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Mary Janice Davidson, Michele Bardsley, Chris Tanglen - Lighthearted Lust (Ellora's Cave)

Page 20

by james

  Tim buried his face between her thighs, reaching up with both hands to hold her bare breasts. He gently, slowly made love to her with his tongue, licking all the way up and then all the way down.

  Melody realized that watching for potential spectators was much more difficult than she’d thought.

  Don’t make noise…don’t make noise…don’t make noise…

  She whimpered.

  You’re making noise!

  Tim licked and licked, and Melody quickly figured out that there was no way in hell she was going to be silent through this. When his tongue flicked over her clitoris, she had to slap her hand over her mouth.

  Of course, this hand thing was working pretty well. She kept her hand over her mouth and let the good man lick away. And lick he did…his tongue slowly moving all over her pussy. Melody wanted to wrap her legs around him but couldn’t while her jeans were still caught around her ankles, so she settled for spreading her legs as wide as she could.

  He slid a finger into her with ease, quickly following it with a second as he continued licking. If he kept this up, Melody was pretty damn sure that she was going to come.

  He kept it up.

  Melody came so hard she thought she was going to bite right through her palm. Her entire body shook, probably frightening the nearby wildlife, and she worried that her muffled scream alerted the entire six-mile area to their presence. But since she didn’t hear any police sirens approaching, she didn’t protest as Tim lowered his pants some more and dug out a condom.

  Within a few seconds he’d torn open the wrapper and rolled it over his cock while Melody kicked her jeans off one ankle. Within a few more seconds he was on top of her, thrusting deep inside of her. She was certain that her butt was getting really dirty from being on the ground, but at least she didn’t feel any bugs on it yet.

  While the licking had been slow, the fucking was hard and fast. Tim pounded into her, gasping with each thrust. Her soaked pussy put up no resistance, and she noted with some satisfaction that since they were fucking

  outside, nobody would have to sleep in the wet spot.

  Melody pressed her lips tightly together to keep from screaming in pleasure.

  Oh, jeez, I could be on the six o’clock news tomorrow and I don’t even care.

  Well, she cared a little, but not enough to ask Tim to stop fucking her.

  They went at it for another few minutes, the thrusts getting harder and

  harder. Just when Melody decided that it was getting a wee bit out of control, Tim pressed his hand against his own mouth to muffle himself as he cried out in his orgasm.

  After he pulled out of her, they lay there for a moment, just enjoying being together. Then they simultaneously realized that they were lying naked in a park, and quickly got up and got back into their clothes.

  Before they made it out of the park, they decided that they needed an encore, so they rushed back to the hidden spot behind the bushes and fucked some more.

  The middle-aged woman who happened upon them just giggled, but it was still rather embarrassing.

  They went back to Tim’s apartment and made love until the wee hours of the night.

  * * * * *

  He’s going to dump me, Melody thought to herself as she sat at her desk, typing. She couldn’t believe she’d forgotten to bring along the story. At least now it was in her purse for next time. Sure, she’d been distracted by the insulting serenade, but still, she should have remembered. She wasn’t trying hard enough. She was going to destroy this relationship just like she’d destroyed her relationship with Alex.

  She’s gonna leave me if I don’t start taking this relationship seriously, Tim decided. The sex was fantastic, but he had to be more affectionate. He had to be more creative. He had to take things to the next level before it was too late.



  One hour before she had to leave for work, Melody looked with satisfaction upon the large corkboard attached to her office wall. She’d divided it into five columns: Gifts, Things to Say, Things to Do (Small Scale), Things To Do (Large Scale), and Sexual Techniques. Each column contained several color-coordinated index cards with ideas neatly written on them.

  Okay, now that everything was carefully arranged, it was time to make the selections. It was too early for the “I love you” card under Things to Say, so she removed it and set it on her desk for later reference.

  She stared at the board. “Tim’s Story” was her current ace in the hole, but now she was having second thoughts, wondering if it might be a little too much. Perhaps she should hold off for a couple more dates. She removed that card, and turned her attention to gifts.

  Should she go with a level one gift, level two, level three, level four, or level five? Definitely not five, and definitely not one. Either a three or a four. Probably a four. Yes, definitely a four. She removed the third card under level four and grinned wickedly.

  * * * * *

  Tim had spent all morning on the phone, but it was worth it. He’d finally been able to track down the name and address of a Mr. Edward Klacken.

  He pulled into the driveway of a small house in the suburbs. After double­checking the address, he walked up onto the porch and rang the doorbell.

  A moment later the door opened, revealing a short, stick-thin man in his seventies with a ridiculously full head of black hair. He peered suspiciously at Tim. “Yeah?”

  “Mr. Klacken?”


  “Hi. You don’t know me, but I really need to talk to you. You’re The Ghoul,

  right? You used to host Ghoul Theatre?”


  “So I’m here on behalf of my friend, Melody Talaway.”

  “She’s not my daughter!” snapped Klacken. “You want a blood test, I’ll get a frickin’ blood test! I have no money left; what do you parasites want to harass an old man for?”

  “I’m not saying she’s your daughter.” Tim took a wary step back. “She’s a big fan of yours.”



  “Is she hot?”

  “Uh, yeah.”

  “She a blonde? How much does she weigh?”

  “Do you think I could come in?” asked Tim, trying to change the subject.

  “Yeah, yeah, all right.”

  Klacken led Tim inside the house. The living room was completely decorated with a bunny rabbit motif. There was bunny wallpaper, bunny pictures, and stuffed bunnies in every corner. Tim looked around in awe.

  “Lot of bunnies,” he noted.

  Klacken shrugged. “Yeah, the girl I was living with liked ‘em. Bunny was her

  stage name. She left me for her dermatologist.”


  “She can call all she wants, but these fuckin’ bunnies are mine now.”

  “I guess I’ll get to the point.” Tim wanted to have a seat on the couch but was unable to locate a non-bunny-occupied section. “Melody told me how much she loved your show when she was growing up, and I thought it would be really cool if you could show up when we got together for dinner tonight. You know, in your Ghoul makeup and costume or whatever you wore on TV. It’d be a great surprise.”

  Klacken chuckled. “You don’t want that. She sees me in my Ghoul costume, next thing you know she’s screaming my name when you’re in bed.”

  “I think it’ll be okay.”

  “Can’t do it tonight. Shark documentary on The Discovery Channel. Can’t do it tomorrow, either. Tuesday night sitcom lineup. How about Wednesday?”

  “Wednesday’s fine,” said Tim. A little later than he would like, but he’d take what he could get.

  “You know,” said Klacken, thoughtfully, “I’ve got a special costume they wouldn’t let me wear on the air.”

  “No, no, just your regular costume. Do you still have it?”

  “Yeah. By the way, I charge five thousand for personal appearances.”

  “I’ll give you two hundred.�



  * * * * *

  Her mother’s phone rang. As Karen walked over to answer it, she tried to recall her sister Sally’s instructions. If it were Ron, Jason, Tyler, Bobby, or Louis, she was supposed to tell the truth, that Sally was out getting her hair done. If it was Fred, she was supposed to make him jealous by saying that Sally was at the movies with a strange guy. If it was William calling to apologize, she was supposed to tell him to drop dead. If it was William calling about returning the books Sally had lent him, she was supposed to tell him to drop them off at Tyler’s apartment and she’d pick them up later. If it was Thomas, she was supposed to tell him that Sally had moved. If it was Michael, she was supposed to tell him that Sally needed to borrow his car next Thursday while hers was at the shop.

  If it was for their mother, Karen was supposed to encourage her to get off the phone quickly, since their mother couldn’t figure out how call waiting worked, and Sally didn’t want to miss any important calls.

  It was none of them. The telemarketer offered her a low, low interest rate on a credit card. She panted into the phone and asked him what he was wearing. He hung up.

  She looked up Tim’s number, dialed, then hoisted a barbell in her free hand as she waited for him to answer.

  * * * * *

  “Hi, Tim, it’s Karen.”

  Tim grimaced. He’d completely forgotten about his date with Karen! He hoped she took it well when he called it off.

  “Karen…good to hear from you…”

  “We’re still scheduled for tomorrow, correct? I wouldn’t want to have to

  shatter your legs.”

  She was joking. He knew she was joking. She’d even chuckled to accentuate the joke. She was in no way even remotely serious. Physical harm would be non­

  existent if he were to tell her right now that he was going to cancel their date.

  The fact that his legs had gone numb meant nothing.


  Do it! Be a man!

  “…it’s all I’ve been thinking about.”

  You chickenshit sissy!

  “I’m exalted. Would you like to procure me at six? We can masticate at Hansen’s.”

  Masticate? Didn’t that just mean “to chew?” What, they were going to chew their food and spit it back out onto the plate? If he weren’t such a complete and total wuss, he’d call her on that one.

  “That sounds good, sure.” Tim cursed his status as a complete and total wuss. “What’s your address?”

  “You don’t require it. I’ve been spending my days parked outside your residence, ensuring that you aren’t cheating on me.”

  Tim was pretty sure he’d entered the first stage of cardiac arrest. “I see,” he managed to say.

  “That was a witticism, Tim.”

  “I know,” he informed her through a mouthful of bile.

  * * * * *

  Tim and Melody walked along the beach, hand in hand. It was another perfect night.

  “Watch your step.” Tim gestured to the sand. “Hypodermic needle. Stuck in a jellyfish.”

  “Can I ask you a serious question?” asked Melody.

  “Of course.”

  “Do you think I ignore you?”

  Tim couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “No! Not at all!” Melody looked a bit reassured, but then Tim became uncomfortable. Was she hinting at something? “Why? Do you think I’m ignoring you?”

  “No, of course not.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “I’m totally sure.”

  “Good. I’m sure, too.”

  They continued walking. Melody certainly didn’t look sure.

  After their walk, they returned to Melody’s truck. She led him to the back and gestured dramatically toward a blanket-covered form.

  “I’ve got a present for you, but you have to promise me that you’re genuinely a sicko horror fan.”

  Tim held up his fingers, indicating Scout’s Honor. “I am, believe me.”

  “I don’t want you wigging out when you see this. It’s kind of extreme.”

  “I can handle it.”

  Melody pulled off the blanket with a flourish. Underneath was an artificial female cadaver, dressed in a red evening gown that was tattered and covered with cobwebs.

  “Wow,” Tim gasped. “You’ve killed for me.”

  “Do you like it?”

  “I, uh, really don’t know what to say.”

  Melody picked up a bulb that was attached to the cadaver by a clear tube. When she squeezed it, a fake hand raised out of the cadaver’s chest, holding a heart. Written upon the hand were the words “You’ve stolen my heart, Tim.”

  “Okay, now I definitely like it.” Tim gave her a hug and a gentle kiss.

  “So what’s on the agenda for tomorrow?” asked Melody.

  “I need to be at the café at least until Peter gets there at five. You’re going to write for a while after work, right?”

  “For a little bit, yeah. Should we meet for dinner again? I know this eating out is getting kind of expensive, so I could make us something.”

  Tim began to fidget nervously. “I sort of forgot. I have a prior commitment. Nothing major, just dinner with a…a friend.”

  “A friend?”

  “Not even a friend, really. An acquaintance. Maybe not even that. An individual. This guy I went to high school with. We thought we’d go out to dinner, then hang out and talk about old times. I hope that’s okay.”

  “Sure it’s okay,” Melody smiled. “We don’t have to spend every waking moment together. We’ll do something on Wednesday. No big deal.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Of course I’m sure. Now kiss me some more.”

  Tim kissed her some more.

  * * * * *

  Melody lay in the hot bath with relaxing music playing in the background. The bubble bath her mother had bought her floated on the surface of the water like an oil slick, but it smelled nice.

  She was doing everything she could not to become paranoid, but it was a challenge. Was Tim really seeing an old friend tomorrow? He’d seemed just a bit too nervous about the whole situation.

  He couldn’t be seeing someone else, could he? Not after the way they’d hit it off.

  Not after all that awesome sex.

  No, she trusted him. If he said he was going out with an old friend then that’s what he was doing.

  It damn fucking well better be what he was doing.

  The phone rang, so she hurriedly got out of the bathtub, wrapped a towel

  around herself, and ran down the hallway into her office. “Hello?” she answered. “Hi.” Tim’s voice was an apologetic whisper. “Hi, you. You know, I’m standing here completely naked, dripping wet from

  a hot bath. I don’t know that I’ll be able to completely dry myself.” “I’ll be right over!” Melody’s eyes widened. It wasn’t Tim, it was Alex! “Whoops, whoa, I’m

  sorry. I’ve had a dose of Nyquil tonight; I don’t know what I’m babbling about.” “Are you sure?” “Oh yes, definitely, I’m totally wasted, stay home.” “Okay.” Alex sounded disappointed. “I’ve been trying to reach you for two

  days.” “I have voicemail.” “Yeah, I know, but I figured you wouldn’t call me back. Look, Melody, I

  want to apologize. I should have been nicer when I was dumping you.” “Mmm-hmm.” “I’d like it if you’d let me tell you I’m sorry in person.” “I don’t think so. I apologize for wasting two months of your life, but we

  need to leave this in the past.” “I’m not trying to win you back,” Alex insisted. “Just let me take you out for

  coffee and doughnuts tomorrow morning.” “No.” “Okay, just coffee. Decaf.” “Alex, no, I think…” A horrible, evil, childish idea came to her. She tried to blink it out of her

  head, but it persisted. She could have dinner with Alex at the same place Tim was having dinner with his friend. Just to keep
an eye on him.

  If he caught her, well, she could explain her presence away without a problem—that’s what writing skills were for. He’d probably be flattered. And if he was with another woman, she could get him.

  Her jaw dropped. Was she seriously contemplating such a pathetic, grade­schoolish, insane idea? What had Tim done to her?

  Okay, she at least needed to use a smidgen of intelligence in this matter. Wait until tomorrow to decide anything. “…I think I need to sleep on it,” she said. “But I’ll call you tomorrow.”

  “Thank you. My mom’s number is in the Rolodex by the refrigerator.”

  “I’m not taking you back, Alex. I want you to realize that. If we do get together, it’s just as friends.”

  “I know.”

  “Because you sounded pretty hot-to-trot when I said I was wet and naked.”

  “It would probably help if you didn’t say things like that,” Alex admitted.

  “It’s a deal. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

  She hung up. She was an awful person. Not only was she going to spy on Tim, but she was also going to pull an innocent bystander into it.

  No, she wasn’t. She’d go to bed and when she woke up in the morning, the whole idea would seem completely absurd. She’d chuckle at her sorry state of mind, and then return to life as a mature, responsible adult.

  * * * * *

  She rolled over sleepily as the alarm went off. The plan sounded better than ever.



  Charles William Stearning gazed through the telescope, waiting for his goddess to emerge. The holy hour of nine-thirty was the part of his day that made life worth living.

  His pulse quickened as he checked his watch. Nine twenty-eight. His goddess had about a ten-minute window of opportunity for revealing herself, so true bliss was at hand any moment now.

  Oh, sweet Melody! Writer of the words that spoke to him, that brought him peace. His floor was littered with multiple copies of each of her tomes, falling apart from constant reference, the pages marked with yellow highlighter and notes written in pencil that nearly exceeded the word count of the books themselves.

  She was his world. His reason for existence. Someday soon he would kill for her, take the life of another human being just as her books begged him, pleaded with him to do. And she would smile, and she would know he was hers, and their embrace would be exquisite.


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