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Her Devilish Marquess

Page 8

by Ruth Ann Nordin

  “Oh, that was your brother! I remember seeing him a few times at some balls. He didn’t dance much. It seemed he was more interested in sitting and talking to his friends.”

  “He thought he had all the time in the world to get a bride and have a child to pass the title to. As it turns out, he didn’t. It was his greatest regret.”

  “Because he realized that all the things in the world couldn’t make up for the love of a lady and child?”

  He studied her expression. If he was right, then it was her secret longing for a love match and children that compelled her to make that deduction. He didn’t know if he should reveal the truth to her, but then he decided if he couldn’t be honest with her, then he couldn’t be honest with anyone.

  “Actually,” he began, “he regretted it because it meant the title was going to me.”

  “Oh. I’m sorry.”

  Noting the sympathetic expression on her face, he hurried to assure her, “It’s the way things were between us. There’s no going back and changing any of it. I’ve made peace with it. The important thing is we make the most of the time we have. Life is short. I don’t want to waste it on regrets, and I do like the idea of a love match and children. I just never thought any lady would be brave enough to marry me, given my reputation.”

  She laughed, and her cheeks went back to the pretty pink color he’d become accustomed to. “I never thought a gentleman would show up to the wedding and say all the vows. I expected you to bolt for the door at any moment.”

  “No, I had no intention of doing such a thing.” He reached for her hand and took it in his. “If no one else was brave enough to marry us, then it makes the most sense we end up together.”

  She lowered her gaze from his. Her smile still lit up her face, assuring him she was pleased by his words. Yes, she was shy, but she was already coming out of her shell. In no time at all, he figured she’d feel free to talk to him.

  “Let me show you your new home,” he said.

  Still holding her hand, he helped her up and led her out of the room.

  Chapter Eight

  That night, Danette drank some sherry, as Regan had recommended. “It’ll help you relax,” Regan had whispered.

  Danette put the empty glass on the small table by her bed and released her breath. How long would it take for her to feel relaxed? As it was, she was far too nervous to even sit. Clearing her throat, she went back over to her vanity and studied her reflection in the small mirror.

  Her cheeks were flushed, but she didn’t know if it was from anxiety or because the sherry made her feel warm. Maybe it was a little of both. Either way, at least she didn’t look so scared that she was pale. She was hoping Derek wouldn’t come into her bedchamber and decide she was too frightened to go through with the wedding night. The longer she waited, the harder it was going to be to go through with it. At least she knew what to expect. She’d hate to come to bed not having any idea of what was going to happen.

  She brushed her hair and let the tresses fall over her shoulders, thinking it gave her a softer look. Then she adjusted her robe and turned away from the mirror. There was nothing else she could do except wait. And since she was unable to sit, she ended up pacing the length of her bedchamber.

  She tried not to think of how much time was passing. Instead, she thought over the things she wanted to do over the next week. She’d have to visit her mother and, of course, Regan. Regan had her heart set on the dinner party. Danette wasn’t sure Malcolm would be all that happy with Derek, but even if he wasn’t, she was. She didn’t often see Malcolm anyway, so his opinion had little bearing on her life. Regan and her mother were happy with the arrangement, and that was all that mattered.

  The knocking at the door connecting her bedchamber with Derek’s brought her back to more pressing matters. She took a moment to gather her courage and headed for the door.

  She opened it, and Derek stood on the other side, smiling at her in a way that made her heart skip a beat. Maybe the sherry was finally doing its job or maybe it was the assurance he wanted to be with her, but she found herself relaxing a bit.

  “I’m sorry it took me so long to come here,” Derek said as he entered her room. “After you came up here, there was someone at the door who needed a prescription. He was the only person who was brave enough to have me as a doctor when I first started. He referred me to his friends, and from there, I had more people under my care. I felt it was only right I take a moment to help him.”

  “I didn’t mind waiting,” she replied.

  “I’m glad to hear it. I kept worrying you’d only get more nervous the longer I made you wait. I heard when ladies are virgins, the wedding night can be filled with a lot of uncertainty. Uncertainty with anything can lead to anxiety.”

  “Gentlemen don’t get nervous when it’s their first time?” All right. That had to be the sherry at work because she never would have asked the question under any other circumstance.

  With a smile that made her weak in the knees, he said, “Gentlemen are much too excited to be nervous.”

  “Oh.” Then did that mean he was excited? All the sherry in the world would never compel her to ask that question. Besides, maybe it was implied.

  “Being a doctor, I’ve been privy to more conversations than you can imagine. I took the liberty of bringing something to help ease things for you.” He pulled out a small bottle. She couldn’t make out what was written on it. “It’s in Latin. The apothecary I do business with feels more professional when he uses Latin on his labels. But this is a blend of herbs with some oil to help you relax, be more sensitive in the area that matters most, and will help lubricate you. I haven’t had a need to use it before, but he swears by it.” As an afterthought, he added, “Some of the wives swear by it, too. Would you like to use it?”

  Touched he gave so much thought to easing her transition from virgin to married lady, she nodded. “Yes, I’ll use it.” Then, before she could stop herself from making the joke, she blurted out, “I’ll let you know if the apothecary and those wives are right.”

  He grinned and lowered his head to kiss her. “I knew you were a fun lady the day I met you. It’s nice to see you open up to me.” His fingers brushed her cheek, almost a whisper against her skin. “I suppose getting things started will be awkward no matter what we do. Do you want to go to bed, and we’ll start things by just holding each other and talking?”

  That was probably the best way to go about it. She glanced at the candelabra. At the time, she had decided to keep the candles lit, thinking he’d need the light to find his way to the bed. Now she was beginning to think she should have blown out the candles so she wouldn’t have to remove her robe where he could see her. The notion was silly, of course. They both had to be naked for what was going to happen. If he was going to touch her, he might as well see her.

  Unable to look at him, she went over to the bed, pulled back the blanket, dropped her robe, and then slipped under the blanket. She hastened to bring the blanket up to her shoulders. She expected him to join her, but the room went dark, and a startled cry escaped her lips.

  “I blew out the candles,” came Derek’s voice from the dresser where the candelabra was. “I thought it might make you feel more comfortable.”

  It did, though she wished she’d thought to blow them out before she disrobed right in front of him. She released her breath. The sherry had made her skin warm and tingly, but it hadn’t relaxed her as much as she’d expected.

  She heard him walk over to the bed, and in the next moment, he was crawling under the blanket. It took all her willpower not to edge away from him. Wives didn’t run away when their husbands approached them. According to Regan, some wives even approached their husbands. Danette couldn’t imagine ever doing something that bold.

  Derek shifted next to her, and she finally looked in his direction in time to see him turning to face her. He lifted himself up on his elbow and surprised her by asking, “If we have a child, what name would you prefer?”<
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  “Pardon me?” she asked, not sure she heard him right.

  “I thought if our activity results in a child, then we should be prepared to name the girl or boy. Not many people think to come up with the name ahead of time. They often wait until their baby is almost born. I’ve met a couple who waited a week after the baby’s birth to give their son a name. If we decide on a name now, we won’t have to go through the entire nine months agonizing over choosing one.”

  “But…but I haven’t thought of having children.” Sure, he’d mentioned it during the wedding, but she didn’t bother to take it seriously.

  “Not many people do when they’re in bed. We, however, will do things differently. What can be more exciting than coming up with a name for a baby? Think about it, Danette. We can pick whatever we want, and that name will be what others will call the child for the rest of his, or her, life.”

  “I-I don’t know what to name a child.”

  “It can be anything you want.” After a moment, he asked, “Isn’t there a name you wished your parents had called you?”

  Her eyebrows furrowed. “You don’t like my name?”

  He chuckled and rubbed her arm reassuringly. “That’s not what I’m saying. I love your name. It’s just that while growing up, I often thought Piers would have been a better name. I like it more than Derek. Didn’t you ever, at any time in your life, wish you had a different name?”

  “Well, my mother has a friend whose name is Thalia. I always thought it was pretty.”

  “Would you like to have a daughter by that name?”

  “I think I’d rather have her be Lysandra.”

  “Then if we have a girl, we’ll name her Lysandra. Now, what would you like to name a boy?”

  “You don’t want to name him Piers?”

  He shrugged. “It could be a good middle one. I don’t know if I’d make it the first name.”

  “Why not?”

  “I don’t know. It just doesn’t seem to fit.”

  Curious, she turned toward him. “Don’t you want to have any say in the child’s name? I thought gentlemen, especially titled ones, cared a lot for what their son was named. We could name him after you. It’d be a legacy.”

  “The legacy I wish to leave all of our children will be a happy and healthy childhood. I don’t need one named after me.”

  “You’re an unusual gentleman,” she replied as she got up on her elbow so she could make eye contact with him. The moonlight filtering through the drapes lit up the room enough so she could see him. “I can’t recall a time when a gentleman didn’t want a namesake.”

  “If we have a son, I want him to have his own name, something uniquely his. He shouldn’t have to share it with someone else.”

  She thought over all the male names she knew then said, “What about Roman?”


  “I think it sounds distinguished. I imagine a boy with that name would be intelligent, thoughtful, and considerate of others.” Her face growing warm, she chuckled. “I know names are just names, but it’s easy to attach meanings to them, isn’t it?”

  “It is. Tell me,” he scooted closer to her and put his arm around her waist, “what does the name Lysandra make you think of?”

  “I suppose when I think of that name, I imagine a girl who’s beautiful, graceful, and poised. She’d be easy to like, and people would be drawn to her. Things I wish were true for me.”

  “They are true for you, Danette. I could see how beautiful you were the moment I peeked at you behind those drapes.”

  The memory, along with the sherry, was probably what made her giggle. “It was silly of me to hide in the drawing room when you came to visit, wasn’t it?”

  “You were shy. I was a stranger. You had no idea what to expect. But, despite being shy, you didn’t bump into anything or trip, so I’d say you were both graceful and poised. I’ve found you to be an easy lady to like. If we have a daughter and name her Lysandra, then she’ll be a lot like you.”

  She was so touched by his words she couldn’t think of a single response. But he saved her the trouble of trying to come up with one when his lips brushed hers. The kiss was softer than she’d expected. It took her a moment to realize he was asking her for permission to continue. Despite her uncertainty, she returned his kiss, her skin flushed with her bold move.

  The move, however, paid off, for she felt his arm, which had been resting on her waist, relax. Maybe he wasn’t nervous about the actual act of lovemaking, but he had definitely been nervous about the prospect of initiating it. And knowing this, she felt considerably more at ease.

  He slid closer to her, though their bodies still weren’t touching. Instead, he seemed more intent on kissing her. This was nice. Her mother had told her she’d know if she had a caring husband if he didn’t rush into the lovemaking, and if she’d had any doubts before, now she knew Derek would be considerate of her in all things. This thought led her to realize she was already in love with him. She hadn’t believed love could be possible this soon, but there was no other explanation for the way her heart warmed.

  Derek urged her to settle back on the pillow. She followed his lead, and soon, she was immersed in the world that separated her and Derek from everyone else. It was wonderful to lie down with him and get lost in his kisses. When his tongue brushed her lower lip, it only felt natural to part her mouth and let his tongue interlace with hers.

  He made no move beyond kissing for the longest time. From time to time, his mouth would leave hers so he could kiss her cheeks and her neck, the neck being the most sensitive by far. She especially enjoyed it when he left a line of kisses from the bottom of her neck up to her ear. The action made her shiver in pleasure, something she hadn’t been anticipating.

  She didn’t become aware of the pleasant sensation building up in her core right away. She’d been too engrossed by the thrill of his kisses to concern herself with much else. But when she shifted closer to him, she became aware of the moisture between her legs. And from there, she realized it felt strangely pleasant down there. She’d never experienced something like this before, but she was eager to find out where it was leading. If it was anything like the kissing, it’d be most enjoyable.

  When Derek finally made the move to touch her, it seemed as if it was the most natural thing in the world. He caressed her shoulder first and then let his hand go down to one of her breasts. He cupped her in his palm, and then he traced the curve of her breast with his fingers until he settled at her nipple. His thumb circled it, making it harden, before he brushed the tip.

  This intimate touching was much more arousing than the kissing had been, and it only served to make her core ache all the more. She let out a moan and shifted against him. This time she felt a part of him that was hard. It shocked her for a moment since she hadn’t expected it, but then she recalled what her mother had told her about the differences between gentlemen and ladies and how these differences led to children.

  She wasn’t sure if she was hurting him by pressing so close to it, and she thought about scooting away from him—just in case he was in pain. But then he drew her into his arms and pressed himself more firmly against her. Well, he wouldn’t do that if she’d hurt him. So she was relieved of that worry.

  With a groan, he shifted away from her and retrieved something from his side of the bed. She was ready to ask him what he was getting when she remembered the small bottle he’d brought with him.

  “I didn’t realize how much self-control this whole thing was going to take,” he whispered, his voice taking on a husky quality that made her breath catch in her throat.

  In the dim light, she saw him open the bottle and pour a small portion of the liquid on his fingers. After sealing the bottle, he put it back then turned back to her.

  “I didn’t mean to break the mood,” he apologized.

  “It’s not broken,” she assured him, closing the distance between them.

  She was far too aroused to stop now. The ache betwee
n her legs was demanding to be satisfied, and if those herbs he’d brought worked half as well as he said, then she was eager to experience what was coming next.

  This time she kissed him, quickly renewing their connection, and he made no qualms about following her lead. Soon, she was settled on her back. She fully expected him to touch her breast again, but he brought his hand between her legs. The moment his fingers touched her entrance, she spread her legs wider to invite him inside of her.

  He caressed the folds of her entrance first, an action which made her that much more excited for what was to come. She lifted her hips, urging him inside, and he obliged her.

  She wasn’t sure who groaned the loudest, but there was no doubt he was receiving pleasure from this, just as she was, though she didn’t think he could possibly be enjoying this quite as much as she was. It was her core, after all, that clenched around him, pulling him in deeper. And when he stroked her, he rubbed a part deep within that made her cry out for more.

  He followed her prompting and was soon stroking her core in earnest. Her hips rose to meet him with each thrust. The tension mounting within her grew stronger, and before long, the need for release was so overpowering her body left all sense of propriety and acted on its own accord. She’d never, in her entire life, acted with such abandon. But at this moment, she was given over to her passions. Crying out in pleasure, she moved her hips faster to aid him along, and she was sure she grew even louder right at the moment she reached the peak. Her body stilled, and her core clenched around his fingers. In waves, the pleasure peaked and waned, each one less intense than the first. When her core finally slowed its persistent clenching and unclenching, she relaxed, lightheaded.

  His fingers slid out of her, and he settled between her legs. Still weak, she could only manage to lift her hips to take him into her. He thrust into her, and the initial sting surprised her. Too late did she remember her mother’s warning about a lady’s first time. But he remained still, allowing her time to accommodate him, and it wasn’t until she urged him to move that he did. She relaxed once more as she was assured the pain was gone for good. Her focus, at that point, went to the feel of him as he made love to her.


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