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A Mayhaw Christmas

Page 8

by Charlotte Boyett-Compo

  “Let’s see if I remember how to do this,” she said. She sat up, turned toward him so she could unbutton his jeans and run the zipper down. Her frown when his shaft leapt free of the garment made him tense.

  “What?” he asked.

  “Where is your underwear, Drew?” she queried.

  “In my dresser drawer?” he countered.

  She shook her head with what he suspected was exasperation then wrapped her fingers around his straining cock. Before he could take another breath she leaned down to take him into her mouth.

  “Sweet Mother Mary, woman,” he exclaimed with a hiss as she grazed the coronal ridge with her teeth. He reached up to take hold of the upright brass posts of the headboard and wrapped his fingers around two of them while he dug his heels into the coverlet. She hummed and the vibratory sound traveled straight to his balls. They tightened and he pulled hard on the brass posts.

  Her mouth was wet and warm and her tongue slid so enticingly over his flesh as she drew upon him. As she swirled that talented muscle over and around the head of his cock before she relaxed her throat and took him deep, he had to bite his lip to keep from coming. He wanted it to last. The sensation she was eliciting was a glorious torment he could endure forever. When she slid her hand inside his jeans to cup his sac, he groaned so loudly she pulled her mouth from him.

  “Did I hurt you?” she asked, her lovely face filled with concern.

  “No, baby,” he whimpered. “No.”

  With a knowing smile, she put her hands on the waistband of his pants and began drawing them down his legs. He hiked his ass from the mattress to accommodate her desire to have him naked and available.


  And ready.

  His clothing off, she removed her own then slid her sweet body over his—her legs between his and his rigid cock pressing against her belly.

  “You know what?” she asked, smoothing the hair back from his forehead.

  “What?” he asked in a husky voice as he wrapped his arms around her.

  “I happen to be very much in love with my husband.”

  He smiled. “That’s good because he’s the only one you’re ever gonna have.”


  “Yeah,” he said with a slow nod.

  “Thank you for clarifying that for me,” she replied.

  “You are welcome, ma’am,” he said before flipping her over to lie beneath him. He grinned at her as she clamped her hands to his ass. “You want that, do you?”

  She shrugged. “I can take it or leave it.”

  He arched a brow and puckered his lips to let her know she’d scored a direct hit to his male ego. Rolling slightly to one side, he lifted his leg to insinuate one knee between her thighs then rolled the other way to bring the other knee into play. Gently he nudged her legs apart to seat himself securely within the valley. He rocked against her.

  “I like that,” she said, her hands still on his butt.

  “Do you, now?” he asked. He lowered his head to place his lips on her shoulder. He took a light nip. “How ’bout that?”

  “Better than a sharp stick in the eye,” she replied.

  He bit her shoulder gently then scooted down a little so he could trail kisses over the tops of her breasts before sliding down a tad more to flick his tongue across one nipple. She wiggled beneath him and he closed his teeth over the hardening little nub.

  “I’ll give you an hour to stop that,” she said breathlessly.

  He returned the favor of her hum over his cock by growling around her nipple. That action caused her to dig her fingernails into his ass. He chuckled and began to suck hard on the nubbin.

  “You bad boy,” she said.

  “I’m hungry,” he mumbled against her.

  “I can think of something even better for you to eat,” she replied.

  He lifted his head. “I can, too,” he whispered then pushed himself toward the foot of the bed until his face was even with her crotch. He winked at her then put his mouth to her.

  Her fingers threaded through his hair to hold him to her as he plied his tongue along her warm creases then plunged it between the nether lips. He felt—rather than saw—her arch her head upon the pillow as he swirled his tongue inside her then flicked it against her clit. She lifted her hips and began to pant. From experience, he knew it wouldn’t take him long to make her come like this. She was sensitive where he was stroking. He had to time it just right for he wanted his cock inside her when her sweet little clinches began.

  She must have been thinking the same thought for she tugged on his hair.

  “Now, Highwayman. Now.”

  He shimmied up her, took hold of his cock and pressed into her hot sheath. With her fingers now digging into his shoulders instead of his ass, she raised her legs, wrapped them securely around him and began to meet him thrust for thrust.

  Gliding in and out of his woman, feeling her welcoming him, wanting him, loving him, Drew felt tears gathering in his eyes. He had never expected to have this happiness in his life. To have someone love him so deeply and without restraint. Her sweet body was his haven against all the things that had ever hurt him in his lifetime. Her love was the healing balm that made him whole. She was the sanctuary that had kept him sane and now sustained him.

  “I love you,” he told her just as the first ripple of release undulated through her precious body.

  “I love you more,” she said then gave that sexy little purring trill that told him she was experiencing great pleasure.

  He knew it wasn’t possible for her to love him more than he loved her but he didn’t say it. Couldn’t say it for his climax shot over him like wildfire and he poured himself into her.

  Into the woman whose love was everything to him.


  After dropping Early, Bea, and their brood off at the Rawls’ homestead, Drew took his time over the gravel pathway between his and Early’s place. The twins were strapped in their car seats and carrying on a strange little conversation he wished with all his heart he could be privy to. Their chattering made him smile but it—or maybe it had been his strenuous lovemaking—had put Allison to sleep. She was leaning against the window, gently snoring.

  “Oooomuh phoo too,” Bailey said.

  “Woggie woggie woggie,” Avery replied.

  “Soop soop?” Bailey inquired.

  “Woggie woggie woggie,” was her brother’s firm answer. He punctuated it with a pump of his pudgy arm.

  “Da,” Bailey said clearly and Drew nearly ran the car off the road. He braked as gently as he could then turned around to stare wide-eyed at his daughter. Bailey was grinning at him in the dark.

  “Da?” he said. “Did you say Da?”

  Bailey waved her little hands and grinned some more.

  “Woggie woggie woggie,” Avery said sternly then screwed his face up.

  Drew knew what that meant. The boy was filling his diaper again.

  “Can you say Dada, Bailey?” he coaxed his daughter. “Can you say Dada?”

  “Da,” Bailey compromised.

  “Woggie! Woggie! Woggie!” Avery yelled.

  He reached out to shake Allison. “Allison. Allison, wake up.”

  Allison straightened in the seat and turned a puzzled face to him. “What?”

  “She said Da,” he told her. “My daughter said Da.”

  “She’s been saying it for a couple of days,” she said then yawned.

  “Why didn’t you…?”

  “Woggie!” Avery screeched then began to wail as a strong stink wafted through the car.

  In sympathy to whatever was ailing her brother, Bailey did the same. Her shrill cry was louder than her twin’s.

  “Now, look what you’ve done,” Allison accused.

  He flinched at the shrieking babies then turned back around. “She said Da,” he grumbled to himself, his heart about to burst out of his chest.

  Once he’d parked under the carport behind the cabin, he had a headache from t
he crying. Avery was doing his best to make his shrieks louder than his sister’s. Bailey, on the other hand, was still reigning champion. By the time her mother opened the back door and reached in to unbuckle her, the baby girl was doing her best to break all the windows with her wails.

  Both babies were keening like banshees as Drew and Allison carried them up the back porch. Drew had to juggle a bouncing baby boy and the keys in order to open the door.

  “Give it a rest, little man,” he pleaded with his son, but Avery was having none of that. He was intent on waking the entire population of Early County.

  As he opened the door, Sarge the cat and Scout the lanky doggie ran past him and out into the night. Scout barked then began chasing something no one but he could see.

  “He’s going to need a bath,” Allison said of the struggling baby in Drew’s arms.

  “What he needs is a cork,” Drew grumbled. “Or a liquid diet.”

  As they were walking through the kitchen, Allison stopped then turned to him. “Let’s light the tree now.”

  “With him stinking like this?” he asked. “Allison, no. Let’s…”

  “I want to light the tree,” she said. She continued on into the living room and to the wide bay window in which the big spruce tree sat laden with ornaments.

  He sighed and followed her.

  As though she knew something important—and entertaining—was about to happen, Bailey cut off in mid-skirl. She stuck her thumb in her little mouth and leaned around her mother to look at her father.

  Avery, on the other hand, continued wailing as though he was the most miserable child that had ever lolled upon the earth.

  “Enough already, son,” Drew said. He went over to Allison. “Here.”

  He handed his son off to her then marched over to the tree. Bending down, he grabbed the cord and pushed the prongs into the wall socket. The moment the lights blinked on, Avery stopped crying and there was a soft gasp from his sister.

  “Woogie,” Avery said quietly.

  “Soop,” his sister agreed.

  There were bubble lights on the tree and it would take a moment for the liquid inside to begin moving, but Drew wanted his children to watch the magic happen. He took Bailey from her mother—smirking at his wife as she continued to hold the stinky twin—and took her to the tree.

  “No, no. Don’t touch,” he said softly, taking hold of Bailey’s inquisitive little hand as she reached for one of the twinkling lights. “Look here.” He pointed to one of the bubble lights. “Watch what happens.”

  He knew his little girl was too young to understand but she seemed to intuit what he wanted her to see and stared intently at the green and white light made in the shape of a candle. As the first bubble appeared, she squirmed up and down in her daddy’s arms and giggled.

  Allison had moved close to the tree, as well, and reached out to put her hand on another bubble light. The moment she touched it, the liquid began to bubble. Avery grunted.

  “Woogie. Woogie. Woogie,” he said with approval but—unlike his sister—made no attempt to touch the light. Neither did he squirm up and down.

  Which was probably just as well, Drew thought as he caught a whiff of the present his son had left in his diaper.

  “Silent night,” Allison began to sing, drawing his attention. “Holy night.”

  He joined in.

  “All is calm. All is bright.”

  They sang the song to their children but the words were as much for one another as they were for the products of their wondrous love.

  All was calm in their lives.

  All was bright.

  Tonight—and every night—the four of them would sleep in heavenly peace.

  It was a peace Drew had paid dearly to have and it was a peace only Allison had been able to give him.


  Charlee, as she is known to her readers, is the author of 100 novels, the first ten of which are the WindLegend Saga. She was married 43 years to her high school sweetheart, Tom, until his untimely death in April 2009. She is the mother of two grown sons, Pete and Mike, and the proud grandmother of Preston Alexander and Victoria Ashley and the giddy great-grandmother of Amber Dawn.

  A native of Sarasota, Florida, Charlee was adopted at birth and grew up in Colquitt and Albany, Georgia. She says of her heritage: “I was born in Florida and raised in Georgia, so that makes me an official Sunshine Cracker!” She now lives in the Midwest where she enjoys the changing of the seasons.

  Her hobbies are reading, writing, and quietly communing with her beloved husband, Buddha Belly, as he guides her gently from somewhere beyond the here and now. She is owned and operated by seven cats who only allow her to leave the house for catnip, kitty kibble, and clumping kitty litter.

  She loves to watch *ANYTHING* in which Allan Hawco, Michael Trucco, Victor Webster, or Chris Vance have starred, and patterns her heroes after these fine actors as her tribute to the many hours of enjoyment they have given her.

  She collects statues of the Grim Reaper, Anubis, gargoyles, and windchimes. One of her prized possessions is a Grim Reaper windchime sent to her by a fan from England.

  Her signature Reaper novels have a huge loyal following and currently she is at work on a new dark fantasy set in Australia.

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