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HIS Return (Hamilton Investigation & Security: HIS Series Book 3)

Page 23

by Sheila Kell

  Emily had planned her wedding to Jake since she was a little girl. She’d be a princess with her big dress with a long trail, her bouquet of long-stem red roses, her six bridesmaids in their lovely pink dresses. The bridegrooms would be in their white tuxes with matching pink cummerbunds and bow ties, flowers, more flowers, and then there was Jake in a black tux looking like a Greek god wearing a smile that melted her heart.

  It was to be the most magical day of her life. A little girl’s dream that had turned into a teenager’s desire. Was she ready to give it up just because Jake wanted to be her husband now? Because her father had almost died? Because life was too short, as her father had reminded her?

  The answer was easy. She wanted to be his wife and all the dream wedding stuff seemed trivial.

  “Yes. All I want is my family at my wedding, and everyone is here. You know how hard it is to get the family together when they aren’t on a job. Okay, it’s a job now, but you and Dad are here too. There’s no better time. Besides, I don’t need all the frills of a big wedding. I’m a mother now.”

  Kate looked up from her cell phone. “Everyone deserves frills. Your being a mother has nothing to do with that. If you want to wait, we’re behind you. We know how these men can be.”

  “I just want simple. I’m sure I have something here to wear, and that’s all I need.” Thank goodness she’d kept clothes here for the parties her father generally had for his elite friends. She had one dress that would work. It didn’t matter. She wouldn’t remember what dress she wore. She’d only remember Jake saying, “I do.” To think it was finally happening. She just wanted to spin around until she was so dizzy she fell on the bed on her back, and then looked at the swirling ceiling until it stopped tilting on its axis.

  Putting her phone down, Kate spoke, “Okay, I’ve found every place we need. Are you sure you’re okay for this, Megan? AJ won’t be happy.”

  “I wouldn’t miss this for the world. He knows he won’t be able to stop me so don’t even worry about him.”

  Emily scrunched her brow at her sisters-in-law. “Missed what?” She worried when the two of them got their heads together. She’d learned that before she’d moved to New York City.

  “You’re coming shopping with us today.”

  “I can’t go anywhere. I’ve got Amber. Besides, I thought I couldn’t leave the house.”

  Kate shook her head. “Mrs. Kessler and Kelly have already agreed to watch her. And the men are shadowing us. We’ll be in and out of each place, and we won’t be unprotected. We’re not allowing you to do without frills.”

  Megan stood. “No excuses. If I’m going, you’re going. And,” she stated, staring pointedly at Emily, “I’m going.”

  Knowing she’d lost this battle before it’d begun, she resigned herself to shopping. While most women would love it, since this wouldn’t be a normal shopping trip, she wasn’t sure whether to love it or dread it. It would be all for her so she loved both of them for that. She’d just rather relax and maybe spend time with Jake and Amber.

  Looking at the two women, Emily knew she had no choice. It couldn’t take too long to pick out a dress. She wouldn’t disappoint them. Besides, it would be nice to find something to make Jake smile at how pretty she was beside him.

  “Okay, let’s go.”

  Downstairs they were unexpectedly met with more guests.

  There was still a bit of trepidation at the arrival of the Strickland household even though the family had been cleared in the Ponzi scheme scandal. Emily didn’t care what the others thought of the head of the family; Sofia was still her friend. And, she’d blown her off in New York City. Emily grimaced at the reminder of her home, now destroyed.

  After a tight hug, she turned to introduce her friend. “Sofia, this is Kate. She’s married to Jesse. And this is Megan, and she’s married to, you aren’t going to believe this, AJ.”

  “No. Not our little ‘no woman will ever tie me down’ AJ.”

  Laughing, Megan nodded. “That sounds like my husband. It’s nice to meet you.”

  “How about we go into the living room and get comfortable,” Kate offered.

  Knowing the house well, Sofia didn’t hesitate to lead the way. “That sounds like a good idea because I want to hear why we aren’t staying here this year, and why there are more men here than usual for Senator Hamilton.”

  She flounced on the couch. “You know how hard it is to get a hotel. Daddy had to get someone kicked out in order for us to get a place to stay. Thank goodness Mom decided to stay back this year. She’d have us stay in Memphis, and I wouldn’t look forward to that drive every day.”

  Kate, Megan, and Emily looked at each other. She imaged the question in their expressions was the same—how had the men explained it to Bill? They hadn’t asked since their guests had arrived early.

  “I’ve got this.” Kate took command and led the remaining group into the room.

  Mrs. Kessler miraculously appeared with refreshments and disappeared as quickly. Emily loved that woman. The men had best have been taking care of her when she’d been living away. She’d have to confirm it and kick their asses if they hadn’t.

  “It’s simple really,” Kate said. “I’m sure Bill will agree with Blake’s change. The FBI deputy director and the SEC director arrived and needed a place to stay, so the senator offered here out of respect for their government rank instead of having them jockey for something in town. Especially since we already have security in place with Blake staying here. We just increased it a bit because they are also here.”

  Sofia looked doubtful but nodded. “That makes sense. I’m sure Daddy would understand. I’m surprised the senator didn’t call him first.”

  “If he acquired a hotel room, I’m sure he must’ve.” Emily smiled. Sofia had always been a rich, spoiled kid and the small accommodations offered in Oxford were beneath her standards. It must have irked her that she’d been relegated to a level below anyone, no matter who they were with the government.

  Adjusting her floral knee-length skirt, her friend acted as if it didn’t matter. “What’s been happening? Whatever happened with the thing with your home, Emily?”

  Emily swallowed hard. They’d always been open, sharing secrets with each other. Sure they’d only seen each other once a year, but they’d talk on the phone plenty throughout the year, keeping up with each other’s lives. It was easier to share secrets when one knew someone who wasn’t going to spill the beans.

  In her standard sitting position of her hand on her belly, Megan smiled. “I bet Emily hasn’t told you her good news.”

  Sofia looked at her expectantly.

  Almost forgetting everyone didn’t know her big secret, she happily blurted it out, “I’m getting married tomorrow.”

  “Oh, Emily, that’s so great.” Her friend looked at Kate and Megan and then lowered her voice. “What about Jake? Have you given up?”

  Laughing, she shook her head. “That’s the best part. It’s him.”

  Her friend surged up from her seat and hugged Emily. “I’m so happy for you. When? What happened? Tell me everything.”

  “We’re on our way out to shop for her dress. How about you join us, and she can tell you everything then?” Kate offered.

  “I’d love to.”

  Emily definitely couldn’t get out of her day of torture. But with her friend along, it couldn’t be so bad. Besides, they could catch up on the last year with how her friend’s love affair from afar turned out and on her reunion with Jake.

  Who knew a simple wedding could still consume a full day? Kate and Megan rushed her through the bridal shop. Exhaustion had set in thinking about the schedule for the day. So much for just a dress.

  Even for a small, simple affair, they wouldn’t hear of her not having something big to remember.

  First on the list was wedding dresses. After that she needed shoes
to go with the dress, then flowers, then her hair, then nails, then who knew what else. She feared she’d be too fatigued to get out of bed tomorrow.

  “Come on, Emily,” Megan said, grabbing her attention, “look at that rack of dresses to see if something catches your eye.”

  Knowing she’d best not ignore the directive from one of her drill sergeants for the day, she sifted through the clothes. She stopped and pulled out a white chiffon lace floor-length dress. It was sleeveless with wide lace over both shoulders that moved down to cover the bodice. The V-back met small buttons trailing down the back. No train, no frilly stuff. It had a simple, elegant look. It was perfect. “I’ve found it,” she said a bit choked up with the reality that she’d be a princess after all.

  The three women swooped to her and gushed over the dress. She tried it on, and the seamstress promised the few alterations would be completed later that afternoon. That assured Emily it was definitely the perfect dress for her wedding.

  After Kate paid for it, as her and Jesse’s wedding present, they were off to the next store. She’d been wrong, torture it was, but sweet torture she labeled it, as she’d be marrying Jake with this wonderful new attire and accessories. It would be her day as a princess and him her prince.

  BUTTERFLIES in the stomach were supposed to be a woman thing. Weren’t they? At least Jake thought so, yet he had a flock of them flying around in his as only one signal of his nervousness. His sweaty palms and slight shaking were others.

  In his fantasies, when he’d thought about marrying Em, he’d only thought of her saying, “I do,” them kissing, him picking her up and carting her off to bed. His standing in the gazebo in the backyard, decorated by the women, with the entire family watching wasn’t part of his dream. It was hot, and he was sweating like a pig in his newly acquired black suit. Maybe he and Em should’ve just taken off for the courthouse.

  No. This was what Em wanted. Truthfully, it was what he wanted too. He wanted this family… his family… around for this. He was marrying the love of his life. It was monumental and having them witness it meant the world to him. Just as it meant the world to her. And he’d give her the world.

  He glanced around at the faces. The women were fanning themselves. They could’ve been considerate and given him one of those things. Christ. But they did take the time to make this as magical as they could on such short notice for Em. Getting to know them when he’d been recovering had taught him they were wonderful, caring women who were tough as shit. They were women that Em would fit right in with. He had also figured out not to get on the bad side of any of them.

  His brothers and the HIS men were talking and joking amongst themselves. So quickly he’d grown close to them. Being part of the team was exactly where he belonged. He couldn’t believe Jesse had his name on the business from the beginning. His brother’s faith in him choked him up. They hadn’t stopped looking for him all those years. Then they’d been the ones to rescue him. He turned away, his emotions jumbled thinking about it.

  If it hadn’t been for Arthur, things would’ve been different. Like his brothers, he wasn’t sure how he felt about the man. They worked with him since that was what they had to do. He knew his old boss had a job to do, and that had meant keeping Jake’s whereabouts secret all that time, but the man had seen what Jake heard the family had gone through searching for him, at times believing he might be dead.

  Music began playing, and he dropped every thought and turned toward the house. What had originally been a justice of the peace wedding had quickly morphed into a more traditional ceremony. The family had the preacher from the local church they attended when in town agree to do an abbreviated ceremony. The family and Jake agreed that Em deserved to have a memorable event even if she said otherwise.

  He froze at the sight before him. Em. Christ, she was the most beautiful he’d ever seen. Holding onto her father’s arm in a white wedding gown, her hair pulled up, she carried white flowers. He wanted to run the few yards and grab her up in his arms and take her away where it was just the two of them, and they could say their vows privately.

  Movement in front of her drew his gaze down to his daughter in the dress he’d chosen. She skipped along dropping rose petals from a basket in piles. If it had been a possible thing, his heart smiled along with him. Amber seemed so proud of her duty.

  His little princess stopped beside him. “Daddy, look, look. I flower gurl.”

  Knowing he had to focus his attention on his daughter, but wishing he could continue to watch Em walk toward him, Jake knelt. He touched the top of his daughter’s head, just below the flower ring around it, and moved his hand down her hair. “You make a beautiful flower girl, princess. Turn around and let’s look at your momma.” He nudged his daughter around and whispered, “Isn’t she beautiful?”

  She leaned toward him, cupped her hand to his ear and whispered, in a loud voice, “Mommy is beautiful.”

  Em broke into a huge smile that broadened the one on his face.

  This was his family. Em and Amber. He had a large family, the Hamiltons. But this was his small family. His to look after, to provide for, to love. And he would do that.

  He kissed his daughter’s cheek. “Scoot over to Aunt Kate so your mommy and I can get married.”

  “Okay, Daddy.”

  Amber scampered away, and Jake stood as his bride approached with her father. She was even lovelier close up. Her bright smile and love in her eyes made him want to rush the ceremony so they could have their wedding night and be alone.

  “Jake, I know you love her, but I am giving my only little girl to you. I expect you to take good care of her. She’s my heart.” Blake leaned over, kissed Em on the cheek, gave her arm to Jake and then walked to a seat. Jake could’ve sworn he saw tears glistening in the old man’s eyes.

  The preacher cleared his throat and watched Blake. Maybe they were supposed to wait for that part. He turned back to the couple, and a smile lit the man’s face.

  Jake’s heart pounded. This was finally it, and he was ready. Would Em change her mind? God, he hoped not. He’d waited too long for this, and she’d given up hope on him. Please let her keep her faith in me.

  He clasped her hand as they took a big step so their life together could begin.

  “Dearly beloved—”

  The preacher spoke, but Jake didn’t really hear the words. He was focused on the woman next to him. He wished he’d been able to watch her walk toward him longer. Would the preacher be offended if he turned and stared at her while the clergyman spoke? Probably.

  He squeezed her hand. Was she listening, or was she like him, thinking other thoughts? Hell, now he was thinking of what he’d do with her later tonight.

  Out of the corner of his eye, he caught two men striding toward the ceremony. He’d thought everyone was in attendance. Jake turned to get a better view. Brian Randall, with Les tight at his side, stopped on the outside of the guest seating.

  Jesse had called and spoken with the man, but they weren’t expecting him until tomorrow. They’d been able to discern that, based on the paperwork, Brian had been clueless. Or very clever and allowed his father to be the only one to implicate himself. The family believed he wasn’t aware.

  Their hope in having him here was to convince him to turn on his father. A big undertaking, but one they planned. Tomorrow.

  Today was his and Em’s day.

  Brian seemed agitated while he and Les whispered back and forth. Les grabbed his arm and began to pull him away.

  “Why are you accusing my father of a crime?” Brian said in a booming voice.

  The preacher paused at the statement and looked around. “Pardon, did someone have something that needed to be said?”

  Jake groaned. Now was not the time. He wanted Em to be his wife. He’d promised the senator he’d marry her right away since Blake fretted for his health after his heart attack. Even though h
e refused to allow Em to know.

  Les whispered to Brian, and he held the man’s arm tightly.

  He attempted to jerk from Les’s hold. “I don’t care. Why should I allow you to enjoy yourselves when you are trying to ruin my family and put my father in jail?”

  Dammit, they should’ve arrested Randall already instead of allowing him his own timetable. And how did Brian realize it was anyone here? Oh, right. Jesse had called. That must’ve been some conversation.

  The SEC director stood and turned.

  Brian paled at the sight of the man. “No. It can’t be true.”

  “I’m afraid it is,” James said.

  Les didn’t try to catch Brian as he toppled to the ground like a tree.


  “IF ONE MORE hand reaches in the pan, I’ll chop it off,” Emily warned her brothers. She’d been fine in the kitchen making the family a big pan of banana pudding while Mrs. Kessler and Kelly chatted on about nonsense which left her to her thoughts. Thoughts of her almost wedding.

  Yesterday, Brian’s collapse had put a damper on the thing, and they hadn’t finished the ceremony. They’d have it again before everyone left. Otherwise, she’d marry Jake without the family. If that was what she had to do, then she’d do it. They only needed Amber.

  Arthur and James, along with Jesse, had taken Brian off to the local FBI office for questioning. Jesse returned later that night and let them know Brian had taken a deal to speak against his father. He hadn’t known, but they did think he suspected something was wrong. Who wouldn’t? No one was that lucky.

  She’d been keeping occupied while Jake attended a PTSD group meeting. She’d done well until five of her siblings, sweaty from their afternoon workout, invaded her workspace. “Couldn’t you have showered before you came in here?”

  AJ grabbed the empty box of vanilla wafers and tossed them back on the counter in disappointment.


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