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Avoiding Temptation

Page 7

by Rachel Van Dyken

  “I know he’s good looking,” Slater said once we were in the car and driving toward downtown. “But try not to launch yourself across the table and into his lap, okay? He’s taken.”

  I shot him a confused look and tried not to feel insulted even though I did. “Why are you warning me away from your taken friend, you psycho?”

  “First of all…” Slater turned up the AC. It was winter. Something was wrong with him. “That hurts.” He pulled off his beanie and ran his hand through his honeyed locks. “Second, it’s a logical warning. Girls tend to go all weak in the knees when they meet Leo.” He paused as if in deep thought, then muttered. “I think it’s cause he’s tall.”

  “Yes, tall men often make me want to launch my girl parts over the bread basket. Damn, you’re so insightful.”

  He glared and jerked the Jeep toward the downtown exit. “He has a magnetism, don’t get caught in the spider’s web.”

  “Those two things aren’t connected, but okay. Besides, he’s practically married. You’re worrying for no reason.”

  “Worried, hah!” His laugh was hollow. “Worried.”

  “Stop repeating yourself, you’re scaring me.”

  Another scowl. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

  “Are you sweating?” I reached for him only to have him bat my hand away.

  “No.” He grunted out something else I couldn’t understand and stared straight ahead. The car fell silent again as we drove to the restaurant and found parking across the street.

  I loved Seattle. It didn’t matter if it was sunny or pouring rain—something about all the trees and the way the air smelled crisp and clean every morning. It was addicting, and it calmed me in a way that I suddenly needed considering Slater’s behavior.

  He was acting like I was meeting his parents or something.

  That thought alone was laughable.

  Plus, how good looking could Leo possibly be?

  I shook off the thought and jogged to catch up with Slater as he waited at the crosswalk.

  “Such a rule follower,” I teased while he hit the walk button.

  He let out a sigh and then shot a glance at me. “I’m trying to turn over a new leaf, you know, actually follow the rules given to me, starting with not touching my best friend’s little sister.”

  “How’s that been working out for you?” I laughed.

  “I can barely walk,” he said through clenched teeth. “And if I smell your perfume one more time, I won’t be held responsible for my actions.”

  “Well, at least you’re honest.”

  Even then, I felt the fissure of tension between us, like an invisible string attached to both of us, slowly pulling us together. I shivered.


  He was right, of course, but my brother didn’t get to dictate who I fell for, and I wasn’t just falling for Slater.

  I was there.

  Had been there for a while.

  I just needed him to want to take the risk—I mean, it wasn’t like Finn was actually going to kill him, right?

  I thought back to all my exes and winced.

  Finn was irrational sometimes.

  Okay, a lot of the times.

  But all I needed to do was explain to him—well, that and not get caught drooling over his best friend.

  I glanced at Slater out of the corner of my eye and immediately felt overheated. He continued running a hand through his thick, light brown hair, his chiseled jaw clenched, and I loved the way his skin was just tanned enough for me to wonder about his heritage.

  He was wearing a maroon Moto jacket and white joggers with a pair of Jordans I kind of wanted to steal off his feet.

  He was male perfection.

  And he looked nervous.

  Why would he be nervous, though? That was the question.

  He opened the door for me.

  And I suddenly realized why he was warning me, because the guy that grinned over at us and approached was like walking, talking sex.

  I felt nothing, but damn, I wasn’t blind.

  Leo pulled Slater in for a bro hug, and the woman with him, Kora I think Slater said her name was, winked in my direction.

  “Hungry?” Leo asked.

  “Starving.” Slater patted his stomach and reached for me then seemed to remember this wasn’t a date and pulled his hand away like I’d just burned him.


  I forced a smile, “You must be Leo?”

  “And you must be the little sister Slater can’t keep his hands off of.” He leaned down and kissed me on the cheek.

  I let out a giggle.

  “Could you not?” Slater said through clenched teeth.

  Leo completely ignored him. “I always wondered when this day would happen, when dear Slater would hang up his whore pants and decide to settle down, though I never imagined he’d risk life and limb by falling for a sister, especially Finn’s.”

  I shuddered. “In high school, he told my prom date he was a cannibal, then proceeded to cut up tiny pieces of chicken in front of him all the while muttering that everything tastes like chicken if you put enough salt on it.”

  Leo made a face. “Are you telling me he’s going to cut Slater up into tiny bite-sized pieces?”

  “Maybe.” I winced. “But don’t worry.” I slapped Slater on the back. “We’re just friends now, right?”

  Slater’s eyes narrowed. “Yes, best friends. We even have a pillow fort line drawn down the middle of the suite to remind us of our friendship.”

  “Aw…” Leo grinned. “Your first house!”

  “Can we eat now?” Slater interrupted.

  Kora burst out laughing. “I’ve never been so happy to share a meal with you, Slater.”

  He pointed his finger at her and shook his head.

  “I’m Kora, by the way.” She pulled me in for a side hug. I liked her immediately. Her smile was real, and her hair was pulled back in a ponytail that made me think she liked to just chill, I liked women who were comfortable in their own skin.

  She seemed to know exactly who she was.

  Then again, I knew Leo probably helped. He oozed confidence.

  “Let’s go before Slater has a stroke from trying to look at Tatum like the friend and not the guy who wants to make out until his body seizes,” Leo said amusingly.

  “Romantic,” Slater muttered.

  “I thought so.” Leo offered an arm to Kora and then to me, leaving Slater trailing behind us as he led us to our seats at the back of the restaurant with a window facing the pier and the water.

  “I love Seattle.” I let out a sigh and put my napkin in my lap.

  “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” Kora scrunched up her nose. “I even miss the rain when we have too many sunny days.”

  “Same.” I laughed.

  “Welcome to Anthony’s.” A young waitress approached, took one look at Leo, gaped, then did a double take when she saw Slater and looked ready to go into heat.

  Ah, high school.

  “Thank you,” Slater said smoothly, smiling up at her.

  She looked dazed for a bit and then gave herself a shake. “Right, um, would you bread? Like bread, I mean?”

  “We would love bread,” Leo piped up. “Can we put in our drink order too?”

  “Sure.” Her hand shook as she held her pencil over her notepad. “What can I get for the ladies?”

  “Gin and tonic for me,” Kora piped up.

  “Diet Coke for me,” I said sheepishly. I technically wasn’t old enough to drink, not that it had ever stopped me before.

  Leo ended up ordering a bottle of wine for him and Slater to split, which for some reason, made me smile. I liked their easy friendship. There was no weird lull in the conversation, just talk of school, the Wingmen Inc offices downtown, the upcoming wedding.

  I was enjoying myself more than I realized, probably because they were treating me like I was an equal like it wasn’t weird that I was younger and that I was crushing on Slater—or that I was Finn�
�s sister.

  “I’ll be right back.” Slater dropped his napkin onto the chair and left in search of the restrooms.

  When I looked back at Leo and Kora, they both had dopey grins on their faces.

  I sighed. “Get it out.”

  Leo burst out laughing. “Does Finn know anything?”

  “No.” I groaned into my hands. “I mean, it’s not like anything is happening now. There were… happenings, but we’ve talked, and things are… better.”

  “I give you guys one more day before he cracks.” Leo took a sip of his wine.

  Kora snorted. “A day? I give him until tonight. The guy can’t stop staring at you, and even though he knows he should ask Finn’s permission—”

  “That’s just the thing.” I slumped into my chair. “Finn would never give it. Slater could be the best guy in the world—and I think he is by the way—and Finn would still lock me in my dorm and throw away the key.”

  Leo winced. “Finn just needs to learn that you’ve grown up, and he can’t do that if he suddenly finds out you guys went behind his back.”

  “Like I said, we did, and now we aren’t.”

  Leo gave me a smug grin. “Do you really think that’s gonna last? Do you know Slater at all?”

  I swallowed the guilt. “I uh, was his client last year, through the whole breakup therapist app in Wingmen. Finn also has no clue about that.”

  Leo barked out a laugh. “And the plot thickens. How’d you find out?”

  I gave him a duh look. “Finn’s horrible with password protecting. I was home for Christmas and nearly ran into the wall when I saw. I assumed he would have just taken me on himself and not told me, but I knew it wasn’t him. The guy was too… nice.”

  Leo choked on his sip of wine. “Yeah,” he rasped. “That’s Slater, nice.”

  Heat rushed into my face.

  Leo’s eyebrows shot up again like he knew what I was thinking about, all the non-nice things he’d done to me—the things I’d done to him.

  Forget Slater lasting. I was going to lose my mind if he didn’t touch me.

  “Damn water!” Slater came stomping toward us, looking like he’d peed on himself. Automatically, my eyes lowered, and I nearly died laughing.

  White pants.

  And boxer briefs that had black lettering.

  Spooning leads to forking.

  Leo pointed at him. “Bro maybe you should—”

  “—and you know the worst part!” He just stood in front of us, making it easier to see the tiny fork and spoon directly on his package.

  “No, please tell us,” Kora said in a sober voice when all I wanted to do was die from keeping my laughter in.

  Slater threw up his hands. “The counters are white so it’s not like you can see the pools of water, they teach you to wash your hands so what do I do? I wash my hands, and I’m punished by someone else’s mess! Oh, and there was a hair!”

  I gasped.

  Slater shot me a death glare. “I don’t do hair, and it was long and black and gross.”

  “Hair triggers him,” Leo said helpfully. “So, I’m curious, Slater, what do you prefer? A fork? Spoon?”

  I snorted and then started coughing.

  “You think this is funny?” Slater glared. “I’m wet!”

  “You’re something,” I said under my breath.

  “You!” He jammed his finger in my direction. “If I wasn’t so distracted trying to think of ways not to strip you with my teeth—oh, wipe that smug grin off your face, Leo. You know I have shit self-control—then I wouldn’t have gotten doused in hair-infested water and—” He stopped and looked at me. My eyes were back to the spoon and fork.

  Kora did the same thing.

  “Why is everyone staring at my dick?” he asked slowly, and then looked down and cursed. “The hell? My Vegas briefs? I don’t even remember putting these on!”

  “Cute.” I gave him a thumbs up. “And also, very correct, spooning does lead to forking. Clever of you.”

  “No, I—” Slater’s cheeks turned a bit pink “—they were a gift!”

  “Don’t lie, man.” Leo chuckled. “It’s beneath you!”

  “I am seconds away from strangling you to death.” Slater finally slumped into his seat.

  I patted him on the shoulder. “And to think all I needed was to see a fork and spoon on your pee-pee, and now I can suddenly keep my hands to myself.”

  “Sad story. So sad.” Slater shook his head. “I swear they really were a gift.”




  We all said in unison.

  Our food arrived shortly after, and I found great joy in grabbing both my fork and spoon and offering them to Slater.

  He flipped me off, earning another laugh from across the table.

  Leo got a few jabs in.

  And even Kora ended up joining in the teasing.

  Slater finally just ignored us, and after multiple attempts at changing the subject, we all relented.

  And when dessert came, and Slater’s pants were a bit drier, I slid my hand underneath the table and across his thigh.

  And surprisingly, he grabbed my hand and squeezed.

  And didn’t let go until we stood up to leave.

  Chapter Eleven


  We were back at the dorm.

  And because I was such a germaphobe, I grabbed my shower caddy and towel and made a beeline to the showers.

  Tatum had been pretty quiet on the way back, which didn’t necessarily mean anything was wrong. I’d wanted to ask her if she had fun, and then I wanted to ask her if she felt as comfortable as I had.

  It had felt like a double date.

  And I’d enjoyed it so much I wanted to bang my head against another table.

  My job wasn’t to wine and dine Finn’s sister, and yet, I wanted to spend more and more time with her, even if it meant I wasn’t kissing her—I liked how easy it was to be with her, how open she was with everyone.

  I just liked her.


  With jerky movements, I peeled off my clothes and flipped on the shower. I always kept my flip flops on because—gross. Quickly, I stepped under the hot spray. I exhaled, letting all the tension leave my body.

  Music turned on in the bathroom.

  I frowned; it was normal for someone to turn on the system they had in the bathrooms, but it was late at night, and I was the only one showering.

  Heaven by Julia Michaels filled the room just like steam.

  Just as I was about to poke my head out, the curtain pulled back.


  Wrapped in a towel.

  I sucked in a sharp breath.

  And then she slowly unwrapped herself like a fucking Christmas present and hung her very white innocent-looking towel next to my pink one and joined me.

  I said nothing.

  I had no words.

  Friends, friends, friends.

  Hah, because all friends shower together! It’s what really good friends do, damn the sacrifices.

  I eyed her perky ass and nearly combusted on the spot.

  The music was loud enough to drown out any noise.

  Was that why?

  She grabbed my Aveeno body wash and squirted some in her hands, then very slowly started rubbing it down my chest.

  I was getting punished.

  And going to hell.

  Her fingers went painfully slow over my abs, and naturally, my erection was a bitch that just kept growing and pining for attention.

  “What are you doing?” I rasped. Tatum’s hair was already half wet, steam billowed in between our naked bodies. And I fought like hell to keep from looking down.

  I knew if I looked. I’d devour.

  And I needed to have that conversation with Finn first.

  If at all.

  Shit, this was bad.

  “Remember…?” She didn’t look into my eyes; just kept soaping my hard body up. “Our first w
eek messaging, when I confessed everything to you about my ex? About him always pressuring me for sex?”

  I clenched my fists. “Yes, and I stand by my answer. He was an asshole.”

  “Yeah.” She smiled sadly and squeezed more Aveeno into her hands. “The thing is… you know my past, you know he spread rumors about me all over campus, called me a slut, and well for being such an idiot, his bullying on social media was damn right genius.”

  I remembered her messaging me at two am, apologizing, but saying that a twitter thread had naked pictures of her. Only it wasn’t her, it was her head on someone else’s body, but people believed it. Her ex was a real piece of work.

  He made everyone believe she was this psycho sex addict, and then she confessed the thing that would make me want to wrap a towel around her body and walk in the other direction.

  One guy.

  She’d only ever been with one guy in high school, and according to her, it was horrible, and the poor bastard didn’t even get his business in before she stopped him and left. So, she’d waited, waited until the guy was worthy—her words.

  And her ex wasn’t.

  She told him to his face since she caught him cheating.

  And he had made her pay for it.


  “Why are we talking about this?” I finally cupped her face and tilted her wet chin toward me. “Why are you in the shower? Why are we naked? Why are you washing me?” I hesitated as her eyes locked onto mine. “Why is this so damn hard?”

  “Because…” She slid her hands up my chest. “You know me, you know my secrets, my past, you know me, and you aren’t running, you’re still here, and even though I know we need to be friends and what I did was wrong…” Her hands slid behind my neck as her body came flush against mine. “…I want you, Slater. You. I’ve wanted you since before I transferred, I wanted you the day you didn’t know who I was, I want you now.”

  I shuddered. Her honesty was brave. Her body was hot. And my brain wasn’t working like it was supposed to. All I kept thinking was I liked this girl, I’d loved our exchanges and was sadder than I should be when our sessions were done.

  And now she was here.

  Live and in the flesh.

  I cupped her ass and jerked her against me. “We tell Finn when he gets back, that’s the rule.”


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