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HIS Return (Hamilton Investigation & Security: HIS Series Book 3)

Page 18

by Sheila Kell

  “If we do and he’s involved or decides his loyalty is to his father, Charles will know we’re investigating him,” AJ stated.

  Jesse nodded and compressed his lips into a thin smile. “It’s definitely an idea worth pursuing.”

  “What about Bill? Do you want me to call and cancel his trip here? He won’t like it, but I can come up with a good reason if necessary so we can keep Em being here secret.”

  Shaking his head, Jesse looked thoughtful. “No, Dad, we’ve discussed it. We can handle Bill.”

  “If you’re wrong, then bringing him here puts my daughter and granddaughter at risk. I won’t have it.”

  A cocky grin burst forth on AJ’s face. “You don’t think we wouldn’t have a plan, did you?”

  Squirming, Emily was curious of this plan as well. Maybe she and Amber needed to leave and have her brothers watch them somewhere away from all of this.

  “Let’s hear it. If I don’t like it, I’m not allowing anyone to set foot near this family.”

  Jesse offered his hand to help Kate stand, sat and pulled her onto his lap. “First thing is that Bill and his family can’t use the guest house. They must go to a hotel. Tell him it’s for the newlyweds or whatever you wish. Even though we’re able to easily secure this place, two people will protect Em and Amber at all times. I’m not talking about watching over her from across the room. I mean glued to her.” He looked at Emily. “That means you stick with Kate and one of us at all times. She even accompanies you to the bathroom.”

  Emily wrinkled her nose in disbelief. “Even here?”

  “When we’re here, without any company, you’ll have more space, but someone will still be near you at all times.”

  “What if Amber and I just hid out? No one knows we’re here.”

  Brad stood and pursed his lips. “Bill’s daughter will be here and she’s expecting you.”

  She wanted to slap herself on the forehead. She’d set herself up for that one. “Then maybe we should leave.” She knew her brothers would keep her safe, but she couldn’t understand why they didn’t just let her and her daughter move somewhere else.

  “No, Em. We’re not worried about you here, and know we’re going overboard with so much protection, but you’re our baby sister, and we won’t chance anything. Besides, we have a team on Charles.” Jesse raised his eyebrows at her, his look stern. “As long as you do as you’re told, things will be fine.” He raised his eyebrows. “And, I’m serious about you not going to the game unless it’s safe. Jason will understand.” He took her hand. “Do you trust us?”

  She always had and nothing had changed. “Of course.”

  “Then trust us now. But you’re still stuck here. You go nowhere unless necessary and only with a group of us protecting you.” Jesse looked at his phone and then answered it.

  “Maybe I should stay back from the game.”

  Kate smiled. “It’s Jason’s birthday party, and we’d like you there, but don’t worry, if things aren’t safe, you don’t get to go. Whether you want to or not. It’s as simple as that.”

  Shaking her head, she still wasn’t sure. It seemed it’d be smartest to stash her and her daughter somewhere else, but this is what her family did. They protected people and investigated things. If she left, her chance with Jake would fly out the window.

  “Besides,” Kate said amidst grumbling from her brothers, “Arthur will be here with his friend who happens to be the director of the SEC.”

  So, they did have some kind of secret plan.

  Jesse ended his call and smiled. “The boys are bringing Teri in.” Then he turned to Emily. “You’re to remain hidden until we figure her out.”

  Emily shrugged. She’d already figured the woman out. The word bitch fit her well. She hoped Teri was useful.


  EMILY RAISED HER eyebrows and then laughed. Jake returned from purchasing their daughter a swimsuit with probably a dozen bags of clothes and toys. He’d even picked up a couple of things for Reagan so she didn’t feel left out. She loved this man.

  The kids cared nothing for the cute outfits he displayed. His smile of pride showed. They tore into the toys.

  With a serious look on his face, he took a moment and clasped her hand and squeezed. She took that as his silent reassurance that his appointment went well. She was so proud of him for seeking treatment and not waiting. Of course, she knew he did it for her and Amber.

  Emily had fretted enough about her old boss’s assistant. On one hand, she was immensely relieved they’d found the woman because they’d have the evidence they needed to end all this. But, on the other hand, the woman had always treated Emily like she was beneath her. Maybe Teri would try to implicate her. She wouldn’t put it past her.

  They walked silently down the stairs and into the family room and came up short. Emily had been so lost in her own thoughts that she hadn’t paid attention or heard the voices. In front of them, Teri stood, taking center stage, flirting with Emily’s brothers.

  It was too late for Emily to hide. Teri had seen her. Worse, she’d seen Jake and by the way she dramatically licked her lips, Emily would say she found him more than appealing. Emily’s hackles raised.

  Teri floated to her, and in her haughtier attitude greeted Emily. “Oh Emily, it’s so good to see you.” She didn’t wait for Emily to respond before she turned her gaze to Jake, stepping closer to him. If she moved much more, she’d be plastered to her man. And, dammit if Jake hadn’t moved back. Did he find the gorgeous blonde sexy? Of course he did. All men did. The woman used her looks to get whatever she wanted in life. It looked like she wanted Jake.

  “Emily, I need something to drink. It was a long trip here.” Teri’s eyes never leaving Jake when she spoke. “Would you be a dear and get me something?”

  She’d get her something all right. A slap across the face sounded like a good beginning. But, Emily reasoned with herself, they needed this woman, and she was only flirting. Surely Jake wouldn’t fall for it.

  Why did she have to pick Jake? All her brothers, and most of the HIS men were handsome. Why did she zero in on her man? Because she knows it’ll get to you. That’s why.

  Jesse tilted his head to the kitchen and Emily took his hint. “I’ll go find Mrs. Kessler.” She stomped from the room.

  It took a few minutes to find Jesse’s housekeeper. She and Kelly had been making beds and hadn’t heard they had a visitor. Mrs. Kessler rushed off to prepare refreshments while Emily drew in a deep breath on her walk back to her brothers—and Teri. She had to calm down.

  Unsure what made her do it, Emily stopped outside the room where she couldn’t be seen.

  “When’s the last time you saw your boss?” Jesse’s voice boomed. Maybe he had seen her. Otherwise, she doubted he’d speak that loudly, nor leave the door open.

  “The same day as the fire. I came into work and saw Michael pouring something that I guess was gasoline on the computer systems, and he told me to go, to leave town and stay away because I’d be in danger. So, I did and haven’t heard from anyone except your men since.”

  “Why did you take the information?” Matt probed.

  “I’d rather not say. I’m waiting to speak with the FBI.” She paused. “Your man, Danny, assured me that I’d get to talk with them. I want a deal before I speak about any of it.”

  Obviously unperturbed by her statements, Jesse pushed on. “Why did you pull the information from Em’s computer instead of your own?”

  A female huff sounded. “Because if it was found out by my boss, he’d blame her.” Emily could visualize her shrugging without a care.

  “They did blame her. They kidnapped her daughter!” Brad all but screamed.

  “But, she’s okay, so no harm done.”

  That bitch! Emily wanted to wring Teri’s neck. How dare she! Emily peeked in the room, ready to reveal herself when she
noticed Jesse give her a slight shake of his head. So he had known she was there. She remained hidden even though her feet wanted to propel her to wherever Teri sat and bitch-slap her. They had told her to stay out of sight. Although she was pretty sure they meant altogether. Too late for that.

  “Tell me why we should allow you to stay with us instead of turning you over to the police?” Jesse’s tone put a bit of fear in her.

  “Because,” Teri said softly, “I need the protection from your big men.” Her voice turned seductive. “Like this one.”

  Emily stiffened. Oh hell no. Ignoring Jesse’s subtle directive to remain hidden, she edged into the room. That bitch sat beside Jake on the couch and had her hand on his thigh. She narrowed her eyes. It took him entirely too long to remove it. And why hadn’t he slid further away from her?

  Her gut clenched. It was like when she’d been seventeen and thought she’d had his attention only to have him turn that attention to the closest willing woman. Betrayal.

  She slipped back out of the room without notice, a tear sliding down her face.

  Staying out of sight was best. Besides, she couldn’t stand watching Teri throw herself at Jake. Nor would she watch Jake fall for it.

  She had a lot to think about. And Jake’s proposal was one of them. Since he hadn’t pushed away from Teri, did he wish to rescind it? No. He’d want to be a father. Responsibility. That was what it was all about.

  Her head spun. She only had to get through the day and then Teri would be gone. She climbed the stairs to her daughter’s room. New toys awaited.

  MENTALLY exhausted, Jake dropped onto the bed naked, his hair still damp from a shower. It had been one of the longest days of his life, and that was saying a lot considering what he’d recently lived through. Yet Teri and her cloying scent unnerved him. She didn’t get the hint he was with Em.

  His day had begun with his mental health appointment. Dr. Santos agreed it was PTSD and spoke with him about ways to help him deal with it. A support group met in town he could visit while he was here. The psychiatrist also mentioned drugs, but Jake declined any. That would be his last resort. But, he felt good about the appointment and was optimistic about his success in controlling it.

  He’d also taken the opportunity to stop at a jeweler and purchase Em an engagement ring. That was after he had a chance to buy stuff to spoil his little girl. There had been so many cute outfits that fit Amber, he’d had a hard time deciding and ended up purchasing more than she’d need for a while. Or cared about. It was all about the toys. The stuffed dog with learning functions had captured her attention immediately. Although he noticed when it came time for bed, she had pulled out her stuffed frog and snuggled it close.

  As for Em and the ring, he’d devise a plan to make the proposal special. Surely she’d say yes this time. He didn’t want to wait any longer to be with her. He’d missed her today. After she’d left the meeting with Teri, he hadn’t seen her again for the remainder of the day. Then again, he’d been fending off Teri’s advances so it was best she hadn’t seen him.

  Light suddenly spilling across his room alerted him to someone slipping through the doorway. He grasped the gun he’d taped to the back of the nightstand, out of reach of the children, before the nauseating scent of Teri’s perfume burned his nostrils. He glanced over and noticed his roommate’s bed was empty. Of all the fucking time for Les to have security duty.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” He pulled the sheet around his midsection, a shot of fury racing through him at her boldness.

  She sashayed toward him in a short robe, nearly sheer and open to the belt that was tied loosely around her small waist, providing him a view of her goods. Goods that turned him off.

  He only wanted Em. That was a big flashing sign that he loved her more than he’d imagined.

  “I could tell that you wanted me today but held back because of everyone being around. I’m here now.” She untied her belt, opening the robe completely, and then rubbed her hand up and down her body in a sensual manner.

  The woman had lost her fucking mind if she thought he’d wanted her in any manner during the day. Hell, he’d done everything he could to separate himself from her. Yanking the sheet to pull it from where it’d been tucked at the bottom of the bed, he sprung up and haphazardly tied the sheet around his waist. “Teri, get the fuck out of here. This is not going to happen.”

  Reaching out to touch his chest, she scooted closer. “Oh, Jake, don’t be afraid. Everyone is asleep. No one needs to know.”

  He snorted at what he suspected was a lie. He didn’t have a high opinion of her, and she’d gone out of her way to make Em feel uncomfortable earlier. He bet she’d itch to tell Em that she’d been in his bed.

  Grasping both of her wrists, he turned her toward the door, shuffling her in that direction. “No, Teri. Go back to your room.”

  Once she was outside his bedroom, he dropped her wrists. She turned her head down the hall and then looked back at him, reaching out to touch his chest before he could stop her. “Oh, Jake, you’re fabulous.”

  “Mommy, want milk.”

  Jake spun around and knew his world had just been destroyed again. Emily, holding Amber, along with AJ, stood in the hallway watching the scene. He pushed Teri away. “Em, no. It’s not what it seems.”

  Em turned and raced back to her bedroom, slamming the door.

  “Bastard. We gave you a chance, and you fucked it up. Stay away from her.”

  He tried to push past AJ but received a punch to the gut instead. Bent over, holding his stomach, swallowing the pain radiating through his midsection, Jake felt like certain moments in his life kept repeating themselves. But this time, instead of Em racing after him spouting her love, she’d been the one leaving.

  JAKE’S raised voice in the hallway roused the entire family, and they surrounded Emily in her bedroom, leaving little space for anyone to maneuver. Since the children had also woken, Kate and Megan took the two little girls to put them back to bed. Teri had kept to her room. Probably gloating. The bitch.

  “I just want to leave. If you don’t take me somewhere else, I’m leaving with my daughter.”

  She didn’t care that tears streamed down her face in front of everyone. They’d always known how she felt about Jake. After releasing her anger and mistrust, she’d opened her heart back to him, only to have him toy with her until he could get sex freely from another woman. She’d thought she could win him back. She’d been more of a fool than she’d originally been to think she mattered to him at all.

  It had all been for Amber’s sake.

  “Where would you like to go?” Her father’s soothing voice helped slow her frantic mind, her need for escape. “Do you want the HIS safe house in Virginia?”

  Where did she want to go? “I don’t care as long as it’s away from here.”

  Matt cleared his throat, sat beside her on the bed and placed his hand on her thigh in a comforting hold. He’d been her only brother to remain quiet about Jake returning and their budding relationship. Knowing what it felt like to have one’s heart ripped out by their true love, he’d told her that he refused to offer advice since he had no idea how he’d handle himself in the situation. Only that he wished he had a second chance with Caitlyn. “What about Amber? No matter what’s happened, doesn’t she deserve a chance with her father? You’ve seen how attached she is to him.”

  She bowed her head, placing it in her hands, distraught knowing he was right. She couldn’t be selfish and take this opportunity away from her daughter. Not knowing what their future held sent a sliver of fear slicing its way through her body.

  “Are we safe here? Are you sure she’s not in on it?” She’d worried that question all day. Her mind whirled around the thought of men swarming the house to grab her and Amber while Teri stood and laughed.

  Jesse nodded. “We’re sure she isn’t part of it. Physic
ally, you’re safe.”

  She noticed how he’d added the one word. Because emotionally she might not be safe. Not if Jake took up with Teri when everyone slept.

  Feeling the sudden tension in the room, Emily looked up, and the loud pounding of her heart blocked out the grumbling around her. At least Jake had dressed, but his rumpled jeans and T-shirt only drew her attention to the body she’d made love to. She wasn’t sure she could handle being around him with Teri.

  AJ moved in front of Jake, his hand on her newest visitor’s chest, preventing him from moving forward. “I told you to stay away from her.”

  “I need to explain.”

  Her brother stood his ground. “What’s there to explain? We thought you truly cared for Em. But all you did was play around with her feelings and then jump in bed with the next available woman. You’ve changed more than we thought, and not for the better.”

  Jake rubbed his hand down his tired face. “Look. I need to speak with all of you. Can we do this downstairs?”

  Matt must’ve felt her trembling because he squeezed her leg as a supportive gesture. Knowing her brothers were looking out for her, were being overprotective, didn’t bother her for once in her life. Facing Jake was the last thing she wanted to do. Collecting her daughter and leaving was her only plan. She didn’t want to stay around for the heartache.

  “It’s important. Just give me a few minutes, and then you can decide what to do with me.”

  All heads turned to her, effectively putting her on the spot. She didn’t want to listen to what he had to say. She looked around wildly for help from any of her family.

  Matt patted her leg and stood. “We’ll listen to you, but Em needs rest. It’s already been a long night for her.”

  Relieved, she closed her eyes and each of her brothers and her father kissed her on the cheek before they departed the room, warmth began to move back through her. No matter what, she was loved.


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