress together. She straightened up abruptly, and the dress fell under her chest. She turned around, wiggling her shoulders. She was wearing a strapless bra. Reaching to her side, she lowered the zipper slowly, torturing me. The dress fell to the floor. She was in lingerie only now. Her panties were black lace. She turned, and I had a sideways view of her ass as she bent to undo the clasp around her ankles. Fuck, she was sexy.
"I want to do it." I took my time, kissing her thighs, her lower belly, stroking my thumbs up to her ankles before undoing the clasp. Her back arched to push her pelvis slightly into me. After she took her shoes off, I kissed up her body, capturing her mouth. I wanted this woman in a way I never wanted anything else. She laced her arms around my neck. I walked her backward toward the living room. Everything was dark. She stumbled when we stepped on the carpet, and we both burst out laughing.
I put a hand on her waist, steadying her. "Come on. This way." I led her to the bedroom. My cock was pulsing in my jeans almost painfully. I turned on the light on the bedside table. She smiled, touching one of the four posters again.
"This four-poster thing is beyond sexy," she said. She sat on the mattress, making a come-hither motion with her finger. I stopped right in front of her and made to undo the buttons of my shirt, but she slapped my hand before swatting it away. "I'm running the show tonight," she informed me.
I held up my hands in the air. "By all means, do whatever you want with me."
She took off my belt slowly and then started unbuttoning my shirt. She started making her way up to my chest. As soon as all the buttons were open, I took it off, dropping it to the floor. She cocked an eyebrow.
"My show, remember?" she said.
"For now.”
She touched my cock over my jeans. I groaned, pushing my hips forward.
"Fuck. Touch me, Mel. Touch me."
She undid the button of my jeans and the zipper, pushing them down at the same time as my boxers. Before I could even draw in a breath, she took me in her mouth.
"Fuck." I touched her back. It took every ounce of self-restraint not to want to push myself even deeper. I wanted her to take me in at her own pace, as much as she wanted. The feeling was insanely good.
She moved her mouth up and down, wrapping one hand at the base, where she couldn't take me in any more. I dropped my head back, just giving in to the wave of pleasure.
"Babe, this is so good," I said. I kept touching her shoulders, her back, unclasping her bra, and then cupping both her breasts with my hands. I needed to touch her. I was so fucking close to losing it.
Straightening, she looked up at me. A satisfied smile played on her lips.
"I need to be inside you, baby," I said. I opened the drawer of the nightstand, taking out a condom and rolling it on.
"I soaked my panties through," she informed me, taking those off too, slowly, seductively. She parted her legs wide, pushing herself back farther on the bed. I leaned on one knee, pressing two fingers on her clit before sliding them inside and curling them. She bucked her hips, crying out my name.
"Dylan!" she exclaimed sharply as her eyes pinched closed.
I wanted to bring her pleasure and see her on the edge, just as I was. I’d give her so much pleasure tonight that it would last her until I was back. I wanted her to spend every night thinking about me, feeling me inside her as if I'd never left, as if I was still by her side. I pushed her thighs wider apart, putting a pillow underneath her ass until she was at the right angle. I slid in fast, thrusting all the way in.
She cried out, pushing herself up on an elbow, bringing her hand to her clit.
"Fuck," she murmured, touching herself, and the sight blew me away. I moved in and out, alternating between a slow pace and a fast one. When I felt her tighten so much that I knew she was close, I stilled. She kept moving her hand over her clit. I wanted to feel her come like this. She exploded beautifully. There was no sight better than Mel claiming her pleasure. I held her in my arms, watching her thrash around and grow even tighter around me.
This was insanely good, and I wasn't even moving at all. But she was squeezing me so tight that I was nearing the edge myself. I stood stock-still until she calmed down, blinking her eyes open. I smiled, lying down and pulling her on to
p of me. She gasped, moving her hips.
I loved that she was so responsive to what I did to her. She was still tight and deliciously wet, and I couldn't get enough of her. I propped myself on my elbows, bending my legs so she tilted toward me. She put her palms on my chest for balance, moving up and down on my cock. We were both moving fast, desperate.
I pushed myself up enough that I could claim her mouth. I wanted to taste her lips, capture her pleasure, and make her come again. She didn't last long, and watching her fall apart on top of me was insanely sexy. She lost her balance and almost fell sideways. I steadied her, keeping her where I wanted her, until I gave in to my orgasm too. My entire body shook. My legs spasmed. I didn't know if I widened inside her or she grew even tighter or both, but I could barely breathe from the intensity of the climax.
I fell back on the bed, completely spent, eyes closed as the aftershocks claimed my body. A few minutes later, I opened my eyes, slowly coming back to my senses. She was still sitting on me, smiling. I pushed myself up on my hands, kissing her right breast and then the left one before claiming her mouth. I was holding her close. She covered my cheeks and ears with her hands as she tilted her head, kissing me.
"I'm going to miss you," she said.
"I'm going to miss you too, Mel. I want us to go somewhere after I get back, just the two of us. Maybe Martha's Vineyard."
I felt her smile against my lips. She pulled back a notch. Her eyes were wide and full of surprise.
"I'll go wherever you want. Already looking forward to it."
“You’ll love it.”
“Oh really? Why?”
“Can’t give it all away before we’re even there,” I replied.
She looked at me with narrowed eyes. “Mysterious, are we? Let’s see if I can seduce you into fessing up.”
“You’re welcome to try.” With a grin, I tackled her to one side before climbing on top. I had a great plan for our trip, and I wasn’t going to reveal any part of it.
Chapter Twenty-two
The next morning, I already had Dylan withdrawals, and he’d only been gone for two hours. It was ridiculous—I didn’t see him every night, even when he was in the city—but knowing he was away made me feel this hollowness in my chest.