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The Weekend

Page 9

by L. A. Ritz

  Bethany may be taking inventory on herself, but she didn’t want to take long. So, as fast as she could, she used the bathroom and brushed her teeth. She flung the door open with speed and without control. It swung back and hit her suitcase that was sitting behind it. The impact made a loud bang and caused the suitcase to flip over. It didn’t end there, as the handle caught the notepad on the desk. The notepad was where Bethany’s pile of condoms was resting upon. All the condoms scattered across the floor. The eighteen wrapped baby plugs now lie upon Bethany’s feet and in Phillip’s eye line. She turned red. He was laughing.

  “I guess fate is telling us we should have more sex.” Phillip couldn’t help himself apparently.

  Bethany took cover by running to the bed and hiding her face under the covers. Phillip snuck his head under the quilt. She looked over at him in their shaded space. He had the blanket lifted so he could see her. He was also glancing down at her boobies. Bethany glared at him.

  “Should we get back to the breasts?” Phillip got right back down to business.

  “Are we planning on lying in bed all day?” Bethany countered.

  “That depends.” Phillip paused. “Were you staying another day with me?”

  Bethany warmed up. “I think I can manage that.”

  Phillip rolled over her, his elbows leveled on each side of her head. She couldn’t hide her emotions even under the blankets, not when he was so close to her. He was clearly trying to read her. Bethany didn’t want him to see just how badly she wanted to stay another day with him. He did offer it, but showing too much attachment would be bad. What if he offered her more than another day? Another day was all she could afford with what lies ahead.

  Phillip asked. “Did you want to stay another day?” His question was much more serious. He seemed vulnerable.

  “Of course.” Bethany assured him. “I just wasn’t sure that is what you wanted.”

  “I want to.” He insisted. “I want you to stay the rest of the day in bed with me.”

  Bethany laughed lightly. “We will negotiate the bed. I am new at this. Remember? But with you, is definitely something I can manage.”

  “Great.” He perked up. “Let’s get down to business.” Phillip wasted no time latching on to her right nipple.

  As Bethany felt the greatest sensations of Phillip giving attention to her breasts, she made a deal with herself. Don’t think too much, just feel.

  Phillip did not have intercourse with her again that morning. Bethany was too sore. He did however go down on her. Bethany liked it so much that she thought she would return the favor.

  “You do not have to do this.” Phillip insisted.

  Bethany was face first with his penis again. Putting her fingers on it was one thing, her mouth was another. It didn’t completely gross her out. He was trimmed well. He was clean too. Everything looked normal, but then again Bethany wouldn’t know what wasn’t normal. This is the first man dick she has touched in real life, and now, Bethany was about to put her mouth on it.

  “I want to.” Bethany replied.

  Phillip countered, “But you look a little… uncertain.”

  “I am just working up some courage.”

  Bethany did not convince Phillip. He sat up quickly, pulling her hands up from his thighs. “I don’t want you to have to work up to anything. If you are not certain that you want to do it, then don’t do it.”

  “I am certain.” Bethany was positive that she wanted to do this. She just had to get pass the initial barriers in her mind. To prove that Bethany was certain, she pushed him back to the pillows. “Stay.”

  Phillip laughed, but resigned. He placed his hands behind his head and gave her access to his body without any more interference. Bethany settled on her knees, leaning back upon her heals. He was not fully erect, but partially, probably from him just going down on her. Bethany just had to grab him, and put him in her mouth. She reached for him. Both of her hands clasped together to keep him upright. She didn’t want to look up at Phillip, but she couldn’t help herself. He was watching her intently. He was controlling whatever reactions he had. His hands must be behind his head, to remind him to not reach for her. Bethany smiled up at him. She moved her eyes back to the head of his dick, which was sticking out the top of her hands. Bethany took a deep breath. She slid her lips closer. She decided that she just wanted a little taste test. You know, just to make sure it wasn’t completely revolting. Like testing to see if your coffee is too hot.

  Bethany slid her tongue between her lips. Moving just slightly forward, she let the very tip touch his tip. She retracted her tongue only after a second. She tried to taste him inside her mouth. There was only the slightest saltiness and then it disappeared as quickly as the taste.

  “You’re teasing me.” Phillip commented.

  Bethany looked back up to his eyes. “Not purposely.”

  “Well, it’s torture.”

  “I am just trying to see if I will like how it tastes.” Bethany reasoned.

  Phillip chuckled. “You are going to have to put your tongue on it longer than that, if that is what you are after.”

  “I know.”

  “Just slide it up the side. That would be a good place to start.”

  Bethany could see that he was being serious. So she removed one hand and replaced it with her tongue. She did this quickly, before she could change her mind. She licked up the side, the same time that he groaned. She put her tongue back inside and now she could truly feel him on her taste buds. Salty was a good description. It was not bad. In fact it made her mouth water a little bit. Bethany could do this. So, she went right back to it.

  Bethany knew from reading magazines that getting him wet was a good thing. Bethany let her saliva leave trails up and down the shaft. She went at it like a popsicle, licking up the sides. After a few strokes, she covered the top with her whole mouth. Phillip was cursing in Portuguese with that move. It wasn’t as if Bethany didn’t study up on how to give a blow job. Also she did have that very sexually active best friend who gives a lot of advice. Bethany kept her mouth over the top, creating suction inside. Just like Amber described to her. Bethany’s hands wrapped around the shaft. She slid up and down, with a few test moves. She looked up at him and he was watching her with unbridled attention. Bethany felt satisfied that she was doing it right. Curious, as to what else her hands could do with him, she moved one of them to his balls. She felt the weight of one in her palm, she carefully kneaded it. Her other hand still pumped the shaft. She was working her mouth as far as it could go over the top. Phillip was making all the right satisfying noises. It was all going as planned.

  But then Bethany got a little more curious. She had read that there was an area just below the testicles, which was very sensitive and erotic for the man. She reached her finger for it. Her saliva had been forming at the base, and created this slippery area. Then her finger slipped. And well, Bethany did not purposely stick her finger in his asshole, but it pushed just inside the barrier.

  Phillip jumped, understandingly surprised. His dick forced deep inside Bethany’s mouth, causing her to choke. Phillip was also motivated and equipped to come at that moment. He erupted the same time Bethany pulled back from being choked. His strong stream bounced off the tip of her lips and the first gush squirted up the inside of her nostrils. The rest splattered off her cheeks and over her chin.

  Bethany was stunned. Phillip didn’t say anything. His heavy breathing was the only sound in the room. The only thing Bethany could do in that moment, of just having a man ejaculate all over her face, was roll over and start cracking up.

  Phillip was concerned and had flipped to make sure she was alright. She was laughing though. He pulled her hands from her face and made sure that she was okay. He became amused when he saw that she was giggling not crying.

  “Christ.” He spluttered. “You frightened me.”

  Bethany was still at it. She had to respond between laughs. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to.”

illip shook his head. “You stuck your finger in my asshole.” He was unbelieving.

  “I really didn’t mean to.” Bethany chuckled. “I was going for that place below your balls.”

  “You missed it.” He commented. Phillip wiped the sperm from her lips and cheek with his thumb. He wiped it off on the sheet below them. “What do you mean, below my balls?” He sat up now, a little less concerned about just coming all over her face.

  “Well, I read that it would create more pleasure. So, I thought I would try it.” Bethany sighed. “But apparently your butthole is the real winner.”

  “You are not going near that again.” Phillip slid down beside her, so that he was leaning over her head.

  “You didn’t like it?”

  “Apparently I did.” He replied. “But the area is a little… taboo.”

  Bethany was thoughtful. “You have never done any butt-play?”

  He has, Bethany could see that by his hesitation to answer. “I am usually the one doing the…” He paused. “Butt-play.”

  Bethany smiled. “Then I took your asshole virginity.”

  “I suppose so. I have never had a girl stick her finger in my ass.”

  Bethany felt a little proud at that moment, if that was something to proud of. Phillip knew it too. He commented. “Come on, let’s get my sperm off of your face.”

  Phillip grabbed her hand and pulled her off the bed. He was all about taking shower a together. Bethany was taking all she can get for that one day.

  Chapter 15


  Phillip and Bethany took a shower together. He spent his time scrubbing and rinsing the suds on her body while answering the questions she would ask him. Bethany’s mind didn’t stop, not even when she was distracted by the man and his hand perusal of some more sensitive parts of her body. Bethany was always curious and so she learned a lot about Phillip. He played soccer throughout his youth and almost became a professional fútball player, but decided against pursuing it to work with his family’s business. He spent his childhood in boarding schools in England or at his grandparent’s house in Portugal. He had no siblings and only distant cousins. Finally Bethany figured out that he had never heard of The Big Bang Theory. She had quoted a nerdy joke from the show. “A neutron walks into a bar and asks how much for a drink. The bartender replies, ‘For you, no charge.’” Phillip of course laughed at her geekiness and Bethany wasn’t sure if he was again thinking she was actually funny, or he was just amused with her silliness. Either way, Phillips attentions didn’t lack. He was centered on her. Bethany felt good about this.

  They were, an hour later, walking out the hotel doors. Because of the morning, a different crew was stationed, and so the curious, gawking, bellhop was not there. Neither was the hot, gay, bartender. Bethany saw the hotel in a new light, and the hotel looked at her differently as well.

  Phillip had grabbed her hand upon stepping onto the sidewalk and Bethany realized she never had a man of sexual interest grab her hand. Everything Bethany dreamed of, when it came to being in a relationship, was happening in this weekend. It may be a short time, but for Bethany it could mean the end.

  It didn’t take long for them to walk a few blocks up the street and arrive in front of a market stand to decide upon breakfast. Bethany had never tried a falafel before. Phillip insisted that they are the best and described to her this thin street in the fourth district of Paris, where people stood in long lines to eat one restaurant’s falafel.

  “Of course,” Phillip stated, “it is all overtaken by tourists because of televisions shows. Some rick or Steve guy went there.”

  “You mean Rick Steve’s?” Bethany asked.

  “Whomever.” Phillip scoffed. “Either way, now we have these retired, over-weight tourists in socks and sandals stationing up to a favorite lunch spot for the people who actually live there.”

  Phillip seemed to be all sour about tourists in Paris. Bethany couldn’t help but add, “I watch Rick Steve’s all the time.”

  Phillip commented dryly, “of course you do.”

  Bethany did watch Rick Steve’s all the time. Before it had been research, alongside other shows like Anthony Bourdain and Globe Trotter. Bethany had big dreams of traveling the world. Now, the shows were the realty. It brought tears to her eyes realizing she most likely wasn’t going to see the thin street in the fourth district of Paris and stand in line with the rest of the tourists to eat a falafel.

  Luckily, they were next in line at the falafel stand in Seattle, so Bethany sucked up her emotions and ordered whatever Phillip ordered. He seemed to be the expert in falafels.

  They found a spot in the grass up the street. They were surrounded by people taking in the rays of the wonderful morning. Bethany is more curious about this Paris thing. He never mentioned living in Paris, so she wants to ask.

  “I thought you were Portuguese?” She asked.

  “I am.”

  “But you talk of Paris like you live there.”

  “I do.” Phillip responded.

  Bethany wished he would expand upon this, but he doesn’t. She will have to force it out of him she guesses. “So, you are Portuguese, you live in Paris, but you really don’t have that much of an accent.”

  Phillip bites into his falafel, then chews and swallows before he replies. “I went to college in America. I grew up in England and Portugal. I work in Paris now.”

  “Hmmm…” Bethany purposely doesn’t answer him this time.

  “What is it?”

  She shakes her head.

  “What is it?” He repeats. Phillip’s eyes light up with laughter.

  Bethany shrugs. “Nothing.”

  “You say ‘hmmm’…” Phillip sighs in a girlish shrug. It makes Bethany laugh. “Like you are judging me.”

  “I am not. I am just trying to figure you out.”

  “Why?” He asks quickly.

  “Why what?”

  Phillip clarifies, his voice lowers. “Why are you trying to figure me out?”

  Bethany pauses. Her eyes meet his for just a moment, and she looks away. She doesn’t know why she wants to figure him out. She now questions herself on this. Is it smart to make another connection to a person she is going to lose anyways?

  “I guess I don’t need to.” She forces a smile back on her face and looks at him straight on. “We will only know each other for this weekend.”

  He tilts his head to the side and studies her. “But we are spending the rest of today together… and hopefully tonight.” The last little bit came out more suggestive. “So, I guess you can figure me out if you want to. Although there isn’t much to figure out.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  Phillip replies, “Because I work a lot. I don’t really do anything other than work. Either I am on a plane or at an office desk. There isn’t much more to me.”

  “You don’t go eat falafels in Paris?” Bethany questions.

  “Well, I guess I eat.”

  “And sleep. You slept next to me last night.” She adds in. She knows he sleeps, she slept next to him.

  Phillip smiles. “I sleep at the office a lot.”

  “No you don’t.”

  “I do, I have a bathroom and couch there.”

  “That’s awful.”

  He shrugs. “It is easier.” He looks down at her falafel and changes the subject. “Are you going to eat that or just talk?”

  Bethany takes a large bite out of it. She notices how he seemed suddenly a little more depressed. She decides she won’t continue this conversation. She doesn’t need to know. This weekend is about sex, with a hot man, whom has already given her several orgasms and a few laughs. That is it.

  The weekend also is apparently about falafels, because Bethany decides it is one of the best things she has eaten.

  “Damn.” Bethany compliments with her mouth full. “This is awesome.”

  “I told you.” Phillip affirmed. “Though, this one is not near as good as the one in Paris.”
/>   Paris. A place Bethany will not see. But, Bethany looks over at the man next to her and decides that one dream came true and that was to lose her virginity to her perfect man. Phillip was pretty close to perfect in Bethany’s book.

  The late morning lunch passes and with it comes the noon hour lunch rush. Many people pass Bethany and Phillip as they walk through the infamous Pike’s Market. They do not purchase a single thing. Phillip offers. Bethany declines. Bethany could have had fall flowers, a handmade leather drawing book, a copper spiral looking necklace, or a strange looking fruit that is crossed between an apple and pear. Bethany refuses each of these items because there is no reason for her man-date to purchase her anything. Though, they did run into a life size poster of Sheldon Cooper and Bethany questions herself on if she will let Phillip buy her this. She walks away unfortunately, but does give out another one of the shows monumental jokes. Bethany hopes that her sitcom jokes are really funny. She would hate if Phillip was laughing at her instead of with her. Really though, repeating someone’s name over and over again till they answer the door is funny. It is even more fun to repeat Phillip’s name while he is reading an old book at a used book stand to interrupt his focus and reading spot. Perhaps annoyance is the correct term. After the fifth repeat of “Phillip”, the man mentioned did stop Bethany from repeating it again by shutting her up with a great big kiss. It was hard to be purposely annoying when you have your mouth full.


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