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Avoiding Temptation

Page 2

by Rachel Van Dyken


  Didn’t matter at all.

  Not one bit.

  I let out a rough exhale as Finn, his sister, and I made our way to the street.

  She stopped at a red Benz and unlocked it. “Want me to drive you guys?”

  “Just say no, man,” Finn said under his breath. “It’s safer for you to walk back to the dorms high, drunk, and without your contacts in.”

  “My contacts are in, and I’m neither high nor drunk.”

  “Right, but you’ll wish you were if you get in that car.” Finn shuddered.

  “We’ll walk,” I answered for both of us.

  “Suit yourself.” She grinned and got in, then took off so fast that I felt a breeze pick up, only to see her swerve away from a mailbox.

  “Huh.” I laughed. “I think we found someone who drives worse than my grandma.”

  He shoved me into the street.

  Then did it again every time I tried to walk on the sidewalk.

  For the next mile.

  When we finally reached the dorms, I just stayed on the street.

  “Never again.” Finn didn’t even look at me. “You touch her and consider this friendship over.”

  “Do you know me at all?” I asked softly. “You know how much my sister meant to me. I would never—”

  “Shit.” Finn stopped walking. “I’m sorry, man, I wasn’t thinking. I know it’s still hard, and here I am—”

  “Hey.” I patted him on the back. “I’m sorry it was an honest mistake. I’ll leave her alone and find my fun elsewhere.”

  “Good.” He sighed heavily as we both watched his sister park her car in two spots, somehow sideways. “Shit, she’s a handful.”

  “You think?” I frowned. “She seems… a bit… extra.”

  “She’s more than a bit extra,” he grumbled. “She’s a pain in my ass.”

  The she in question waved us over and opened her trunk. Two brown boxes were all taped up with Finn written in large black marker on top. “It’s just these two, brother dearest.”

  Finn shook his head and grabbed one while I grabbed the other.

  She locked the door and followed us toward the dorm. I wasn’t sure if Finn cared that his sister was trotting after us in her combat boots with a grin on her face that said she knew something we didn’t.


  We took the elevator.

  He glared at her when she stepped in.

  “Do you live in these dorms?” I was almost afraid to ask the question.

  “Yup.” She popped the p like she was chewing gum.

  Finn’s face slowly paled. “What, um, floor?”

  “This one.” The doors opened to our floor.

  We all got out.

  Dread trickled down my spine as we made the way to our suite.

  “Well…” I found my voice. “Have a good night!”

  “You too,” she said, all bubbly, stopping in front of our suite door and shoving her key in the lock.

  Please don’t turn.

  Please don’t turn.

  It fucking turned.

  I gave Finn a panicked look, but he was white as a sheet, and then he shot me a please fix this look!

  We all walked in.

  She went to the fridge—OUR fridge—and pulled out a soda.

  I bought those sodas.

  All of them.

  She was drinking our soda!

  Why the hell was I fixating on the soda and not the part where some of it slid past her lips and ran down her neck.



  I cleared my throat. “That’s not your soda.”

  Ah, good one, Slater. Wayta protect what’s yours!

  “I know.” She set the Diet Coke down on the table and winked. “But I was thirsty, all that… kissing.”

  “Fuck.” I wiped my hands down my face. “You’re a nightmare, and I’ve known you minutes!”

  “Thank you.” She curtsied. Curtsied!

  “Seriously, the jokes over.” Finn dropped his box on the floor. “I don’t know how the hell you got a key to our suite, but you gotta go.”

  “Because,” she said with a wicked glint in her eyes. “I live here too. Transfer, remember? And last minute, so they didn’t have many places on campus. I had Daddy make a call and look what we have here!” She made her way to the empty room across the hall, my old room.


  Hell no.

  She put her key in and opened it.

  And all I saw was a white down comforter and boxes. Moving boxes.

  Both Finn and I took a giant step back.

  Every brain cell in my body froze and screamed at the same time: Red alert, red alert!

  Because how the hell was I supposed to stay away from her when she was across the hall? Sleeping? Flirting?

  Finn glared and then pointed a finger in her direction. “Stay on your side. I mean it!”

  She burst out laughing. “Yeah, okay, and I’ll make sure that I mark my toys with my name, so you don’t accidentally use them. Then again, it’s not like you need a vibrator.”

  She said that last part while making really intense eye contact with me.

  My dick did a little jump.

  My head was looking for something to bang against.


  “Not funny,” Finn said through clenched teeth.

  “Wasn’t trying to be.”

  “Tatum!” He was across the room in seconds bearing down all his big brother protectiveness like he was getting ready to lock her in her room. “I mean it, you can’t say shit like that around guys.”

  She sighed. “You gotta let it go one day, Finn. I know I have.”

  “You’re my baby sister. I won’t ever let it go.”

  She reached up on her tiptoes and kissed his right cheek then flashed me a grin. “Goodnight, boys.”

  I breathed a sigh of relief when the door shut, only to have her open it again. “What was your name?”

  Lie. LIE!

  “Slater,” I said, tongue thick. “But no need to learn it. You won’t be the one screaming it. Ever.”

  Dick move. I’m aware.

  She just shrugged and said. “Yeah, we’ll see about that.”

  She closed the door before Finn could lunge for her.

  And while he yelled more warnings, I went and grabbed her discarded soda and took one long sip.

  I didn’t think of her lips.

  Or the way she tasted.

  Or the way she felt against me.

  Much… that was.

  Chapter Two


  He didn’t recognize my voice or me.

  How was that even possible?

  I’d known exactly who he was the minute he turned those green eyes in my direction and smirked. God, his smirk. There were shrines built in honor of that man’s mouth—there had to be.

  I’d only seen him once, and it was from a distance, Finn was having a birthday party at our giant, over-the-top house, and of course me being me, I crashed it. My brother took one look at me in my green bikini and threw me over his shoulder. We’d bumped into a few of his friends on the way out.

  Slater was one of them.

  His eyes were glued to my ass in a way that had sent a rush of fire to my cheeks, I opened my mouth to introduce myself even though I was ass-up in the air when a girl walked around the corner and pulled him in for a searing kiss.

  As Finn carried me away, I heard him say. “Hello to you too.”

  I kind of assumed Finn’s friends were just as big of whores; I mean, my brother had women panting after him ever since eight grade! Even if Slater was a player, I didn’t care. I wanted fun this year, I deserved it. And wanted him.

  I’d transferred this last semester for exactly that.


  I’d buried the past year as deep as I emotionally could and was hell-bent on turning over a new leaf.

  And Slater was going to be a part of it. Then again, he didn�
��t realize he’d already had a bigger part than he knew.

  I discovered something that I shouldn’t have about myself, about trusting people, something that opened my eyes.

  I took a soothing breath. I had a plan of attack.

  Give him a taste and drive him crazy, he’d crumble. I mean, he was a guy, a guy who was used to making everyone feel good—except himself.


  But what if the tables were turned?

  And he finally had someone see to all of his needs?

  I grinned to myself and quickly changed into a pair of black silk pajama bottoms and matching top. After all, he’d helped me without even realizing it—maybe even saved my life, though I wasn’t sure if I should just come out and say it or make him wait for it, guys like him would wrongly assume I wanted to jump into a relationship when all I really wanted was to escape the horror of the one I’d just been in.

  I pulled my short hair back into a clip and then opened my bedroom door so I could go retrieve my half-drunk soda.

  Only I found it way more than just half gone when I got out there.

  “Are you drinking my soda?” I crossed my arms and shot a pointed stare at his hand.

  Slater choked and then glared over the silver can, his eyes flashing in a way that made me want to laugh out loud. “Wasn’t that my line?”

  “I sucked it first.” I grinned, earning a disapproving look from him before he set the can down and slowly slid it toward the edge of the counter. “Thank you.”

  “Ah, so she does have manners.”

  I shrugged. “Manners are boring.”

  “You’re trouble.” He wagged his finger at me and shook his head. “Poor Finn, you’re going to land him in prison before he has a chance to graduate.”

  I laughed at that. Man, it felt good to laugh. “Yeah well, a little excitement is good for the big bro.”

  Slater snorted. “Tell the guy who’s signing up for Krav Maga that…”

  My eyes widened. “He didn’t.”

  “Wouldn’t put it past him.” Slater flashed me a toothy grin and then walked past me like I didn’t affect him.

  Like we hadn’t just been dry humping at a party in someone else’s living room, tasting each other’s tongues, sucking one another dry.

  “Wait.” I touched his arm, causing the satin strap of my tank top to slide off my shoulder, exposing a generous amount of side boob.

  His eyes darted down and then back up. “Yes, Delilah?”

  I scowled. “Very funny.” His skin was warm, his forearm muscular.

  “Hey, if the scissors fit.” He grinned. “Forget about me, little girl, I’m not into games, and Finn’s more family than friend.” He slowly pried my fingers away. “So yes, as hot as you look in tiny shorts, I’m not willing to let you take all my strength just so I can see how good you are in bed. Especially since you’re exactly the type I should stay away from.”

  “Hot?” I swallowed past the lump of rejection in my throat.

  His eyes went sad. “I was going to say the type of girl who just wants attention she probably never got at home.”

  I jerked away from him like he’d just slapped me. Tears filled my eyes. Was that how he saw me? Like some petulant child trying to get her way?

  “Funny,” I rasped. “And here I thought I was doing a really good job of seducing you.”

  “Can’t seduce the jaded, Delilah.”

  “My name’s Tatum,” I said through clenched teeth.

  “I’m gonna go ahead and stick with Delilah.” A small smile formed across his lips. “For what it’s worth, you are very pretty. I’m sure many guys are tempted—just be careful, all right?”

  “I don’t remember asking for two big brothers.”

  “Shoulda thought about that before you moved next door, D.” He winked and then shut the door in my face, leaving me furious and deflated all at once.

  Had I read him wrong?

  Was I going about it all wrong?

  Too aggressive?

  The rejection stung more than I cared to admit, but on top of that, I was counting on the fact that he would at least be slightly interested.

  Interested enough to distract me.

  To make the pain go away.

  To blot out all the bad memories that seemed to disappear during the day only to come back full force at night.

  He didn’t know.

  I needed him. Maybe more than he needed me. Because in the end, I knew any friend of Finn’s would die before breaking my heart.

  And in Slater’s case—he’d been the one who had unknowingly put it back together again.

  Chapter Three


  I slept like shit, wondering what I’d done wrong in the last year that God would punish me this way.


  Squishy boobs.

  Oh God, did I really just say that in my head?

  “Why are you moaning?” Finn yawned and sat up in his bed, his hair poked out on all sides. “I mean, should I be worried?”

  “Maybe.” I rubbed my eyes. “I did just say squishy boobs in my head, so…”

  Finn held out his hands and then squeezed imaginary boobs. I almost choked on my tongue. If he only knew whose boobs I was imagining! Yeah, both of us would be burning in Hell for entirely different reasons.

  “Well?” Finn squeezed air again. Worst. Morning. Ever. “I’m thinking you can get away with the boobs part, but squishy reminds me of Sponge Bob…”

  “Erections ruined worldwide.” I choked out a laugh. “Send help.”

  “Bro, there is some weird shit out there. He may just be the only thing that does it for some.”

  Man had a point, I guess…

  “Lovely mental picture at seven a.m. Have I told you how much I hate you? No?” Now I was thinking about squishy boobs on Sponge Bob with Tatum’s head on top, and I was still aroused. Shit.

  “Cheerios?” He hopped out of bed and grabbed a box then shook it under my nose.

  “Maybe,” I grumbled then batted the box away. “What’s the schedule today?”

  “We have Megan at nine, and then a one-hour break before Caspian comes in for his usual weekend pep talk.”

  I made a face. “Caspian needs to stop dating freshmen.”

  “Word,” Finn agreed. “I’m gonna go make some coffee.”

  “And I’m gonna go hit the showers.”

  “Let me know if the floating hair’s still in stall one.”

  I gagged while an involuntary shudder rolled over my body. “Must you?”

  He burst out laughing. “Ah, works every time.”

  “I hate hair.” Emphasis on the hair part. Hair was supposed to stay on the body, not fall from it, and then try to attach itself to my leg while showering. I made a deliberate gagging noise.

  “The world knows, Slater, the world knows. Actually, the entire dorm does.” He released a dark chuckle. “That’s why people keep putting fake wigs in the bathroom.”

  I shuddered again. “That’s bullshit!”

  “Grow a pair.”

  “Got two, thank you very much.” I hopped off my bed, put on my slides, and grabbed my pink caddy and towel. The caddy was a choice brought on by a dare, the towel was an accident brought on by doing my laundry while drunk. I quickly poked my head out the door and breathed a sigh of relief when I noticed that Tatum’s door was still closed, and no light came from underneath the crack. I wasn’t going to have any run-ins with her so soon after dreaming about her boobs.

  I shivered and opened the door to our suite then made my way across the hall to the co-ed showers.

  Bathrooms were divided by sex, but the showers? It was like they knew we didn’t want to think about girls having to do more than pee in the bathroom but allowed us to keep the fantasy alive that girls pillow fight late into the night and moan in the shower when rubbing body wash up and down their bodies.

  I avoided stall one for obvious reasons and set my caddy next to stall two. I hung up my towel a
nd was just reaching inside to turn on the water when the shower next to me turned off.

  I heard a short gasp.

  And turned.

  Delilah in the flesh.

  With a tiny bright pink towel covering tiny pale pink things.

  I licked my lips.

  “I’m too tired to look away, so if you could just pretend that I did the gentlemanly thing, that would be great.” I shrugged and jerked open the shower curtain, ready to strip and jump in, except she hadn’t budged. Slowly I looked to my left. “Are you seriously going to watch me rub my favorite Aveeno body wash up and down my six-pack?”

  “Seems fair, since you didn’t look away. I get to watch for at least two seconds.” Her hair was wet, dark, plastered against her skin. She looked so innocent, but I knew the truth, she kissed like a goddess.

  Damn it!

  And now I was thinking about her kiss.

  And her boobs.

  Already at half-mast, I just decided to make it fast as I pulled off my pajama bottoms and hung them up.

  “Nice pink Avenger towel,” she said.

  I paused and looked at her, my completely naked state only enhancing my arousal. “I’m sporting a boner, and you’re fixated on my towel?”

  Her smirk nearly killed me. “My eyes always go to the bigger object.”

  “Touché.” I glared and wondered if she was messing with me because I was Finn’s friend or because she knew I was off-limits.

  She leaned forward, then ran one single finger down my chest. “Might wanna make it a cold one, Samson.”

  I gritted my teeth as her fingertip seemed to burn a trail along my skin. “You’re not helping.”

  “Is that an invitation?” Her eyebrows shot up like she was down for anything.

  “Yes. No.” I groaned. “Just go before your brother comes in here and stabs me with a part of his razor.”

  Her cheeks pinked. “Can’t have your death on my hands. Besides, you’ve got more serious problems than that.”

  “Yup, and it just keeps… growing.”

  “There’s a way to stop that, Slater.” She winked, then honest to God opened her towel for a millisecond, grabbed her caddy, and called over her shoulder. “Just in case you needed something to focus on…”

  I nearly tripped getting into the shower. Cursed her to Hell about a billion times when the only vision I had when I gripped myself was her perfect tits.


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