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Inherited for the Royal Bed

Page 13

by Annie West

  Surely she was as eager as he to be alone together?

  As if reading his carefully camouflaged discontent she’d admitted she’d prefer to return early, but she’d given her word to be there for the dancing.

  Sayid was torn between annoyance and admiration at her determination to keep her word.

  Which was how he found himself, as the sun set, guest of honour at festivities on the edge of the desert. City dwellers though they were, these families kept the Halarqi custom of marking major events outdoors.

  It had been a long time since Sayid attended such a celebration. That explained his interest in the dancers. Yet it was hard not to stare at the one wearing an indigo dress with crimson and silver ornamentation.

  Every dip and sway of Lina’s body reminded him of how she responded to the thrust of his own when he took her. The spiralling, delicate movements of her fluttering hands and slim arms recalled the feel of her fingers raking his scalp, as she hugged him tight. The supple, whirling movements, almost balletic in their precision, made him recall in heated detail her passionate physicality.

  Lina was no shrinking violet in bed. She was exuberant and responsive. She never denied him and was gratifyingly enthusiastic as he expanded her sexual experience.

  They were an excellent match.

  Heat speared his lower body as her eyes caught his. The silver collar around her throat shifted as she turned and Sayid caught a hint of redness at the base of her neck.

  Stubble rash. He’d forgotten to shave last night and this morning she’d borne evidence of his caresses across her neck, breasts and lower.

  Seeing the marks of his passion stirred guilt.

  And a disquieting possessiveness.

  As if he wanted to brand her publicly, announcing his ownership so no other man would dare look at her the way they did now—avid and enthusiastic.

  Sayid hated the unfamiliar sense of powerlessness he experienced, unable to claim her as his, to stop others salivating over her. He could proclaim her his mistress but for her sake he didn’t.

  ‘Your Highness?’ He turned to find his host bowing low. ‘Would it please you to see the archery?’

  Sayid wanted to stay here, watching Lina. Which was why he instantly got to his feet. He was not and never had been the sort of man to sigh over a woman.

  ‘I’d be delighted. And are those preparations for a riding display too?’

  He turned away from the dancing, ignoring an internal pang of protest. He refused to behave like a smitten teenager who had eyes for no one but his girl. Yet walking away was far harder than anything else he’d done all day.

  * * *

  ‘Isn’t he spectacular?’ The girl next to her sighed. ‘I wish my parents could find me a man like that to marry.’

  Lina’s chest tightened, squeezing her lungs, or was it her heart? It had to be from the exertion of the dance. It was nothing to do with the idea of Sayid as a bridegroom, about to marry some eager young woman.

  For it was Sayid they watched.

  They’d seen the end of the archery contest, drawn by the gasps and applause of the crowd. To Lina’s surprise Sayid had wielded a powerful bow as easily as she did a needle and thread. To the crowd’s delight, and hers, he’d only been beaten by a single shot in the last round. The winner turned out to be the state champion but it was their Emir who the crowd applauded.

  Now, rather than retiring to the seat provided for him, Sayid joined some of the other men in a display of horsemanship.

  Of course he rode. He had the heavily muscled thighs of a horseman and the strong, clever hands.

  Though to say he rode didn’t do him justice. Lina’s gaze was riveted as he completed a circuit of the field. Deftly he wove through obstacles as easily as if he and the horse were one, then used a traditional horseman’s lance to capture a flaming hoop two others had failed to snatch.

  Around them the crowd roared and the girl beside her sighed and clapped.

  ‘Oh, isn’t he wonderful? Wouldn’t you like a man just like that?’

  Lina’s instant agreement died in her throat, pain settling like a boulder, crushing her insides. For she wanted it too much. Not just any man, and not simply because he was athletic and impressive, but because he was Sayid.

  She wanted him. Badly.

  For five days she’d been his secret lover and the desire for him had grown, not lessened.

  But it wasn’t just desire, was it?

  Lina wanted more, so much more. The idea of him performing these feats one day at his wedding celebration to some sophisticated woman of his own class made her nauseous. She grimaced, tasting the ashes of stupid, impossible dreams on her tongue.

  Stoically she told herself that whatever the future held, she’d wish Sayid well—a happy marriage to a loving wife and the blessing of children.

  The thought stirred a savage jab of pain right through her ribs and she stiffened, breathing through the ache.

  ‘He’s certainly memorable,’ she murmured eventually.

  ‘And to think you see him all the time. How lucky you are.’

  Silently Lina nodded, her eyes still on Sayid. Lucky didn’t begin to describe it. What were the chances a man like Sayid would ever be interested in someone like her? Their week together was an amazing, glorious experience and she intended to hoard the memory of it close through the long, lonely time ahead.

  Now he drew the horse up amongst the other riders, a grin splitting his proud features as they chatted. This was another side to Sayid and he fascinated her. Not the passionate, generous lover who gave her delight beyond anything she’d imagined. Not the serious, guarded ruler with the weight of a nation on his shoulders, but a man of vibrant energy and good humour. A man other men respected as one of their own, not simply because he was their Emir.

  Lina swallowed hard. Sayid was charismatic in a way that had little to do with his royal position. It was no wonder she was...a little blinded by him. Her feelings were strong, of course, but when their week was over and she left, surely that dazzle would dim and she’d learn to refocus on other things.

  She had to believe it.

  * * *

  Hours later Lina paused in a fragrant palace courtyard on the way back to her room, her mind full of Sayid.

  Though they’d travelled back to the palace together, he’d left her in the grand foyer, heading towards his office. She shouldn’t have been surprised. He never accompanied her on the long walk to their adjoining suites, even if they left an official function at the same time. It was as if he didn’t want to remind anyone that they stayed alone together at one end of the palace complex.

  Was he protecting her reputation?

  She should be grateful yet tonight she felt...on edge.

  The need for Sayid swelled stronger than ever, drawing her skin tight and her nerves to a state of frantic anticipation.

  Surely he’d come to her tonight. They hadn’t spent a night apart since she’d taken up his proposition.

  Heat eddied, slow and thick, through her pelvis.

  That stare he’d sent her as she danced, so intense and brooding, had almost made her misstep. She’d wanted to go to him then, ignoring everyone. She’d wanted to make love with him, desperately. Wanted to feel his hands on her bare flesh, his hot breath against her lips, his powerful body moving in perfect harmony with hers.

  Lina shivered and wrapped her arms around herself, sagging against a slender column in the arched colonnade surrounding the perfumed rose garden. Ordinarily she loved this place, but tonight found no peace here.

  She wanted Sayid with every cell of her being. But she also craved the right to with him, not just when they had sex. She wanted a role in his life, and the thought petrified her.

  Lina shook her head and turned towards her room. She couldn’t afford to think like that. Their affair wa
s time-limited and not negotiable.

  Minutes later she opened the door to her rooms and entered the darkened space. Snicking the door shut behind her she stepped forward and straight into the looming figure that emerged from her sitting room.

  ‘Sayid?’ The word ended in a muffled sound of pleasure as his mouth slammed into hers, sealing her lips.

  Instantly desire rose like a whirlwind, blotting out doubts and her earlier restless dissatisfaction.

  This couldn’t last but for now he was hers.

  Throwing her arms around his neck, Lina fell into him.

  ‘Where the devil have you been?’ he growled against her mouth. ‘I was going to send out a search party.’

  Strong arms lashed her close, lifting her high till her dancing slippers no longer touched the floor. She adored his strength, his ability to make her feel at the same time delicate yet powerful enough to match him.

  Tunnelling her fingers through his thick hair she nipped at his bottom lip, smiling at the low rumble resonating at the back of his throat.

  He moved, powering her across the space till she felt something cool and hard at her shoulders. Disorientated, Lina opened her eyes and realised they were in her sitting room, up against the reinforced glass door that led onto her balcony.

  Pressed between Sayid and the door, she curled her leg up, hitching it around his hip. A shudder racked her as the move brought her up against his erection. Her need for him, for the affirmation of his lovemaking, escalated to impossible heights. It took only that, his mouth and his body against hers and she was lost...desperate.

  Holding tight, she tried to climb higher, but was frustrated by her dress. The skirt wasn’t wide enough. A whimper escaped just as one big hand closed over her breast, sending a spasm of pleasure rocketing through her.

  Seconds later dark eyes snared hers. For a moment Lina gazed into his proud face. Then there was a whirl of movement as Sayid gripped her waist and put her down. Thankfully he held her as he spun her around, or she’d have lost her balance.

  Dazed, Lina stared through the glass at the city lights spread like glittering jewels across the dark plain before them. Then the sprinkle of lights blurred as Sayid tugged her long skirt high, baring her legs and hips. Cool air rushed around her bare flesh and she shivered, surprised at how exposed she felt, though she still wore all her clothes. But then her dress was rucked up to her hips.

  Her heightened senses discerned the familiar musky scent of arousal sharp in the air. The sound of laboured breathing, and, she closed her eyes in thankfulness, the rasp of a zip.

  Her blood pounded as Sayid slid his hand onto her hip then delved forward to the flimsy fabric of her panties.

  Lina’s breath stopped on a gasp at his sharp tug and the sound of tearing fabric.

  ‘Sayid?’ But whatever she’d been going to say died as he kissed her, open-mouthed and hungry, on the sensitive spot at the base of her neck, while his long fingers slid low through the damp curls between her legs. Instantly she opened her legs wider, winning a husky sound of approval. Then that questing hand slid further and she arched into his touch.

  ‘You want me, little one?’

  Lina nodded, her voice locked somewhere in her throat. She opened her mouth but only managed a sound of raw pleasure as his fingers flirted with the sensitive bud.

  ‘I’ve wanted you all day.’ Sayid nipped at her neck then pressed an open-mouthed kiss there, sending fiery trails through her blood. ‘I wanted you at the wedding when you danced for all those other men.’

  Lina was about to say she’d danced for him and no one else, but he spoke again. ‘I wanted to march over there and claim you, drag you off and have my way with you.’ His voice was ragged and sharp with need. A need she felt as he pressed his erection against her bare buttocks. Instantly Lina braced herself on the window, pushing back towards all that inviting heat.

  ‘You can have me now,’ she whispered, her own voice thready. Lina had no pride, no desire to hold back, when she wanted exactly what he did.

  ‘I can, can’t I?’ Pleasure rang in his husky voice as he clamped her hips and jerked her back against him. It was what she wanted but it wasn’t nearly enough.

  Lina circled her pelvis, needing more contact, and felt him jolt in response. Seconds later heat nudged between her legs, resolving into the press of his erection probing, then pushing further till she snatched a shaky breath, wondering at the sense of being utterly possessed.

  ‘Easy, little one. It’s all right.’

  She needed to catch her breath, grow accustomed to this powerful invasion that filled her to the brim in the most wonderful way. Yet even as the thought surfaced, Sayid moved, withdrawing then surging back again with a force that expelled a soft breath from her lips.

  One hand left her hip to capture her breast and Lina couldn’t stifle the moan of pleasure rising in her throat. It coincided with his next thrust and she found herself arching hard to meet it.

  In the distance the city lights dissolved into a blur, then disappeared altogether as his other hand arrowed down her belly to press on the nub at the centre of her desire.

  Just then Sayid thrust hard again and everything rose within her, exploding in a shattering climax that splintered her soul and festooned the darkness with shards of radiance more brilliant than any city lights.

  He rose high within her, then she felt the heavy, desperate pulse as he spilled himself in ecstasy, heard his sharp cry of triumph, and lost herself just as his arms folded around her, drawing her flush against him.

  * * *

  The rest of the night was like that. Intervals of desperate desire and radiant delight interspersed with quieter moments of incredible closeness.

  It was as if an unseen barrier had fractured, Lina pondered drowsily as she lay, eyes closed, smiling while Sayid traced her body with light fingertips. He’d said he was a passionate, demanding man, but she’d never realised exactly what that meant before. Or how much she revelled in his earthy, carnal nature.

  It was as if, in responding to him, Lina had discovered a new facet to her femininity. A readiness for whatever erotic delight Sayid wanted.

  Because she too had a strongly sensual nature? Or was it more—was it because this was Sayid?

  Lina shivered and instantly that caressing hand paused. ‘I’m sorry. I’ve kept you awake. You need your sleep. You’ve got time before breakfast.’

  As he said it, she felt him move away across the bed.

  ‘Sayid?’ She opened her eyes to discover it was day, early rays of light spilling across the room.

  ‘Shh. Sleep while I shower.’ He pressed a kiss to her hand then straightened, so magnificent with his tall, muscled form that Lina simply stared, arrested. Even now his powerful masculine beauty undid her.

  Then, before she could protest, he was gone, leaving her wishing for more.

  Not just more sex. But wishing for things that were impossible.


  DELIBERATELY SAYID TOOK his time in the bathroom, showering, shaving and donning fresh clothes. Lina needed sleep. He’d kept her awake through the night. Desperation had clawed at him, a need to sate himself on her before their allotted time ended.

  Day six. He had today and tomorrow—that was all.

  Unless he renegotiated with Lina.

  Surely that would be no problem. She was as avid for him as he was for her.

  No, the difficulty was the precedent it would set, admitting that for the first time ever his self-imposed boundaries had shifted and he needed more from a woman. He could see no end to wanting Lina.

  All his life he’d devoted himself to duty as a warrior then as leader, putting others first, except in those short intervals he permitted himself to enjoy a lover. Lina threatened to disrupt the balance he’d worked so hard to maintain.

  He pushed the door to
the bedroom open, assuring himself he was inflating the issue. They’d had spectacular sex. That was all. He made complications where there were none.

  Sayid halted as a haunting melody reached him, a pure voice softly singing. Lina’s voice was as true as any he’d heard and he responded to the longing he heard in her words. He wanted to reach out and comfort her, make her smile.

  She sat gilded by light near the window, her head bent, hair spilling in lustrous waves to her waist. She wore a loose wrap and clearly she was naked beneath it. He calculated he could strip her out of it in seconds.

  Lina looked up at his approach, a smile lighting her face, and something smacked him in the chest. It wasn’t just her beauty but her welcome that made her glow, as if she was lit from within just seeing him.

  An answering warmth flared inside.

  ‘What are you singing?’ Curiously, his voice was husky.

  Her smile faded. ‘Just an old tune from home.’

  ‘I’ve never heard it,’ he said, for some reason needing to rationalise its haunting power. ‘What’s it about, apart from moonlight?’

  Lina shrugged, her breasts rising against the shimmery fabric. ‘The woman’s lover has gone far away. She pines for him, wondering if he’ll return as he’d promised. But she takes comfort from the moon, knowing no matter how far away he is, and even if she can never embrace him again, they share its light.’

  Abruptly she looked away and he realised she was discomfited. Why? He moved nearer.

  ‘You have a beautiful voice.’

  Her head jerked back. ‘You think so?’

  ‘Absolutely.’ He frowned. ‘You didn’t know?’ Yet he read nothing but startled pleasure in her expression. And...was that guilt?

  ‘I don’t...’ Again the lift of a shoulder. ‘I was never encouraged to sing after my mother died, or dance. My father, and then my aunt and uncle, said I shouldn’t remind people that my mother had been a paid entertainer. They believed it reflected badly on me.’

  Fury brewed in Sayid’s belly. He saw hurt cloud Lina’s eyes before she swiftly veiled them with long lashes. Was her family really so warped they believed something so simple and joyous was proof of moral weakness?


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