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Mary Janice Davidson, Michele Bardsley, Chris Tanglen - Lighthearted Lust (Ellora's Cave)

Page 17

by james

  “Oh, that’s a perfectly legitimate reason. People make career choices to piss off others all the time. So why horror?”

  “I just love it. Always have.”

  “Me too.”

  “One of my fondest memories as a kid is sneaking out of bed to watch Ghoul Theater on Saturday nights. This guy, The Ghoul, hosted these really campy horror flicks, and they were wonderful! Even as a kid you could never take them too seriously, but it was so much fun to sit by myself in the darkened living room watching these movies. And that love for the macabre stuck with me, so now I’m a truly demented old lady.”

  “Demented old ladies are the best kind.”

  Melody nodded. Tim noticed her taking a deep breath, as if she was preparing to say something really important.

  “I know I’m kind of wrecking the spontaneity of the moment,” she admitted, “but here we are on the Ferris wheel, we’ve talked about our first kisses, and if we pass up this opportunity to have our own first kiss we’re going to ruin a perfectly good first kiss story. Will you kiss me?”

  Tim didn’t want to ruin the spontaneity of the moment any more by saying “Yes, ma’am!” so without a word he put his arm around Melody’s shoulder, pulled her toward him, and kissed her.

  It was tender, lingering. He heard Melody’s soft moan as she slipped her arm around his waist. Oh, yeah, Ferris wheel kisses were so much better when he wasn’t choking on somebody’s hair.

  That does it. I’m sunk. It’s all over. Love is gnawing on me like a school of ravenous piranha.

  Melody deepened the kiss. Tim responded in equal measure. She hadn’t been kissed by many men in her life, but she felt she had a decent basis for comparison, and it had never been like this. This was just…it was…it was wow!

  And it wasn’t just that Tim was a man who knew how to kiss. It was something deeper. Probably had to do with that chemistry/fate/toxins-in-the-air thing again. Whatever it was, Melody Talaway had already fallen for this guy, no doubt about it, and she’d be superglued to a pair of stampeding epileptic buffalo before she’d let Tim get away from her.


  They burst into Tim’s apartment. The “your place or mine?” question had been easily resolved, since Tim’s place was three minutes closer. Arms wrapped around each other, lips locked together, feet trying not to stumble as they moved into the living room, Melody and Tim clawed at each other with a ferocity usually reserved for various species of large carnivorous felines. Their kisses were rapid, frantic, intense.

  Melody opened her eyes, looking over Tim’s firm, muscular shoulder into the disapproving gaze of an elderly woman coming out of her own apartment across the hall. “Heathens,” the woman muttered as she walked out of sight.

  “I think you should close the door,” Melody whispered, barely able to catch her breath.

  Tim nodded and pulled away from her, making her ache with need for him. But these few seconds of non-contact would be good for her. They’d make her strong. Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out. Don’t lose yourself completely. You only met him this evening.

  That was right! She’d only met him three hours ago! She couldn’t sleep with him already…she couldn’t turn herself into some one-night stand! Melody had vowed not to do anything to mess up this relationship, and going to bed (or the couch, or the floor, or against the dishwasher) with the man this soon would cost her several points in the “respect” category. She couldn’t do another “just sex” relationship. Shit!

  Tim shut the door. Actually, he slammed it, nearly knocking a picture off the wall. “Sorry. I guess I’m a little worked up.”

  He strode toward her, a man with a passionate cause. God, he looked good! She didn’t have to interrupt the kissing right at this very moment by saying “Oh, just so you’d know, I’ve decided that being a slut tonight would adversely affect our future relationship.” That could wait. She opened her arms and he stepped into them hastily, embracing her and kissing her deeply.

  She ran her tongue over his lower lip and could feel the tremor it sent through his entire body. She dug her fingers into his hair, twisting it around them as they kissed and kissed and kissed.


  They both simultaneously cursed under their breath.


  “Hold on just a second.” Tim released her and walked over to the kitchen counter. “Taffy knocked the answering machine on the floor again.” He bent over and plugged it in as the phone rang a third time.

  Click. “Hi, this is Tim, I’m not home right now, but if you leave a message at the tone I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.” Melody was sure Tim was a man of many talents, but recording creative answering machine messages wasn’t one of them.

  Beep. “Hey, bro, it’s Peter. I’ve been trying to get a hold of you. That Karen Finch, or Rench, or something called at work wanting to confirm your—”

  Tim grabbed the phone. “Peter? What’s up?”

  Melody took this opportunity to survey the apartment. A shrine to horror movies, classic and modern. She scanned his bookshelf, and yes, on the second shelf from the bottom, there was a worn paperback copy of Whose Heart is in My Popcorn? She’d have to autograph it for him. Perhaps with lipstick.

  “Okay…” Tim said into the receiver. “Yeah, right here with me… Shut up, Peter… I will… No, really, shut up… Okay, bye.” He hung up.

  “Problem at the restaurant?”

  “Huh? Oh, no, everything’s fine. He needed to confirm a delivery, that’s all.”

  “Good. Kiss me some more.”

  He kissed her some more. She ran her fingernails down the back of his shirt. The effect would have been better if her nails weren’t so short, but long nails lowered her typing speed.

  They stood in place for about a minute, letting their lips connect and their hands roam. Tim’s hand slid over her right breast and cupped it firmly. She shivered with pleasure.

  No shivering with pleasure! I can’t let this go too far tonight! In a while, a very short while, we can go at it like savage predators, but right now is just too soon!

  She broke the kiss. “Tim…?”


  “We can’t do this.”

  “Physically or morally?”

  “Morally. We have to quit. I’m really attracted to you and I don’t want this to

  be some cheap fling. If we keep going at it like this I’ll get permanent pelvic twitches.”

  “I guess things are moving kind of quickly,” Tim admitted, his voice squeaking like he was going through a second puberty.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “No, no, it’s fine. We don’t want to carry this too far too fast.”

  “It’s not that I don’t want to…”

  “You don’t have to justify it. I agree with you. We need to slow things down.”

  “Yes, we do.” Melody closed her eyes, took a deep breath, counted to ten,

  and exhaled. “Tim?”


  “If we’re going to slow things down, you’ll have to remove your hand from

  my breast.”

  “Oh, right. Sorry.” He pulled his hand away and scratched his ear with it.

  “You’re not mad at me, are you?”

  “Of course not,” Tim insisted. “Getting carried away would have been a bad

  idea.” “Yes, it would have.” However, Melody had forgotten why all of a sudden. She guessed she could have his clothes off in under eight seconds if she really put forth the effort, and probably her own off in another fourteen if she didn’t worry about damaging the buttons on her blouse, which were easily replaceable and— Behave, Melody. Think clean thoughts. The Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, located off the southeast coast of India, has rice, tea, and coconuts as its primary crops. Its labor force is comprised of approximately 46% workers in the agricultural fields, 27% in commerce and industry, and 26% in service­oriented occupations. It sometimes gets hot there.

  Good girl.

  She wondered if Tim had a big cock.

  Okay, this wasn’t going to work. She was so horny, so wet, that she’d be straddling his face within three minutes if she didn’t get out of here. She wanted to fuck him so badly that it was making her dizzy, but no, she wasn’t going to cave in. The relationship had to be about more than sex.

  She’d go home, wear out the batteries in her vibrator, and then see Tim tomorrow.

  Of course, if she fucked him into another dimension tomorrow, would it be that much different from doing it tonight? If she was really looking for respect, she’d have to hold off on the sex for a couple of weeks, right?

  Not gonna happen.

  “I changed my mind.” Melody unbuttoned her blouse and let it drop to the floor.

  Tim knew it wasn’t polite to stare, but he couldn’t help himself. She wore a black lace bra that was clearly working overtime to keep her breasts contained. As he stood there, enamored by the sight, Melody reached behind her back. Tim heard a couple of clicks that made it obvious that his evening was going to take a major turn for the better, and then her bra fell away, completely exposing her breasts.

  Her fantastic breasts.

  They were large and full, the nipples erect, and though Tim wasn’t an expert on such things it seemed pretty clear that they were the original breasts given to

  Melody upon her birth…well, her ascent into adulthood, anyway.

  He stared at them, taking them in, as Melody bit her lip nervously.

  What should he say? “Nice tits?” “Those are some ample bosoms?” “The

  creamy white surface of your gorgeous womanly breasts is bringing out a tingling sensation in my nether regions?”

  “Wow,” he said.

  Melody smiled. “Thanks.”

  Tim pulled his own shirt over his head and tossed it aside.

  Apparently working in the restaurant business was a good way to keep in shape. Tim’s body was lean and firm, like the body of a swimmer. He had broad shoulders and just the right amount of chest hair (she wasn’t into those unnaturally smooth chests, but neither did she care for a shag rug).

  There was also an unmistakable bulge in his pants. Showing him her breasts didn’t seem to have been a turn-off.

  She really, really liked the way he was looking at her.

  Melody stepped forward, and Tim stepped over to meet her. They put their arms around each other and kissed. Tim’s hand found its way back to her now­bare breast and caressed it as their tongues met. His free hand slid over to her other breast, gently brushing against the hard nipple and almost making her squirm.

  God, he could kiss.

  If he could fuck as well as he could kiss, Melody was going to be extremely well laid this evening. She certainly didn’t expect him to have the stamina, the size, or even the raw exuberance of Alex, but there was a spark here, an emotional connection that was missing from her previous relationship.

  Holy shit, her previous relationship had just ended yesterday morning. She was going to fuck Tim the day after she’d fucked Alex. Granted, it was the evening now, and she’d had sex with Alex yesterday morning, but still, what a


  Oh well. There were worse things to be.

  They stood there kissing, their hands roaming everywhere above the waist. He ever so gently pinched her nipple and this time she did squirm. Finally they broke the kiss and gazed into each other’s eyes for a long moment.

  “Do you want to show me to your bedroom?” she asked.

  Tim nodded and took her by the hand. He led her through the living room and then stopped. “I wasn’t really expecting company,” he admitted. “How about you give me five minutes to tidy things up a bit and put on fresh sheets?”

  “I’ll give you seven, so you can put on a good CD. Which way to the bathroom?”

  “It’s right across from the bedroom.” He led her into a small hallway and opened the door for her. She gave him a quick kiss, entered the bathroom, and shut the door behind her.

  She looked at herself in the mirror. Yep, definitely the image of an incredibly horny woman. She removed the rest of her clothes, draping them over the side of the bathtub, and then ran some water, wet her fingers, and did some quick touch-ups to her hair. It still looked like crap, but, hey, that was her curse.

  It felt surprisingly good to be standing completely naked in a strange bathroom. Again, at any other time in her life she would have felt embarrassed and self-conscious, even with nobody watching her, and yet now she could

  expose her breasts to a man she’d only met that evening and love it.

  Wow, that made her sound like a slut.

  She wasn’t showing her boobs to just any man. It was the man.

  She hoped.

  A bottle of Scope rested on the sink. Would using Tim’s mouthwash be a faux pas? She wasn’t sure of the etiquette in these situations. Going through his medicine cabinet would unquestionably be a no-no, but the Scope was right out in the open.

  She decided to be daring and swished a mouthful for thirty seconds. But she didn’t gargle.

  Melody emerged from the bathroom to find Tim lighting some candles on the bedroom dresser. “These were actually meant for emergency lighting, so they aren’t scented or anything, but they should help set the mood.”

  He winced and dropped the match that had burned his fingers while he was entranced by Melody’s complete nakedness.

  Ethereal music played over the stereo. “Is that ‘Dead Can Dance’?” Melody asked.

  “Yep. Do you like them?”

  “Love ‘em! Perfect sex music!”

  She helped Tim make the bed, which took twice as long as it should have because he was still distracted by her complete nakedness.

  “How about some wine?” he asked.

  “How about you do me?” she responded.

  “Don’t answer a question with a question.” Tim grinned.

  Melody sat down on the bed and beckoned with wicked intent. “C’mere, you.”

  “Is this going to hurt?” Tim asked.

  “Only in the fifth hour.”

  Tim walked around to the other side of the bed. He leaned down to kiss Melody, but she gently blocked him with her fingers to his chin. Instead, she turned her attention to unbuttoning and unzipping his slacks.

  They put up no struggle though she had to slide off the bed and crouch down to tug them down to his ankles. Tim stepped out of them, and Melody took a moment to admire the nice bulge straining against the front of his white briefs. “Holy shit, how much padding is in there?” She grabbed the sides of his briefs and carefully slid them down to his knees.

  There was no padding. Tim didn’t wield a porno-star monstrosity, or even an Alex-sized one, but it was quite a bit bigger than she would have expected from his build. Much thicker than she would have expected.

  She ran her fingers along the side of his cock. “Very, very nice. I approve.”

  “I’m glad.”

  Melody kissed the tip of the penis that had gained her approval. Then she stood up and gave Tim a quick kiss on the lips. “Lie on your back.”

  “You first.”

  “Don’t fuck around with me, Mr. Neffster. On your back or it’s dungeon time for your ass.”

  Tim sat down on the bed and then lay on his back. He scooted back until his head was at the upper right corner of the mattress, giving Melody plenty of room to climb up and straddle him.

  She crouched on her hands and knees, her breasts pressed against his upper legs, and took his cock in her hand. She teasingly ran her tongue along the underside and Tim moaned with pleasure.

  Melody darted her tongue all over the shaft, giving it quick licks. His penis was hot and smooth and seemed to be getting even harder if such a thing was possible.

  She progressed from quick licks to lingering ones, sliding her tongue all the way from the tip down to his pubic hair. She did all of this while unable to get the smile off her face.

nbsp; She began to lick his balls, running her tongue in circles all over them. Tim moaned even louder as she did this and squirmed. She wondered if this was a new sensation for him.

  She stayed there for a few minutes because he was enjoying it so much, and then licked her way back up to the tip of his cock.

  “That feels so good,” Tim whispered.

  “Mmmmmm,” Melody replied, taking the head of his penis into her mouth. She lovingly sucked on it as she swirled her tongue all over it, and slowly began to work down, taking in more and more of his length.

  She wasn’t able to take his entire cock into her mouth, but she got a more than adequate percentage before she slid back up again. She began to suck him rapidly, head bobbing up and down, using her fingers to stroke the portion that her lips didn’t touch.

  She sucked him for several more minutes and then pulled her mouth away. She gave his cock a noisy kiss before laying down on her back and spreading her


  “Okay, now it’s my turn.”

  Tim didn’t hesitate. He rolled over and began to kiss her all over. Her

  shoulders, her neck, her arms, her belly. Each kiss made Melody’s skin tingle and her body feel alive.

  When he finally settled on her breast, gently sucking the nipple, she thought she was going to come right then and there.

  When he switched to her other breast, she did.

  Her whole body tensed up and she cried out with pleasure, eyes squeezed shut. She clenched her fists together so tightly that it hurt as the wave of ecstasy rushed through her entire body.

  She lay there for a moment, breathing hard, and then opened her eyes. Tim was staring at her.

  “Did you just…?”

  “Uh-huh,” she gasped.

  “Just from…?”


  “Can you always…?”

  She shook her head. “Uh-uh.”



  Melody had experienced many orgasms over the past couple of months, but never in her life had she come close to climaxing from just from a mouth on her breast. Of course, she was also pretty sure she’d never been this wet this quickly.

  Tim went back to licking her breast while she ran her hand through his hair.


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