HIS Return (Hamilton Investigation & Security: HIS Series Book 3)

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HIS Return (Hamilton Investigation & Security: HIS Series Book 3) Page 17

by Sheila Kell

  Still in awe that AJ would go to such lengths for Em, Jake settled back in his chair. He swallowed hard, the sudden dryness of his throat made it difficult to speak. Growing up, he and AJ would’ve done anything for each other. Had AJ done this not just for Em but also for him? No matter. It was done. He owed the man a huge debt of gratitude. One he could never repay. He’d taken Jake’s place at one of the most important times of his life. At one of the most important times in Em’s life. When she’d needed Jake most. That was more than any man could ask of a friend. “I’m sorry. I’m glad someone was there.”

  Snuggling her close again, he kept an eye on the door, watching to make sure his friend had a chance at a child that was every bit as wonderful as the one he’d already helped bring into the world. The man who’d stood in his place deserved all the happiness a person could handle.

  Settled in a corner of the emergency room waiting area, the men chatted about the upcoming football season. The group bolted from their seats when the youngest Hamilton brother walked out the ER door.

  “It’s false labor,” AJ said in obvious relief. “But, they want her to remain here a while to keep an eye on her and Alexander.”

  Both AJ and the senator were named Alexander, but neither used it so AJ and Megan had decided they’d name their child Alexander and actually call him by the name. Jake was curious how long it’d be before everyone shortened his name to Alex or, just to frustrate AJ, called him by his middle name, which Jake had no idea what it was.

  Kate hugged her old partner. “Thank goodness. We’ll be right here.”

  Stepping back, he looked over the group and shook his head. “You don’t need to stay. There’s nothing you can do. We’ll be fine.” Reaching out, he grasped and released Jesse’s shoulder, and then he spun around to return to his wife.

  Matt stepped forward, watching his baby brother push through the doors. “Does he really think we’re leaving?”

  Jesse shook his head. “No. He’s just not thinking straight.”

  They all retook the seats they’d vacated. Chatter continued rattling through the group though the layer of tension that hung in the air had lightened, with many eyes periodically eyeing the door where AJ had disappeared.

  Seeing a chance to be alone with Em, Jake reached out for her hand. “Can we get a coffee or something and talk?”

  Without looking at him, she nodded. “Sure.”

  They followed the signs to the cafeteria, all the time he knew they had a shadow of at least two team members, if not her brothers. As long as they gave him and Em privacy, he didn’t care how many followed. He had a question to ask.

  FOLLOWING Jake through the corridors of the hospital hand-in-hand comforted Emily, even if her brothers were behind them. She had an inkling he was ready to get back to the marriage question since they’d avoided any conversations dealing with a relationship. Although he had referred to her as his when they were in bed.

  She’d enjoyed the time they’d spent getting to know each other once again, and he’d soaked up the stories she’d shared about Amber and had seemed lost while looking at photos. She’d watched him tracing one of them as if to memorize the moment he’d missed, which made her wish she could turn back time to allow him to spend time with his daughter.

  Purchasing a large cup of sweet tea for each of them since the coffee was old, Jake led her to a secluded spot in the corner of the almost empty cafeteria. After sitting in the hard plastic seat he’d pulled out for her, she searched for their shadow, relieved to see the twins plant themselves far enough away from them for their conversation to remain private.

  “Did you drop Trent?”

  While prepared for almost anything, Jake’s first question threw her for a loop. She’d forgotten about his statement when they’d been together. “What are you talking about? Trent and I aren’t together.”

  Looking at her, he appeared to be mulling something over, maybe deciding if she’d told the truth. He heaved a deep sigh. “I’m sorry. I guess I misunderstood the situation.”

  “Hell yes, you did. Tell me where this came from.” That explained the looks she’d witnessed him giving Trent, especially when the man was near her or Amber. While she should be angry for his assumption, his jealousy pushed her heart into a pitter-patter.

  Taking a sip of tea and scrunching up his face at the taste, he scanned the room before seeking her gaze again. “It’s not important.” He cleared his throat. “Is there anyone else?”

  Shaking her head, she frowned at the fact she hadn’t had anyone special in her life. He knew that she’d waited for him and then devoted her entire life to her daughter, school and then work. It kept her mind off her failed attempt at a relationship with him. “No.” No one had compared to Jake. No one could take his place in her heart. And that had angered her in itself.

  Reaching across the table, he clasped her hand, lacing his fingers with hers. The warmth flowed through her, the feel so welcoming, like she was home. “I know I messed up before not asking you to marry me, so I’m asking now. Will you marry me?” He grinned. “I’d get down on one knee, but your brothers may string me up by the ears before I hear your answer.”

  There it was, the question that had kept her up at night, affected her appetite and the myriad of emotions that jostled through her, constantly changing her answer. Jake had never pursued her when they’d lived in the same household. This new experience, his wanting to be with her, should’ve pleased her. And, it did, somewhat. Unfortunately, she worried the novelty would wear off like it always did with women in his past, then he’d stay because of his daughter, not because he loved her.

  “You can’t deny there’s not something between us. You are all that I thought about while we were separated. If only I’d known….” He trailed off, leaving her wanting to knock him over the head for him to finish the thought.

  Sliding her hand from his, she wrapped it around her cup and took a sip before returning the over-sweetened beverage to the table. What would it be like to wake in his arms each morning? To be taken into his embrace on a regular basis? “You don’t need to do this for Amber. We can work something out.”

  His hand slammed on the table. “Dammit, Em. This is not about our daughter, and you damn well know it. This is about us.”

  “There is no us, Jake. You demonstrated that a long time ago.” She had to drop this poison over the past, but the hurt had embedded itself too deep inside her heart, dug in deep over the years he’d been missing. How many times had she not wondered if she’d been the one to blame for everything? She had initiated the sex. No. He’d left and hadn’t come back… until now.

  Rubbing his hand on the back of his neck, he closed his eyes and exhaled loudly. When he opened them, the vulnerability shining within their brilliant blue took her back. “I’m sorry. I’m here now, and I want us to be together like we should’ve been. We should be a family, Em.”

  “What I don’t get is that you never seemed this intent to be with me before. Why now?”

  “You know why. You were too young.” He flopped back in his chair. “Christ, Em, you were just becoming a woman. How were you to know what you truly felt for me was more than infatuation? Besides, I was an idiot and didn’t realize how much I felt for you until it was too late.”

  Finally getting everything out in the open didn’t heal her heart, but it made a big stride toward it as it betrayed her by slowly rekindling her love for him. Being a family would be a perfect scenario for her and Amber, but what happened when years down the road Jake regretted marrying her? Would he leave her again? She wouldn’t be able to stand the easy dismissal from his life a second time.

  He wanted an answer and the wrong one could ruin her and her daughter’s lives. But whether being together or sharing custody was correct for Amber, she couldn’t decide. Of course, their daughter absolutely adored him so being a family would please her, but would the h
eat burn out with her and Jake and bring bitterness into their marriage that would affect the little girl’s world?

  Now there was his possible PTSD to deal with. She promised to be by his side, but was she enough to help him? Waking up with his hands around her throat again wasn’t something she wanted to happen.

  “I need to think about it, Jake. This is a big decision that affects three lives.” She’d taken his first proposal to heart after she’d let her anger at his demand they marry lift. Otherwise, she might not have taken that step. She wouldn’t have risked the heartache again.

  “There’s nothing to think about. We both love our daughter and each other, with heat between us that is hotter than any I’ve ever known. Say yes and we’ll get married tomorrow.”

  Did he just say he loved her? No. Not really. Not an, “I love you, Em,” statement. It was tossed in with their daughter. It wasn’t the love she craved from him. She couldn’t get her hopes up that he was in love with her, but that would change everything. Love and not lust filled his gaze, and her heart attempted to pound out of her chest, seeking to be one with his. Her subconscious shoved the answer forward without the typical argument she’d been fighting. Yet, she didn’t listen to it. Instead, she said, “I… I still need to think about it.”


  THE SUDDEN MOVEMENT of the bed startled Emily awake.

  “Mommy, wake up.”

  Pulling the pillow over her face, she grumbled, “Amber, how many times have I told you not to jump on the bed, especially when Mommy is sleeping?” She felt like such a hypocrite knowing she’d jumped on her brothers’ beds many times when she’d been young.

  What the hell? She tossed her pillow to the floor and moved to her knees, bouncing up and down on the bed with her daughter, holding hands with the little girl.

  A moment later Reagan climbed up with them, bouncing around the two of them.

  “What’s going on in here?” The stern voice from the doorway stopped them.

  “Poppy, jump wid me and Rea-Rea.”

  Emily looked at her father, ready to stop Amber from saying anything more until she saw the smile he fought.

  He rubbed his smooth chin as if giving his granddaughter’s request considerable thought. “I think I might break the bed if I jumped on it.”

  Two giggling girls hopped off the bed and reached for their grandfather, tugging on his hands, dragging him to the bed. Emily slipped off it, enjoying the relaxed look on her father’s face as he pretended to resist the children.

  He surprised them all by grabbing both of the girls and falling on the bed backward, allowing the two little ones to lie on top of him. His attempt at tickling them turned into a squirming session where each girl giggled and then squealed before moving out of his reach and then trying to slip back unnoticed to tickle him.

  Before she realized what was happening, AJ and Jesse arrived and piled on the bed, taking turns being tortured by the little girls.

  Laughing harder than she could remember, Emily grabbed her phone to take photos of a wonderful way to wake in the morning. It was days like this that she questioned her move away from the family.

  Jesse extricated himself with his hands holding Reagan’s waist, keeping her out of her arms’ reach so she wouldn’t torture him any longer. “Em, after you’re dressed, we’ll be waiting for you downstairs.” He smiled at his daughter. “And now for my pumpkin.” Leaning forward, he gave his daughter a noisy kiss. “I believe Mrs. Kessler has a special treat for you in the kitchen.”

  Amber stopped. “Tweat?” It was amazing the selective hearing of children.

  Blake stood. “That’s what I came to tell you before you captured me.” He swung the little girl in his arms. “Come on, let’s see if we can beat your Uncle AJ downstairs so he doesn’t eat them all.”

  AJ followed. “What kind of treat?”

  Emily laughed until her room cleared out. She had a moment to think. Actually, she’d done a great deal of that last night, tossing and turning in bed. She should’ve told Jake, “Yes.” Heck, she should have shouted it out since it’d made her so happy.

  She scanned the contents of her closet glad she kept a few clothes here. And, thank goodness that she still fit in them. Well, most of them. She selected a tank top and shorts, dressed and left her room. A shiver sliced up her spine. She halted her step. Damn, she was nervous about seeing Jake.

  She had no idea what she needed to see or hear to tell him she’d marry him. Being around him would help her figure it out. That decided, she continued down the stairs and sat with her brothers in the family room. Unfortunately, Jake wasn’t in sight.

  Les stepped into the room. “Trent, Rob and Nef are having a picnic breakfast with the girls.” After a few snorts from the group, he laughed. “I wouldn’t discount babysitting duty today. Mrs. Kessler gave them the remainder of the cookies.”

  Scrutinizing him, AJ’s eyes widened then narrowed. “Are those crumbs on your shirt?”

  “Yep. Temporary team leader privilege.” Les pulled a cookie from behind his back and bit into it, taunting AJ.

  Flying over the couch, she’d thought her brother was going to tackle Les, but instead, he arrived in time to watch the cookie disappear into the man’s mouth.

  Breaking through the laughter, Kate’s voice stopped the youngest Hamilton brother from sprinting out the door. “Leave it, AJ. Do you want me to wake your wife and tell her you were on your way to steal the girls’ cookies?”

  “How is Megan?” Emily scooted to the spot her brother had vacated on the couch and sat.

  “She’s doing okay. The doctor told her to take it easy for a few days.” He collapsed in an empty chair, stretched and yawned. “Which means I may need to tie her to the bed.”

  “Brad can give you some rope if you need it.” Matt shook his head as if in disgust.

  Emily snapped her head to Brad. She didn’t put anything past AJ and Megan’s bedroom antics. She’d heard they were into Kama Sutra, but hearing this about Brad made her queasy.

  With a thumb pointed to the front of the house, Brad raised and lowered his eyebrows. “I’ve got some in the truck if you need it.” The sly smile on this face had bile rising in her throat.

  “You are one sick fuck.” Jesse shook his head.

  Brad’s smile widened. “Gotta be prepared.” Hell, he’d prepared for while they were here? Good grief.

  “I’m gonna puke if we don’t change the subject.” She wasn’t lying either. This was too much information. They were a close family, but some things were best kept to themselves. Their sex lives was one of them.

  Kate stood, walked over and punched Brad on the shoulder. “I think you forget there are women around now. Mind your fucking manners.” She walked to the kitchen.

  Emily wanted to laugh at Brad’s stunned face and his rubbing his shoulder. It hadn’t taken long for her sister-in-law to begin reining in the behavior of her brothers. Sure a display or two got out of hand, but Kate always seemed to bring them back under control.

  A thought suddenly occurred to her. “Jesse, what happened with Paul? Has he woken yet?” She immediately felt like an idiot asking. If he’d been awake, her brothers would’ve told her along with anything they’d learned.

  Jesse cleared his throat. “He didn’t make it.”

  She gasped and moved her hand to cover her mouth. “No. What about Jake? What will happen to him?” The thought of him going to jail for protecting her left her fighting the bile that once again attempted to rise in her throat. He’d never forgive her, and Amber would not see her father again for a long time.

  “The case has been closed as it should be. Self-defense.” Blake looked around the group. “Where is Jake?”

  Kate walked back in the room and handed her a cup of coffee. “I forgot to pack Amber’s swimsuit so he ran into town to pick one up for her.” She gave Emily a sma
ll nod. Kate knew Jake had his appointment today with the psychiatrist. She’d given him cover.

  “From the data I did find, Em and I were able to narrow it down to the investment firm we believe is involved.” Devon turned his attention to his father. “Dad, we have to warn you that it’s Randall.”

  Shaking his head, their father’s face reddened. “You’ve known him all your lives. Does he seem like the type to swindle people?”

  “Dad,” Jesse paused until he had this father’s attention, “whoever this is kidnapped Amber. We can’t afford to pass anyone by, no matter how close they are to us.”

  “You’re right.” Blake ran his fingers through his hair. “Thank God, Charles canceled his trip.”

  Emily closed her eyes and willed her mind to clear and think back to the annual family trips. She focused on the room again. “It wasn’t his voice that I heard.”

  At some point, Kate had slid down beside her. “Are you sure? How long has it been since you’ve heard him speak?”

  “It’s been a while, but I know his voice, and it wasn’t him.” The racing of her heart slowly normalized at her confidence that she and her daughter would be safe with her brothers.

  “Even so, it could be someone who works for Charles.” Matt stretched out his leg, closed his eyes and sighed. “What about Brian?”

  “Who’s Brian?” Kate asked.

  Emily had forgotten about him. Charles’s son had always kept to himself, staying in the background. She strained to remember his voice and then shook her head. “It’s not him either.”

  “I can’t see him being part of it,” Jesse added. “He’s as ethical as they come.” He looked at his father. “Dad, when is the last time Brian visited for a game?”

  “Hmm. Probably about the same time as you all stopped coming. Right after he finished college.”

  Emily brightened. “What if we talk with him? He wouldn’t stand for his father doing this. He can’t possibly realize it.”


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